I know we like to hear about God, gratitude and love when we talk about life, but ask the family of a heroin addict who has died from an overdose if there is a God, love or anything to be grateful for. It’s very difficult to have answers about this, but you can’t just sit back and allow things to remain the same. To carry a message of consciousness to an unconscious world is a very frustrating challenge. I don’t profess to be a know it all, but I know what I know and it’s not really understood by most people.
I read an article about a young women who got out of rehab and in five days she was dead from an overdose. Things like this just don’t happen, there’s a reason for it. The first thing needed to address is the rehab failed. Someone has to be accountable and it has to fall on the facility that has the responsibility of teaching the individual about their addiction. The rehab takes peoples money and if the person relapses or dies that means the rehab has failed, but they don’t give the money back, they just blame the individual. It’s a win win situation for the rehab. If the person recovers they take the credit, but you never hear them take the blame. It’s all about profit. This has got to change. People are dying everyday, not because they’re doing drugs, but because they aren’t taught why they need to do drugs. You can look the other way if you want, but understand you are part of the problem…

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