Be in the world, but not of your thoughts. Understanding what it means to be controlled by conditioned thoughts is the only way you will ever break free from their conditioned grip. What is the conditioned grip? Think about this, is there anything in your life you have done that gnaws at your very being, something you regret either having done or having not done? A deep regret that stays with you and you can’t seem to let go of. Why do you think this is? It isn’t happening now, but yet there it is like it happened yesterday. These conditioned thoughts take on many forms, but the common link is although we use different stories to make up our life we hold onto them for “I” identification purposes. No matter what it is that our Conditioned Mind uses, it’s the same prison for everyone. We get locked into a conditioned grip which actually chokes the life out of us. Not physically, but by keeping us mentally locked in the prison of our thoughts that doesn’t allow us the freedom to experience how life truly is. It’s a prison that tells us our head knows better than our heart.
Never, never, never, hesitate for one second to listen to what your heart tells you. Your heart will never lead you astray; integrity comes from the heart. Never give into the worlds pressures, it only offers rewards of emptiness. That’s why most people aren’t satisfied, because they listen to what their thoughts tell them. They put all their eggs in one basket, the basket of the thought and no matter how full it gets, it’s always empty. We know a lot intellectually, from our head, but we don’t know very much when it comes to living from our heart, and until we understand this, we will be controlled by our conditioned thoughts and will remain in the prison of their conditioned grip…

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