Ask yourself this question before you do something, is this going to be a benefit to me and others or not? If your answer is not and you still do it, you shouldn’t be surprised by the consequences you get from your choice. I would venture to say if it’s not a benefit to you I would highly doubt that it would be a benefit to anyone else and the consequences will be accordingly.
This is a good tool to use if you have gotten to the point in your life where there is some space between your thoughts; a split second is all that’s needed. The first forty nine years of my life there was never this space and because my mind was conditioned to self serve there wasn’t much that was done that was a benefit to me or anyone else. The real issue here is most of what was done was of the self serving variety and it was usually destructive not constructive.
So think about it the next time you’re planning to do something, ask yourself if what you’re going to do is from a heart of love. And how you will know if your answer is yes is if what you’re doing is a benefit to you and to all beings, more so all beings. If not maybe you should learn how to do things differently so whatever you do you in life is based in love and is a benefit to the entire world, not just a limited self serving you…

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