Altering Your Conditioning

The only way to alter the Conditioned Mind is to have something in place that will allow it to be altered. This is where discipline comes in because without it there won't be awareness of what needs altering...

Watching television is not my favorite way to past time, but the other night I caught the last hour of a show. When it was over I began looking for something else to watch. Twenty seconds on one channel, ten seconds on another, five on another, than another and another, you get the picture. It’s amazing how we stay fixated on something, in this case the TV when it comes to the mind. We're so reluctant to alter the conditioning even though we’re going round and round in circles. Actually what's on the TV (the fixation) is mostly reruns, yet we'll watch the same channel (thought) over an over. Even though there are many channels (thoughts) we get stuck on the TV and don't know how to alter this.

Think of something you get fixated on and see how hard it is to alter your mind when it gets you in its grip. Unless there's awareness of this altering your conditioning will be just about impossible. The only way to alter the Conditioned Mind is to have something in place that will allow it to be altered. This is where discipline comes in because without it there won't be awareness that something needs altering. It may be a repeated thought disguised with many different labels, but it's still an old thought. Watch the subtleness of this and in time you’ll see the mind for what it is and how it likes to default to what’s familiar. The issue is you can get so comfortable with this that it's not realized the conditioning needs to be altered; this realization will only occur if you have something in place that's worth altering to...

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Inner Unrest

All unrest arises from within yourself. Without silence the mind that’s full of unrest won’t have any peace provided so you will have to look externally and constantly seek to quiet your inner unrest…

All inner unrest is ego based because it comes from the Conditioned Mind. If you’re in a state of unrest with what’s going on right now that arises from within you; what’s happening doesn’t cause it. It doesn't matter if you agree with what’s happening, just understand if there’s unrest that it comes from within you, not from what’s happening. We love to point outside ourselves for our own self created unrest; the only reason this is so is because of the lack of understanding of our own mind.

Nothing causes unrest unless it’s allowed. If you can change something change it, but if it’s being changed just because you don’t like it, it needs to be looked at why there’s unrest to begin with because even if the thing is changed, you will just move on to the next thing that will cause unrest once again.

Everything that I have come to understand over the last thirteen years has arisen from the silence within myself. It has been through this silence that the real cause of unrest has arisen directly from my own inner self. I can't explain anyone else's unrest because the one who has unrest is the one who has to see it; I do not have your answers because I do not have your unrest. Everyone has their own unrest. Although truth is the same for all beings, how one comes to its understanding is from within. When one sits in silence, revealed is why there’s unrest; this is when the unrest within yourself and with the world will be no more…

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Completeness Chase

The tools you learn to use to provide completeness will be what becomes your chase. It's not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if what you’re chasing will truly provide the completeness you think it will...

The biggest misunderstanding of my writings is that the view of life I have today is the view I always had. To me, whoever is looked upon for inspiration or whatever, it should be noted that most likely they didn't always see things as they do now. I have the benefit of viewing life in two drastically different ways, it's where my insights arise from and the reason why I see what I see. Having lived unconsciously for forty nine year is actually my greatest asset. When I write about something it's always from a lesson I learned from chasing completeness. It's never about being smarter or knowing more than anyone else, but what is there is there and it's what's shared. When I talk about quietness or stillness it's because I lived a life of noise. When there's talk of attachment, it's because attachment was my master.

Everyone has life experiences which are learned from and what's learned determines how you live today. If it's learned that money is needed to be complete that will be your chase. It's not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if the chasing is true. Would money really make everything better? Substitute money with anything. For me I went through a life of much suffering, always chasing completeness; today I see this for the lie that it is. When I write something it's because I can see the chasing completeness prison I was stuck in and I have been provided with a view of true liberation. I'm very direct in my approach in explaining my experience, but I'm not insensitive to anyone else's view, it's just that I've been where most people are and I can see the lies that far too many people chase after and get stuck in...

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Attached Thoughts

It's important to notice your thoughts because even if what you do comes from a labeled place of love, this label produces the bondage of an attached thought which controls you like all attached thoughts...

If you can't watch your own thoughts to decipher if they’re truly beneficial, hold on because you'll be taken on the emotional ride of life. Not that life does anything directly to you, but the thought that arise determine the emotion. Noticing your attached thoughts is essential if you’re not to be controlled by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will occur. As far as I know there's no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that noticing them allows for a split second of hesitation that can be used to decipher whether or not the thought is beneficial; remember attachment causes suffering, no matter how it’s labeled.

The Conditioned Mind is diabolical and unless there's some awareness of how you are led around by your thoughts you will be controlled by them as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this control that even if you are doing things that are labeled as loving, if this thought isn’t watched it will control you because attachment is attachment regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is diabolical because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to remain in control. This is also why it's so important to notice your thoughts because even if what you do comes from a labeled place of love, the bondage this produces is that of an attached thought which controls you like all attached thoughts...

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Made Up Scenarios

Because of the way a person becomes conditioned, life is lived through made up scenarios that fit into certain spots, and because of this one is constantly making up scenarios thinking it will make life better…

The issue with having to constantly need life a certain way that makes it supposedly better is it's all made up. Even if there’s some semblance of contentment with these made up scenarios the mind immediately looks for more. Life is continuous, it's broken up into segments (made up scenarios) by a mind that's in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn't true life would be seen as complete and you wouldn't constantly need to make up scenarios to your liking. This isn’t a right or wrong thing, it's done because the mind has been trained to do instead of be and it needs things a certain way.

The Conditioned Mind sees made up scenarios in just about everything. Sweets, drugs, alcohol, gambling, success, porn, the shortest line in the supermarket, politics, God, religion, programs, diets, degrees, to do list, and so on, all these made up scenarios are done to satisfy the Conditioned Mind; this makes one think life will be perfect. Let's say everyday there’s a made up a scenario, that would mean I made up roughly 22,600 of them (365 x 63) all for the purpose to have life the way I think it should be. After all nobody intentionally gets in the longest line at the store, but even if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to make up a scenario to make life better…

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State of Awareness

Everything arises from silence, but not everything is heard because of the lack of awareness. Freedom from mind noise can happen, but only when there’s listening from a state of awareness…

It matters little what is heard, but how you listen does matter in the sense if it comes from a state of awareness. There's all kinds of noise swirling all around most of the time, but what's mostly heard is labeled from mind agitation impulses and opinions. Freedom from the noise can happen, but only when it's learned how to truly listen, and you can only truly listen from a state of awareness; this is when one truly hears. This state of awareness arises from silence, there's nothing to think about in this state. A bird chirping, a train blowing its horn, a plane, a waterfall, the ocean, all sounds can be heard, but as with any sound they can annoy you or the can anchor you in the present moment. There's so much noise that goes between the ears, but it has nothing to do with the sounds heard.

Everything arises from a state of silence, but not everything's heard from a state of awareness. As I was away the other day, listening to the ocean from my hotel room the room next door was having a party. There was loud music being played which disturbed my so called serenity. Immediately I took a deep breath and realized that although I was enjoying listening to the ocean, I wasn't in a state of awareness. If I was when the sounds changed from what arose from the silence, in this case the party, I wouldn't have been disturbed. One deep breath showed me this, and it allowed me to be in a state of awareness to the sounds that were there in the present moment instead of giving into the mind agitations of my impulses and opinions of wanting things different…

Habitual Energy

Most reactions that occur in life are from habitual energy and put in place by your own conditioning. If your life becomes bogged down it’s your own habitual energy that makes it so...

Although things may appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when habitual energy is brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes habitual and is stored as energy to be used at particular times; this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be reacted to; habitual reactions are formed in this way.

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Marketing uses certain tools which they know are going to sway people in certain ways. Stores know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so habitual energy is triggered .

This goes on constantly because of the way the Conditioned Mind uses habitual energy. If you had no previous conditioning, none of this would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living from habitual energy is to a develop a way to be anchored in the present as much as you can because the more you’re present in the moment the less habitual energy there is. When this occurs there’s peace because the habitual energy that is put in place by the Conditioned Mind is no longer making it appear that things need to be different than what they are...

Now Energy

Now energy is naturally free flowing because there's no resistance, there's no trying to make it different. Future energy stops the flow because it's based in trying to manipulate Now energy…

Being aware of Now at the precise moment it happens minimizes the future stories that are used to manipulate life in the way you think it should be. Awareness of Now stops the manipulation of the way you think something should be and allows the freedom of the way it is; this becomes the beautiful view of the way it should be. After all wanting Now different is where all future discontentment arises from. When one is simply aware of Now as it arises there isn't a need for a future story and selfish energy doesn't come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the beautiful operating energy of life.

Future energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for a natural flow of Now energy; you become a prisoner of the energy of the future. It's the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow of Now as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why this future energy causes issue is because it bombards Now with an unnatural energy flow and doesn't allow harmony. Now energy natural free flows because there's no resistance, there's no trying to make it different than what's there. Future energy stops the flow because it's based in trying to manipulate Now so what's there is resisted to the point where the natural flow of Now energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there's no future energy here, there's just the energy of what’s actually happening Now...

Truth Leads to Peace

Peace from letting go of “I” attachments are based in truth, and truth is based in stillness. A noise based life produces lies which is the nature of noise; only in truth can peace be experienced...

You’ll never learn what true peace is if you’re not using tools that cultivate the truth that leads to peace. Many have gone before us and left us tools, but what most do with them is find loopholes so you can do what you want and ignore the truth that leads to peace. There are so many tools that point us to peace, but they are discounted because of “I”. So many have left us teachings, but we don't hear the message because we judge the messages and the messenger with our own Conditioned Mind. We hear our own message and interpret it as peace so we can satisfy the I Self.

What you may think the truth is that leads to peace isn’t truth; it’s perception. There’s my thought based perceived truth that’s thought to lead to peace and there’s yours, but neither of them are based in truth. The truth that leads to peace is revealed in stillness beyond all the perceived thoughts about it. But you‘ll never understand this until you are quiet enough to know it is right in front of you and it has nothing to do with what you think. That's the thing about truth that leads to peace, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the “I” generated noise it’s perception you’re most likely seeing and true peace is something only a very settled mind will ever experience...

God Energy Unity

The energy that unites and draws humanity together is the energy of God. When you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s unity simply because of the energy of God...

It's very important to be stable in the energy of God so people know there's a place they can turn to. I know many people read my articles and it's expected they will be there, I don't mind this because of what has been revealed to me; I'm grateful for this energy. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go for stability from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for stability, if you go to a place that's used as a distraction it may feel like stability, but it won’t be. If you get lost in something menial, the day will go by simply because time waits for no one, but if you're spending the same day in the state of awareness you will become stable in the energy of God and people will turn to you in unity.

Don't be concerned with what others think about you, just be stable in what you know as God energy and let no one take that away. Being stable in the energy of God in a world that is mostly based in “I” (ego) will allow others to also be stable which is needed for any transformation to occur. The unity that draws you to someone is the God energy that becomes a part of humanity. Life is an open experience and if you're not learning from it, you most likely have your mind made up already what you think it's about. When you truly see these made up stories aren’t needed they fall away. This falling away allows God energy to arise and when you’re in this space others will also be attracted to it as it’s the one place where there’s unity of all humanity and it’s simply because of the energy of God...

A Reason Why

Nothing is done or held onto without a reason why and if the reason why isn’t noticed, you will unconsciously succumb to blind consequences as if you were a puppet on a string…

When some feeling or emotion arises there’s always a reason why. Learn to see the reason why your emotions arise and the feelings that go along with it. Whatever arises has a reason why and the reason for the sensation needs to be noticed so you’re not blindly drawn in and controlled by it. Nothing is held onto without a reason why and if it isn’t noticed you will unconsciously succumb to it as if you were a puppet on a string. Why people don’t see how this holds them in captivity is because many of the things that are being held onto are used to make an identity and also the holding is done because your conditioning tells you what you are holding onto is needed. When the reason why of what arises is noticed there arises an awareness of your thinking. When this occurs there’s the possibility it will fall away and in the process your made up stories fall away.

Why it’s so difficult to see this is because what’s being held onto is thought to be bringing you pleasure of some kind, and it may be in some way, but it’s not true pleasure because no object has the capability of providing true pleasure; one is easily tricked by this. Regardless of what it is if you to think you need something to feel good (pleasure) the object becomes your prison. So if the reason why something arises isn’t noticed your conditioning becomes your puppet master and is held onto because when it’s time to do something you will have to do it because the conditioning in place is in control…


Repeating Thoughts

If you keep repeating thoughts from the past they’ll control the present and the past will be where you live your life from. This is unfortunate because of all the emotional pain past thoughts carry into the present…

The amount of times you repeat a thought that causes emotional pain is mind boggling because it’s your own mind that does this and it probably happens thousands of times throughout your life. This is why most people suffer endlessly because repeating thoughts of the past are constantly allowed into the present, and although the body is always in the present moment the mind is constantly in the past. This is the constant state of most people and if nothing is done to change this, it will continue until existence in this form ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory nor is it something I made up, you need only look at this for yourself to see this truth. If you don’t look at it you will most likely remain stuck repeating thoughts without a way to stop it.

We as a species seem to be lost repeating thoughts and it’s because looking at ourselves in an investigative way is not something that many people are willing to do. It’s so much easier to point the finger than look at yourself, but unfortunately when you point your finger at someone there are three pointing back at you; check this to see its truth. You can ignore this and keep repeating the same story that everything will work out or you can take control of your life, at least to some extent and stop repeating thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all the same thoughts constantly arise and if they’re not attached to eventually they’ll stop and so will the repeated emotional suffering they cause…

Inner Diamond

A person doesn’t wake up because something from the outside shakes them, it occurs because the diamond within is uncovered; everyone has this diamond in their possession…

When a person has a shift they wake up from a state of being asleep and unaware of what truth is. When this occurs the implications of what has happened aren’t truly realized. In my own case I knew something happened because my view of life changed, but I didn’t know what it meant. I did know for the first time in my life that I was going to be okay. I likened this awakening as though I was broke (which I was spiritually) but I had a diamond in my pocket that I wasn’t aware of. I didn’t wake up because something from the outside shook me, I woke up because it was seen I possessed the diamond within. I didn’t know the value of this at first, as a matter of fact I didn’t even know I had this diamond in my possession. Even when some do become slightly aware of this it very easily could be mistaken for an ordinary rock, and for me it was for many many years. As I look back throughout my life, I had an inkling this diamond existed, but it was dismissed as just being a rock, and because of this I kept looking for what I already possessed.

Nothing is given to us from the outside that the inside doesn’t already have in its possession, but because of the conditioning in place, there’s no awareness of this. Obviously we’re not talking material possessions, I’m strictly talking about the diamond of love that we all possess. This is worth more than anything in the world and it’s also the thing that’s most readily available to everyone, it’s just that the conditioning in place keeps one looking for their diamond out there when all along you already have it in your possession…

Hate Always Hates

Hate can’t be driven out by hate so if hate isn’t observed when it arises it will remain, and the energy that you despise in another will be the energy that’s controlling your life…

Many things will cross your path in life, some will be liked some will not. There will be many you couldn’t care less about, but the key to the things that occur is being aware of them and observing how they grab you. Some are pushed away, some are pulled in, most naturally come and go without attaching to them because there’s nothing to adhere to. These observations become more and more important as you becomes more aware of them. Things occur all the time, but they’re not noticed. Very few people are in touch with observing them which allows the things that occur to be in control. Many things occur in life that aren’t particularly cared for as demonstrated by recent events, but all the energy in not accepting the results and trying to change it with non loving actions generates the same energy you’re protesting against.

Hate energy will never be changed with hate energy, especially when the driving force behind it arises because you simply didn’t get your way. If this isn’t observed it will keep the hate energy in place. Hate will never be driven out by hate so if the hate in place isn’t observed the hate in place will remain and the very thing that one hate is the very thing that you become; this is the way it is when one is unconscious and allows things to control you. There’s nothing wrong with being discontented for a second, but after that it becomes attachment and suffering begins. And this suffering isn’t because things didn’t work out your way, the suffering arises because you have no clue the energy that’s despised in another is the same energy that’s controlling your life…

Answers Revealed

All inner agitations arise from within your questions. Without discipline the mind that’s full of questions will never get an answer so you will have to constantly seek one…

All inner agitations are ego based because they come from the Conditioned Mind. If there’s an inner agitation with what’s written here that arises from within; the words don’t cause it. It doesn’t matter if you agree with this or not, just understand your inner agitations come from within you. Oh how we love to blame others for our own self created agitations, but the only reason this is done is because of the lack of understanding of the Conditioned Mind.

Nothing causes an inner agitation unless it’s allowed. If you can change something by all means change it, but if it’s being changed just because YOU don’t like it, it needs to be looked at why you’re agitated to begin with because even if the thing is changed, you will just move on to the next thing that will cause you to become agitated once again.

Everything I’ve come to understand over the last thirteen years has arisen from within myself. It has been through the practice of discipline that real answers have been provided from my own inner questions. I can’t have anyone else’s answers because the one who questions is the one who has the answers. I do not have your answers because I do not have your questions. Everyone has their own questions to answer. Truth is the same for all beings, but how we arrive to its understanding is from the questions within ourselves. When one sits the mind settles and answers are revealed to our questions, this is when the inner agitations with yourself and with the world will be no more…

Unconscious Reactions

Most reactions that occur in life are unconscious and are put in place by your own mind. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential of love it’s your own unconscious ideas that are blocking it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when unconscious ideas are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto is unconscious and is put in storage to be used at particular times, this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be handled; unconscious reactions are formed this way.

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Speeches are written using certain words which are known to sway people in certain ways. Supermarkets know exactly where to place sweets. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so unconscious reactions are triggered .

This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living an unconscious life is to a develop some way to be anchored in the present as the more you’re present in the moment, the more you’re with what life offers. When this occurs there’s peace because the unconscious ideas that have been put in place by the Conditioned Mind are no longer making it appear that things need to be different than what they are…

Conditioned Mind Restrictions

Unless the mind settles enough most of what you think will be a restriction of the Conditioned Mind. You shouldn’t believe everything you think as a thought is simply a thought that’s not necessarily true…

Nothing is a problem unless it’s made into one. Think of the context of this simple yet profound statement. Nothing no matter what is nether right or wrong, good or bad, or liked or disliked unless it’s labeled in that way. Our life is controlled by our thoughts and our thoughts are based on a restricted foundation; the restriction lies in the mind and the way it has been conditioned.

Listed are some of the ways it has been conditioned and if one gets quiet enough this will be seen. The car in front of me is going to slow, I have to go to work, I’m tired, my allergies are horrible, I’m bored, and on and on. All of these start out as a single thought, but that isn’t where the restriction lies, the thought is just the result of something that triggers it, what happens next is where the restriction lies; we believe the thought. It’s actually believed the car in front is going to slow, or going work is horrible. We believe our thoughts to be true and then we act accordingly, if the thought wasn’t labeled to be true, we would be able to see beyond it. We would see what was really going on instead of what our conditioned thoughts we’re making up. It would be seen the car in front of us really isn’t going to slow, we are just being controlled by the restrictions of the Conditioned Mind.

Learn to watch the nonsense that’s believed to be true, there’s so much of it, it’s hard to grasp. I mentioned one time to a person about the way we poison ourselves with alcohol and his response was he enjoyed alcohols effects. This is insanity to enjoy poisoning yourself, but that’s the restriction of a Conditioned Mind. People enjoy all sorts of things that are harmful to themselves, this also includes behaviors that harm others, and one’s own mind justifies it all. All I am saying is watch the thoughts that you think and learn how so many are based in restrictions that keep you in captivity to the Conditioned Mind. By no means should you take my word for it, the next time a thought pops into your head, take a moment before you label and act on it. Really take notice if what you are thinking is true or if it’s just a restriction of your Conditioned Mind…

Inner Child Reawakened

Depending on how conditioned your mind becomes determines the presence of your inner child, and the innocence of your inner child is the foundation to a life that's loving, and caring...

We are all born of light, but that light staying lit is determined on how alive your inner child remains a part of your life. The more the self serving mind is in control the more you’re claimed by selfish desires and possessions. There are many traps along the way that take your inner child and lock it away. Drugs, alcohol, sex, greed, hate, delusion, envy, sloth, false pride, and anger are just some of the trappings, but there are many many more that takes you from the space of your inner child to a place that's ruled by selfish wants and desires; very few of the trappings take hold all at once. The self serving mind is developed and one day if this path is followed continuously the inner child will only be there in the form of trying to constantly arrange life to be a certain way; this is the inner baby not the inner child.

Make no mistake between these two, the baby is self serving, needing, wanting, and selfish, the inner child is innocent, loving, and caring. Depending on your upbringing and whatever else influenced you determines how much of your inner child remains. To understand this is to know yourself and when you know yourself you can develop a practice to reverse your conditioning and free your inner child; allowing it to again be a part of your daily life. The more the practice of this is done the more of your inner child returns so you can once again see your light and be innocent, loving, and caring as you were when life began...

Controlling Principles

When you aren’t being controlled by principles based on outer things therein lies your freedom, but it isn't freedom because life is the way that it's wanted, there's freedom because you're with life the way that it is…

The principles that control your life make your life what it is. It doesn't make life what it is because life just is, but it makes YOUR life what it is and until the principles in place put you in harmony with life there won't be any, and hence your life will be the way that it is because it's the way you are making it. It's actually a beautiful thing when you become aware of this because it puts your life in your hands; there's nothing more satisfying. When you aren’t being controlled by principles based on outer things therein lies your freedom; freedom because you're with life the way that it is.

What happens with the mind that has principles not based in love is it gets hijacked by its own conditioning and you’re held hostage by your own mind. I know this sounds crazy, but this is exactly what's happens and it's all because of the principles based to self serve. When the principles in place are controlled by a me, me, me mind crazy is the norm because of these principles. When the principles change the craziness subsides. When you sit and see what the base of your actions are, you just may be able to change them. It will take time though because of the conditioning in place, but the alternative is to remain the way that you are; being controlled by principles that hold you hostage…

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Awareness Freedom

Freedom from “I” attachment is based on awareness and awareness is based on stillness. An attachment based life produces noise which is the opposite of awareness; only in awareness can you be set free...

You will not learn to live in awareness if you’re not using tools that cultivate awareness. Many have gone before us and left us tools of awareness, but what do we do with them, we look for loopholes so we can do what we want and ignore their teachings. There are so many tools that point to awareness, but they are discounted because of “I”. So many have left us teachings of awareness, but we don't hear the message because we judge the messages and the messenger with our Conditioned Mind. We hear our own message and interpret it as awareness so we can satisfy our ego I Self.

What most think awareness is isn’t awareness it’s perception. There’s my perceived awareness and your perceived awareness, but neither of them are awareness. There’s the underlying stillness beyond all that’s perceived, but you will never understand it or see it until you are quiet enough to know it’s right in front of you; it has nothing to do with what you think. That's the thing about awareness, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the “I” generated noise it’s perception that’s most likely seen as awareness is something that only a very settled mind will sense...


Imagined Problems

Through the way the mind becomes conditioned imagined problems are created so the mind has something to do and because of this imagined problems are constantly created…

The issue with having to constantly solve created problems to arrange life to be a certain way is it’s all imaginary. Even if one makes up a story that life is exactly how you want it, the mind begins creating a new problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (imaginary problems) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true you would see life as complete and your mind wouldn’t constantly need life to be arranged to your liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes the mind see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been trained to create imagined problems so it’s only doing what it’s been trained to do.

The Conditioned Mind sees imaginary problems all over the place. The shortest line in the store, politics, religion, work, diets, and on an on, all this is strictly done to create another imagined problem; your mind tells you solving it will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday you create one new problem to solve, that would mean you create roughly 21,000 imagined problems; this is done to constantly have life the way you think it should be. After all nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the store, but if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not creating an imaginary problem…

Unique Path

Although we're all the same in the way we exist, our road travelled is a unique path to go though life with what seems to be designed specifically for us to learn from...

There is a need to understand your path in regards to life so it isn't compared to what someone else’s path may be; this is so your own life is lived to it’s fullest potential. We all have our own unique path which is the same in regards they all have a beginning and an end, but each path is different because where we begin is different. Take twenty people from all walks of life and go out in twenty different directions from the same starting point. Each one has different vehicle varying in year and reliability with a map to get to their destination; no one path is designated and it constantly changes because of circumstances beyond anyone's control; everyone selects what they think is the best path for them.

We develop some tools that are useful and some that aren't. Some things are pleasant, some not. There is fun experienced along the way and beauty to behold, but there are also difficulties, road blocks, detours, unexpected hazards, health issues, accidents, disappointments, death. But through all this we remain true to our unique path. We go forward because it is what's in front of us. We need not compare our journey with others because in realty the only thing that’s the same is birth and death (the final destination at least in this form) death is Universal. So my friends as everyone reaches their final destination it’s discovered the destination didn't matter as much as the ride, it was also discovered that it was the experience of the ride that makes life what it is and regardless of what happens the joy of any life is in what is experienced, and it’s the unique path travelled that makes it so...

Heart Truth

There’s a unity that comes from a deep place. It’s not a place that’s associated with any human activity, it’s a place which simply unites us to the truth of our heart…

In my experience the truth of the heart cannot expand on its own, it needs others. Deepening a connection with others deepens the truth of the heart which is what unites us. If unity to each other were to happen there would be no more lies because we would fall over each other in truth; it’s in this truth for each other that the magnificence of life is experienced. A majestic sunset, a cool summer breeze, the magnificence of the ocean, a starlit night, being truthful to oneself and others is a unity to all humanity, these are experiences from a deep place within.

I don’t profess to understand what life is about, but I do understand how a connection to others deepens the truth of the heart; when this truth is experienced it leaves one speechless. For me because of everyone I’m connected with I have been speechless many times in the last thirteen years. I’m using the word truth to describe this, but to feel this unity words cannot describe it. To watch in awe as I’m speaking to someone and as I explain what I went through, I see a sparkle of truth in their eyes, to me this is our hearts connecting. There’s truth that comes from such a deep place; it’s not something that any human activity can make happen. Only when there’s a deepening connection with others which allows for a deepening truth of our own heart will there be unity; with ourselves and with all humanity. To Thine Own Self Be True…

Circular Thoughts

If a person goes in circles in a thought based world, most likely they’re being controlled by a conditioned based existence. This is a prison that you will only be released from by going beyond your circular conditioned thoughts…

It’s impossible to be conditioned by circular thoughts that isn’t created by your own mind. This doesn’t mean without circular thoughts things won’t occur, it just means that regardless of what happens it’s your mind that creates the circular conditioning which comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to hold onto it or not. Everyone has the ability within to cease causing their circular conditioning, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the thought process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed. Without it the necessary quietness that allows less circular conditioned will not happen.

If there’s continuous circular thoughts and no quiet all there will be is thought and this will not allow the ability to watch the cirlces unfold. If this isn’t seen your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created between your thoughts. Life will simply be thought based and the result of this will create your circular conditioning. When life slows down you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and puts it into a conditioned category. When you see this you can break free of the hold your circular mind has over you and you’ll be able to see that you’re not the circular mind, you’re beyond this thought based conditioning…

Truth Possibilities

There are so many possibilities in life when there’s truth applied to what’s occurring in front of you. The Universe provides these possibilities when you’re in harmony with life and not living a lie…

Truth is your greatest asset because without it lies arise and there’s nothing beneficial in a lie. Truth leads to possibilities never experienced before, but when you’re living a lie the mind is closed and in control the doors to possibilities are also closed. Whatever arises in life can be seen as it is truthfully only if it’s not seen through a past label. In this way life can be experienced anew as the Universe opens up more and more truthful possibilities. Even if some lies arise, without applying a past label it allows the heart to remain open and the possibility to go beyond the lies to experience truth.

Truth doesn’t always have to be an aha moment, it can be a simple act of not judging what’s in front of you and just experiencing that and moving on. Once something is labeled, the heart closes and so do all the possibilities along with it. To experience all the possibilities that life offers is to not allow the lies to be a part of what is being done right now. If it is obviously it remains as something old not something new, and even though it may be from a past habitual mind pattern it’s old because it’s labeled as such. Without applying a label, the heart remains open to truth and the possibilities that are provided by the Universe are beyond anything a lie limited mind can conjure up…

Inner Light

Our inner light is our true essence. The only reason there’s darkness is because we look for the inner light externally. When there’s awareness of the inner light it instantly dispels darkness…

There needs to be awareness of the inner light of the heart so the dark places of the mind dissipate. The light is always on just waiting to dispel darkness, it never goes out. When you live from the mind the thought realm is allowed to take over and it becomes very difficult to see your inner light. This inner light is what turns away the darkness of an unconscious state of mind; this is the world of the external answer. As long as answers are sought externally darkness will remain. Darkness creates a world that’s mind based and this is what blocks awareness of inner light. It doesn’t allow for the pure essence of the life given to be recognized. It holds onto the belief that life is to be managed so it can be a certain way, but even if the way occurs darkness remains because it’s mind based.

Inner light on the other hand is internal which is of the heart. When seen it dispels the darkness without effort; as when entering a room and the light is turned on the darkness is no more. That’s all that’s needed, the light needs to be turned on. Light will always dispel darkness, unless ones bulb is burnt out; this is our path to make sure the inner light is always lit regardless of the surrounding darkness. As your light remains lit more people from the darkness will see it and be drawn to you. When this occurs it will draw others to you as the light expands and maybe one day one light at a time, there won’t be any darkness to dispel because everyone will see their inner light…

Encouragement Wednesday~ 05/05/2021

 You have within you an unlimited amount of goodness. The fact is, there is no limit to how good, great, and better you can be, do, and have! From how much good you can do to how great you can be to how much better you can have. Furthermore, you can accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set forth to attain. Today, I share with you just a bit of encouragement to assist you in your direction for ideal outcomes and desired results as a great day continues... Stay on course; Keep going; Remain on point; Forge ahead; Empower through until satisfied; Make it happen!

CHEERS~ to your success continuing...


#empowerfuel #encouragement #motivationalquote #believe #selfempower

Awakened Journey

Life is a journey and it’s a gift, but it’s up to each individual to make sure you’re not asleep throughout it and become awakened only when your final destination is reached…

Everyone who is alive is on a journey, no one remains in a state of stagnation. Life is always moving forward whether we are aware of it or not. It’s like when you take a trip that requires a plane to get to the destination, after the plane takes off it’s not even noticed that you’re moving. This is how life is and before it’s realized your journey is over and you are at your destination. Unfortunately during your journey if all you did was sleep you missed the entire trip and you cannot go back and repeat it because you have already reached your destination.

When we have reached our so called final destination (the end of life in this form) and our journey is complete if we were asleep we missed what occurred on our trip. So you can either be awake for your journey or you can be asleep, but it will go on either way, and once your destination is reached the journey is over. The key is to not be asleep for the journey and only wake up when you reach your destination because by then your journey (life) is over and the greatest misgiving is now you realize you have been asleep for most of it; this is how far to many lives finish up. There will come a time when it‘s realized the journey is now complete, but if you were asleep for it there’s nothing that can be done to go back and redo what has been done; don’t let this be your journey‘s end result. We are given the gift of life, but it‘s up to each individual to be awake for the journey so when your final destination is reached (the end of life) you can say, what a ride…


Unconsciously Attached

 When the present moment isn’t needed to be a certain way that’s when you can truly be in harmony with life. If the attachment to needing the moment different wasn’t there, suffering wouldn’t exist…

When there’s a discussion about what it means to be free it is relative to the attachments that are held onto by the mind. Most of these aren’t even known so even though a person may have many attachments which their own mind creates, the same mind will tell you there are none. If the mind tells you there are no attachments who can tell say there are, but regardless if of the awareness of them ignorance isn’t bliss. Attachment is the number one deterrent to freedom, and freedom can only be had if it is known what one is attached to.

This isn’t to condone if someone is living unconsciously and is harming others, but if this unconsciousness isn’t known, there is no way the person can be any different. We are as free as our awareness to what we attach to and it is our attachments that cause us to behave in ways that are not conducive to love; attachment blocks our innate goodness from arising. Attach to nothing and nothing will be blocked, this is when true harmony with existence will be. It’s where nothing is needed nor wanted or desired. It is where life just is and an awareness that nothing added or attached to will make it any different. When life’s moments aren’t needed to be in a certain way, it’s at this point that one will truly be in harmony with life because it’s the attachment of needing life to be a certain way that is the true cause of ones own created suffering…

Desiring Comfort

When the desire for comfort arises it’s because the mind is in bondage to that particular desire. When this is seen the desire of needing to be comforted falls away…

You will never find the comfort you’re seeking if you’re in bondage to the desire of that comfort. Comfort is something that's already within you, but because of the way your mind is conditioned, you get bound up in the desire that comfort is something outside of you. This bondage makes the desired comfort you’re seeking impossible to grasp. This is also the reason you constantly desire comfort from the outside. Until this is seen you will remain bound to the desired thought of comfort in the next thing reached for. Alcohol, gambling, drugs, sex, social status, programs, therapy, self help books, god, and on and on, these are proof you’re in bondage. I can't stress this enough as this bondage has to be seen if you are to experience true comfort in your life.

It's impossible to think your way to comfort, what does have to happen if comfort is to be experienced is there has to be an understanding of why you’re uncomfortable; that you seek comfort is because of the inability to just be. When the desire for comfort arises the bondage to the desire begins; this is a vicious cycle that's very difficult to break free from. Comfort isn't something attained or achieved so it's in doing less that you’re comforted. To many people get lost in trying to attain comfort, but it's something that's already within; the binding desire about attaining comfort needs to be discarded so you can see this. This is not easy to grasp, but I write pointers so the bondage of desiring comfort can be seen for the fallacy that it is…

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Harmony Heart

An “I” perspective interrupts the harmony that one has with life because of its judgments. “I” judges because it needs to satisfy itself, but the heart is always in harmony because it's already satisfied...

A mind that responds from an “I” perspective is selfish because that’s the nature of “I” but a mind that responds from the intuitiveness of the heart is in harmony because it’s the nature of the heart. What happens when one comes from an “I” perspective is it interrupts the harmony one has with life. “I” is the creator of itself and all that manifest from this creation is done so to satisfy itself. It’s what I does, this isn’t right or wrong, it’s just “I” doing what “I” does.

Whether it’s I’m right and you’re wrong, or it’s some behavior that's there to strictly satisfy some inner justified desire to fulfill itself, “I” is a harmony stopper. It’s the nature of “I” to do this, it can't help itself because of how selfish and self centered it is. When one begins a sentence with “I” they should stop because not much good can come from here. It’s just the way “I” is; there's no harmony when “I” is involved.

So in a world where “I” is exalted, how does one go beyond it to a place of the heart? From my experience this isn't a doing because it would be an “I” doing, it’s a state of grace that happens when you can just be. This is the true essence of life where ones heart is in harmony with all that is. It’s the place where the so called imperfections of life are perfect because there's isn't judgement. Only “I” judges because it needs to satisfy itself and only the heart has harmony because its already satisfied...

Light of Truth

When you’re aware that darkness is a made up story light takes its place. This light is a beam for the world and is always there, but it’s not seen because of the unawareness of darkness…

Without darkness everyone would view life through light which by the way is the doorway of harmony; because of darkness this isn’t seen. The view of darkness is made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life seen through the unawareness of your darkness. Through this view truth or light is missed; this makes life about nothing in particular except the darkness that’s are formed by the Conditioned Mind.

Darkness is what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments are the cause of the unaware thoughts that control your life. What’s factually happening is this, life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of light and not being lead around by your made up darkness; whatever you happen to make it. When there’s awareness of this you will truly be a light to the world; a light that has always been there in the space of Now, but it was never experienced because of your darkness not allowing you to see this truth…

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