What causes the attachment to “I”? Let’s look at this and see how this happens. Everything happens in the present moment, that much can be agreed upon, so it’s because we aren’t present that we struggle. Nothing happens outside the present moment, it’s your developed conditioning that keeps you glued to “I”. When you’re walking along and you pass a donut shop, the aroma is so enticing and because there’s no discipline to be mindful of this you most likely will succumb to the aroma; even if you aren’t hungry. Substitute the aroma with whatever you want, this is how it is with everything. If you’re not mindfully present of the moment it means you will be living in the past or future. Nothing occurs outside of the present so when something arises, if you’re not prepared for it you will get pulled right in. The only defense for this is to be mindful of the present moment.
Being mindful of your thoughts is being mindful of what is. After all it’s through thoughts alone that the pulling in occurs; without thought is without the pull. Watch how your thoughts are centered on “I”. See how it’s the thought I that allows the pull. Learn to be mindful of your thought I and when it tries to pull you in you just may have enough awareness to remain neutral and not be controlled by it. This will take much discipline, but with it comes much reward with the reward being the thoughtless freedom from the selfishness of your thought “I”…

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