Life is lived with the tools you develop. When life changes sometimes the tools that are in place don’t work anymore so there is a need to develop tools that are more beneficial. The process of building a house takes many different tools. In each step of the process different tools are required. When you reach a certain step in the process, if you don’t possess the tool that are beneficial to what you are doing, you will need to acquire them. Since our life is a process it’s the same as building a house. At different parts of our life different tools are required if you are to remain in a peaceful state.
Most people don’t possess the beneficial tools that allow you to make adjustments so when the time comes to use certain tools to remain at peace it’s not in your coping with life toolbox and you use tools that aren’t really beneficial. This is why there’s a struggle with life because tools haven’t been developed that are beneficial to adjust to life situations; this is the only reason why there’s a struggle with life. Life can only be what it is, but your reactions which are caused by the tools you have in place aren’t always of the beneficial variety. If all you have is a screwdriver to hammer a nail into wood, there will be a struggle. It’s not the tool causing the struggle, it’s because the most beneficial tool for the situation isn’t being used. It’s imperative that beneficial tools are developed so when life does what it does which is change, you’ll be able to reach into you life coping toolbox and use the most beneficial tool that allows you to remain at peace…

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