I have a very difficult time with the way addictions are dealt with by society and I’m sorry for writing about it, but with knowing what I know it just doesn’t sit well with me. I have made it a practice of writing what’s in my heart and right now this is what’s there. I don’t know how I am going to do it, but the message revealed to me (The next step in humanity’s evolution process) needs to get to more people. Our world and its people are in trouble. We conform to things that sustain our suffering and the messages that are real are ignored. I’m not really sure what happened to me to change my perspective of life, but I have an obligation to share it. People are dying because of ignorance; their own and that of others. Ignorance is not bliss, it causes suffering and sometimes death. Ignore this truth and remain part of the problem.
We all have an obligation to make the world a more loving place, not ignore things so nothing changes. I know I’m doing what I can, but maybe more can be done. How many have to die before people wake up and listen to truth. Please excuse me for this, but as I’ve said before, it’s difficult having a message to share of consciousness in an unconscious world. We can’t just sit back or maybe some can, but I know for me I can’t because the suffering of others breaks my heart, and regardless if what I have written is agreed with or not, I will do everything in my power to be a solution in a problem ladened world where ignorance is the master and far too many people unconsciously justify being part of the problem…

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