Ingrained Past

Although what occurs always happens now, when it’s seen through the filter of the past you’re not with what is actually occurring; you can’t be present when the past is being used as a filter to live now…

Living from past energy patterns isn’t something that jumps out at you, the patterns are ingrained in place waiting for their opportunity. They don’t have to be glaring, nor do past energy patterns always manifest as totally destructive actions, but it is destructive in the way it doesn’t allow you to be with what’s occurring right now; it takes you away from truly living life. You end up living the same life over and over, doing the same thing, getting the same results, basically it’s as if you’re stuck which only gets tighter each time the ingrained past is grabbed and brought into the present. You can’t be present for the present when the past is being used as a filter to live now. Much quietness will be needed to see the ingrained past and how it’s used.

Our ingrained past energy patterns are very subtle and are deep, noticing this is the first step in one’s liberation from this energy. This energy is so controlling because it’s brought into the present and blocks the ability to live now; not many truly live in the moment of what’s actually occurring. Although what occurs now happens now, it seen through the filter of the past so one isn’t with what is actually happening now. There’s so much past energy and only when there’s awareness of this can the ingrained past energy patterns even begin to be broken. Watch the mind and how it constantly uses the past to live now. How you can tell something is being used from the past is by the label being applied to the present moment; when it’s all said and done, the present moment needs no ingrained past to be…

Heart Oneness

There’s a oneness that comes from a deep place within, it’s not a place that’s associated with any human activity, it’s a place where there’s simply oneness that unites us all to the love in our hearts…

In my experience the love of my heart cannot expand on its own, it needs others. Deepening a connection with others deepens the love of the heart which is a uniting oneness. If this oneness were to happen there would be no more greed, hate, or war because we would fall over each other in love; it’s in this love for each other that the majesty of life is experienced. A majestic sunset, a cool summer breeze, the majesty of the ocean, a starlit night, loving oneself and others is a oneness that unites all humanity, these are experiences from the heart.

I don’t profess to know what life is about, but I do understand how a connection to others deepens our love. When this is experienced it leaves one speechless. For me because of all of you I have been speechless many times in the last thirteen years. I’m using the word love to describe this, but to feel this oneness words cannot truly explain it. To watch in awe when there’s unity with someone, I see a sparkle of oneness in their eyes, to me this is our hearts connecting. Oneness comes from such a deep place; it’s not something that any human activity makes happen. Only when there’s a deepening connection with others which allows for a deepening love of our own heart will there be oneness; with ourselves and with all humanity…

Life Happens

Life is a happening, it’s our own Conditioned Mind through what you think that makes it what it is. Your mind creates your entire world through the manifestation of a single thought…

There are things that one would rather not happen, but they happen anyway; they have to be accepted or there will never be peace in your life. This is true at least to where you can be with what’s happening instead of getting marred in wanting things different. Although the small stuff can seem difficult, life altering things are seen as devastating if there isn’t awareness of how it’s your own Conditioned Mind that makes this so. Loss of loved ones, homes destroyed along with all your possessions and memories, accidents, and illnesses, these are just some of the happenings that can alter your state if they’re not accepted for what they are; what they are is nothing but a thought.

Life happens and through your thoughts it appears as the mind makes it appear. There is nothing to life except what the Conditioned Mind makes it out to be. Our own mind uses thought to create an entire existence that is only real to your own mind. The more life is lived in this manner, the more difficult it is to accept life’s daily happenings. This lack of acceptance is only because of a lack of understanding of one’s own mind. It’s one’s own mind that creates the appearance that life has difficulties and this happens because one is entrapped to the thought that everything is as it appears, but only because it has been conditioned to be so…

A Fictitious Identity

We’re named for identification purposes and the rest of our existence is spent shaping the identity of a fictitious self; there is a self that does exist it’s just not in the way it’s perceived…

There are so many stories that go into the making of who you think you are that your true self gets blocked and is seldom noticed. Think about it, from the time you’re a child you’ve been conditioned by parents, relatives, teachers, friends, religions, all media, and whatever is in your DNA, so where is the true you in this identity of self. Existence in this form begins as an egg inside a women labeled mother and with Universal conditions being right this eggs energy is transformed into human form. This form is named for identification purposes and the rest of one’s existence is spent shaping the identity of a fictitious self; there is a self that does exist it’s just not in the way that it’s perceived. We don’t give names to wild animals, they’re categorized by their form, but humans are given names for identification purposes and this is the beginning of one’s fictitious self as an individual. We attach to the things we think will benefit this fictitious self and so much of this comes from someone else’s idea. Every book that’s read is someone else’s idea of how they think life should be and if we like what they have to say it’s taken as gospel as we follow them and take what they say and apply it to make up a self.

So much nonsense goes into the making of fictitious self and it’s the reason why there’s issues. If your focus is constantly on yourself and your story of made up nonsense, how may I ask can there not be issues when your self is the constant focus? An apple tree can only produce apples, as the made up self can only produce self created nonsense. This is the self that’s mostly perceived by humanity, but there is another self that’s been with you your entire existence, there’s just not awareness of it because of the focus on the fictitious self. Some say the self doesn’t exist, but I say it does, it’s just doesn’t exist in the way that most people think it does…

Foundation of Love

The love that draws someone to you is the love that becomes a part of each other. A foundation of love is the only true place of refuge where one can be stable by simply being an instrument of love…

It’s very important to be based in love so people know there’s a place they can turn to for stability. I know many people read my articles so it’s expected they will be there. I don’t mind this because of what has been revealed to me as I’m honored to be used as an instrument and to be there for others. Everyone needs a place where they know they can go and be safe from the unconscious world. It does matter where you go for stability, if you go to a place that’s used as a distraction it may feel like stability, but it isn’t. If you get lost in something menial the day will go by because time waits for no one, but if you’re spending the same day based in mindfulness, you will become based in love and people can then turn to you for stability.

Don’t be concerned with what others who are unconscious say, just be based in what you know as love and let no one take away that foundation. Be grounded in your love in a world that is mostly based in the ego and this will allow others to be grounded in their love which is needed for any transformation to occur. The love that draws someone to you is the love that becomes a part of them. Life is an experience and if you’re not learning from it, you most likely have your Conditioned Mind constructs of what you think it’s about; when you truly see, your constructs are no more as they fall away. This seeing is of love and when you remain there others will also go there as it’s the one place of refuge where one can truly be stable by simply having a foundation of love…

Maze of Thought

If you keep allowing the past to control the present the past will be the maze of where you live your life. Why this is unfortunate is because all of the emotional pain this past maze carries into the present…

Reliving something that causes emotional pain is mind boggling because it’s your own mind that does this and it probably happens thousands of times throughout your life. This is why most people suffer endlessly because what happened in the past becomes a maze that’s constantly allowed into the present. Although the body is always in the present moment the mind is constantly in the maze of somewhere else. This maze of thought is the constant state of most people and if nothing is done to change this you will continue to be lost in a maze of though until existence in this form ends. This isn’t a philosophy or theory nor is it something I made up, you need only look at this for yourself to see this truth, but If you don’t look at it, you will most likely remain stuck in the maze of your thoughts with no way out.

As a species we seem to be lost in a maze and it’s because looking at ourselves in an investigative way is not something that many people are willing to do. It’s so much easier to point the finger at someone else, but unfortunately when you point your finger at someone there are three pointing back at you; check this to see its truth. You can ignore this and keep the story that everything will work out or you can take control of your life, at least to some extent and stop attaching to the maze of thoughts that cause your own suffering. After all the same thoughts constantly arise, but if they’re not attached to eventually they’ll stop and so will the repeated maze of emotional suffering…

The "I" Void

When the mind settles the need to reach for things lessens. In the process the void of loneliness disappears and it’s simply because an “I” story of a void isn’t being created…

The void of loneliness seems to get wider as one ages, it doesn’t really, what happens is there are just less distractions so “I” takes more of a hold. The natural process of life seems to be to stay busy trying to figure things out, and regardless of what exactly the figuring out manifest as it certainly creates a lot of distractions. There are periods in between the busyness where a person has some idle time and probably feels the void of loneliness, but it doesn’t usually last very long because the busyness of trying to figure out life returns. This busyness last most of one’s life, but there does come a time that the natural process of being busy lessens. At this stage many people experience a loneliness that hasn’t been noticed before so it will either be addressed by looking inward or one will get busy again trying to figure out how to fill the void.

Eventually the busyness will end for whatever reason; unfortunately for most people without the busyness the void of loneliness rears its ugly head. Many elderly people struggle to fill this void, but it’s difficult because there just isn’t a lot going on. Kids are grown, retirement, house paid off, more time behind you than what’s left, and the list goes on. I was this way for many years, using distraction after distraction. There were very brief periods of not needing to reach, but these periods were far and few in between; that’s until twelve years ago when I hit an emotional bottom. I began sitting and simply looking inward which allowed me to see the distractions of my “I” needing to attach to a story. As I sat the mind settled and thus the need to reach for something lessened and in the process the void of loneliness disappeared; this was simply because an “I” story of a void was not being created…

Replacing the Old

As far as the mind is concerned, if the old isn’t cleared out there won’t be any room for the new to replace it, but it won’t happen until it’s seen the familiarity of what’s old needs to be replaced…

From the time your life begins in this form, the mind is constantly processing and storing information. The incessant mind never stops this information storing process and constantly draws on its familiarity; this leaves very little room for anything new to become known. This storing foundation would need something close to a miracle to dislodge it, but when the mind is allowed to settle, it creates the room and the world as it is known ceases to exist.

Think of it this way, when a room is to be redesigned in a house, the first thing that needs to be done is to take out the old so the new furniture can fit in. If you had to work around the old furniture it would make placing the new furniture in the room very difficult; it just wouldn’t fit properly and it wouldn’t match either. Seeing the new takes a skill most people don’t naturally possess; usually it has to be taught this is how meditation works.

The process of meditation helps to clear out the mind (the room). If this isn’t done, the mind as it is with the room will remain cluttered with the old. The new although it may be put in will not add any enhancement to the design of the room. After all this is what we are doing, trying to enhance our life. No one changes anything just to change it, we change a philosophy or a belief because the one that’s in place needs to be redesigned because for whatever reason it’s just not working any more. So clear out the old and make room for a redesigning and enhancement that will allow the old familiarity not to be missed…

Authentic Self

Many remain stuck seeking because the lie of “I” is never understood and because of this life becomes about whatever story “I” makes up as the authentic self beyond “I“ is missed…

The definition of emptiness is a lack of inherent existence. When it comes to the mind this is its nature and the reason I say this is because there is nothing in the mind that is inherently there. In this emptiness arises the conditioned nature of “I” but there is no substance to “I”. It exist strictly from the story that’s created, there’s no inherent existence. There’s the body that exist and all its labeled components, but if each component was unlabeled, the body would still exist, just not as an “I” form. Look deep within to see if you can truly find where this “I” is. Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. It doesn’t mean if the form is reduced, it disappears, it means in its reduction is the thing itself; these are opposites sides of the same coin. Everything that makes up our “I” ideas, concepts, memories, feelings, emotions, judgement, likes, dislikes, opinions, experiences, and so on, is attached to as the body, hair, limbs, ideas, etc, but if you look for “I” behind all this it doesn’t inherently exist. This is what stillness is truly all about, stripping away the layers of all the false identification. We identify with all the wrong things and ignore the authentic self.

To me the only reason to look within is to expose this lie of “l” there’s no other reason. A reason can be made up, but this is why many remain stuck seeking because the lie of “I” is never understood. Life becomes about whatever story “I” makes up, but the authentic self is missed; this is what “I” is, a story nothing more. It’s seen as real, but the realness of it can never be grasped. It just creates story after story with itself always at the core. Truly investigate this to see if you can find “I” remember though not the story of it, but the authentic self beyond “I”…

A Trusting Heart

There’s existence through made up concepts and beliefs or there’s the bigger picture beyond them where one is free of all burdens because there’s a trusting heart in the way things are…

When the mind is settled existence becomes of a trusted heart instead of reliance on your own limited concepts and beliefs. There’s a deep trust when the mind settles and it’s in this settling that you see the existence of life itself. So when one is in this settled mind state, the everlasting trust of the heart is there to quiet the mind agitations which are the cause of all doubt and distrust.

A mind that’s settled allows for one to live from the Universal heart of love. This connects you with the goodness of life, your own internal goodness, and the goodness of all beings. The connection is already there, it’s just not known what it will take to be aware of it. The only reason there isn’t awareness is because there are conditioned mind agitations blocking the trust that arises from the quietness of our heart; theses blocks allow for all kinds of made up nonsense.

When it’s learned to discipline an undisciplined mind your agitations slowly subside; what naturally remains is a deep unwavering trust of the heart. This trust is beyond the noise of a Conditioned Mind, beyond made up concepts and beliefs. In this space there’s a trusting heart because with a settled mind it’s known who you truly are. So trust with all your heart and soul and allow the mind to settle so you’re not relying on your own made up concepts and beliefs. With a trusting heart life is lived in the most beneficial of ways; as the trusting beautiful being of love that you truly are…

Divisonal Labels

Life is continuous until one day it isn’t. It’s broken up and divided by labels because of the attachment to self. Without this attachment the beauty of life unfolds as the labeled divisions fall away…

The real cause of any issue one has with what happens in life is not with what actually happens, but how we attach a self to life’s occurrence and divisionalize the events. As long as one exist in their current form every moment of every day is a life occurrence. So what makes life become divisional? It becomes divided once it’s labeled and a self is attached to it. This transformation from an occurrence to a divisional event happens because of who it is that’s doing the labeling. If the self didn’t label life it would still occur, it just wouldn’t be divided. It would just be a continuous occurrence without a self attaching to it and giving it the transforming energy it needs to be labeled divisionally.

This self seems to cause so many issues, but it’s only the attachment to it that causes issues. Life occurs regardless of the self, but what attachment does is it makes divisional events by isolating them and making life personal. Life is neutral until it’s attached to, then it becomes an event that’s all about the self. When the self stops isolating events, life just occurs. I’m not insinuating a self exist or doesn’t exist, all I’m saying is the attachment to self is at the root of all issues and if you truly want to be free of issues you will have to be free of the attachment to self…

Reaching Issue

Reaching itself is the issue, not the thing being reached for. Not everything you think is healthy is truly beneficial. It will take a very settled mind to see if what is reached for is truly beneficial…

What you do needs to be investigated to see if it’s beneficial or if it’s just a story of what you want it to be. Many people play the lottery to become rich, when doing this becoming rich is your energy. Sex is often reached for, as is the spiritual path. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, and also their associated programs are used as supposedly being beneficial, but the results of these energies may be different; the bondage they keep you in is all the same. Working out and healthy eating habits are also seen as beneficial, but many attach a story to them and negate their benefit. I know many people are vegans and I have no opinion either way, but no where have I ever read that Jesus or the Buddha used this as a supportive part of their practice. All I’m saying is what I’ve found to be truly beneficial needs no story nor attachment to certain results.

People use ayahuasca, this is no different than reaching for drugs and alcohol to achieve a result. I can only share my experience and I’ve found reaching for anything whatever form it takes on is not beneficial. The reaching itself is the issue, not the thing being reached for. To me, in the space of just being with what arises in the present moment is truly beneficial. Not everything you think is beneficial is truly a benefit. It will take a very settled mind to see the subtle bondage in the things that are labeled a benefit. I say if you are reaching for something regardless of what it is, it’s not a benefit to your well being and this is because the reaching itself is the issue and it’s what keeps you in captivity to the thing reached for…

Letting Go Tools

If you don’t have the tools in place that allow you to let go, life will seem as though it’s personal and in the process you will remain attached to using tools that cause suffering…

There are many ways to let go of something, here are some that I’ve found useful and although “I” is at the root of all attachment, we can use these ways that may make letting go a little easier. Not labeling is one way to not attach and let go. The base of this way is understanding the impermanence of all things and how this applies regardless of what arises. Another way that one can practice letting go is by not wishing for things to be different, this is used to let go of control. Not wishing things were different can also be used to not attach to what arises and although the wording may be different, non attachment and letting go are essentially one in the same. If you don’t attach to something it never has you in its grip and if you let go of something it relinquishes its grip.

Another way to let go is the no self identity way which allows you to see the self that truly exists, not the one made up by the Conditioned Mind. To understand this you must see the emptiness in holding onto the created identity. It’s not that the self doesn’t exist, it just doesn’t exist in the way your conditioned to see it; this is the self that’s has existed throughout you life regardless of what happened.

Life doesn’t happen to you, it’s not personal it just happens, the false self is what makes it about you and until this seen, suffering will remain. You don’t have to use all of these tools to let go, one will be enough, you don’t even have to use one if you choose not to, but understand if you don’t have the tools in place that allow you to truly let go, you will make life personal and in the process you will keep using the tools that cause you to suffer…

Logical Truth

When life is viewed logically, you’ll see that things are as they are mostly because of the lack of discipline that a quiet mind provides. Logic allows the mind to settle into a state that sees truth…

When we apply logic to life it’s so much more beneficial than relying on the made up stories that defy logic. Simply stated; a man and woman performed a deed many years ago and your life began. The logic here is a deed was performed that allowed energy to transform and you’re the result of it. Nothing magical, a condition was satisfied that allowed birth. At the start of this existence there’s nothing yet developed as far as the Conditioned Mind is concerned so you’re pretty much a beacon of truth.

The logic here is there’s nothing yet developed for life not to be based in truth, but as we grow older and influences begin to shape and condition the mind, the truth state slowly gets replaced by whatever influences you’re surrounded by. Logically this is the beginning of your Conditioned Mind Patterns, and unfortunately what the base of many of these influences are is self serving.

The Conditioned Mind blocks a logical approach as too simplistic so it can hold onto its story. The truth is, living inwardly is the most logical way, but it will only occur if one is quiet enough to see it. If this isn’t seen the mind will use a conditioned story of why living inwardly isn’t for you and your approach to life will not be logical. This prevents one from returning to the truth state and unfortunately because of this life remains based in making decisions from a self serving mind and it will remain a struggle regardless of what illogical outward changes are made…

Serving Humanity

The mindset that’s in place is what determines what a person brings to humanity. Serve yourself and serve one or serve others and all of humanity will be served…

There are two mind sets that a person will use to live. One is to live life through a self serving mind. The self serving mind only uses things to satisfy the self; it’s pretty cut and dry how this mind works. Whatever is used in this mindset is used to only benefit oneself. There isn’t much unity or love here. Granted most people aren’t under the spell of a self serving mind all the time, there’s usually fluctuation between the two; they can’t be in place at the same time. At any given time the mindset will either be one or the other, the more the mind is conditioned to self serve, the more time one will spend thinking about and doing things only for themselves. This is a very selfish way to live, but it’s how so many have been conditioned to be. To break this spell it has to be realized this mindset is in place. If it isn’t, you will remain under the control of a self serving mind.

Let’s now look at the loving kindness serving others mind and how this mindset encompasses all of humanity. It touches the entire Universe because that’s its source. This mindset isn’t self created or sustained by doing, it’s a direct result of being aligned with Universal Love. The loving kindness mind is the Universe. When this is your mindset there’s unity and joy  It has to be this way because love only comes from love. It sustains itself, serves many and is a benefit to all. So the mindset in place is what determines what a person brings to humanity, so serve yourself and serve one or serve others and all of humanity will be served…

Awaken to Love

The word love is given a lot of lip service in our society, but not much heart service. You can’t pick and choose who to love, either you love all or you love none, there’s really no such thing as only loving some…

Why most people have to hit a bottom before there is significant change in their life is because of the way human selfish nature has evolved. This seems to be a common denominator amongst many which doesn’t allow the heart to open to see the true nature of love. This isn’t the story of what one thinks love is, it’s unconditional love that arises from the depths of one’s heart. Most people don’t truly know what love is because it’s always centered around some attachment to a conditioned story; true love needs no story. I know many who speak of love for their own children, but there are many children who die everyday and aren’t even given a thought.

Unconditional love has no me, my, or I attached to it, as a matter of fact it has nothing attached to it; until this story stops suffering continues as the default setting of one’s mind. Unfortunately love is given a lot of lip service in our society, but not much heart service. You can’t pick and choose who to love, either you love all or you love none, there’s no such thing as only loving some; it’s impossible to love only some.

For me a transformation occurred when there was no where else to turn, the danger in this is many transform, but not in this world; I don’t profess to understand how the Universe works. I do know what happened to me and that’s what I share and although I had to hit a bottom to wake up, it’s my passion to assist in the waking up process for those who are tired of suffering and want to wake up now…

Heart of Freedom

Our sacred place within always was and will always be, but the silence needed to see this must be heard to go through the opening of our deepened inner heart to the place of our deepened inner soul…

Our deepened silence is our deepened freedom. There is no other freedom but what comes from the deepened heart of our soul. Freedom cannot be found anywhere else because freedom does not exist anywhere else. The heart is where our true self dwells. We are not alone in this place, it was there before we were and it will be when we are no more, at least in the physical realm. Our deepened inner heart is the place within, it is all that ever was and all that will ever be; it is our dwelling place with God per se.

This dwelling place isn’t for a chosen few, it is available to anyone who ever was and who will ever be, but only a few get to their deepened inner heart. This is because the silence that permits this isn’t allowed to be heard. It takes a direct path, one that can only be experienced from within to hear of this deepened inner place. Most don’t get there because that look for a doorway, but there is no doorway, it’s an opening as wide as only awakened eyes can see, but without these eyes the opening is as narrow as the eye of a needle.

One can see this opening and can only go through it by the opening of the heart. That is the opening that is available to all who go within and hear the silence that provides the guidance needed see go through it. If the silence isn’t heard the light to the opening of the heart will not be understood and one will stay attached to the physical realm; wondering what all the noise of this life is about. For those who go to the deepened heart of their soul there is no wonderment about life because the opening of the heart has allowed the flood gates of truth to overcome what has been blocking the deepened inner silence which is the opening to the deepened heart of freedom…

Heart Completeness

There is a love from the heart that is only experienced when there’s trust in what is, and although you may want things to be a certain way, there’s the understanding that completeness is in the way things are…

Completeness is the result of trusting what is. Only when there is trust will you experience a completeness that’s for the betterment of the Universe. This pertains strictly in matters from a heart of love, not one that is selfish. It isn’t in the things attained or that life is the way that you want it that provides completeness, it’s the trust that things are as they are because the Universe wants them to be that way. It’s the Universal fulfillment of what is that provides completeness as opposed to some human want or desire. What is provides more fulfillment that anything from our human side ever will. Completeness occurs when this is allowed and even this is provided, it’s not something that a person can make occur.

There’s nothing wrong in wanting itself, whether it’s to better life, trying to assist others, or just having an ice cream sundae, but if there is attachment to the wanting this is where problems arise because no longer is the Universe allowed to provide. It becomes “I” providing for “I” and when “I” provides for “I” it blocks the availability to the love of your heart. It is from the trust of the Universe that one experiences completeness of the heart and it’s from here that it’s understood nothing else is needed for one to be complete…

Chattering Mind

A chattering mind won’t quiet on its own regardless of what your belief system is. Beliefs hinder the quieting because they’re just a response to mind chatter that blocks your inner presence…

If your mind chatter is in control and running your life, it doesn’t really matter what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be in a place of peace. It’s such a chatter filled world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer outward when the answer is within. What the chatter actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind chatter. This is how the chatter of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness of your inner presence. It’s mind chatter that’s created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind chatter.

Everyone has the ability to consciously remove the mind chatter, but it’s just not something that’s going to happen on its owns. It’s beautiful that your peace is in your hands, and it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is brought into your life. A little practice equates to a little peace so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to stop the mind chatter. As you practice being in the moment the mind chatter quiets and you’re left with an inner presence. If you are waiting for anything else you will be waiting a very long time and it will probably not happen while you are alive in this form…

Created Delusions

Most people are deluded about what an awakening is, but for those truly awake it is seen the mind that tells you to do something is the same mind that questions why it was done…

All delusions are created by your own mind and until there’s awareness of this the delusions remain. To me one of the most important things to realize when it comes to breaking free of your delusions is the mind that tells you to do something is the same mind that questions why it was done. Think about how your mind questions itself so what you’re basically doing is arguing with yourself. What’s crazy about this is it’s almost like there are two entity’s with different perspectives. This goes on in most lives every single day without ever realizing it, but don’t be fooled by the questioning because even our judgements that aren’t questioned create a delusion; to be awake is to be aware of this nonsense.

An awakening isn’t a magical state, it’s simply becoming aware of the thoughts that hold you in captivity; that’s basically it. It’s in this awareness that you naturally stop attaching to your captivating thoughts. Being awake doesn’t stop them from arising, but with awareness they’re there the nonsense of when happens when there’s attachment to them is seen. Until this is realized the mind that tells you do something will continue to question why it was done, and there will continue to be judgements of others as your own created delusions hold you captive…

Process of Love

Peace is a by product of the process of love, it isn’t something that can be forced to happen. It will only happen when you trust the process to produce it as opposed to trying to force it…

We can try and force things to happen in our life, or we can trust the process. Trusting the process produces much different living arrangements than forcing it. Instead of the constant tugging there is a certain ease when you trust. The tugging is produced directly from trying to force things. Trusting the process produces the opposite, but both are within your grasp. It’s a matter of what you truly want in your life.

You will know what you want by what it is you pay attention to. The things that you pay attention become the base of your life. If you always pay attention to wanting the pleasures of life than self serving energy will be your base. If you always pay attention to how can you bring more love into the lives of all beings than that energy will be your base. To be free of the self serving mind is to stop trying to force peace. To cultivate a mind that looks how it can love more produces a life that’s based in trust. When you stop trying to force your peace, that’s when you we will be at peace and it’s because peace is a by product of the process of love, not of your desires…

Unconditional Truth

Freedom from the Conditioned Mind is based in truth and truth is based in stillness. Noise based conditioning produces lies which is the nature of noise; only when there is truth will you be set free...

You’ll never see truth if you’re not using tools that cultivate truth. Many have given humanity tools of truth, but what most people do with them is look for loopholes so they can do what they want and ignore the truth teachings. There are so many tools that point to truth, but they’re discounted because of the Conditioned Mind. So many have left us teachings of truth, but we don't hear the message because we judge the messages from a conditioned view point and the messenger with our own Conditioned Mind. We hear a conditioned message and interpret it as truth so the ego can be satisfied.

When you’re conditioned what you may think is truth isn’t truth, it’s perception. There’s my perceived truth and your perceived truth, but neither of them are truth. There is the underlying stillness beyond all the perceived truths, but you’ll never understand it or see it until you are quiet enough to know it’s right in front of you and it has nothing to do with what you think. That's the thing about truth, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the conditioned generated noise you’re most likely not seeing truth as truth is something only a very settled mind will see...

Contented Light

When there’s awareness of your made up stories contentment takes their place. This contentment is of light and is always there, but it’s not experienced because of being unaware of the stories that block it…

Without stories everyone would view life through the light of contentment which by the way is a stronghold of peace; because of your stories the light isn’t seen. The content of your stories are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life a fallacy. Through this view what is true is missed; this makes life about nothing in particular except the stories that are formed by the Conditioned Mind.

Stories are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments are the cause of the unaware thoughts that control your life. What’s truly happening is this; life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not being lead around by your made up stories; whatever you happen to make them. When there’s awareness of this you will truly be content; a contentment that has always been there in the space of light, but it was never experienced because of your stories not allowing you to see what’s truly happening…

Good or Evil Energy

It’s really very simple to understand the mind, it can be broken down into two energies, good or evil and everyone who is alive will be guided by one or the other…

There’s a lot of stuff (thinking) that goes on between your ears that determines what energy you will be guided by; when it’s broken down you will either be guided by good or evil energy. To me everything that happens is the result of something previous so the results of living in a state of good or evil energy are vastly different. This isn’t to apply a label that one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how good produces results aligned with love, kindness, peace, harmony, joy, and evil aligns you with results of anger, greed, hate, unhappiness, discontent and do on. I was guided by evil energy for many years and this resulted in much suffering in the form of feeling isolated and alone most of the time. As a result of this, I used many different things to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because not matter what, the evil energy would always return.

Thirteen years ago I began understanding the differences of these two energies and started developing certain things that aligned me more with the good. Evil energy is selfish in nature and produces selfish results; desirable to those based in the material world. Good energy has no selfishness to it and the results are much more beneficial. This doesn’t mean the evil conditioning is gone for good, but it has lessened to a large degree and hence there is literally no more isolation or hate in me. If there isn’t awareness of the differences of these two energies it seems the evil state controls more; it’s because of the influences of the material world that make this so. Even though by being alive you are part of the world, when you finally wake up what’s seen is you don’t have to allow the selfish collective energy of evil to control you…

Collective Conditioning Pull

There’s so much collective conditioning in our society that it’s almost impossible to break free. Why it’s so difficult to break a habit is because the habitual thing is always focused on and not the collective conditioning…

The collective conditioning pulls you along as if you are a puppet on a string unless there is some awareness this is happening. To me the only thing that allows this awareness to happen is to see your thoughts slowing down enough to where there’s a millisecond of space between them; if space is created the pull of the collective conditionings lessens. The only thing I’ve found that allows this space is discipline developed by sitting. It’s very important to understand this because people sit for hours with other intentions and the moment they’re finished their thoughts take over again. An understanding of what is being done is beneficial because it allows for a clear path which keeps the mind open to learn. If everything stays in the head as intellect it’s difficult to break free from the energy the collective conditioning emits. The larger the group of the collective conditioning the harder it is to pull away.

One example of this is from the Bible, the masses grew as the Pharisees publicly persecuted Jesus, and as more people were pulled into the collective conditioning the energy to have him crucified grew. If you research the conquerors of the past you’ll see just how the collective conditioning works as their reigns became deeper and they expanded their empires the collective conditioning became deeper. This includes those trying to help addicts because the addiction is to “I” and the focus is always on the thing one is addicted to. Until “I” is addressed very few people will ever truly break free from the collective conditioning because space won’t be allowed between your thoughts as the collective “I” remains in control…

An Unblocked View

An awakening provides an unblocked view of your actions and the associated mind state. With this unblocked view you become aware if the affects of your actions are truly beneficial…

By having an unblocked view you’re able to decipher the immediate affect of your actions in association to your current mind state. This doesn’t mean greed, hate, and delusional won’t be one of the mind states that arise, it’s seeing the affects of these actions for what they are and the controlling characteristic of the associated mind state. If this isn’t seen with an unblocked view these characteristics will continue their control as if you were a puppet on a string.

Some mind states to observe would be greed, hate and delusion and their polar opposites, generosity, love, and wisdom. These are the mind states most people fluctuate between, but with an unblocked view you see how the actions and the associated mind states are linked. What happens is first you can decipher what mind state is associated with your action and second it’s seen if the action is beneficial. It’s very easy to see resentment and its association with the mind state of hate, it doesn’t take much intelligence to see how this action isn’t beneficial to anyone, but without awareness of this one remains entrapped to the mind state of hate and hence the associated action. Intelligence has no bearing on this whatsoever. It also works this way with the action of giving. Giving with no expectations attached is an action associated with the mind state of generosity, you can definitely see how this action is a benefit; to me this is what an awakening is. One isn’t rendered white as snow because of becoming awake, but by the mind being unblocked you’ll see clearly and become aware of your actions and the associated mind state of those actions. It can then be seen if how you’re acting is truly a benefit not only to yourself, but to all beings…

Never to Return

Once the moment that’s occurring right now passes it’s over never to return, but the more attachment there is to what happens in life, the more what happens in life returns and becomes a reality…

The more attached you are to what happens in life, the more what happens in life becomes your reality; the key here is to understand what makes what happens real. Is it real because it’s occurring or is it real because of the way what’s occurring is being attached to? Or is none of it real regardless of what’s occurring because as soon as it occurs it’s over never to return except when the mind wants to attach to it. We call this attachment memory, but it’s really a made up story which becomes reality.

As soon as something happens it’s over with; the only reality is between your ears. This isn’t to disregard what happens, but once the moment passes it becomes the past; there’s no true reality of the past. Let’s say you had an injury that left a scar, you can show the scar, but to go beyond the scar you have to tell a story and where is the reality of the story but between your ears; this is because once the moment passes it’s over with.

How to decipher what’s real and what isn’t is very simple, be with the reality of what’s happening right now, not five minutes ago or five minutes from now, only right now. There’s reality, but the misgiving is most don’t get this so five minutes ago or five minutes from now is where most live. Reality can only truly be seen now because it’s always now. The future and the past are thoughts conjured up by the Conditioned Mind. Why this makes right now the only true reality is because the future never comes and once the moment passes it’s over with never to return…

False Self Conflict

The false self doesn’t create conflict, it is conflict and as long as this concept of a false self is in place, there will be conflict and this conflict will always be with itself…

The false sense of self is associated with attachment to wanting, peace is associated with non attachment to wanting; simple yet profound. This is so subtle and it happens without realizing it’s happening. This false self is directly linked to the story of attachment. Every time something is wanted, it’s because the false self has a belief what’s wanted is needed. This false concept of self is always in conflict with the peace that’s always there. The false self stirs up the thought that it wants peace, this is why there’s conflict because peace is already in place; peace isn’t the nature of the false self so it does this. If you try to do something like self improvement or anything to get rid of your false self, that’s the false self. So so subtle is the false self, unfortunately this will not be seen by many.

Awareness aware of awareness is the only state in which the false self is not trying to do something. It’s not trying to be anything different than the form that it is. Life is not a self help program to learn how to be free, the form in existence can be nothing but free, only the false self takes this and makes it into the story that the form isn’t free. The false self is the root of all reaching and seeking, but it’s not at the root, it’s the root itself. Remove the root and just as naturally as there’s existence in this form, peace will arise. This peace isn’t dependent on anything, it’s always there. It cannot not be there, it’s only the false self that takes it away. Awareness aware of awareness needs no self to see, just be with this for what it is and know the false self never sees…

Don't Waste Your Time

Don’t waste time on things you don’t know. By acknowledging you don’t know something and being okay with it, the minds usual state of unrest quiets…

A lot of time can be spent on questions such as “Are we human beings having a spiritual experience or are we spiritual beings have a human experience” Either way it’s said doesn’t matter much, unless your mind wants a definition. Each statement can’t really be factually proven; it’s like arguing over a parking space in the mall with both parties claiming that the parking space is theirs. Neither can prove the truth of that, even though “it’s my parking space” is being stated, probably being yelled, lol.

All the time wasted time will never again be. What I mean is because either way it doesn’t enhance life one bit, except to the mind that wants to make it so. So many thoughts that equate to nothing, 10, 15, 20 times the same thought comes in, it goes around in a circle and dissipates, only to return again and again. This is where the value of discipline has assisted in making my life different. I’m not immune to anything that occurs due to being human, but since there is a practice in place resulting in some discipline, I’m not pulled in as much to make up a story that I’m a human being having a spiritual experience, no wait I’m a spiritual being having a human experience. It doesn’t really matter how it’s said because either way I simply am…

No Life Without Love

Any life based in “I” is for the most part void of love which is a major stumbling block and although you may be alive, there is no life without love…

I often write articles that I claim are about truth, but what is this truth of existence that I often write about and how does it manifest in my day to day living? First and foremost it the total opposite of the way my life was viewed for forty nine years. Without knowing it a base of “I” was developed which my entire existence revolved around. The Twelve Step Program I attended in 1987 has principles in place to see this, but it was missed so as a result my life remained a struggle. Even though I was abstinent of alcohol and drugs for years I remained entrapped to my “I” which caused many issues for me and those around me. Any life based in “I” is for the most part void of love and this was a major stumbling block in my life. ALTHOUGH ONE MY BE ALIVE, THERE IS NO LIFE WITHOUT LOVE. It’s also the reason our precious world is the way it is.

In 2005 I my started abusing pain medication, but I stopped in 2007 and when I did it became clear to me what I had previously missed that led me to reaching outside myself for answers. It was this realization of knowing that my “I” was my problem that turned on my inner light. On one of my sitting occasions I experienced a deep presence within and knew I had found a real answer. It wasn’t of the white light variety, but I knelt in prayer for a period of time in this presence. For the first time in my life I was free without a need to use anything. This became my foundation, my center, and it is the cornerstone of my life today…

Happy 2021

 Happy 2021:

You can live your life in your mind and rely on the lie that life needs to be as you think it should be or you can live a life of truth and make a stand for what arises from the stillness of your heart…

Happy New Year to everyone who supported me throughout the year and may 2020 be a reflection of the love you have shown me, others, yourself, and the entire Universe. Whether people agree with my writings or not I will stay the course in 2021 and do my part to assist others so more souls turn to truth. It will be in this love that arises from truth that 2021 will be a prosperous year for our entire Universe.

Take control of your life by learning to discipline an undisciplined mind and you won’t have to rely on someone wishing you a Happy New Year in 2021 for it to be a great year. It will be a great year if that’s how you decide it will be. If you want to rely on happenstance that’s up to you, but life will always be what it is; what you make of it is your choice. Happy 2021; The Best Is Yet To Come…