Delusional Identity

Our mind becomes conditioned to create delusional stories because we believe they’re needed to make our identity. The created stories which are used to make an identity are the exact reason life is delusional…

What story are you going to create today and tie it into your delusional identity; you are the creator of the delusion of who you think you are. You can create any delusional story you want just understand this one valuable truth, if you don’t create a delusional story you will not shrivel up and disappear. All that will happen is you will exist in the reality of “What is”. The story you create about yourself is nothing more than that, a story. After all is said and done if you don’t create the story about your identity, you will still exist, you just won’t be living a delusional life because there won’t be any attachment to an identity.

We’re always the main subject of our stories. In one way or another our stories always come full circle and are about ourselves, but when the stories stop you will notice a gateway to a freedom that has no lock on it. The only lock that creates this self created delusion is a self created identity and it’s your own mind that tells you to create it. This storied identify created by your own mind makes the world delusional and it keeps you in bondage to this delusional world.

If you think this doesn’t pertain to you, that’s just another delusion because if you stopped creating your stories, you would see you still exist; all you will do without a delusional identity is be at peace. The reason the delusional stories to make an identity are created to begin with is to be at peace, but you already are at peace, it’s just not realized because of the need to create a delusional identity…

Be the Light

Life is a learning experience, if you’re not learning it’s probably because you have your own agenda of what you think life is about. When you truly see the light your own agenda simply falls away…

It’s very important to be a rock of consistency so people know there’s a place they can go for what they’re looking for. I’ve been told by people they start their day reading my articles so it’s expected they will be there. I don’t mind this and because of what has been revealed to me I’m honored to be used to spread seeds of love. Everyone needs a place where they know it’s safe from the unconsciousness of the world. It does matter where you go for your peace, if you go to a place that’s used as a distraction, it may feel like peace, but it isn’t. If you get lost let’s say in a full day of watching sports, the day will go by and this is because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day in a state of awareness there will be a place that provides something valuable for people.

Fear not what others who are unconscious say, just stand your ground in what you know is truth and let no one take you from here. Be the light in a world that is mostly based in the ego, this allows others to be the light which is needed for any transformation to occur. The light that draws someone to you is the light that becomes a part of them. This life is a learning experience, if you’re not learning it’s probably because you have your own agenda of what you think life is about. When you truly see the light your own agenda falls away. This place with no agenda is fof peace and when you remain there others will also go there as it’s the one place where one can truly be at peace by simply being a light…

Filling Space

Thousands of hours and dollars are spent on trying to fill a space that doesn’t need filling. The nature of the space is emptiness and it will always be there. Space is not your enemy; in its emptiness you are filled…

People spend thousands of dollars to go on vacation and at the time it seems to be a great idea. I’m not saying it isn’t because when you’re there everything seems perfect, but the first thing to understand is wherever you go there you are which could be scary, and second because of the Conditioned Mind, not only is the fantasy better than the reality, but before you know you are back home. This is not to say don’t go on vacation, but the stark reality is you can always be on vacation if your mind finds your space is filled. I’m talking from experience here because for forty nine years my life was exactly how I wanted it and yet I had to always reach for something to fill a space that wasn’t understood. This space equates to always needing to be on vacation (reaching for something), but I didn’t understand the part of wherever I go there I am. My own mind was an enemy not an ally and I had no idea this was occurring, so basically to my conditioned mind I always needed to be planning a vacation because life was never good enough in the moment I was in; regardless of how it was there was always space needing filling.

Here’s the real irony in this, I was trying to fill the space of emptiness that is still there today, but what I have come to understand is it doesn’t need filling, in this emptiness there’s fulfillment. This is the issue with most people, they’re trying to fill a space that doesn’t need filling because the nature of it is emptiness. That’s what space is, empty so regardless of what’s used to try to fill it, it never gets filled, it can’t because it doesn’t need filling. Today I understand space is not my enemy nor does it need filling and although there are times when I do go on vacation, it’s not because I’m trying to fill space it’s because I’m alive and emptiness allows it…

From the Heart

When the Conditioned Mind controls life there’s all kinds of self serving agendas, and because they don’t really enhance life in the way that’s wanted more agendas are created with more dissatisfied results… It’s more important why something is done and the energy behind it than the actual doing. Why are you doing what you’re doing is the most important question to ask yourself Why do I write an article everyday and post it on over seventy social media sites? I have been told I do it to satisfy my ego and although the Conditioned Mind is tricky, I know this isn’t why. When I first began writing and posting, it started out as the short blurb; they are at the beginning of the articles. Someone asked me where I got the info from and the answer was they come from within me as I live my daily life. I was asked if I could write it down and post the article after the blurb. To be honest I thought it would be a good way to further expand on sharing the insights that we’re and are revealed to me. I was always ok with if they’re read and don’t resonate with people that’s just the way it is. I was not going to allow the gift of writing to become a burden to me. For me this is the way to view life, I share from the love that has arisen in my heart and there’s no attachment to any results. I’m clear on what I do and why it’s done; this is freeing. There’s no need to become anything other than what I am. It’s important to be clear on this because it will allow what is done to be truly from the flow of the heart. Mostly when life is lived from the head, there’s all kinds of self serving agendas and results placed upon these agendas, but they don’t really enhance life in the way one is looking for so more agendas are created with more dissatisfied results. Living from the heart doesn’t take this nonsense energy so it’s why when one lives from the heart it’s mostly from love. Be clear on why what is done is done and if it isn’t from the heart, ask yourself why…

Chattering Mind

If there’s ever to be peace in your life, discipline so you can see the mind is always chattering, why these mind agitations arise, and how to quiet them will have to be developed…

Until one learns a discipline that allows the mind to stop chattering, what is used to keep it chattering determines what your state of being will be. There are many many things that are used to keep the mind chattering and your conditioning determines this. Whether the chattering mind manifest as sex, drugs, alcohol, food, false pride, trying to control life and others, talking about others in a slanderous way, responding to this post, or whatever is being used to keep the mind chattering, it will not stop until the agitation is satisfied that keeps it chattering, but even then it doesn’t remain satisfied for long so it basically will always be chattering and agitated until it’s learned to be still; simple, but very difficult.

When these mind agitations arise, if the necessary discipline has been developed the mind will stop chattering and your instinctual reactions will be based in love. If not the reactions will probably be of a self serving nature and manifest in some form that’s probably not conducive to your well being. So it’s beneficial to develop discipline that allows the mind to stop chattering so you’re not controlled by your agitations. If discipline isn’t developed the arisen agitations will constantly keep the mind chattering as the agitation has to be satisfied, and something will be reached for to satisfy the agitation I guarantee you that. Most of us are conditioned to have a chattering mind and are controlled by our agitations. That’s why it’s so important to develop discipline because to me it’s the only thing I’ve found that stops the mind, well maybe not stops it, but at least slows it down so the mind agitations lessen. So learn to have a mind that quiets somewhat because the choice is to have one that is always chattering and agitated. As long as it’s always chattering it will control you as if you were a puppet on a string; this is the choice, but without discipline there really isn’t one…

Conditioned Insanity

Make a stand for your beliefs, do whatever it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how your triggers cease along with the insane thoughts that you’re not part of all this insanity…

Many think what happens in life is the cause of their anger, but what’s not understood is the anger is already in place, it’s just being triggered by what’s occurring. There’s so much conditioning in place that it keeps many from understanding their own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will control you insanely. I know people don’t think they’re insane and take offense to being called so, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an inkling it’s being done; one is blind to their own insanity. You may be abruptly responding right now to this by thinking, who do I think I am to label someone insane, I should look at myself, but I do look at myself and that’s where I first discovered just how insane all of humanity is, myself included; just watch the news. Anytime someone gets angry, they’re causing their own suffering, yet it’s done all the time, but that’s only part of it, what’s really insane is it isn’t truly known why there’s anger. Stories are made up why there is, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.

There are many seemingly justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the insanity, that it’s not realized is why it’s insane. The list of attachments that are blindly held onto is endless and it keeps the insanity in place. Very few will really get what this article is about, it’s easier to say the writer doesn’t know what he’s talking about then to truly look at this. The only way sanity will return and anger won’t be triggered is if it’s understood. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all this insanity. When you wake up you can pull away from this insanity which remains in control if waking up doesn’t occur. Make a stand for your beliefs, do whatever it is you think you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how your triggers cease along with the insane thoughts that you’re not part of all this insanity…

Flower Stillness

A flower doesn’t make itself grow. In the Spring it arises from stillness and in the Fall it returns from where it came. This occurs naturally from its own stillness, it needs no assistance…

When the stillness of a flower is seen as life itself and not as the flower, at this point the flower will truly be seen; this is how one begins to understand themselves. When the stillness within is seen as life itself and not as a person you will truly see yourself; when that happens life begins to be seen as it truly is. It will be in the seeing of stillness that you will understand the stillness of the flower.

Enjoy life, but the enjoyment is not in the things experienced, joy is in stillness. Conditioning produces noise, stillness produces joy. That which most seek to enjoy is noise, joy cannot be attained because it‘s already within a person and one cannot attain that which is already possessed, but this will only be noticed when there is stillness.

Find a place to sit where it’s quiet, sit and be mindful of each breath, not you breathing in and out, but how each breath occurs on its own. Sit with this mindfulness. Watch how many breaths can be counted before the mind wanders. I get to about fifty and no matter how hard I concentrate the mind wanders. When I started doing this I could get to six. This is one tool used in developing the discipline to discover stillness. When one knows what the noise is, it will be known what stillness is. Just watch the flower, don’t label it, just watch it, the flower doesn’t label itself, through the stillness it simply arises. It never consciously does anything, out of the stillness of the Universe it appears. In stillness is where all life arises from because stillness itself is life, as it is with a flower…

Creating Space

Concerning the mind, if the old isn’t cleared out there won’t be any space for anything new, but the old will not clear until it is seen space is needed to allow in the new…

From the time one begins their life in this form the mind is constantly processing and storing information. The incessant mind never stops this storing process and constantly draws on this familiarity, but this leaves very little space for anything new to become known. Your instilled foundation would need something close to a nuclear explosion to dislodge it, but when the mind is allowed to settle it creates space and the world as it’s known ceases to exist.

Think of it in this way, when a room is to be redone in a house, the first thing that‘s needed is to create space so the new stuff can fit in where it’s wanted. If one has to work around the old stuff it would make placing the new stuff in the room much more difficult. If the new stuff was put in with the old stuff it just wouldn’t fit properly and it probably wouldn’t match either. Matching the new with the old takes a skill that most people don’t naturally possess. This usually has to be taught, this is where meditation comes in.

The process of meditation helps to clear out the mind (create space). If this isn’t done, the mind as it is with the room will remain cluttered with the old and the new, although it may be put in, will not add any enhancement to the room. After all, this is what we are trying to do, enhance life. No one changes anything just to change it, we change a philosophy or a belief because the one that’s in place needs to be redone; for whatever reason it’s not working any more. So clear out the old and create a space that will allow nothing in but the new…

Sounds of Life

The sounds of life that you hear are dependent on the frequency you are tuned into. The frequency determines if the sounds heard are from a heart of love or from the thought “I” realm…

The sounds of life are different for everyone because of the frequency one is in tune with. There’s only one frequency that’s tuned into love, but there are many other frequencies out there that don’t allow one to hear the sounds of love. Why it’s so difficult to tune into the sounds that put you in harmony with life is because of listening to the sounds about your own pleasure. A lot of time is wasted trying to make life pleasurable instead of accepting it as it is. For most, the sounds heard are about satisfying their own pleasure, but love doesn’t concern itself with pleasure. If the sounds heard aren’t of love you have to constantly try a different frequency because without love you will not be at peace. And how will you know when you’re tuned into love is because love never needs to be defended.

It’s hearing a different sound than Universal Love that causes the mind to be in a state of agitation. When one is aligned with the sounds of love, there is harmony with all of life. You will always know the sounds heard are of love by this harmony so whenever you become discontented it’s because of the sound in your head, it has nothing to do with outside circumstances or the sounds heard by others.
You can only hear your own sounds so it’s your own frequency that makes life what it is, and the sounds that you hear are dependent on this frequency being in tune with the Universe; this is the sound of love that needs no justification, purpose, explaining, or defending. It’s only when one accepts life as it is that the sounds of love will be heard and become the frequency of your life; only love sets you free and that will only occur if love is the sound that you hear…

An Undistorted Vision

Your answers will always be within yourself, you just need to make sure the tools that are being used are showing you an undistorted vision of what is the most beneficial way to live…

Twelve years ago I had a definite vision of the way I wanted my life to go when I began the study of my own mind. There weren’t any lofty goals or some great state of mind to attain to make my life about something in particular, all I had was an undistorted vision of peace; a peace that eluded me for most of my life, this is still my vision today. Just because you’re on a so called spiritual path, it doesn’t mean what you’re doing is truly beneficial. I did things for many years that I was told were beneficial to me and it turned out not to be so; they were things that actually keep me suffering. I won’t go into details, but what I do today is beneficial and how I know this is because I’m at peace and I don’t have a real desire for anything else. I have a passion in my heart to share my experience with others, but it’s not an aching as I don’t need this moment to be different. If you’re not looking for anything that’s how you will know if you have an undistorted vision as opposed to one made up by the Conditioned Mind.

You may want to be the most spiritual person in your circle, you may be reading all the right books, quoting all the right people, and putting all your energy into a so called practice, but there’s only one question and that is can you stop it all and still be at peace? If not, what you’re doing is only being used to distort your vision. I had a distorted vision for forty nine years so I know what I’m talking about. Try another book, a program, therapy, another pill, dieting, meditation, drugs, alcohol, and on an on, but when the tasks is complete and you’re living your daily life if you don’t have a clear vision of peace, what you’re doing isn’t working. There are many pointers in life, but your vision becomes distorted by thinking the pointers are the answers. The answers are simply within, you just need to make sure the tools you’re using are showing you an undistorted vision that provides you with the most beneficial way to live…

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//21//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am supporting a future for greater success! I am open to joy, success, and bliss coming easily to me! I am supporting the great idea of my skills, talents, passion, and hard work opening new doors of opportunity to me! I am looking forward, moving forward, and taking action..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭🗣👥Be with good vibes... allow the positive energy to flow〰️🧘🧘‍♂️🤩Have faith in your awesomeness & make the best of it.😇🙏🏼Embrace your passionate interests💯💯✍You're here to succeed!💫💯💯Empower the best version of yourself😌🙏 with positive supporting beliefs 😇🙏, a positive mental attitude 😁👌, positive affecting behaviors 👏🙃 & positive statements. 😎🗯 🗣🗝Be encouraged, inspired & motivated to continue🚶‍♀️🚶naturally. Positively believe!🥳💪You're stronger than you know as you're meant to enjoy life! So, do things that excite you!👸🤴Envision the outcomes & results you desire.🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️Determine to realize your desired conclusions.🤜🤛Continue positively for that desired future💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to enjoying a blissful future〰️😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

A Hearts Touch

Only energy from the heart can touch a heart, and that touch arises from the Universe as the energy of love. It’s only the love in your heart that can touch the heart of another…

It’s a beautiful thing to help other people, it’s where inspiration and passion are derived from. If nobody got anything from what I shared I probably would have stopped long ago, but I don’t get my sense of well-being from sharing or anything else that I do. When I feel good it’s because I’m aligned with love. To me it doesn’t matter what I do as long as what is done is aligned with love. I do what I do because that’s what’s there; no one has to answer to anyone but themselves. If you are serving others it’s because you love, you already feel good and the serving is a result of your alignment with love. If you’re doing it for accolades or awards or because you want to feel better, the feeling better will only last for a short time. Only love from the heart can touch a heart.

There are organizations that are geared towards helping others and it’s a wonderful thing to help anyone who is in need in our human family, but if the help is just because you want to divert what’s going on with yourself so you can feel better, you‘re still being controlled by the Conditioned Mind and this will only be a temporary fix; what’s from the heart last forever. Why you don’t feel good to begin with needs to be identified if you want to overcome this created lack that makes you have to do something to feel better. If you’re in need of something to be complete you will never be complete. This is because completeness isn’t attained, it arises from the Universe. The real heartache is it’s already within you, it’s just being blocked from you.

You are complete just as you are and nothing added will make you more complete. The human dilemma is this: because of the way our conditioning controls us it makes us think we need to do something to feel good, but we don’t need to do anything to feel good, what we need is to learn to just be. In our being is our completeness, in our doing is our undoing. So just be with whatever arises you do, but it isn’t needed to feel good because you’re already complete just as you are…

Healthful Monday~ 07/20/2020

Today’s Healthful-Amusement share worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts with! Self-care toward supporting a healthier mind and body in support of achieving and accomplishing further in your successes! Make a positive difference in your life! I am simply here assisting you with better self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle not just for yourself, but to positively affect those you care about. So, self-improve your overall well-being toward positively affecting those you love. Besides, you’ll surely achieve and accomplish more with a healthier better version of yourself! You deserve greater bliss and fulfillment~

Invest in your education by increasing your knowledge regarding your health. Check out this bit of information provided for you today, and learn more about what energizes you as you continue moving forward! This is just some info to assist you towards the better. Remind yourself that,
“I deserve better moments of today for an appreciative yesterday as I create my ideal tomorrow! I deserve to enjoy every day that much more with those I love!”

CHEERS~ to your bliss everywhere in between your lessons and wins…

#healthful #lifeguidance #selfhealing #nutritional #infographic

Human Seeds

There’s way too much thought on the individual level for unity to ever be a reality. Most people have their own agenda and it’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way…

Humans can be looked at as if we are all seeds which we are when we are in the womb. I like to look at it as if earth is the container and we are all in the container with the same potential. Moving from this container and being planted is how life becomes different for each of us. Even if you’re planted right next to another seed the results of how you grow will probably be different. Remember a name is only given to each seed for identification purposes, we don’t go around giving names to animals, fish, or birds. There’s no individual who truly exist, we are all part of the collective container (earth). There’s no real Donald Trump, or Joe Biden, no real you or me, no Muslims or Christians, no individual in the way that they’re seen. There’s conditioning which makes an individual seem real, but as far as humanity is concerned, we are all just seeds from the same container.

Just as with any seed there are many factors that determine the results of how they grow, some will produce fruit (love) and some will not, but all seeds are from the same container labeled earth. This needs to be realized if we are to grow in unity as a species. We haven’t really progressed much since existence began. We may have advanced intellectually, but spiritually not so much. There is still way too much thought on the individual level for unity to be a reality. Most people have their own agenda and it’s usually attached to satisfying themselves in some way. Until this is seen even though we are all from the same container, we will see each other as individual seeds and very little will change…

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//20//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life! I dream, envision, and plan big without reservation! I have unique skills and talents that can make a profound difference in the world! I know that every decision I make creates new opportunities..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
🗣👥😍💭Empower your existence by living it up on your terms〰️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️💫Empower up by living healthier & feeling happier😇🙏🏼Benefit from positive thinking😌🙏, positive believing😇🙏, positive communicating🤠& positive behaving👏🙃You're meant to enjoy your blessings, gifted moments & manifested good times💯💯👸🤴While continuing to succeed on your terms🏹 🎯with your goals✍, dreams💫& plans😁👌Feel awesome by supporting the best version of you🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️💯💯~🗝🗣Do what you can to be inspired, aspired & motivated🤩🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️Encourage a better future with positive statements😎🗯💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to a prosperous future〰️🥳

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Gratitude Sunday~ 07/19/2020

Image for post

Be the Example

Start with one single loving act and let it sink deeply into your heart. As love slowly becomes part of your subconscious, you become the example of love for all the world to see…

Doing loving acts emits an energy of that love as long as it’s done unconditionally from the heart. If it comes from the Conditioned Mind so one can get a better seat in heaven or move up on the angelic chain of command, this will block the hearts energy of love. Doing loving acts is a start, but the heart will have to keep on expanding and remain open for love to become the minds default setting. If the heart remains open all the time, loving acts will happen all the time because it will be the only thing that’s in place. Start with one single loving act and let it sink deeply into your heart, in the process as it slowly becomes the default setting of your mind, you become an example of love.

You can only emit the energy that’s in place and this is the example others will see; an open heart goes a long way in deciding what that example will be. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and good intentions don’t provide love to be your example. For love to become the example the world sees, it will have to be something that’s cultivated so it becomes ingrained in the subconscious.

How one acts comes from the energy that’s within and what’s within is a result of years of subconscious conditioning. So to be an example of love the conditioning that blocks it has to be changed. Once it is as it all starts with consciously doing one single loving act, the heart opens and love becomes the minds default setting and that becomes the example the world sees…

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//19//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am grateful for the opportunities to celebrate my success and enjoy my progress! I am grateful for being blessed, gifted, talented, skilled, and most of all the best version of myself! I am grateful for the opportunities to make positive affecting changes and a difference in the lives of those I love..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥Choose to be so strong that nothing disturbs your peace & positivity〰️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️💫Use your power to be healthier, happier & to prosper😇🙏🏼Benefit from the choice to be kind, to enjoy, to embrace & to entertain yourself for the better! Make the best of your blessings, optimize the gifted moments & create good times to reflect on in your later years💯💯✍🏹 🎯Think of only the best, serve only your best & be only your best for others🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️💯💯Continue supporting the best version of you so you can feel good😌🙏benefiting from positive beliefs😇🙏, positive thoughts😁👌, positive emotions👏🙃a positive attitude🤠 & positive treatment😎🗯 🗝🗣Do what you can to be inspired, aspired & motivated🤩🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️Encourage a better future💯💯👸🤴
🥂CHEERS~ to manifesting better moments〰️😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Divine Source

There’s a Divine Source in life, but it’s not a preventer of tragedies, it’s the one place to go to get shelter from the storms of life. Storms will come, but you don’t have to be overcome by them…

The world is one of tragedy and pain as it is also of joy and pleasure; there’s a Divine Source in both worlds. The question is can you live in emotional balance in both? There are no easy answers to this question, but it has been my experience the only way this can be done is through non attachment. This is the only way I have found freedom is possible because by non attaching to whatever occurs you’re not drawn into it.

It’s easy to sense a Divine Source when things are going the way you want, but where is this source when things aren’t going your way? Can you find a place that allows for peace without having to use an outside diversion when you’re in the midst of a life storm? This place does exist, it even exist when things are exactly how they’re wanted. It just isn’t thought about because you don’t think it’s needed, but it‘s something to always be aware of because whenever there’s attachment a life storm isn’t far behind.

You can’t escape the tragedies of life. Beliefs or faith in something don’t make you immune from them. There was never a promise that life would be without tragedies, but there is a Divine Source that will be there no matter what is faced. Someone once wrote that “Peace does not come with the absence of troubles, but with the conscious realization of adequate resources.” The Divine Source is the supplier of all the resources needed to get through life’s tragedies. Jesus said, “In this world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” He went to the Father often; the Divine Source of existence.

All victories belong to the Divine Source of Love, many brought this message; it’s beyond life storms. Love is life, without love you’re left to deal with the tragedies with your own created devices. Existence is based on love and it’s this awareness that makes one realize they are always on Holy Ground. To understand this there has to be an understanding of an energy, a Divine Source that provides the resources needed. Without this understanding it will be difficult to get through life tragedies so you can walk in the light of the Divine Source…

Wellness Saturday~ 07/18/2020

We all have problematic ailments of some form or another at various degrees of pain and annoyance. We're all mentally irritated throughout moments of our existence. Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going!
Here is today's wellness assistance to improve yourself for a healthier well-being. To assist with a healthier lifestyle as you're meant to live as a great day continues~ Hope this piece of advice helps with better care for your health and well-being for better moments today and for an ideal tomorrow because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~
CHEERS~ to good health and well-being...
#wellness #wellbeing #lifeguidance #sleep #infographic

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//18//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am free of negative thinking, beliefs, and attitude for the better! I am embracing only positive thoughts for the better! I continue to naturally flow and move forward for the better! I am allowing the creation and manifestation processes of solutions to come naturally to me..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥Choose to support good vibes & positive energy〰️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️💫You have the power to positively impact every moment of your blessed existence for the better😇🙏🏼So, do things that impassion you, that bring forth fulfillment & encompasses satisfaction! Embrace the blessings, gifted moments & the good times💯💯✍🏹 🎯You're alive to make a positive difference in the lives of those you love🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️💯💯So continue supporting the best version of you😌🙏with positive beliefs😇🙏, positive thinking😁👌, positive behaviors👏🙃a positive attitude🤠 & positive statements😎🗯 🗝🗣Do what is necessary of you to be inspired, aspired & motivated🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️Continue focused, patient & persistent on a better future💯💯👸🤴
🥂CHEERS~ to a future filled with good times〰️😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Self Help Friday~ 07/17/2020

You deserve greater moments for greater days! Your success depends on you and no one else... so, friendly remind yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of you for you to benefit the most! Your success and bliss depend on how good of a mindset you're supporting. Your loved ones and those you appreciate will be positively affected.
Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future! A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode to thrive. Strive confidently for all that you desire in your future.
Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse! Keep empowering through until satisfaction is achieved as your great life continues~
#empowering #lifeguidance #selfhelp #quotes #selfresponsibility

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//17//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am effortlessly attracting the perfect resources and solutions when assistance is needed! I continue to learn from the past, live in the here and now, and plan for the ideal future! I believe all problems are solvable and I continue to have faith for a better future! I am continuing forward with the intelligence enough to know what I want for myself..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥Continue supporting the natural flow of good vibes & positive energy〰️🤩You have the power to positively impact every gifted present moment you're fortunate to experience😇🙏🏼So, do what you love, what impassions you, and what brings forth joy within! Continue embracing your blessings💯💯✍🏹 🎯You exist to succeed,💫💯💯so continue empowering that authentic self of yours😌🙏with positive supporting beliefs😇🙏, a positive mental attitude😁👌, positive affecting behaviors👏🙃 & positive statements.😎🗯 🗣🗝Do whatever it takes to be inspired, aspired & motivated💪Continue strongly focused, patient & persistent on making things happen👸🤴Continue assertively🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️and determined with your actions for your desired outcomes🤜🤛Your future is in your hands!💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to a better future with good vibes〰️😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Looking for More

While you are busy making plans life happens, if you’re not careful most of your life will be missed because you’ll be too busy looking for something more to enhance it as opposed to living it as it is…

The only thing that makes a person think something more is needed to enhance life is their own conditioning; until this is realized this conditioning will keep you searching for something more. As this searching for something more seems to be continuous for most, this means most are missing what life truly offers. If a person is alive life will be experienced, but ask yourself is your life being fully lived or are you under the spell of your own Conditioned Mind that makes you think something more is needed to enhance it? If this is the default setting of your mind and unfortunately it is for most, so much of life will be missed because you will constantly think you need more. This is a mind agitation that keeps the searching for something more in place which doesn’t allow any contentment with what’s actually taking place.

Life is never personal, it just continues on regardless of what happens. Humanity has become its own worse enemy, mostly because of always needing more instead being content with what’s there. Grab more of whatever you think you need, but except for a few brief moments your contentment will be fleeting. Sit and visualize having all the riches of the world and being the most intelligent person to have ever lived and see what this really changes in your life. It will only be a matter of time before you will need something more because regardless of what one has or what’s going on, if there isn’t some level of contentment with the way things are, life will constantly need to be different and the search for more of what one thinks will make life better will make discontentment and searching for something more the norm…

Mindful Thursday~ 07/16/2020

There is so much more to better yourself for better moments of today, for an appreciative yesterday, and for your ideal tomorrow. The world needs your awesomeness as you would greatly benefit from the best version of you. So, improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management to continue a greater life that you deserve.
Use today's Mindful-Amusement to help yourself toward a better mindset and lifestyle. Cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy that much better beyond your imagination. Don't settle for less believing there is so much more for you beyond your physical reach and mental belief!
CHEERS~ to your bliss and success continuing...
#lifeguidance #mindfulness #lifeadvice #positivethinking #selfawareness

Everything Passes

The problems you think need solving are there because your Conditioned Mind creates them. Through the understanding that everything passes you’ll see your problems simply fall away…

Sixty two years ago my existence in this form began and unknown to me at the time it was going to take forty nine years to learn what it was about; somewhat. It really isn’t about anything in particular or to accomplish anything, it’s simply to live with whatever is put in front of you which can only be done when there isn’t anything blocking this from happening. One of the lessons that has helped immensely with this is the understanding everything passes. The realization of all things will pass including life itself is the key to a freedom that can only be understood when this is understood.

Think of the past and all its created so called problems, can you even remember one of them. Time waits for no one is one of the truest statements ever because regardless of what goes on in your life it will pass; understanding this too shall pass is where freedom lies. Even if you want to hold onto something, eventually it will pass. The problem lies in the conditioning to just pick up something else, that is unless there’s awareness that allows you to say “No”.

Without being able to say “No” everything becomes a problem that needs solving. This is what the Conditioned Mind does, it creates problems. Without awareness of this the mind looks at something, says it’s a problem and works vigorously to try and solve it. Everything passes is the nature of life, your freedom lies in understanding this, your prison is in allowing your mind to create problems so it has something to do. When you understand everything passes it’s not that you understand life, but you understand there really isn’t anything worth holding onto including life itself…

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//16//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am in charge of my own life! I am in charge of my bliss, so I am using my abilities, desires, and emotions for the betterment of my life! I am opening my mind to exciting new possibilities and opportunities for my abilities, desires, and emotions! Success is my birthright, so I continue to pave my way..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥Continue supporting the natural flow of good vibes & positive energy flowing freely from you〰️🧘🧘‍♂️🤩Continue making the best of the gifted present moments benefit your awesomeness😇🙏🏼Do what you love, and continue embracing your blessings, talents, skills & passions💯💯✍🏹 🎯You exist to succeed,💫💯💯so continue empowering that authentic self of yours😌🙏with positive supporting beliefs😇🙏, a positive mental attitude😁👌, positive affecting behaviors👏🙃 & positive self~talk statements.😎🗯 🗣🗝Find ways to be encouraged, inspired & motivated🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️💪Stay strong, patient & focused on doing your thing👸🤴Continue envisioning🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️and confidently acting with determination for your desired outcomes🤜🤛Assertively continue for that desired future💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to better moments〰️😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Quick Fixes

There are many daily situations that provide the triggers to reach for a quick fix, if there’s awareness of this those triggers will not produce the unloving results of selfishly needing a quick fix…

Noticing what’s reached for allows you to see what’s being used as a quick fix to fill whatever space you think needs filling. If the thought that space needs filling wasn’t there, the need for the quick fix reach wouldn’t be there. There are many quick fixes, but there’s only one space and it will either be filled or it will be allowed to be. This is the difference between being at peace or constantly reaching for something which reinforces the mind agitations that tells you a space needs to be filled. This space is the same for everyone, but the things being used as a quick fix is different. This is an endless list and the focus has to be inward if it’s going to be seen what’s being used. This space will never be revealed if one is blaming others for their mind agitations, because it arise from within you and it has nothing to do with anyone else. Such a hard thing to understand because of the conditioning in place, but if it isn’t isn’t you’ll continue to blame others for your mind agitations and constantly need a quick fix.

It’s truly heartbreaking to see this quick fix conditioning in place and how it unconsciously causes suffering. This is one of the hardest things to see and it’s the reason the mind can’t fix itself; one of the most important things to learn about this is how not to get pulled into someone else’s conditioning that produces a quick fix reaction from you. There are many situations throughout the day that will provide the triggers for this, but if 24/7 awareness is being developed, more and more those triggers will not produce quick fix reactions, which are self serving most of the time. After all it’s only self serving reactions that cause suffering and it’s reaching for a quick fix that keeps one trapped in Conditioned Mind Patterns that control you as if you were a puppet on a string…

Encouragement Wednesday~ 07/15/2020

You can feel so much better, do so much better, enjoy so much more, and be all you can be. Don't limit yourself to how greatly awesome you can be, how much more you can enjoy, and how much better you can have it! You have the power to accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set out to attain. Empower on and trail-blaze your own path beyond all of your challenges and obstacles.
I am sharing this bit of encouragement with you to assist you in boosting your motivation and determination to further your ideal success. To assist you in doing whatever is necessary to bring forth bliss and joy as the best version of yourself! So, focus on the good stuff and keep moving forward without regret! Stay on point as you're meant to succeed and enjoy your life's journey! "Trust the natural flow of life and embrace your genius!"
CHEERS~ to your success continuing...

#encouragement #empowerfuel #motivationalquotes #lifeguidance #selfmotivation

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//15//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I believe that the universe is filled with endless opportunities for me, my career, and those I love! I am focusing on our success, progress, and all the good everywhere in between! I am freeing my mind of resistance with faith and trust toward the better while moving forward..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥 Embrace and empower your authentic self 😌🙏 with positive supporting beliefs 😇🙏, a positive mental attitude 😁👌, positive affecting behaviors 👏🙃 & positive self~talk statements. 😎🗯 🗣🗝 Continue your journey inspired, aspired & motivated to enjoy! Allow yourself to naturally flow with faith. Positively believe in awesome things happening for you, with you & to you. 🤪🤜🤛😎 You're stronger than you know & you're meant to enjoy a blissful life! 😇🙏🏼 Embrace your blessings, talents, skills & passion... do what you love! 💯🏹 🎯 You exist with the inherent right to succeed! 💫✍ Do all the things that bring forth bliss, enthusiasm & joy! 👸🤴 Envision the results & outcomes you desire to realize. 🙂 Confidently take determined action with an attitude of gratitude to create & manifest your desired conclusions. Be with good vibes & allow the positive energy to flow freely from you 🤩 Have faith in your awesomeness & enjoy the present gifted moments. 〰️Continue empowering through with positivity for a greater future. 💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to the good stuff, good people, and good memories 😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Inspiration Tuesday~ 07/14/2020

You deserve to continue for greater days, for greater weeks, and greater months for a great year.
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." ~Maya Angelou
You either move forward for the better or for the worse regardless of your past, so empower through as you deserve to continue... you know it could be worse, so remind yourself how much better you can enjoy it!
"Don't allow your setbacks to upset you, but rather upstage you to succeed, enjoy, and achieve all that you set out to attain."
Enjoy all that you can while positively affecting your life. Just sharing this bit of inspiration today to get your attitude, emotions, and perspective benefiting you in your ideal direction. Determine your level of awesomeness as you pave your own path on your terms. You're awesome if and when you move forward optimistically in your thinking, gracious in your attitude, compassionate in your behavior, and joyful in your actions.
temp-post-imageLive beyond survival, thrive on love, and strive for joyful memories. Enjoy your interests, passions, and hobbies to help bring out the best version of yourself for greater successful outcomes... CHEERS~
#inspiration #motivational #lifeguidance #positive #quotes

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//14//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am doing more to peacefully allow my life to unfold for the better and greater good! I am doing more with faith and gratitude to benefit my life! I am practicing patience as success is an on-going process for me..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥 Empower your thoughts 😌🙏 with positive beliefs 😇🙏, a positive attitude 😁👌, positive behavior 👏🙃 & positive self~talk statements... 😎🗯 🗣🗝 Continue on your journey inspired, aspired & motivated to succeed!🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️Have faith and believe in your awesomeness to accomplish & achieve! 🤪🤜🤛😎 You're meant to enjoy this blessed life! 😇🙏🏼 Embrace your blessings, talents, skills & passion! 💯🏹 🎯 Believe in your inherent right to succeed! 💫✍ Do things that bring forth enthusiasm, joy & bliss! 👸🤴 Envision the results & outcomes you desire to realize in the flesh.🙂 With an attitude of gratitude you’ll absolutely attract, create & manifest your desired conclusions... 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🙄~ahhhhhh~ 🤩 Have faith, trust your awesome self & embrace the present gifted moments. 〰️Remind yourself to empower through with positivity while still believing in a greater future. 💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to the goodness of life 😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Ever Expanding Mind

The minds expansion is only limited by the view it gets locked into. With an open mind anything is possible because the conditioned limits simply aren’t there to curtail its expansion…

The more locked in on a particular view the mind is, the more problems it seems one has. If there isn’t free flowing unrestricted energy, almost everything is a problem in some way. I’ve seen this in myself and in others and it’s all because of a limited view (my way) caused by a locked in mind. I put my way in parentheses because if that’s the only view that’s being allowed, you can see how limited minded that makes you. A limited mind leads to a particular view and with one view there’s no space for the mind to expand. When you get locked in only seeing things one way you get limited to that way. Imagine going through life like this, it would mean the only way you would be content is if everything that happened was in line with your view, and we all know that’s not going to happen, not all the time anyway. So you better do whatever it takes to open your mind or you will pay dearly and so will those around you.

Close your fist as tight as you can and notice how there’s no space, that’s how a limited mind is, there’s no room for anything else. Keep it closed as tight as you can, now notice how it’s getting tired and you hand is starting to hurt, this is the energy you’re living with everyday, only it’s the mind and not the fist. It’s no wonder there’s no expansion, there’s barely enough space for mundane living. Now open your hand and see how it instantly relieves the limit. Open your mind in the same way and it will do the same thing. Give yourself the gift of an open mind and it will be the gift that keeps on giving because your view of life will keep on expanding…

Healthful Monday~ 07/13/2020

Today's Healthful-Amusement share worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts with! Self-care toward supporting a healthier mind and body in support of achieving and accomplishing further in your successes! I am simply here assisting you with better self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle. So, self-improve your overall well-being not just for yourself but for those you love. Besides, you'll surely achieve and accomplish more with a healthier better version of yourself! You deserve greater bliss and fulfillment~
So, invest in your education by increasing your knowledge regarding your health. Check out this bit of information I am sharing today, and learn more about what energizes you as you continue moving forward! This is just some info to assist you towards the better. Remind yourself that, "I deserve better moments of today for an appreciative yesterday as I create my ideal tomorrow! I deserve to enjoy every day that much more!"
CHEERS~ to your bliss everywhere in between your lessons and wins... 😉

#healthful #nutritionalguidance #selfhealing #vitamins #infographic

Understanding Why

The roots of our struggles go very deep, they’re not just at the level of how we behave, they’re rooted in the structure of how we think. If you don’t understand why this is so, nothing will ever change…

Changing your mental structure is like turning a battle ship, the intention to turn happens right away, but the turn itself is gradual. It’s as though you know you need to start turning right away, but you don’t understand why. Here’s what needs to be done if you’re to get in touch with breaking free of this mental structure. It’s really not complicated, when something is done understanding why is needed. No reason to go all the way back for a childhood reason, why it’s being done right now is sufficient. Here’s an example: in 1935 a man named Bill had a drinking problem. He was sober for six months when he went on a business trip which didn’t turn out in his favor. The ensuing thought that came to him was to get drunk, fear gripped him, but he was able to draw on the base of what he learned in the six months he was sober; to reach out to another person with a drinking problem. He did this and basically AA was started. This isn’t to say AA doesn’t do good things, it’s just to show how it could possibly be more effective in helping people.

I know this post will not sit well with some people, but that’s not really my concern. All that happened to this man Bill was a business deal went sour, nothing more. Why he wanted to get drunk wasn’t understood so a program was developed that could have been so much more effective if he understood why he wanted a drink when all that happened was things didn’t go the way that he wanted. If he understood this the situation would have turned out much different.

If the need to reach for something happens because life throws you a curve ball and you don’t understand why, you will use a distraction not to succumb to uncomfortableness, but you’ll never be free because you’ll never understand why the reaching was needed in the first place. If you don’t understand this you’ll just substitute one thing for another and in the process remain trapped to what’s causing the need to reach. You may not like this post and you may even ignore it, but don’t be surprised when life throws the next curve ball and you find yourself reaching for something; you just won’t know why you’re doing so…

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//13//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am letting go of all the old, negative beliefs in my way that prevented me from nourishing and flourishing in my success! I am breaking through old, destructive habits that have prevented me from proceeding and succeeding for the better! I am supporting all my actions that are aimed at reaching my goals and dreams! I am pushing forward, thriving on the good, and making things happen..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥 Empower your mind 😌🙏 with positive beliefs 😇🙏, a positive attitude 😁👌, positive behavior 👏🙃, & positive self~talk statements... 😎🗯 🗣🗝 Focus and keep going by staying on point!🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️Continue strongly & empowered with your awesomeness! 🤪🤜🤛😎 You deserve to enjoy this blessed life as you're meant to! 😇🙏🏼 Achieve and accomplish your dreams, goals, & plans as you're meant to! You have the right to succeed! ✍ 🏹 🎯 Make the best of your moments while looking forward enthusiastically! 👸🤴 Envision the results & outcomes you desire to realize in the flesh through the power of positivity. With an attitude of gratitude you'll surely attract, create & manifest your desired conclusions... 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🙄 ~ahhhhhh~ 🤩 Have faith, trust your awesome self & embrace the present gifted moments. 〰️Continue to empower through to satisfaction while enjoying yourself without hesitation. 💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to the betterment of a better future 😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Gratitude Sunday~ 07/12/2020

Gratitude check today! Another week beyond survival mode, but of thriving on all the good stuff! What are you thankful for and grateful for? Not only today but of this past week this month and of this year! Remind yourself of all that you are grateful for as you look forward to more of the same!
I am sharing this here to mindfully assist you beyond reminding myself of my blessings within and the added bonus of all that I have currently. There is no doubt that you have plenty to look forward to beyond today. Just as there is so much worth your thankfulness and so many deserve your gratefulness. If you have the power to worsen your life then you definitely have the power to better your life.
Additionally, you have much of your life ahead of you to appreciate and enjoy as you please. It matters to you, so enjoy yourself and make the best of the gifted present time frame serve your interests moment-in and moment-out as your success continues... Until next time, look forward to a better future as you continue thriving~ Remember, you have the power of will to design your future and the power of love to create your circumstances.
CHEERS~ to your great life continuing...

#gratitude #lawofattraction #gratefulness #thankfulness #goodvibes

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//12//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am a success magnet! I attract the good stuff! I continue to respect and appreciate myself, those around me, and the environment for the greater good! I am practicing gratefulness! I am exercising thankfulness! I am expressing my appreciation whenever possible! I continue to look forward to new doors opening for me while I make the best of it all..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💭 🗣👥Succeed with positive thinking 😌🙏, positive beliefs 😇🙏, positive attitude 😁👌, positive behavior 👏🙃, & positive self~talk statements... 😎🗯 🗣🗝 Stay on point, focus & keep going!🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️You're strong & powerful! 🤜🤛 No giving up on yourself, you deserve to enjoy this blessed life! 💑 🙏🏼 No quitting on your dreams, goals, & plans that you have the right to succeed with! ✍ 🏹 🎯 Think ahead & look forward enthusiastically! 👸🤴 Envision the results & outcomes you desire to create, manifest & attract into your life moving on... 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🙄 ~ah HAH~ 🤩 Have faith, trust your natural flow & embrace your authentic self. 〰️Empower through until satisfied & enjoy yourself without hesitation. 💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to the betterment of a better future for us all 😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Human Manifestation

Being human is the form in which our existence manifest so it shouldn’t be denied or ignored. If it is denied there will be suffering because one isn’t embracing the true essence of existence…

The essence of a spiritual life is to not deny being human, it’s to embrace our humanness and see it for what it truly is so you can learn how not to cling to the things that cause suffering. Why do we cling to things that seem as though they’re beneficial to us, but cause our suffering?This all starts with our thinking and ends up as whatever one clings to. Think of a thought as a bee which lands on your head, there’s not much of a problem with this. Clinging would be likened to the bee starting to build a beehive on your head, now issues would start to arise. And if the bee completed the hive and other bees came, it would be a major issue. This is what happens when there’s a thought and one clings to it, the thought itself isn’t an issue.

Thoughts aren’t right or wrong they’re just thoughts, but when you cling to them it reinforces human suffering because it blocks you from being in touch with your spiritual essence; therein lies the issue because when the human side is in total control it will only look for human answers, satisfactions, and solutions which aren’t beneficial. To err is human and one will err that’s a given, but when being human is clung to as the main reason of existence there’s much suffering. What it really comes down to is although our existence manifest as human form it shouldn’t be denied or ignored it should be embraced because if it isn’t there will be suffering because one isn’t embracing the true essence of existence…

Wellness Saturday~ 07/11/2020

Here today to wellness assist you to improve yourself for healthier well-being and lifestyle as you're meant to live a blissful life as your great life continues~
Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info for better care as you continue with your awesomeness. I hope this helps in better caring for your health and well-being for better moments today toward an ideal tomorrow because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~
CHEERS~ to better self-care and wellbeing...

Labeled Attention

Life isn’t the way it is because of what happens, it’s the way it because of the labeled attention that limits your view. If you can get beyond the labeled attention, you’ll understand just how limiting your labels are…

What the eyes see and focus on is very limiting, this doesn’t mean what is seen isn’t there, it’s just seen in the limited way the Conditioned Mind makes it out to be; the labeling process causes this. As soon as something is seen and the applied label is attached, therein lies the limit of your attention. From the names of people, to objects, feelings, and emotions, we‘ve been conditioned to think these are all needed, especially as the labeled attention is associated with who we think we are. It also affects you when someone labels you and it’s paid attention to it. This is all because of how the eyes see and take in the projected image; it’s as if there’s a person up in your head that takes what the eyes see and selects the label and where your attention goes.

This also applies to sounds, sounds like images are something that arise from the space of silence. The label of what is heard doesn’t enhance life, it actually diminishes it because it fills up the space of silence with noisy attention. This attention is our suffering because of the label that’s applied; this closes the heart. This is how most people are conditioned, but if you can get beyond the labeled attention you’ll understand how labels limit your life. I write a daily article, but there’s no label applied to it, it’s one of the reasons I’m able to write one everyday. The articles definitely exist, just not in the way they’re seen. Truth can only be experienced when one’s attention goes beyond the applied labels and that will only happen when you fire the person who is running the projector in your head so what the eyes see and what the ears hear isn’t given a label…

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am living an optimistic life with the Godgiven power I have within me! I am attracting success in whatever I do and when I spot opportunities I utilize them for the greater good! I am achieving my goals one after the other from this day to the next..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😎💬🗣👥You have the power to design✍your own life💯, to attract the things, adventures, people, and events you desire into your reality!🌎🌠 Optimistically believe🌝 in what you enthusiastically conceive🤩 within your mind.😌 Positively focus daily on what you desire to achieve in the flesh and to receive in your existence.😇 You're meant to accomplish your highly specific goals💯 and you're meant to become fully in tune🙏🏼😌 with the things you want to manifest.💯 So, positively believe😇🙏, positively envision😁👌, positively act👏🙃, positively behave🤠 & empower through🌅 for your successful outcomes and desired future💯💯💯💯
🥂CHEERS~ to the successful fulfillment of your goals & dreams~😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~

Self Help Friday~ 07/10/2020

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse! A friendly reminder to move forward with a better quality self version of you for you to benefit the most! Your success and bliss depend on the good of a mindset you’re supporting.
Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode to thrive. Strive confidently for all that you desire in your future. You deserve greater moments for greater days! Your success depends on you and no one else.
Keep empowering through until satisfaction is achieved as a great day continues~
CHEERS~ to your success…
#empowering #lifeguidance #selfhelp #quotes #selfaccountability

Self~Empowerment: Today's Positive Statement- 07//10//2020~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am embracing my challenges as opportunities for self-transformation, self-improvement, and self-growth! I am naturally healing and evolving when I am fully present in the moments without trying to change it or escape from it! I know every part of my story, every aspect of my journey, and every portion of my destiny is of importance to the whole of the greater good! I continue to make the most of my circumstances serve my livelihood for the greater good..."
to continue a greater life!💯💪
😍💬🗣👥Choose to be so strong that nothing disturbs your positivity🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️💫Use your power to be healthier & happier😇🙏🏼Benefit from your kindness & joy! Embrace & entertain yourself for the better! Make the best of your blessings & optimize the moments! Create good times to reflect on💯💯✍🏹 🎯Focus on the goodness your providing for others🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️💯💯Continue supporting the best version of you😌🙏by benefiting from positive beliefs😇🙏, positive thoughts😁👌, positive emotions👏🙃a positive attitude🤠 & positive treatment😎🗯 🗝🗣Do what you can to be inspired, aspired & motivated🤩🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️Empower your imagination to manifest your desired future💯💯👸🤴
🥂CHEERS~ to better moments today, tomorrow & beyond〰️😉

#selfempowerment #positivestatement . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire #motivate #bliss . #empower #selflove . #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove #selfconfidence . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selfmotivate #selfesteem . #selfbelieve #selfworth . #selfmaster #selfhelp . #selfrespect #selfawareness~