Reshaping Your View

The only way to reshape your view of life is to have a different view in place that will allow it to happen. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness of what needs reshaping…

Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I caught the third period of a hockey game. When the game was over I began looking for something else to watch. Fifteen seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the TV when it comes to the mind. We’re so reluctant to reshape our view of life even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what’s on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we’ll watch the same channel (thoughts) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on the TV and don’t know how to reshape this view.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to reshape your view when it gets you in its grip. Unless there’s total awareness of this, reshaping your view will be just about impossible. The only way to reshape the view you have of life is to have an open mind that will allow it to be reshaped. This is where quietness comes in because without it there won’t be awareness your view needs reshaping. It may be a repeated view (thought) disguised with many different labels, but it’s still an old view. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see your view for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it’s not realized your view needs to be reshaped…

Reaching Dependency

Reaching dependency is like wishing your life away as it keeps you from experiencing the present moment. It’s a dependency because what’s occurring right now is always what’s here as opposed to needing the present moment different…

Many people think reaching is something that’s needed, but it’s not. It’s a dependency used by the Conditioned Mind and it keeps you from not understanding what it means to be in the present moment. It’s a direct cause of suffering as it makes you dependent on something that makes you live life in the future. The Conditioned Mind does this by telling you the present moment isn’t good enough and it needs to be different. It projects a lie that things would be better if they were in some other way. Maybe on the surface they would be, but inward is where one derives the perception that makes life what it is; so it will be a life of dependency or one of contentment. Even if what’s reached for is attainable it won’t last, but the dependency will. Inward there’s a better chance to break the dependency, but this is only if one is awake enough to see this.

Let’s say you’re diagnosed with some kind of illness, the only thing reaching does is it makes you wish the diagnoses was different, but it doesn’t change the fact of what is occurring right now. The illness remains regardless of the dependency of what you think is needed to reach for. If your life isn’t dependent on needing things different and it’s accepted as it is, you will experience the peace of the present moment regardless of what’s occurring. This is because right now is the only place of true existence so it’s important to see this. Not in the future, but right now because right now doesn’t need to be different…

Dishonesty Base

A life based in dishonesty can’t be changed with the same dishonesty. It’s not that honesty has to be known to change this, but there will have to be awareness of the dishonesty if it’s to cease being in control…

It’s very difficult to explain honesty because there’s so many different perspectives of it. Instead of trying to prove what honesty is, let’s explore where dishonesty is. Dishonesty is something that has no real facts to it. Perceptions aren’t factual, they’re usually made up by the perceiver to suit some sort of dishonest belief. I’m often asked what I believe in, I answer that I believe in what I know which is based in the facts of what is experienced, that’s why I share what I do. I don’t see the benefit of making up a dishonest story about something to suit a mind made need. In my case I know love is more beneficial than hate so I learn where my dishonesty is so I can be honest living my (factual) life so it’s of maximum benefit to myself and all beings. Honesty will be known when dishonesty is understood.

The biggest dishonesty in place is having things your way will satisfy you, this is reinforced daily. Dishonesty is at the core of our entire misaligned society. It creates all our issues as a society. Everyone claims to be honest, no facts, just their claim. Politicians try to fix problems based in dishonesty with dishonest solutions. The entire entertainment and sports industry are dishonest by creating the haves and have nots. This creates separation in our society not unity. There’s also the dishonesty of social and career status. Dishonesty after dishonesty, and what happens to a society when this is its base, it becomes a dishonest society. This occurs simple because dishonesty is desired instead of honesty…

Inner Friction

Life is a happening not a doing. If it’s made into something to do, there will always be the burden of inner friction. In the space of not doing there’s peace because the need to do something is nonexistent…

It may seem as though life creates friction so lessons are learned, but the friction is inner. Life doesn’t create friction, that’s not its nature, life is just life. Things happen because of certain laws and conditions producing certain result. This is life just being life, it’s never personal. There’s inner space in every person that you can go to when it seems like life creates friction, but this isn’t life, its just the burdensome story the Conditioned Mind creates; a story of inner friction.

When you can stay anchored you‘ll stop creating your own wrath. This is regardless of what happens in life, unless you make it about life doing something to you. Life does nothing to no one. It’s each individual alone from the way they‘re conditioned that makes life seem as though there’s friction. This occurs because without an anchor everything that happens in life is a burden as it’s made into something to do. But understand, whatever goes on between your ears about what you think you have to do, that is inner friction. It’s something you create from within yourself. Don’t blame life for the inability of not staying anchored and being left unprotected and exposed. Find your anchor so you are planted and stay there as much as possible. The more you stay anchored the fewer storms there will be in your life and the less it will seem like there’s inner friction…

Evil Trappings

The ways to be drawn in by evil are endless, but understand the draw comes from your own mind and even though your conditioning provides the triggers, you alone attach to them…

If you’re practicing to live a spiritual life but you don’t know your own mind, it’s like going to the gym, but not making much of an effort to work out. Your results will be non existent. If you don’t notice your attachments, the whole point of any practice is missed. This is because of the draw of evil makes looking inward difficult. There are so many things in place that prevent looking inward from happening, and if it doesn’t happen you’ll remain in bondage to evil trappings. Evil trappings are delusional because when there’s even the slightest of an opening to allow what’s within to be seen, your expansion begins.

The draw of evil is very enticing, if it wasn’t the percentage of conscious and unconscious beings would be reversed. But it’s not this way because the draw of evil is in control. This draw is only real to a degree. There’s no denying it’s there, but it’s in control because there’s a fictitious belief in it. We alone are the creators of this and if one doesn’t become familiar with their own mind, the evil draw will continue its control, sadly there’s really no way around this…

A True Gauge

Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned its default state is mostly delusional. A true gauge of the mind is if you’re at peace with yourself without having to change you…

Do whatever it is you think you need to do to get the desired results you think are needed, but see what’s guiding you. If you’re to get a true gauge as to what’s really going on in your life, there will have to be a deep awareness of why you are going in the direction you’re going. There are reasons why a person constantly struggles with being at peace, and as subtle as this can be, it’s not something most people consciously think about. Because of the way the mind becomes conditioned, its normal state is mostly delusional. From the time a person starts their day the delusion begins. The alarm clocks rings and the snooze button is hit. Although it’s not thought about that you’re not at peace, the bottom line is you’re not.

Constantly having to arrange life is caused by a mind that’s delusional which keeps you from the awareness of the delusion. Save the world if that’s the direction you think you need to go in, just understand maybe the world doesn’t need you to save it. If you’re not truly at peace in the moment with yourself, this is what really needs to be looked at. Nothing else matters regardless of what you’re doing because it’s only a made up story that keeps the mind in a delusional state. Many people are so busy trying to save the world that they don’t see the forest from the trees. Until the beauty of the moment is seen and you can just be with that, peace will not be had because you will be too busy trying to save a world that just may not need saving. To me, a true gauge of a settled mind is if you’re at peace right now with the way things are without having a need to change it…

Mind Cravings

The pleasures of the world take on many forms, but it’s the craving of the mind that makes one seek them. This craving can only be satisfied in stillness because when the mind is still there is no craving…

One aspect of the Conditioned Mind is how it’s in pleasure seeking mode most of the time. Even when we get down on ourselves, it’s a perverse form of pleasure. The mind craves to keep all the pleasure thoughts and discard the unpleasurable ones; it spends most of its time doing this. Whether it’s hurrying in and out of traffic, only to catch a red light and have all the cars you just passed pull up along side you, or doing something and asking yourself why did you do it, the reason for doing this is strictly from the craving to seek some form of pleasure. That your own mind craves to question why you do what you do is how diabolical it is, but understand it’s only this way because of the way the mind has been conditioned to crave.

The pleasure seeking crave mode is not one which is in our best interest, but the Conditioned Mind doesn’t really care about that; control is all it cares about. It makes you think craving pleasure is a necessity, but when the mind starts to settle and it loses its grip you see the fallacy of this. True pleasure is in stillness not in things, but the pleasure of stillness is not the same pleasure the world offers. The pleasure of the world is based in lies, the pleasure of stillness is based in truth. Craving is the self-seeking pleasure of the world, this is what the world creates, but it cannot be satisfied. It’s only in stillness that this craving is satisfied, not because it’s given something to satisfy it, but because in stillness cravings never materialize so there is no pleasure to seek…