Sheep Mentality of "I"

There’s so much of a sheep mentality in our society that it’s almost impossible to break free. The reason addictions are so hard to break is because the thing addicted to is always focused on and not the sheep mentality of “I”…

The sheep mentality will pull you along as if you are a puppet on a string unless there’s some awareness that it’s happening. To me the only thing that allows this awareness are your thoughts slowing down enough to where there’s a millisecond of space between them; if this space is created the sheep’s mentality pull lessens. The only thing I’ve found that allows this space is discipline developed by sitting. It’s very important to understand this because people sit for hours with other intentions and the moment they’re finished, the sheep mentality thought of “I” takes over again. An understanding of this is beneficial because it allows for a clear vision which keeps the mind open to learn. If everything stays in the head as sheep intellect it’ll be difficult to break free from the energy this emits. The larger the group attachment the harder it is to pull away.

One example of this is from the Bible, the masses grew and grew as the Pharisees publicly tried Jesus. As more people were pulled into the sheep mentality, the energy to have him crucified intensified. If you research some of the conquerors of the past, you will see exactly how the sheep mentality works. As their reigns widened and their tyranny expanded, the sheep mentality deepened. There’s so much of this energy in our society it’s almost impossible to break free of it as it’s reinforced daily. Addictions are so hard to break free of not because of the things addicted to, but because of the sheep mentality of “I” that keeps it in place. This even includes those trying to help in the addiction field because the addiction is to “I” and the focus is always on the thing one is addicted to. Until “I” is addressed very few people will ever truly break free of any addiction because the sheep mentality won’t allow space between your thoughts as the sheep energy of “I” remains in control…

Beneficial Tools

Everyone uses the tools they think are beneficial or they wouldn’t develop them, but that doesn’t mean they are the most beneficial tools available. If a tool is truly beneficial it will never cause suffering to you or others…

You can only use the tools that have been developed to react to life situation. Whatever ones that have been developed to cope with life whether it be alcohol, drugs, anger, programs, therapy, medication, suicide, cutting, fantasizing, success, wealth, poverty, race, greed, envy, false pride, religion, tv, politics, sex, food, and so on, they are only used because they’re thought to be the beneficial. If the developed tools stop working, new ones will need to be developed. If no new ones are developed, the old ones will be used again and again, regardless if they were beneficial or not; there’s no way around this.

You’ll know when you are using the most beneficial tools available because they will never cause you or anyone else to suffer. What’s meant by a beneficial tool is reflected in the actions that you manifest. If there’s conflict within that causes conflict with others, something isn’t right. The beneficial tools will never cause conflict because that would equate to suffering. The gauge to see if the tools being used are truly the most beneficial available is in how much attachment one has. Attachment is the cause of all suffering so it’s a true gauge that can be used.

Self investigation is also a tool, matter of fact every reaction you have is the result of a developed tool. A beneficial tool will never cause suffering, this is a fact. It can’t because it’s based in the quietness of love. Tools that are based in attachment to satisfy yourself cause suffering and this occurs regardless if you think you’re using a beneficial tool. Love doesn’t attach or ever cause suffering, nor do developed tools, as long as they’re truly beneficial…

Clinging to Form

When there’s a need to reach for something because of a mind agitation it’s because you are clinging to form. Until this is seen you will remain clinging as you seek to quiet the mind agitation with the next thing reached for.

You will never find the peace you’re seeking if you’re clinging to form because the form seeking is why you’re not at peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are con you cling to form which makes you think peace is something outside of you. Unfortunately this clinging to form makes the very thing you are seeking impossible to grasp. This clinging is the reason you constantly reach for something from the outside, until this is seen you’ll remain clinging to a form that thinks peace is in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, religion, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, politics, and on and on, this reaching is proof that there’s clinging to form. I can’t stress this enough as this clinging to your form has to be seen if you‘re to experience true peace in your life.

It’s impossible to think your way to understanding this. What has to happen if there’s to be an understanding of this is why you cling to a form is because of the inability to just be. When the need to reach for something arises clinging to form begins. This clinging to form is a vicious cycle that’s very difficult to break. Breaking free of form and being at peace isn’t something attained or achieved so by doing less (detachment) peace is experienced. Too many people get lost (cling) trying to find peace through the attachment to form, but since it’s something that’s already within you, the clinging is a circle because it becomes about finding what’s already there. This is not easy to see, but it’s why I share so the clinging to form can be seen for what it is; the cause of why you aren’t at peace…

Clinging Prison

Whatever it is that you cling to, it becomes your prison. If you don't stop clinging so you can make room in your heart for love, you are the one who will suffer the most...

The choice to cling to things is the choice to suffer, the problem with this is there really isn't a choice because of the way one's Conditioned Mind is in control. Your suffering is inevitable because of the conditioned clinging that’s in place. If this is to change you will have to make room in your heart so the clinging is replaced by first stillness and then love. There's no way around this cling to whatever the flavor of the day, week, month, or year is, just understand when it passes something else will have to replace it. Today it's politics, tomorrow it's a co worker, traffic, or something else and the next day and the next and so on. This will never change until there is room in your heart for love. If you cling to individuals you don't truly have the space for a loving heart; this is strong language, but it's true.

Unconditional love can only be without one iota of conditioning. This is a truth the Conditioned Mind doesn't allow most to see. I can say I have love for all humanity, what I don't love is the conditioning, but I do understand it and I choose not to feed into its nonsense. To cling to things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are holding on to because it becomes your prison. Until this is understood you become the very thing that you show hate towards. This is a Universal Law; you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you. Think about it, how can you? Stop clinging and make room in your heart for love because if you don't, you are the one who will suffer the most by remaining in the prison of what you are clinging to...

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Lies or Truth

The mind is really very simple to understand, it can be split into two mind states, lies or truth; everyone who is alive will be guided by one or the other…

There’s a lot of thinking that goes on between the ears that determines what mind state you will be guided by, when it’s broken down you’ll be guided by either lies or truth. To me everything that happens is the result of previous conditioning so the results of living in a state of lies or truth are vastly different. This isn’t to apply a label that one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how truth produces results aligned with love, kindness, peace, harmony, joy, and lies aligns you with results of anger, greed, hate, unhappiness, discontent and so on. I had a mind state of lies for many years and this resulted in much suffering in the form of feeling isolated and alone most of the time. As a result of this I used many different things to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because not matter what the mind state of lies would always return.

Thirteen years ago I began understanding the different results of these two mind states and started developing certain things that put me more in line with truth. A mind based in lies is selfish in nature and produces selfish results, desirable results if you’re based in the lie of the material world. A mind of truth has no selfishness to it and the results are obvious. This doesn’t mean the lying mind is gone for good, but it does lessen to a large degree and hence there’s very little isolation or hate. If the difference of these two mind states aren’t seen it seems the mind state of lies controls more; it’s because of the lying influences of the material world that make this so. Even though by being alive you are part of the world when you finally wake up what’s seen is you don’t have to allow the selfish mind state of the lie to be your master…

When Life turns topsy-turvy

 Life has its own pace and usually takes its course, along with its ups and downs. When all is well, then you are content and satisfied with life and you look forward to your future, but, when suddenly everything turns topsy-turvy, then reality hits you and it hits you hard.

The pandemic came into my life, with the intensity of a hurricane, and blew me off my feet. It challenged my patience to such an extent, that I was at my wit's end and I did not really understand, what should be my next step. It took me a few months to actually understand what has happened and how I need to gather my courage and support my family in these times of extreme crisis.

Due to the pandemic, my kid's exams got canceled, my husband lost his job and things were getting from bad to worse. I was extremely frustrated and upset with this turn of events and I tried my best to comfort them and make them understand, that there is hope and all will be well. My health and my family's health were at stake and it seemed like, if I stepped out of my home, then I will be swallowed alive by this demon called Covid.

As time passed, things started getting better and life slowly started inching back to normalcy. By November last year, I was able to instill some hope in my kids and they got admission to their desired colleges. On the other side, I was constantly supporting my unemployed husband and comforting him, with a lot of hopeful words. Due to my tremendous faith in God, I could tide over this tough phase of life.

The past few months have taught me a very valuable lesson about life and that is, that life is very unpredictable and full of uncertainty. When I thought that all was well, my kids fell sick with covid. Then the travel plans of my kids, their visa, and other college formalities were doubt-ridden. My husband is still handling his new status of being unemployed. Due to these uncertainties and utter insecurity about the future, my attitude towards life has changed for good.

I have become way tougher now and I feel proud of myself, that I could steer my family and myself out of these rough times. I stood by them as a pillar of strength, despite the fact at times I used to feel weak and lost.

I have learned that, survive any such future challenging times, one should go with the flow and take each moment as it comes, and never lose hope.     

Inner Light Oneness

There’s a oneness that comes from a deep place, it’s not a place associated with any human activity, it’s a place which simply unites us all to the inner light of oneness…

In my experience the inner light of oneness cannot expand on its own, it needs others. Deepening a connection with others deepens the inner light of oneness which is what unites us. If oneness were to happen there would be no more greed, hate, or war because we would fall over each other in light; it’s in this inner light for each other that the magnificence of life is experienced. A majestic sunset, a cool summer breeze, the magnificence of the ocean, a starlit night, loving oneself and others is a oneness to all humanity, these are experiences from a deep place within.

I don’t know what life is about, but I do understand how a connection to others deepens our light; when this is experienced it leaves you speechless. For me because of others I have been speechless many times in the last thirteen years. I’m using the word light to describe this, but to feel this oneness words cannot truly explain it. I watch in awe as I’m speaking to someone and explaining what I went through as I see the inner light of oneness in their eyes; to me this is our light connecting. There’s oneness that comes from such a deep place; it’s not something that any human doing can make happen. Only when there’s a deepening connection with others will our inner light of oneness be seen by all humanity…

Mind Cooperation

If things aren’t done that allows cooperation with life, for it to change knowing why this is so is of the utmost importance. Knowing your own mind will go a long way in allowing this change to occur…

Just observe how the mind justifies everything it does. If it has never been trained to be still it will create problems just so it has something to do. It will say to do something and turn around and question why it was done. The Conditioned Mind should be treated as a separate entity as if it’s an enemy because upon further review it will be seen that it is to a degree, it’s not not truly the enemy, it’s the conditioning that’s the true enemy.

Self destructive behavior isn’t the true nature of the mind, it’s only conditioned to be this way and it’s the collective and the individual who consciously or unconsciously puts these habitual mind patterns in place; knowing your own mind is a way to undo what you yourself have done. This knowing of the mind is not about the great secrets of the Universe of becoming known, it’s about getting an understanding of why the things that are done don’t put you in cooperation with life. When this is known, why you respond to things a certain things will be known. After all if you don’t do the things in your life that allows cooperation with it, you should at least know why this is…

Stability of Quietness

The quietness that draws you to others is the quietness that becomes a part of both of you. The stability of quietness is the only true place of refuge where you can simply be an instrument…

It’s very important to be stable in quietness so people know there’s a place they can turn to for stability. I know many people read my articles and it’s expected they will be there, I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I’m truly honored to be used as an instrument in this way. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go and be safe from the unconscious world; it does matter where you go for stability. If you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like stability, but it isn’t. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day in a state of awareness, you will become stable in quietness and people will turn to you for stability.

Don’t be concerned with what others who are unconscious say, just be steady in what you know as quietness and let no one take that away. Being stable in quietness in a world that is mostly based in the ego will allow others to be stable in their quietness, which is needed for any transformation to occur. The quietness that draws you to someone becomes a part of both of you. Life is an experience and if you’re not learning from it you most likely have your own mind constructs of what you think it’s about. When you truly see your constructs are not needed they fall away. This falling away is of quietness and when you remain stable in this place others will also go there as it’s the one place of refuge where everyone can be stable by simply being quiet…

Opening Your Heart

Opening your heart to all beings includes yourself, so love yourself exactly as you are and understand if you don’t it’s only because of your conditioning that thinks you should be different…

Opening your heart to all beings is a decision you have to be conscious of if it’s to be put in place. There’s so much unloving energy around that if you’re not conscious of the energy to open your heart to all beings, the conditioning will sneak in and keep your heart closed; awareness is the key in allowing the heart to open to all beings. Mostly the unloving or closed energy in place is there without fully realizing it. You may have an inkling it’s there, but without having a good amount of discipline which allows the mind to settle, this energy will be in control, even if you don’t want it to be.

I know at times I do things that aren’t necessarily conducive to what’s beneficial, but they’re still done because of the conditioning in place. Since I’ve been sitting I’ve developed some discipline so many of the things that use to control me don’t control me any longer, and for the most I am aligned with behaviors that are not only for my betterment, but also for the betterment of humanity, but non beneficial things are still done even though I know better. It’s just part of the conditioning in place so I don’t fret over it. I’ve learned you can only do what you’re conditioned to do, and this won’t change until the conditioning changes. Opening your heart to all beings includes yourself, so love yourself exactly as you are and understand if you don’t it’s only because of the conditioning in place…

Tuned Instrument

Life can be totally of love when you’re aware of why it isn’t. Every instrument has the potential to play beautiful music, but it has to be kept tuned or the beauty of the instrument will be limited…

It’s a tuned instrument that allows you to hear the music of life, for with an untuned instrument all you would hear is noise. It’s true we all have our own journey and when the base of it is tuned with life, there’s unity. The only reason some don’t hear the music is because there’s an ignorance that keeps their instrument untuned and entrapped to a mind that’s been conditioned to only hear noise. Take the time to do what can be done to quiet the mind, your tuned instrument and the music will be heard. Not strongly at first, but as the mind becomes more settled the music gets louder and louder. It’s possible for everyone to hear the music, but unfortunately not many will get quiet enough to be a tuned instrument.

The Universe plays the music, we are but the tuned instruments. When it’s learned to do things that puts you in tune with life, the default setting of your mind will be based in love and the music will be heard; it will be beautiful. If your mind isn’t based in love than what’s heard from the instrument will be a sound that’s out of tune because it’s from a self-centered perspective; only noise will be heard. So be a tuned instrument that the spirit blows its breath through and all that will play through you is the music of love…

A River's Ride

Don’t blink because you’ll miss an opportunity to see the beauty all around you. Learn to enjoy the ride because one day your trip will end and when it’s over you want to be able to say “What a ride”

Life can be compared to taking a trip down a river on a raft. Even though there’s one river there are different parts of the trip; the beginning, the middle, and the end. At the very beginning you get a feel for the river, but even before beginning the trip you should know if there has been some previous rain, understand what the conditions will be like, also what the weather is and where the end is. I equate this to getting to know your own mind, the more this is understood the less surprises there will be. When the trip begins it’s usually very calm as you just float along with the current, kind of like just being along for the ride. As the trip continues there will be obstacles in place that will need to be dealt with, if they’re not it can damage or even flip the raft (self sabotage).

There will be times when there’s not much paddling because it’s calm and there will be other times when there are rapids and you’ll need to row and steer or possibly get sucked up by the river; life also does this as there are times when it’s seen as a burden. The most important thing to be done is to notice the beauty all around you, it’s a very big part of your trip. You don’t want to get all caught up in the rowing and destination and not see what’s around you. Never miss an opportunity to see the beauty around you. Learn to enjoy the ride because one day as with any trip it will end and when it’s all said and done, you want to be able to say, what a ride…

When I bring a smile

 Such  a beautiful day!

Just came out for a walk with my amour. Love her company and graceful gait. Feel so fortunate to have her in my life.

So, while walking down the street and enjoying the cool breeze, after morning rains, I glanced at a group of men, chatting away. They seemed to discuss something important, with tensed tones. I walked close to them with my amour following me, cautiously. I wondered what might be bothering those men and why were they tensed. I only hoped that by looking at me, I evoke a smile, so that their tension could go away for a second.

Nature is filled with the beauty of so many little things, which we can savor and enjoy, but these humans don’t understand. They get affected by trifling issues in their lives and fail to appreciate the beauty of Nature and life in general.

I enjoy the beautiful morning dew, the fresh crisp air, the blooming flowers, the green grass covered with fallen flowers, coated with the coolness of the early morning air. This beauty gives you a message, a message of peace and calmness. It tells you that when the various components of Nature like the trees, mountains, rivers, animals, remain unaffected by the vagaries of time and keep going despite any kind of challenges they face, in the same way, my dear humans, you need to be calm inside and remain unaffected, no matter what problems or issues you face in your lives.

I begin each day with a struggle to find food for myself and my cute little amour and feel fortunate, that at least this day has gone by, with a filled stomach!

I dont get affected internally by the struggle and quest for food each day, as I have to fight it out to find food. My spirits are undaunted and I never whine, when I dont get food. I happily do my job, content with whatever amount of food I get each day.

At the end of the day, I heave a sigh of relief and cuddle my amour and have a satisfied sleep, thinking that tomorrow will be another day, filled with the struggle to find food. I have to survive, so struggling is a part of my life, so I keep doing that with a calm mind.

Bringing a smile on the faces of humans, is something which makes me joyful, so, I will continue walking down the streets, with my head held high and naturally, if I chance to see any humans who are sad, I would love to evoke a smile and give them happiness, at least till the time, I am with them.

As, spreading joy is what I love doing and I will continue doing it all my life, whether it is among my own community of peacocks, or it is for the humans.

Inner Nudge

The  inner nudge that keeps you searching for something (peace) arises from the thought realm of “I”. Only when the mind of “I” is let go of will the inner nudge subside and lo and behold therein lies your peace...

Many people are on a so called spiritual quest to find something, for me this something was an inner nudge to be at peace; I say was because the nudge is no longer there. For far to many years I didn’t truly understand this inner nudge and so it was always there as was the searching to quiet it. This searching manifested in many different ways and none were beneficial. This is because of the way I was conditioned to self seek (quiet the nudge) which kept the nudge in place. What a hamster wheel ride this produced; hence there wasn’t much peace in my life. This lasted for forty nine years and one day through a tiny crack in my ego armor, there arose the possibility of a different view of life which was revealed to me and gave me some real answers as to the nature of the inner nudge.

Thirteen years ago what began as just a crack has been expanding ever since. For the most part the inner nudge is no longer there because it’s been replaced with peace. When the mind becomes agitated and the inner nudge does return because of Conditioned Mind Patterns in place, I’ve learned to see it from the “I” perspective that it arises from and not attach to it. Only attachment to “I” keeps the inner nudge in place so one has to search instead of being at peace. The search for peace will never result in peace because the search itself is what keeps you from experiencing peace. In this moment right now is where peace is; there’s no need to search for what already is. It’s only when the mind settles and “I” is let go of that your inner nudge will subside and lo and behold that’s when you will be at peace…

Desire Awareness

When something occurs desiring it different won’t change it. Desire is what causes the noise in the head and only when there’s awareness of trying to change the unchangeable will there be quiet…

It’s important to understand what the noise in the head is if it’s ever going to quiet and stop its incessant control. It may never quiet completely and that’s ok because it’s not about quiet so much as it is learning to be aware of the noise. You may say I’m always talking about the mind settling and quietness and now I’m saying learn to be aware of the noise, but that’s exactly the point. In learning to be aware of the noise the mind becomes quiet and somewhat settled. So many people try to quiet the mind and don’t realize the trying is noise. You will never quiet the mind, it’s just about impossible, but things can be practiced that allows awareness to arise. The most important part of this is to understand every thought is noise, thoughts of love – noise, thoughts of hate – noise, positive thoughts – noise, negative thoughts – noise, everything is noise until the time comes that the noise becomes quiet; not because it goes away, but because there’s awareness of it.

You see, not desiring things different is quiet, but most desire things as they are wanted and therein lies the noise in the head. Once something occurs no amount of desiring it different will change it. What you can do is establish a mindset that doesn’t desire things different. If you don’t you will remain in the discontent of the noise in the head that desires to change the unchangeable. So learning to be aware of whatever occurs is how the mind settles; until this happens the noise in the head will desire things different as it remains in control…

Conditioned Unrest

Nothing that happens in life creates inner unrest unless your own mind allows it. This is the insanity of a Conditioned Mind, its self destructive solutions are all from within and they take away your peace…

The bottom line for me is I’ve found a practical way to minimize the unrest in my life that caused my own destructiveness, which by the way was my own mind creating the unrest telling me it was needed to cope with life; a life that was controlled by a conditioned destructive mind set. My own mind created all the unrest that went on by choosing actions I thought I wanted to do, but my choices always caused unrest; I developed a mind that told me to do things that were destructive to my own well being. From relationships, to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and a slew of other things, nothing was ever chosen that was beneficial to my well being, it always seemed to cause more harm than good. How this mind set developed I’m not sure, but I do know this, it can be described as pure insanity.

Thirteen years ago although it wasn’t a white light experience, an inner urging occurred that was tired of all the unrest and destructive behavior. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I did know I needed to find a way to bring peace into my life. I don’t label what happened, there isn’t a benefit in calling it something, a label needn’t be applied to what happened. All that was needed to know then and all that’s needed to know now is my behavior which was once totally self destructive is no longer this way. This is why labels and what others do isn’t a concern of mine, because I know for years my own mind allowed these things to create unrest within myself and because of the shift that occurred there’s an awareness unrest doesn’t have to be created anymore.

Regardless of what it’s called or what attached label is put on it, the bottom line is this, when I have an issue with something it’s my own self destructive mind that creates unrest take me from my peace. And now because there’s awareness of this, if I don’t allow my mind to do this, unrest isn’t created and I have found without it I’m at peace, so again the bottom line is not to create unrest. All I ever wanted in my life was peace, but I didn’t know it was my own mind that was the cause of all the unrest…

The Only Thing There

As you become more and more anchored in the present moment, your created stories are needed less and less. Without a story, there’s a peace the mind settles into because it’s the only thing there…

Every existence is nothing more than the single purpose of the present moment. Your whole life is a succession of moment after moment. If you fully understands the present moment, there will be nothing else to do and nothing else to pursue. Unfortunately this isn’t the way it is for most, so the past and future are constantly drawn on to satisfy the mind agitation of not being in the present moment. Many different stories are used as an alternative to this way and it’s not my place to label them as anything. I’ve found something that works for me and that’s what is shared; it’s not a concern of mine if one agrees with what I share or not. I understand we all see things as they’re revealed to us, but people feel the need to tell me how their way is better. There is no right way, there’s living in a way that only benefits you and there’s living in a way that benefits all beings.

All I know is this, at one time my Conditioned Mind controlled me as if I was a puppet on a string. Because of this, I mostly lived a self serving existence and my life wasn’t much of a benefit to anyone. Thirteen years ago this changed and the things that I did began to benefit others. I know I write a lot about the Conditioned Mind, but it’s what was revealed to me so it’s what I share; it’s the only thing I can share. As I become more and more anchored in the present moment, the created stories are needed less and less; yours and mine. Without the attachment to my or your story, there’s a peace the mind settles into because it’s the only thing there…

Three Mind Views

Wisdom arises when you’re fully mindful because the distractions of the unwholesome mind view falls away; it’s in being fully mindful that the mind settles and a clear view is allowed…

There are three optional mind views that arise in each moment, wholesome, unwholesome, and neutral. The first description is the view of the unwholesome mind, this would be anything that leads to suffering. Wholesome mind views are those that lead to peace and joy. The wholesome mind doesn’t need a belief to be true, it just needs to be investigated to see the truth of the wholesome mind. The third mind view is probably the most difficult one because it’s strictly based in perception. It’s often confused with mindfulness. It’s neither wholesome nor unwholesome, its neutral. It arises for everyone in the present moment and its function is to recognize a particular object. This mind view interprets what arise by distinguishing the qualities of it, this is different for everyone. Think of a traffic light, whether it’s red, yellow or green, it doesn’t take a label to know what each color represents; there’s nothing inherently attached to any color, it just is. To some yellow means speed up, to others it means slow down; this is determined by perception.

These three mind views intertwine through mindfulness in some way. Ordinary attention, semi mindfulness (neutral) is like a cork in the ocean, it constantly wobbles. Focused mindfulness is like a rock, its has a non wobbling effect. Unwholesome mind views arise and are attached to and although one is mindful of this to a degree, it’s labeled and thus attached to unconsciously. It’s the focus of these mind views that determine their effectiveness. Being fully mindful allows awareness without needing a label. Being neutral allows you to recognize (perceive) but not necessarily be fully mindful. Wisdom arises when you’re fully mindful because the distractions of the unwholesome mind view falls away, it’s in being fully mindful that the mind settles which allows you see clearly. Wisdom isn’t something learned, it’s what arises when you’re disciplined enough to remain fully mindful in the present moment more often than not…

Unity With Yourself

In the space between your thoughts there is unity with yourself. The more space that‘s created, the more this unity infiltrates not only your life, but the life of others…

In each moment there’s a decision to be made and that is to either create a story about whatever is going on in the Conditioned Mind or to create space between your thoughts. These places of existence are vastly different on an individual and collective level. If the decision is to constantly create stories your mind will never settle and your true essence of love will not be allowed to infiltrate your life and the lives of others. This is the decision of most people because of the ignorance of your own conditioning; you can only do what you’re we taught. There’s nothing right or wrong in this, it’s just what’s in place. It will take much quietness to make a different decision, with the quietness affording an opportunity to wake up and become aware of your conditioning.

When you’re in unity with yourself you’re in unity with the Universe, with all of creation, with creation, and with all beings. Struggles are no more because after all they only struggle is with yourself. It’s the created story that causes your struggles so when space is created between your thoughts there is no story and without a story it’s impossible to struggle. In this space it becomes known that your struggles are just what’s created by a Conditioned Mind that has been in control for far to long. So when the decision is made to create the space between your thoughts, in it you discover unity with yourself, the unity of life and the unity of all creation…

Two Frequencies

Life consist of a lower and higher frequency and the one that’s most prevalent in your life is dependent on how much the master puppeteer ( I ) is in control. The less “I“ controls the less the lower frequency dominates…

There are two frequencies that you can live by; lower or higher. I know this now, but it wasn’t something I was always aware of. Thirteen years ago this changed because I become tired of being controlled by my lower frequency, which to me is to be controlled by the senses. This control keeps you in captivity to Conditioned Mind Patterns that lead you around as if they were a puppet on a string. The only way the higher frequency will be present is when these lower strings are cut. It’s unfortunate because this isn’t understood nor is the fact of who the puppeteer is; the puppeteer controls just about every human life form to some degree. The puppeteer is “I” and until this is realized, the strings will never be cut and “I” will continue its onslaught of control.

To me this is why it matters little what happens on the outside because mostly it controlled by “I”. It’s just the way it is, this isn’t isolated to only the US, look around and if the mind gets settled enough you will see this is the way of the world. It’s run by “I”, the people in their assigned roles are just puppets and until more people wake up the lower frequency will continue its dominance. The lower frequencies core behavior is greed, hate, and delusion, and at the higher frequency is love, kindness, and compassion, both of these can be added to accordingly. You can see the differences in the two frequencies and life manifests outwardly depending on which frequency is adopted. This is a very practical way of looking at this so it should be easy to see which frequency is dominating your life. If it isn’t your higher frequency only you can change it by cutting the strings of “I” and that’s only if it’s known “I” is in control…

When life turns topsy-turvy


Life has its own pace and usually takes its course, along with its ups and downs. When all is well, then you are content and satisfied with life and you look forward to your future, but, when suddenly everything turns topsy-turvy, then reality hits you and it hits you hard.

The pandemic came into my life, with the intensity of a hurricane, and blew me off my feet. It challenged my patience to such an extent, that I was at my wit's end and I did not really understand, what should be my next step. It took me a few months to actually understand what has happened and how I need to gather my courage and support my family in these times of extreme crisis.

Due to the pandemic, my kid's exams got canceled, my husband lost his job and things were getting from bad to worse. I was extremely frustrated and upset with this turn of events and I tried my best to comfort them and make them understand, that there is hope and all will be well. My health and my family's health were at stake and it seemed like, if I stepped out of my home, then I will be swallowed alive by this demon called Covid.

As time passed, things started getting better and life slowly started inching back to normalcy. By November last year, I was able to instill some hope in my kids and they got admission to their desired colleges. On the other side, I was constantly supporting my unemployed husband and comforting him, with a lot of hopeful words. Due to my tremendous faith in God, I could tide over this tough phase of life.

The past few months have taught me a very valuable lesson about life and that is, that is, that life is very unpredictable and full of uncertainty. When I thought that all was well, my kids fell sick with covid. Then the travel plans of my kids, their visa, and other college formalities were doubt-ridden. My husband is still handling his new status of being unemployed. Due to these uncertainties and utter insecurity about the future, my attitude towards life has changed for good.

I have become way tougher now and I feel proud of myself, that I could steer my family and myself out of these rough times. I stood by them as a pillar of strength, despite the fact at times I used to feel weak and lost.

I have learned that, survive any such future challenging times, one should go with the flow and take each moment as it comes, and never lose hope.     

A Brighter Light

Our inner light shines to the brightness of the degree of our surrender that allows loving energy to be our guide. The deeper the surrender the brighter the light for people to see…

For many years I wandered aimlessly through life controlled by a Conditioned Mind that led me around like I was a puppet on a string. My entire existence was based on a self-serving agenda and until this changed nothing was going to change. Society is out of control because of this self-serving agenda.

Until a person understands how conditioned and controlled they are by a self serving agenda and that it’s their own mind that makes this happen, nothing will change regardless of what’s done to try and wake up a person. I am not sure if anything can be done to instill this change in a person, but we must try. Although it has to come from within the individual, the seeds must be planted or there won’t even be the chance for someone to change.

I can love the person by understanding the conditioning is not them. This may not change them, but at least I will not be pulled into their conditioned world; I could write another book on this pull alone. Watch very closely how subtle the Conditioned Mind is. I know for me it’s not my responsibility to change anyone, but I have an obligation to share because of the insight that has been revealed to me; through my change others change. Not because of me, but because of the degree of surrender that allows loving energy to be my guide. All I can do is be willing to keep looking within to expand this surrender so the light people see shines brighter…

Operating Energy

When you’re not being controlled by outside things therein lies your freedom, but it isn’t freedom because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s freedom because you’re with life as it is…

The operating energy that controls your life makes life what it is, but it doesn’t truly make life what it is, it makes YOUR life what it is. Until the operating energy in place puts you in harmony with life, there won’t be any and hence your life will be as it is because it’s the way you’re making it. It’s actually a beautiful thing when you become aware of this because it puts your life in your hands; there’s nothing more a person could want. When you’re not being controlled by outside things therein lies your freedom, but it isn’t freedom because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s freedom because you’re with life as it is.

What happens with the mind that has operating energy not based in love is it gets hijacked by its own conditioning as you are held hostage by your own mind. I know this sounds crazy, but this is exactly what happens and it’s all because of the operating energy based to self serve. When the operating energy in place is controlled by a me, me, me mind, chaos is the norm or so it seems, but it’s only because of the chaotic operating energy. When the operating energy transforms the craziness subsides. When you sit and see what the base of your actions are, you just may be able to change them. It will take some time though because of the operating energy in place, but the alternative is to remain as you are being controlled by operating energy that holds you hostage…

The Enemy Within

The ego creates the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind. When there’s light shed on this ignorance is no more and the ego no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer considers itself an enemy.

Understanding the different thoughts that arise and seeing why some are defended and some are just let go of has immense value in learning to understand your mind. You’ll want to develop some sort of practice that’s going to assist in differentiating what thoughts are beneficial. The ego is “I” and when “I” feels threatened it will defend itself with whatever tools it has developed to do so. These tools aren’t only used to defend itself against others, they’re also used to defend itself against itself. They’re the only reason a person reaches for something and it’s strictly because they are defending themselves from a threat that comes from within. This “I” is the cause of every addiction and of all conflicts, without “I” you still exist, it’s just not in the way the ego makes it seem.

When you can see the truth that “I” (ego) is your only enemy, when a threat presents itself there’ll be no need to defend it because it will be seen you’re only defending yourself from yourself. There’s no suppressing this, nor anything else that arises because suppressing or pushing away is an action that deepens the egos control. To me awareness of an “I” existence is the beginning of it relinquishing its grip. In acknowledging it’s there, control dissipates somewhat, this happens when the energy of attachment is taken away. Never deny what’s there, just be aware of it and watch it dissolve on its own. The ego lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind, but when there’s light shed on this ignorance is no more and the ego no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer considers itself an enemy…

Fuel of Emotions

No emotion arises on its own. Many things provide the fuel for an emotion, but it’s always “I” energy that’s at the core. No matter what happens an emotion can’t arise independent of ”I”…

No emotion arises on its own. There has to be fuel (attachment to “I”) for the emotion to arise. Many things provide the fuel for this emotional attachment to take hold, but it’s always “I” energy that’s at the core of any emotion. Take a look at the emotion of anger, it doesn’t exist on its own. No matter what happens, anger will never arise independent of ”I”. You cannot be angry without the attachment of “I” so it’s always “I” that provides the fuel for anger to rear its ugly head. The thing about this is conditions have to be a certain way that allows anger, without the conditions being a certain way anger would never arise; it can’t.

I’ll use the example of a forest fire, it too needs conditions to be a certain way for it to ignite; it needs air, heat, and fuel. A forest fire just can’t happen without one of these elements. It needs fuel first of all plus it needs the other two elements in order for the fire to ignite. This wouldn’t even be an issue if it just rained so a forest fire is contingent on conditions being a certain way in order for there to be a fire. This is no difference with emotions, in this case anger. Something happens and the anger is furled by “I”. If there wasn’t attachment to “I” prior to something happening, the emotion would fizzle out. It would be as if it was raining in the forest; you never hear of forest fires in the rainy seasons and that’s because conditions simply don’t support it. Anger is being used here, but this is the way it is with any emotion. Without certain conditions being met there may be fuel, but if “I” isn’t the energy in play, the emotion simply will never arise…

Open Mind Expansion

The expansion of the mind is only limited by the view of life you get locked into. When the mind opens its expansion is possible because the closed mind limits vanish…

The tighter the grip you have of your views the more problems you will have. If there isn’t openness energy, almost everything is a problem in some way. I’ve seen this in myself and in others and it’s all because of a closed mind view (my way) caused by a tightly gripped mind. I put my way in parentheses because if that’s the only view that’s being allowed, you can see how closed minded that makes you. A closed mind leads to a narrow view and with a narrow view there’s no space for the mind to expand. This locks you into only seeing things one way and you
get limited to that way. Imagine going through life like this, it would mean the only way you would be happy is if everything was in line with your view, and we all know that’s not going to happen, not all the time anyway. So you better do whatever it takes to open your mind or you will pay dearly and so will those who are in contact with you.

Close your fist as tight as you can and notice how there’s no space, it’s tight and there’s no room for anything else. Keep it closed as tight as you can, now notice how it’s getting tired and your hand is starting to hurt, this is the energy you’re living with everyday, only it’s the mind that’s tight and hurting. It’s no wonder there’s no expansion, there’s barely enough space for ordinary living. Now open your hand and see how it instantly relieves the tightness and hurting. Open your mind in the same way and it will do the same thing. Give yourself the gift of an open mind and it will be the gift that keeps on giving because your view of life will keep on expanding. You deserve it, after all this is your life…

Mind Agitated Lies

Truth makes a person look within; all sorts of things arise when this happens. This is because the mind is agitated and it wants to create a lie to avoid the truth…

It’s unfortunate, but most people live a life consumed by a lie more so than truth. They believe they’re living by truth, but upon further investigation this fallacy can be seen. On the outside the lie seems so much better and this is what keeps a person locked into it, but this is only because of your conditioning that makes it seem better. The truth will make you look at yourself, all sorts of things arise when this happens. Without this understanding the truth will be avoided as if it was a real virus. Becoming aware of the lies so truth can be revealed is essential in understanding yourself. Sit with the assumption that you will sit in stillness and watch how little stillness there is. Just sit and be with whatever is there, that’s where stillness is. When the mind isn’t looking for anything but what’s there, it’s still.

Only an agitation causes the mind to create a lie, only with being with the agitation is the mind settled. This doesn’t mean you don’t make changes, but when changes aren’t necessary the mind is settled. This is why I don’t share about positive versus negative, because if it’s negative and you want something positive, it’s no different than if you are positive and you don’t want anything negative. An agitated mind is a mind that needs things to be a certain way whether it’s positive or negative. This is the agitated lie, the truth is nothing needs to be different, the mind will settle when life is accepted as it is, positive, negative, or neutral…

Conditioned Opinions

An opinion is nothing more than a made up story from a mind conditioned to self serve. There’s no truth to an opinionated story because there isn’t anything factual to back it up…

Life happens and it’s interpreted through conditioned opinions. For me, it is very difficult opinions serious because of their nature. There are so many stories made from opinions, where it becomes humorous is because opinions really have no value. People think they do and will state them adamantly, but they don’t. They are given more credibility and have more affect on things the higher the position one has in society or is held in esteem, but the value of any opinion should always be questionable because they are all derived from someone’s Conditioned Mind, not from facts. I know this was how most of opinions were formed, there wasn’t much facts in them, and whether it was an opinion about a person, place, or thing, it really only had value to me because my conditioning was based to self serve; my opinions were all created from a self serving thought base.

This self serving opinion based process took years to develop. When something occurred it was placed in a category of like or dislike as quickly as it occurred. There wasn’t a thought process to this, it just went automatically in it’s conditioned assigned category. All opinions are valueless even though a person may think theirs matters, but they don’t because there’s no truth to them. When something isn’t based in truth, its pretty much valueless. So form your opinions and make decisions based on them, but don’t be surprised when things remain the same because not much can change if most of your decisions are made from an opinion base lie instead of one of factual truth. Don’t take things to serious and enjoy all the humorous opinions, it’s truth that sets you free; without it your self serving truthless opinions remain in control…

Liberating Focus

Your focused energy determines how existence manifest. If you’re constantly focused on yourself, your actions will be selfish. If you possess the whole world, but aren’t liberated from yourself, you’ll remain in captivity…

For me the key to being liberated from the captivity of self is turning my focused energy away from greed and lustful thoughts. When the mind gets stuck in these thoughts, to be liberated it needs to become unstuck. What makes it get stuck is energy mostly focused on satisfying self in some way. Pay attention to the sensations of the body, mind, and mental formations. This is a direct path to how one becomes liberated from suffering.

Liberation from suffering is not pain free, it’s learning to be with the pain that arises. You cannot hide from what’s happening, you can only divert your focus away from it. To not have your energy engaged in satisfying the self is where the path of liberation leads to. How this is done is by stopping the focused energy of self and focusing it towards what will liberate you. The self is there and it has been given a name, it also has many other labels attached to it, but there’s bondage because of the mere fact of the attachment it has to itself. Liberation is in understanding the lies of self, it isn’t in creating a concept or belief in something.

You can only be free when focusing on what allows freedom, but it’s tricky because of the mastery of the Conditioned Mind. Constant vigilance is needed for the liberation from self. You’re alive so you exist, but it will be your focused energy that determines the extent of the liberation you have from self and that will be the determining factor of how your existence manifest…

Energy of Now

Now energy is naturally free flowing because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make it different. Future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate Now…

Being aware of Now as it happens minimizes the future stories that are needed to make life a certain way. Awareness stops this story and allows the freedom of Now, this becomes the beautiful view of what actually is. After all wanting Now different is where all future discontentment arises from. When you’re simply aware of what arises there isn’t a need for a future story and selfish energy doesn’t come into play; this allows the love of your heart to naturally become the beautiful operating energy of life.

Future energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for a natural flow of life’s energy; you become entombed in the energy of the future. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow of Now as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why this future energy causes issue is because it bombards Now with an unnatural energy flow and doesn’t allow harmony. Now naturally free flows because there’s no resistance, there’s no needing it different. Future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate Now so what’s there is resisted to the point where the natural flow of Now energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there’s no future energy here, there’s just the energy of what occurs Now…

Lure Of Pleasure

The most important thing to understand about the lure of pleasure is the less you’re attached to “I” the less you’ll be lured in and it’s because without “I” there’s no one who needs the next pleasure…

The lure of pleasure is so enticing because it actually feels good and this is why it’s so powerful. There’s only issue with this because of the impermanent nature of pleasure. It simply will not last, it has no staying power so some other pleasure will be needed almost immediately following the attainment of each pleasure. Think about it, with all the pleasures that have been attained throughout your life regardless of what it was, it doesn’t bring the pleasure now that it brought at that time, and most times even if the same exact pleasure is physically repeated it’s not as pleasurable as the first experience. I used so many things as I was lured in by my pleasure seeking conditioning, but it was never lasting, the enticement of the next needed pleasure always arose. This went on all the time, attaining one pleasure after another and never being satisfied.

I’ve come to understand this lure of pleasure as the main reason people start using and become addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, money, tobacco products and an array of other things. If pleasure wasn’t sought, nothing would be reached for so there would never be an addiction nor any issues, but unfortunately the lure of pleasure has its way with people. It’s deeply ingrained in the subconscious and has been in place since our existence began. I know this lure of pleasure is what was controlling me for forty nine years and it was directly associated with “I”. Without “I” no one is there to be lured in. Even with this understanding the lure of pleasure doesn’t just disappear, but it does subside somewhat. To me the most important thing to understand about this is, the less one is attached to “I” the less one will be lure in and it’s because without “I” there’s no one who needs the next pleasure…

Human Observations

 Life is full of observations of varied kinds. My observations are about people, incidents involving humans, relationships, moods, family dynamics, the realities of life, and a host of other things, which are infinite. The depth of my observation can be measured with my opinion of a particular category. The best part is that when I observe people or a particular person, I see the person as a whole, and at times and feel the purity of the soul of that person!


The most interesting category of my observations is human beings. I thoroughly enjoy scrutinizing the various nuances of humans. They are very intriguing and forever changing, according to their emotions and circumstances, while, on the other hand, some humans remain rigid and averse to any change, with time. Each person has layers and layers of personality, which carry various dark and bright shades. I see through these shades by a mere look at them and understand the kind of person he/she might be. That is the fun part, of observing humans, as I am absolutely amazed by the variety and uniqueness of each person. Their personality is clearly depicted by their mannerisms, whether they are in a group or present themselves individually.

Humans as a whole interest me, as they are so complicated, yet so simple, now that might be a contradicting statement, but, that is a fact, as humans are an enigma, they are an amalgam of a host of personality components that are not only intriguing but mind-boggling as well. Now you will ask me, "What is your observation about humans?" Well, that is an interesting question! The answer is any normal human being is a balance of his emotional, mental and spiritual quotient. Those who are able to balance these three intrinsic components of their personalities, turn out to be successful and lead a peaceful, content, and satisfying life, while those who are not able to strike a balance between these three components lead a life of discontent and constant mental strife. Their outward appearance shows their balanced or imbalanced attributes.

Family Dynamics

Family dynamics emerge out of relationships and internal family politics. It is all about who takes control as the head of the family and who follows the leader of the family. Those who quietly appease the head of the family and suppress their own wishes and desires for the sake of family peace and just live their lives according to the head of the family, just live their lives in his/her fear. They don't have the guts to rebel against the leader of the family, even if he/she is wrong. But, those who are rebels, or are the black sheep of the family, tend to rebel against the head of the family and go their own way and lead their lives independently.

Incidents involving Humans

When I observe incidents involving humans, I see numerous aspects of humans altogether! These incidents can take place in a marketplace, a friend's party. an office gathering or something which happened at the roadside! Humans amaze me when, constantly, in different scenarios, different incidents take place. I wonder at times, that have I really seen it all, in this huge Kaleidoscope of the human population? Incidents can be like these, like the other day I saw a middle-aged woman being chased by an aged psycho, in a bustling marketplace! No matter what she did, she could not shoo him away, till she sat in her car! In the same way, I saw a hassled mother trying to feed her erratic toddler in a restaurant. She was controlling her anger and going about her business patiently and made sure to feed her kid, despite stiff resistance! 

There was another incident, where I saw a group of youngsters on the roadside having a heated argument and I could clearly see a spew of emotions and tempers flying in the air! I was astounded to see one thing, which amused me no end and that was, that there was one girl, a young sprightly girl. who was pitted against a whole group of eight gutsy guys! After a fifteen-minute squabble, all of those guys finally seemed to listen to her and accede to her wishes. After she finished what she had to say, the boys demurely went back to business. 

Observing such an incident in the busy bustling streets of India, where the guys were literally defeated at the hands of a young girl, made me feel very proud of her. I think she was warning those guys to not do something, as she undeniably did not like it and had to put her foot down, maybe it was a personal or a professional issue. Such incidents bring out the character of humans and I love making a mental note of them.


 When I scrutinize relationships, then, I feel, that they are the most beautiful set of bonds among humans. They are the binding force, the soul of humanity, as a whole. Those who are are able to sustain their relationships and are able to nurture their bonds are able to lead a life of fulfillment and satisfaction.  

Each relationship, whether it is a parental bond, a bond of friendship, a sibling bond, or any other bond for that matter, is a complex mixture of emotions. Once these relationships are formed, they grow and mature with time. The most important aspect that I have noticed, in any relationship, is the effort that goes into sustaining it for a lifetime! 

  Parents need to constantly work towards providing healthy and all-around growth for their children and at the same time change their parenting techniques according to the times, otherwise, they face a huge communication gap, with their kids. Friendship is a bond, that is the best relationship of all, as it doesn't have rules and it is full of affection and care. Mutual respect plays an important role in any friendship. Sibling bonds are again the cutest of all, as siblings grow up together, share the most cherished moments together and when they are adults, their mutual fondness grows by leaps and bounds, and certainly for any person, when it comes to his/her sibling, blood is thicker than water, no doubt!


Mood. What is a mood? Well, moods can be of a group or of a person. Moods create a vibrancy a defining character to any person or a group. Moods can again be varied, they can be filled with joy and enthusiasm, or they can be morbid and outrightly sad. Moods give a vibe to any person, a positive or a negative vibe, and his/her outside appearance exudes that vibe. The internal moods of any group or person create auras and these auras form positive and negative clouds around them. Moods are like waves that have higher crests when a person feels positive, happy, and full of life and they have lower crests, when they feel low and lost and have less hope and are filled with sadness and desperation. Moods permeate and seep into each group or person and according to my observation, moods define their basic essence and character.

Realities of Life

Now, coming to my observation of the realities of Life. I would honestly like to ask this question to all my readers, that how many of you are acquainted with the realities of life? What are they? How do you say in an assertive and affirmative way, that I am aware of the realities of Life? I would love to answer these questions, by saying that those people, who go through the vagaries of life and struggle through numerous challenges and ultimately emerge victorious, know the reality of life. 

The reality of life is that nothing comes easy. Each person has to strive to achieve success in whatever he/she does and this is true for everyone, whether they are rich or poor, or belong to any community. Another most prominent reality of life is that suffering is an integral part of our lives. Sufferings are like the tests of God. They come in phases. Normally we suffer for a fixed amount of time and if we have the conviction to surmount the miseries and fight it out, we come out victorious! Each human faces these phases of suffering and how his/her life shapes up. totally depends on how they bravely battle it out and emerge victorious. The reality of life is that one must go with the flow and take life as it comes and be totally prepared for any eventuality. We have one life and we should strive to live it fully and savor every moment of it.

Phew! This blog has certainly turned out to be lengthy, but, I tried to put nearly all my observations, in relation to this interesting category of humans, in one blog. I hope you enjoy reading it, as I enjoyed writing it.