There was a time when the saying “Idle time is the devils workshop” was so true in my life, but it’s not this way any longer. Your own mind will make you believe all kinds of nonsense, one of the things it uses is structure and it will search endlessly to try and create some, but structure is only needed to create more noise. Quietness doesn’t need structure because it exist in the moment of what is so what’s occurring at this exact moment you is all the quiet mind needs. The noisy mind needs structure so it can remain noisy. The quiet mind sustains a place of quietness because it doesn’t need anything to be quiet.
Even when the mind has the structure it thinks it needs this is still noise, but the mind makes you believe all is well, that you are accomplishing great feats, at least in your head. Upon further investigation though you find the noisy mind is still in control, it’s just using structure as the noise. Here is why, in order to have a quiet mind, what we do has to arise from quietness. It doesn’t mean you don’t do, it just means what you do is from the stillness of the moment, not the noise of the “I have to accomplish something mind.” The quiet mind is of peace and has the entire Universe behind it. The noisy mind has nothing behind it and that’s why there’s usually some form of created drama associated with the noise. Idle time can be a useful tool in your awakening process, but only if it’s understood how to use idle time to develop quietness, even if your own mind tells you you need to do something different…

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