Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 07/01/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am thinking more of the good to look forward to! I am focusing more of what interest me! I am looking forward to good events, good situations, and good outcomes! I am preferring a good outlook with a good attitude…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 07/01/18~

Death Is So Unreal

Recently, words have failed me. It is difficult to express the magnitude of the loss of a loved one. A year ago, I lost my wonderful father, and a few weeks ago, I also lost my dear mother.  Death is so unreal. My mind cannot comprehend it, yet my heart senses the great loss. Each time I hear the phone ring, my memory tells me it must be mom. Each time I visit my mom’s and dad’s home, I feel their presence. There is an overwhelming flood of memories. I see her in her favorite chair on her tablet watching YouTube videos of Greek music. I can hear dad singing his favorite song to my mom. When I visit their home, I don’t want to leave. When I come home from work, I have an urge to call mom and see how she is doing. When I went grocery shopping a couple of days ago, I recognized items that she liked and that I would have bought for her. My heart has a piece missing. I miss all the things I enjoyed doing for them, and even though I had a lifetime with them, I wish I could have had a greater appreciation of the time we had together.

When life becomes difficult to comprehend, I always look to God. I ask God to help me understand the unexplainable. Experience teaches us more than what we can grasp with our minds. Experience teaches our hearts. The Holy Spirit guides us in times of suffering. So far, through this experience, I have learned three important lessons. First, I have learned that God grieves deeply at the loss of any of His children who have rejected Him and refused to accept the love He offers us. He grieves over our separation and rejoices when we accept the Holy Spirit into our hearts because through the Holy Spirit, we are no longer separated. Christ made this possible through His sacrifice on the cross. The Holy Spirit reunites us to our heavenly Father. The loss of a loved one helps us to understand God’s grief at our separation and His joy at our reunion. It is the same kind of grief we experience at the loss of a loved one and the same kind of joy we will experience when we are reunited with them in paradise.

I know that God created us to love. He created us to give of ourselves. When our love is received and returned to us, we experience ultimate joy. We are complete. The second lesson I learned is that the loss of our loved ones is experienced more deeply at those moments when we wish we could show our love to them by talking to them, caring for them, buying them their favorite ice cream or sharing the enjoyment of their favorite song. It is the memory of those moments when we were able to act on our love for them that we miss the most. We long to, once again, give ourselves to them, but our separation makes that impossible. This is why we feel loss, why we feel that a piece of our heart is missing. We do not miss them simply because they loved us. We miss them because we loved them.  

The third lesson I learned is that death feels unreal because it is not real. It is not permanent. It is a separation, but not a permanent separation. That is why we are in denial. In truth, there are two realities, the physical and the spiritual. This physical existence is temporal. It had a beginning, and it will have an end. Death is simply the end of our physical existence, but our eternal existence is spiritual. Our soul or spirit was created to continue after our physical death in our resurrected bodies in the presence of God. Even in death, the Holy Spirit spiritually unites us to our loved ones, at least those who are with God. My mom and dad loved God and lived to love others. Therefore, I am confident that they are with the Lord. When my time comes, I will no longer be separated from them. We will be reunited in an infinitely joyous celebration. However, while I remain in this life, I feel their presence and their love through the Holy Spirit. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit, which gives us hope. It is the hope of our future life, eternal life with God and with our loved ones, where there is no pain, no loss, where there is only love freely given and freely received.

In this life, I will continue to miss my father and mother. I will grieve our separation. But, I can relieve some of the pain by keeping their memories alive in the way I live my life, by honoring their legacy. I hope I can honor them by loving as selflessly as they did. 

© 2018  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved


Thought Made Issues

It’s the Conditioned Mind that takes everything that happens and makes it an issue. You can break free of this hold that the mind has over you when it’s seen you aren’t the mind because you are not your thoughts.

It’s impossible to have an issue with anything in your life that isn’t created by your own mind. This doesn’t mean everything that happens will be the way that it’s wanted, it just means that regardless of what happens it’s your mind that makes it an issue and it comes from within yourself. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time depending on the way one is conditioned, there’s a choice to make it an issue or not. Everyone has the ability to either make something an issue or not, but to not make up issues takes a certain amount of discipline. What discipline does is it slows down the thought process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed; without it the necessary quietness that allows this will not happen.

If all you do is think then all there will be are thoughts. This will not allow you to watch the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind unfold, and if this nonsense isn’t seen your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created between your thoughts. Life will be thought based (unconsciousness) and the result of this will make it seem as though there’s always some kind of issue. When life slows down, one can see how it’s the Conditioned Mind that takes everything that happens and puts it in a category of being an issue or not, this is when one can break free of the hold the mind has over you and you’ll be able to see that you are not the mind because you are not your thoughts. When this is realized the next step in the evolution process which is learning to just be has begun.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/30/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am moving forward into a future of greater success! I am pushing my way forward from this moment to the next with a greater attitude that benefits me, that helps me, and that serves me for greater good! I am journeying forward for greater memories, greater relationships, and greater outcomes just as I deserve…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/30/18~

Conditioned Mind Activity

Beyond the conditioned mind activity there’s nothing but silence. This is difficult to see because life isn’t about anything that you think it is. In fact it’s everything you think it isn’t, but it’s not seen because of trying to figure it out…

Thoughts go round and round and where they stop nobody knows. This is a perfect example of the conditioned mind activity that’s in place for most people. One thought after another, no space, no quietness, just the noise of the world manifesting as thought. If you could just sit back in a silence where the noise arises, there’s a chance to truly see what Jesus and Buddha spoke of. You can travel all around the world and make up any story that you want, but it’s only a story conjured up to provide pleasure and store it as a pleasurable memory. Beyond this no story is needed, no pleasure is needed, in fact nothing is needed because this is where true life exist.

Think about it, your entire life is a story until one day you no longer exist and your story ends. Every story is taken with you as if they never occurred. You thought they were needed so you could make sense of your life, but really every story means absolutely nothing because they are all created by the conditioned mind activity of the senses. Buddha talked about this delusion, Jesus spoke of not being of this world. What do you think they were talking about? If you remain entrapped to the conditioned mind activity, you will remain in your suffering. Even those who think they understand this don’t because it’s not something to understand. Beyond the conditioned mind activity where there’s silence, there’s the possibility of truly seeing what life is about. Why there’s difficulty in seeing this is because life isn’t about anything that you think it is. In fact it’s about everything you think it isn’t, but this isn’t seen because of trying to figure it out with a mind that’s conditioned…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/29/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am spending quality moments every day towards seeing myself in joy! I am spending moments with feeling myself in joy! I am imagining myself in a joyous state and imagine only joy ahead for myself in my future! I am attracting the right interactions, right situations, and right circumstances for the right reasons..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Adult Pacifiers

Not wanting the arisen moment different goes a long way in providing a person with a foundation that results in the maturity of not needing to reach for a disguised pacifier in whatever form it takes on.

Seeking self satisfaction is a sign of immaturity; it’s the I want it now mind. Seeking self satisfaction is directly linked to one’s level of maturity and if you don’t think this is so, what’s the difference in what is reached for now as opposed to the pacifier or bottle that was used as an infant? Only the object has changed, the same reaching is in effect. Stop and see the baby in place who doesn’t like what’s being written here. So your feelings may be hurt, or you may say "who does this guy think he is" but I say who cares, if this article allows you to see the truth needed to stop reaching and grow up that’s all that matters. A telltale sign that immaturity is in place is by how you have to reach for things. Try not reaching, see how long that last. The reaching takes on many many forms and unless the mind is very settled, immaturity and reaching which go hand and hand, will probably remain for the rest of your life.

Acting in a mature manner will only occur when seeking self satisfaction ceases. Judging is immature, jealousy also is. Greed, hate, and wanting life different (delusion) is immature. Relying on anything outside yourself is immature; it’s no different than reaching for a pacifier to provide comfort. Matter of fact anything that’s reached for that’s not essential to live life is a sign of immaturity because it all falls under the same category as a pacifier. You will mature when nothing in life needs to be different and this is even if some of the things you do aren’t totally mature; accept yourself warts and all. Not wanting the arisen moment different goes a long way in providing a foundation that results in the maturity of not needing to reach for a disguised pacifier in whatever form it takes on. Investigate this for yourself, or not, but understand the pacifier used as an infant has only changed its form…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/28/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am trusting my self, believing my self, having faith in my self, and most importantly loving my self! I am creating my bliss how I deserve to enjoy my moments, how I yearn to feel about my self, and how I desire to feel about my future! I am going with my flow of positivity and doing what feels right for my soul…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/28/18~

Beyond the Familiar

Although the familiar may be firmly in place and it may be true that you don’t know what you don’t know, but if beyond the familiar isn’t investigated, you will be stuck in the familiar of what you don’t know.

When a caterpillar turns into a butterfly it’s because it is growing. If the caterpillar doesn’t break out of the familiar surroundings of its cocoon, growth will not occur. It’s the same with us, just substitute the caterpillar with our ideas about things. Life is a natural process of learning and growing, but the base of one’s growth is dependent on the what the new is that’s replacing the familiar. For years I drove an old car in constant need of repair just to keep it up and running, and isn’t this how many live their life, constantly making adjustments and repairs just to keep it running; not many truly live. It wasn’t until I purchased a new car that it was realized just how broken down the old car was. This goes with the saying “you don’t know what you don’t know.” This is also what happened to me when I finally let go of the familiar mind patterns I had in place. I started to realize just how out of sorts my familiar thinking was, I began to break out of my cocoon.

Although learning is a natural process of life, learning to grow spiritually is not automatic. It does seem to take some effort even if it’s only the willingness to head in that direction. There are many intellects in the world who don’t have a clue as to what it means to live spiritually in the space of growth; they never break out of their cocoon, they stay stuck in the familiar. The mind loves the familiar and will always try to convince you it’s better to stay in that space then to go to the space of the unfamiliar. It may be true that you don’t know what you don’t know, but if this isn’t investigated what you don’t know will be the only thing that is known. And because nothing new is being allowed in, you will remain in your cocoon and new growth will not occur.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/27/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am practicing positivity today! I am exercising a positive mental attitude and emphasizing optimism throughout my day! I am looking forward to better days with better moments with good thoughts! I am reminding myself to focus on the good perspective, great benefits, and better future..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/26/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am facing my challenges much greater optimistically for benefits, much greater faithfully for success, and much greater appreciatively for education and experience! I am continuing for my bliss, for my blessings, and for my benefits along my way! I am sharing and giving my best until I am contentedly satisfied…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/26/18~

A Trusting Heart

There’s the limited you with all the made up concepts and beliefs or there’s the bigger picture, the one where there’s guidance and freedom because there’s trust in the Universe with all your heart.

When the mind is settled one’s guidance comes from the Universe instead of the reliance on one’s own limited concepts and beliefs. There’s a deep trust that arises from the stillness when the mind is settled. It’s in stillness that all life arises from so when one’s mind settles in this stillness, the eternal trust of the Universe is there to still the mind agitations which are the cause of all distrust. When the mind is still it allows for one to live from a heart of love instead of the carnal mind. This connects one with the goodness of life, one’s own internal goodness, and the goodness of all beings. This connection is already there, the only reason this isn’t known is because of the mind agitations that block trust from the stillness of our heart from being known.

When there isn’t trust all kinds of nonsense follows. When it’s learned to discipline the untrusting mind and our agitations slowly subside, what we are naturally left with is a deep trust provided by the Universe. This trust is what’s there beyond the noise of a Conditioned Mind, beyond one’s made up concepts and beliefs. When the mind settles and one is in the space of stillness, there’s trust because in the stillness it’s understood who you truly are. Trust in the Universe with all your heart and allow the mind to settle so you’re not relying on its made up concepts and beliefs to live life. Within this trust life can be lived as intended, as the trusting beautiful being of love that you truly are.



As some of my close friends might remember, I had got into ITC Ltd, as an afterthought, after they had originally booted me out and recruited Sachin Dayal and Piyush Sharma from REC, Rourkela, in the Campus Interviews. This had created a buzz in the Mallu Community in Rourkela, particularly among parents of nubile and marriageable girls, and also a mini Tsunami at my home, with particular reference to my mum.

My mum was aghast at the thought of her poor gullible and innocent boy being posted in Calcutta in the midst of predatory Bengali girls. (No offense to anybody, it was my mum's perception)
"Oh my Ayyappa Lord, those Bengali girls are going to consume my son. We may as well forget him. He is gone. Our old age is now condemned. Nobody will be there to look after us."
My mum thus lamented to my papa, and resolutely resolved to ensure that I quit ITC and come back to Rourkela, as an Old Age Retirement Benefit for her and Papa.

Meanwhile, I joined at ITC, and very soon I was having a very regular visitor to my Office. It was a high ranking Govt Officer, who had jumped the starting gun from among the queue of prospective fathers in law for me, and accosted me at my office, while the laggards among the prospective pop in-laws waited for me to come back to Rourkela. Very soon, I was moving around Calcutta, in the elite company of that gentleman, and in his official car. He took me to meet many of his acquaintances in Calcutta, where he sang paeans to my abilities and my grit and my determination and my talent and about me being a self-made-man, from a very poor family, with no tuitions, etc. etc. and blah blah. Soon, I also had a fair inkling about the intentions of the gentleman, which I really did not mind. I was feeling flattered and all puffed up, in my new found highly sought after status.

And in the meanwhile, my mother was having some totally different plans for me. She employed a masterstroke by pretending to become mentally deranged. I was shocked upon seeing her condition during one of my visits to Rourkela, and I resolved to make amends. My juvenile and impressionable heart were deeply pained at her deterioration, and she dutifully promised me that she will become all right once again if I were to come back to Rourkela.
The interview for SAIL was held in Park Hotel, which was just a walk away from my office on Lee Road. I literally walked into the interview of SAIL. If there is anything in this world called a "Walk-In interview", this had to be it. The guys there were flabbergasted when I did not produce any ticket for reimbursement of TA and no hotel bill either. The grand old man in the interview was quite quizzical and incredulous after learning that I had walked over from ITC, TTD Office to the SAIL interview.
He had only one skeptical and very suspicious kind of question for me.
"Are you really going to leave ITC and join SAIL?"
"Yes, I will. If you post me in Rourkela."
I replied with great elan and with great smugness as if I was doing some kind of favor to them by acquiescing to accept their offer.

Very soon both me, as well as my mother had received my appointment letter and my family prepared to welcome me back. (There is a joke among my friends that all companies and firms, entities etc. who are desirous of recruiting me should send two appointment letters, one to me and another one to my mother too, and the letter should be addressed "To Biju and His Mom". They knew who wore the pants in my house!). 
Anyway, my father was about to retire at that point in time and my little sister was still in school. And we were also quite poor like shit. This was the other reason that my family wanted me back in Rourkela so that they would not need to rent a place for a considerable period of time and thereby drain the scant resources of my family, in order to educate my sister and marry her off. (We did not own any home in Kerala either)

Meanwhile, at my office, I had a visitor once again. My front office ushered him in. It was the High Ranked Govt Official.
"Son, don't quit ITC. Here you are a man. If you join SAIL, you will be like a fish in an ocean. I know what is SAIL. The working conditions in a Steel Plant are inhuman and insufferable. It is living hell. I have seen many steel plants. You will never be happy working in one. I beseech you. Do not quit ITC."
The old man who could now see his marital dreams for his daughter slowly evaporate into thin air had tears welling in his despondent eyes.
"No Uncle. My mother wants me back in Rourkela. My family needs me there. I am joining SAIL."
"You are going to suffer for this!"
The shocked High Ranked Officer left the place in a huff, and that was the last that I ever saw of him. Needless to say, that was also the end of my mouthwatering opportunity of getting married to his lovely daughter, and needless to say, with some very lucrative add-ons, spinoffs, and some very generous bonuses.

In a way, his words were prophetic indeed, as I realized while laboring on in the thankless, physically excruciating, and mentally disturbing monstrosity called a Steel Plant. For those people who are uninitiated into the world of a Steel Plant, let me tell you that it is an exact replica of Hell or 'Naraka', as described in various Holy Books, like the Vedas, Bible, Koran etc. Raging Fires, Acrid and Suffocating Smoke, Hellish Heat and Obnoxious Fumes all around and through and through, a place where you atone for the sins of your ancestors. I hope you are getting the idea by now. 

But my sister did complete her education from my home (company allotted quarter) and got married off too from my house. My father left for his heavenly abode in the year 2000, and he lived a life of dignity until the end. My mother is still there with me, albeit ravaged by age and the debilities that come with it.

Did I commit a mistake, as was adjudged and foretold by the High Ranked Govt Official? Or did I do the right thing? I don't have any answers. 

Only the Almighty God alone knows!!!

U cud alternatively google 'BijuVasudevan' . IT WILL GET U THERE

Distracted By Your Distractions

There’s so much delusion in our society because most people have distractions that distract them from their distractions and this keeps the distracted energy of the squirrel cage mind in place.

There’s seeing and there’s the one who sees. With the one who sees there’s attachment to self, in the seeing alone is where there’s liberation. Even if one says there’s no one who sees, it comes from the self. I don’t profess to understand what life is all about, mostly because it doesn’t matter, but I do have a reasonable understanding of why and what happens to me. It’s mostly because the distractions that distract one from their distractions aren’t prevalent in my life, this allows openness. My manifestation is no different than anyone else’s, the mind distractions in place are, this is the difference in being the one who sees, or just seeing. The one who sees always has the attachment of seer associated with it and this is the reason why one suffers. There’s no attachment just seeing and because nothing is needed to see there’s no association to the one who sees (self) so there’s no suffering; there can’t be because there’s no one there to suffer.

I know it may seem like this is a play on words, but it isn’t. If there’s awareness of the differences between who sees and just seeing, an understanding that can’t really be explained will arise. It happens on its own, it can’t be forced or attained from a book, although if one is ready “Bam” it happens. I mentioned not being distracted, to me that’s how one becomes ready to just seeing. I don’t make anything happen to me directly, but without the daily distractions of the world, it opens one to free flowing energy. This is where insight and wisdom come from. Intelligence isn’t wisdom, anyone can read a book and memorize what someone else’s ideas are. Wisdom arises from ones own stillness and when one has distractions in place, it leaves little room for anything but the energy of the distractions. There’s so much delusion in our society because most people have distractions that distract them from their distractions and this keeps the distracted energy of the squirrel cage mind in place.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/25/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am allowing myself to just be! I am allowing myself to just accept the past as it was! I am allowing myself to just go with my flow and do what feels right! I am allowing myself to naturally enjoy my moment, relax myself physically, focus on my interest, and mindfully free my mind of stress..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/25/18~

Pleasure Reaching

The thought of reaching for God is no different than the thought of reaching for Heroin, and although these produce different outer results, the attachment to pleasure results in the same bondage…

The attachment to a thought about what’s occurring determines the energy you will live by and this is because attachment is tied into your emotions; which is what gives your emotions life. It’s never truly about what’s occurring, it’s always the attachment to what’s occurring that determines what one will do next. Using the example of food shows how prevalent this is. Food is needed to live, but how about dessert, see how the attachment to dessert makes the emotion of joy and delight arise. Nothing inherently has any substance to it so if we didn’t have attachment to pleasure, our eating habits would be very different. This would be because the thought of pleasure wouldn’t arise and the attachment to dessert being needed wouldn’t occur. Without attached pleasure we would eat when we were hungry, not to say that we don’t now, but I know in my case, food and especially dessert is mostly used for the sake of satisfying a pleasure. I don’t eat food that I don’t like and I definitely only eat dessert to satisfy an attached pleasure. The attachments we have determines how strong their grip is.

Look at some of the most glaring labeled addictions in our society and see why many don’t break free from their hold. The pleasure attachments to something destructive being reached for as a coping mechanism are obvious, but what’s not understood is the less glaring one’s have the same bondage as the one’s that wreck havoc and even kill. One uses programs to break free from the attachment to something, only to substitute it for another attachment in the form of a program; although the outer results are different the same bondage to attachment remains in place. Until this is understood, the attachment to whatever the Conditioned Mind deems pleasurable will keep you in bondage to whatever it is that’s being reached for…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/24/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am doing better because I want to be better, feel better, and think better! I am changing for the better because I am thinking better, talking better, and acting better! I am focusing on the better because better benefits my health, benefits my interactions, and benefits my relations! I am continuing for the better..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/24/18~

Imaginary Answers

Because of the way a person becomes conditioned, life is seen as if there are answers that fit into certain spots, and because of this we are constantly adding imaginary answers where we think they will make life better…

The issue with having to constantly arrange life as if there were certain answers that make it better is it’s all imaginary, and even if there’s some semblance of contentment with these answers, almost immediately the mind looks for another answer. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (imaginary answers) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, one would see life as complete and wouldn’t constantly need to arrange it to their liking. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes one see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been trained to do instead of be so it can only do what it’s trained to do; it needs answers and imaginary ones will fit just fine.

The Conditioned Mind sees imaginary answers in just about everything. Sweets, drugs, alcohol, gambling, success, porn, the shortest line in the supermarket, God, religion, programs, diets, degrees, to do list, and so on, all this imagining is strictly done to put another made up answer in place; this makes one think life will be perfect with this answer. Let’s say everyday you get a new answer, that would mean I made up roughly 22,000 imaginary answers, 365 x 60, all for the sole purpose to constantly have life the way I think it should be (imaginary). After all nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the supermarket, even if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly arrange life to make it complete with imaginary answers.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/23/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am grateful for my strength to continue thriving, my will power to continue surviving, and my desire to continue succeeding and striving forward! I am grateful for my imagination to create my bliss, emotions to feel my joy, and my memories to feel my gratitude! I am grateful for living this long…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/23/18~

Thought Addiction

Notice how many of your thoughts are repeated and you just may be able to settle in a place where your thoughts aren’t in control. You may also realize the repeated thoughts don’t really provide much of a benefit.

As long as you’re alive you will have thoughts, actually thoughts occur even if you aren’t alive they’re just not yours. So your thoughts aren’t really about what happens as much as how much one attaches to the thought of what happens. This is where one’s conditioning steps in and determines the relation to what thoughts come next. Thoughts can be based in love, or they can based in hate, but for most they teeter between the two. Very few go to the extreme of either one of these thoughts, so the results for most are just constantly switching between the two. When thoughts do hit an extreme level, the results are contingent on how much one is conditioned to constantly have the same thoughts; these thoughts manifest as the emotions that take you for a ride. If you have love as the main influence in your life, obviously you will have thoughts of love more than a person who had hate as their influence. This all arises from the individual so if you truly notice the base of your thoughts, you may be able to alter your attachments. Besides relying on divine intervention which will probably not occur, it will take practice to allow the mind to settle so the base of one’s thoughts are noticed.

The true addictions in our society is to our thoughts and when “I” is the main subject, it makes existence very irrational. Now multiply that by billions of people and hence you have the world we live in; billions of people having constant thoughts about “I” strictly for their own satisfaction. There’s no one to blame for this, it just arises from the thoughts within each of us. It’s our constant thought stream that causes extreme emotional twist and everything else in between. Sit with the intention of developing the ability to notice how much your thoughts are stuck on “I” and you just may be able to settle in a place where the mind quiets and allows you to realize life really isn’t about you, “I” just thinks it is.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/22/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am affording time and energy for good intentions for good actions for good results! I am affording time and energy for good self-talk for self-empowering self-motivation to keep me going! I am investing my time and energy for the good of my well-being for my future..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/22/18~

Monkey Mind Distractions

The present moment is naturally free flowing when there’s no resistance trying to make it different than what it is. Circular energy of the monkey mind stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate what is.

Being mindful of what’s actually happening at the precise moment it arises minimizes the circular energy of the monkey mind that is used as distraction to make life the way you think it should be. Mindfulness stops this circular energy by allowing the freedom of the way it is, this then becomes the beautiful accepted view of the way it should be. After all wanting the present moment different is where all the monkey mind distractions arise from. When one is simply mindful of what arises as it arises, there isn’t a need for a story so one’s selfish nature doesn’t come into play. As this occurs the love of one’s heart naturally becomes the default operating energy of their life.

Our selfishness become a created prison because it doesn’t allow for the natural flow of life’s energy; we become embedded in the circular energy of the monkey mind. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow as it becomes the energy of a lower vibration. Why this circular energy causes issue is because it bombards the present moment with an unnatural energy flow which doesn’t allow continuity. The present moment is naturally free flowing because there’s no resistance of needing anything different than what’s there. Circular energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate what’s there’s so what’s there is resisted to the point where the natural flow of present moment energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is the awareness of being aware, there’s no monkey mind circular energy here, there’s just the present moment energy of what actually arises.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/21/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am allowing myself to go alone and allow others to live their lives, successes, and dreams as they should! I am allowing myself to accept others with their assistance in my success throughout my way! I am accepting new interactions and relationships to create win-win situations for us! I am allowing myself to just be…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/21/18~

No True Void

There is never a void that isn’t created so there is never a true need to rely on anything from the outside of yourself. Until this is seen one continues to create their own void and thus their own suffering…

Every time someone goes to a program designed for a specific issue because they believe they are this or that, it creates a void. Same when a person goes to see a therapist, or they reach for another self help book, or if any other type of outside help is sought, this is because of the applied label of having a certain problem. When this is done all one is doing is reinforcing the attachment to that label and hence they’re keeping themselves attached to a labeled void that exist only because they themselves have applied it. Read this very carefully because why this label is being applied will be the difference in breaking free from your suffering or remaining entrapped to it. Some of the things mentioned do have value if they're used at certain times in one’s life, but if they’re being held onto as an end to a means, they lose their value as the needing morphs into attachment and hence suffering.

Not many will see exactly what I’m talking about here, but I’m writing it because it’s what I experienced after many years of trying to fill a self created void with things from the outside. I have found the very things that I was using to fill this void is what kept me in bondage; regardless of what was being used. Why I created this void is what I needed to find out because it didn’t truly exist and since it didn’t truly exist, why was it there? To me if something from the outside is needed to live life, something isn’t right. If I can’t just be with myself without the reliance on something outside of me, I have to ask myself why this is so. There is never a void that isn’t created so there is never a true need to rely on anything from the outside of oneself and until this is seen, one will continue to create their own void and thus their own suffering…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/20/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I know I can do it! I believe I can make it happen! I am capable and able to accomplish my goals and achieve my dreams! I am determined to enjoy my future without regret! I am remaining strong with love, firm with optimism, and willing to be blissful moment to moment..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/20/18~

Deep-Seated Habit Patterns

As long as the deep-seated habit patterns are in control, they will be the energy of your life. This energy arises from deeply rooted conditioning and doesn’t allow you to see what’s truly going on.

Often how things appear to you aren’t how they actually are. If you want to see what’s truly going on, getting beyond the deep-seated habit patterns will have to happen. If two people are looking at the same thing there are usually two different opinions of what is seen, but there’s also what’s beyond the deep-seated formed opinions and that is truth. There’s two sides to every disagreement and than there’s the truth. To stop being led around by your habits, you will need to stop labeling what arises. Stopping the labeling process allows the deep-seated habit patterns to slow to a point where space opens up. It’s imperative for this space to open if the habit patterns that have been formed over the years are to lessen.

Our habits are so misunderstood and this will be known because of the way you react to what arises. I look at my own reactions to see this and in the process I can see it in others; this isn’t a judgement, it’s factual. Understand your own deep-seated habit patterns and you will understand those of others; this is because we are all of the same energy. Creation is simply creation and if you’re fortunate enough to see this, your energy begins to transform in a direction that allows liberation. If this isn’t seen, the deep-seated habit patterns remain as the controlling energy of your life. This energy arises from within and takes on many forms, but the bottom line is the deep-seated habit patterns in place simply don’t allow you to see what’s truly going on.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/19/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am saying yes to greater moments of a greater day for a greater future that I deserve for myself! I am saying yes to greater days of a greater year for an awesome future that I am striving to attract for myself! I am agreeing to the good, great, and better I desire for myself..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/19/18~

Empty Space

Thousands of hours of time and money are spent on trying to fill a space that doesn’t need filling. The nature of the space is emptiness and it will always be there. It’s not your enemy; in realizing its emptiness one is filled.

Thousands of dollars are spent to go on vacation and at the time it seems to be a great idea, and in a way it is because when you’re there everything seems perfect, but the first thing to understand is wherever you go there you are which could be scary. The second thing is because of the Conditioned Mind, not only is the fantasy better than the reality, but before you know you are back home. This is not to say don’t go on vacation, but the stark reality is you can always be on vacation if your mind finds your place of peace. I’m talking from experience here because for forty nine years my life was exactly how I wanted it and yet I had to always reach for something to fill a space I didn’t understand. This space equates to always needing to be on vacation (reaching for something), but I didn’t understand the part of wherever I went there I was.

My own mind seemed to be an enemy not an ally and I had no idea this was occurring. Basically to my Conditioned Mind, I always needed to be planning a vacation because life was never good enough in the moment I was in; regardless of how it was there was always a void. Here’s the real irony in this, I was trying to fill a space of emptiness that is still there today, but what I have come to understand is it doesn’t need filling; in its emptiness is my fulfillment. The issue with most people is they’re trying to fill this space that doesn’t need filling because the nature of it is emptiness. That’s what a space is, empty so regardless of what’s used to fill it, it never gets filled, it can’t because it doesn’t need filling. Today I understand this space is not my enemy nor does it need filling and although there are times when I do go on vacation, it’s not because I’m trying to escape. Everyday I’m alive is perfect as it is and it’s the space of emptiness that provides this.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/18/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am looking beyond my obstacles and hurdles to continue a greater life! I am looking beyond beyond my challenges and difficulties to continue a greater life! I am continuing forward beyond the negative thoughts, opinions, talk, ideas, and attitude..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/18/18~

A Father's Energy

The Father that Jesus turned to provided support so he wouldn’t succumb to the world; this energy is available today in the same capacity. Not as a belief, but as real support to simply anchor you in the present moment so life doesn’t become a created burden.

As I look back at my life when my father was alive, he was considered the rock of our family. It was heart breaking that he died at such a young age; he was 62; to put it in perspective I’m going to be 60 in August. Our family has grown so much since then and life has gone on without him, but although he is not here physically, the energy of love that he gave our family is just as present today as it was back then. True love never dissipates, it sustains itself and deepens, the nature of its energy doesn’t allow it to wane.

Today one of my roles on this stage called life is that of a father, and as my children are now 24 and 22, I gather I am looked upon as a rock, or maybe a pebble lol, but I am there to support them in my role regardless. I look at my role the way the stories describe that Jesus looked to his father, not in the physical sense, but in the sense of energy; simply for support. As the father was there for Jesus, the father is also there for me in the same capacity, as I am there for my children. Turning to the father simply puts one in the only place that exist, the present moment; this is why turning to the father works, it anchors you in the present, which is the only place where one can truly love.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/17/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I believe it will all work out for my greater success and benefit so long as I continue believing, imagining, and acting like it will! I believe in myself; I believe in my success; I believe in my direction! I believe in myself…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/17/18~

Understanding Yourself

Intelligence doesn’t make you wise. Wisdom is something that occurs naturally as one learns to understand their own mind. With this understanding, wisdom arises and goes beyond the intelligence of thought.

One day it was revealed to me that my own mind was at the core of all my issues and this was never going to be different if there wasn’t an understanding of this. I had to understand why I had to always be doing something before I could be still and before stillness was experienced in my life I had to understand why there wasn’t any. Stillness isn’t something that can be attained nor can one acquire it, all that’s needed is to be aware of why you’re not still. Once this occurs than a starting point can be established and the minds natural expansion begins, but for that to occur this needs to be understood.

Until you truly understand yourself, not much will ever be different in your life. This won’t be because you don’t want it to be, it will be because in order for things to be different, it has to be understood why they are as they are. Waking up is not something that one makes happen, it’s something that occurs, and how you will know that it has occurred is by the awareness you have that your mind was based to self serve and now it’s based in stillness. Very simple to see this once it occurs, very difficult to see it if it doesn’t. The key to one’s continued expansion is to know the true nature of your own mind.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/16/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am spending more time with what matters to me much more often while I let go of what doesn't! I am having my thoughts, talk, and actions support my current situations and circumstances for better! I am encouraging myself to think, talk, behave, and act more positively more often..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/16/18~

Experiencing I Am

So much of our life is spent trying to be what we already are, and the only reason this is done is because the need to be something else is so strong that it blocks one from experiencing I Am.

I talk to many people, but I don’t have anyone else’s answers, I do know how to write an article that poses questions so one can look within to find their own answers. That’s all one can do is point others to look within. My entire life was spent adding to be something other than what I was. I’m not really sure what that was, but I spent an awful lot of time adding things. I was always altering my current state, doing things that solidified this need to alter. It took me many years to find out I Am already what I always wanted to be. It was a shift that allowed me to stop trying to be something else. No more chasing or searching and all because I Am was realized; this is the place of true freedom, at least for me. So much time was unconsciously spent chasing what I already am, but it wasn’t seen because the need to be something else was blocking it from being noticed.

The perfect example of this is a dog chasing its tail. The dog chasing its tail doesn’t realize its own tail is being chased. I wonder what would happen if he caught it, lol? I’m sure it would hurt, but would it hurt as much as constantly chasing something you are never going to catch? Always on the move, but not really getting anywhere. If the dog did catch it’s own tail, it would probably hurt, but at least it would realize what it was doing and it would probably stop doing it. In a way this is what happens when one awakens, you stop trying to be something else so chasing your own tail stops. With most people there’s some pain associated with this stopping, but this is what makes one realize it’s their own tail that’s being chased. When this realization occurs the chasing stops, what then arises is I Am and it’s in the I Am that it’s realized you already are all that you can and will ever be.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/15/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am blessed with my imagination and optimism to attract better situations and circumstances to benefit me! I am blessed with opportunities and choices to use for better decisions and outcomes to benefit me! I am grateful for all my blessings to benefit my moments…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/15/18~

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/14/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am allowing my worries to fade naturally into the past and I am allowing myself to freely be as I should be for the better! I am releasing my fears, negativity, and concerns by focusing on my ideas, positivity, and solutions for the better! I am enjoying my inspirations, embracing my aspirations and supporting my motivation..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/14/18~

Doing is Our Undoing

Do whatever you think you need to do, but understand any doing is actually an undoing because it keeps the mind in a state of agitation, and as long as one needs to do, the created undoing remains in place…

It would be more beneficial if you learned to do less in your life because any doing is actually an undoing; it’s only when the mind settles that this undoing subsided. This is how it is with a mind that needs to do, doing is an agitation and the more that needs to be done, the cloudier the mind becomes; it’s very difficult to see clearly when one is caught in doing. A doing can be identified as any activity that you think is needed to make you complete; you see when the mind is settled there’s simply nothing to do. When the mind becomes agitated it has to do, and it becomes clouded as all kinds of stories are created about what’s needed to make you complete. Reading another book may be done, another 12 step meeting, another person to help, losing another pound, more money, and on an on. So many things are used when the mind becomes agitated and the truth is none of them are truly needed because you are as complete as you will ever be right now. In the clarity of a settled mind is our completeness.

Agitated stories are created and they keep the mind clouded because of the conditioning in place. Clarity will never last as long as one thinks there is something needed to do that will make you complete. Doing keeps the mind from settling so the more one needs to do the less clear things are. Do whatever you think you need to do, but understand there will never be clarity until there’s no need to do anything. Be the light, be the instrument to spread love, be whatever you want, but this doing is actually an undoing because it keeps the mind in a state of agitation. And as long as the mind is agitated and clouded by doing, your created undoing will remain in place and you will always have to do simply because you won’t know how not to.

Mind Captivity

Being dependent on anything but life’s essentials creates a bondage that one becomes captive to…this captivity is of the mind and blocks love’s guided energy…so you may be alive…but you never truly live…

A substance or object can seem like it holds you in captivity, but it’s your own mind that puts you in the place of needing to reach for something. Without the mind telling you something is needed, dependency on anything would be non existent. The subtleness of this captivity is mind boggling. Take an alarm clock as an example, as soon as the alarm rings if the snooze button is hit, instantly you are captive because the mind wants the moment to be in different. This is the way being captive works and if there isn’t awareness of this, it’s off to the races of being controlled by a Conditioned Mind that’s dependent on wanting things the way that it wants them.

This dependency and captivity takes on many forms: drugs, alcohol, and gambling usage, talking about others, eating habits, pouting or sulking, social status, being miserly (cheap), trying to control situations and people, judging, lust, greed, envy, self righteousness, false pride, and the list goes on, but what all these have in common is they’re the external solutions used by the Conditioned Mind to fix an internal problem of lack. Until something is done to allow the mind to settle, this lack will probably be there until the last day of your life in this form. If this happens life will never truly be experienced in the way that it could be. Some dependencies may not seem as devastating as others, but whatever is used it doesn’t allow love to be your guided energy. Life can’t be experienced from the captivity of your own mind and because of this, life will never be truly lived. Only love’s guided energy allows you to truly live and it’s only a binding dependency that holds you in captivity to your own mind and blocks this from occurring.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/13/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am in charge of my mind, my body, and my soul for a greater life! I am starving my fears and refusing pessimism access to my actions for a greater life! I am doing what is necessary for me to continue positively with my situations, circumstances, and my outcomes..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Image: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/13/18~

Universal Heart

In stillness all of life arises, and all of life is from the heart, but it’s not the energy of one heart, it’s the energy of the Universal heart, so find your inner stillness and you’ll find your Universal heart.

What does it mean to live from the heart? My take on this is living from the heart is a real place, and not only is it real it’s also the only place that a person will ever find true inner contentment. To experience this contentment the mind will have to settle to the point where you can see the differences between living from the heart and living from the mind. Both exist, it’s just that most people are conditioned to live from the mind; our thoughts make up our entire world. They form our belief systems and because they are strictly from the mind, thoughts become the base of our existence. I was discussing stillness the other day with someone and his response was, “I have to think, who am I without thinking.” This is humanity’s dilemma, we have been programmed to believe that we have to think and we are our thoughts; these thoughts control most people. This type of living is from the mind and unfortunately the heart gets locked out when existence is strictly from the mind.

When you can see through this mind chatter, you will start to experience what it means to live from your heart, but this isn’t a thought, it is purely a place of stillness. The experience of living from the heart can’t really be explained, it can only be experienced. It’s like trying to define love, any word used doesn’t really do it justice. It gets watered down trying to use words to describe it. Find your place of stillness and you will find your heart. It’s there, but you have to be completely willing to look inward if you are to experience it; a little stillness will not cut it. Only complete stillness will allow for the heart to overcome the mind. Develop discipline and maybe one day your heart will open to a world that goes beyond anything the mind can conjure up. In stillness all of life arises, and all of life is from the heart, but it’s not the energy of one heart, it’s the energy of the Universe. We are just a manifestation of the Universal Heart and it will only be in stillness that we will understand this from our own heart and experience living our life from here.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/12/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I can keep going, keep moving forward, and keep my focus on all that I want to achieve and accomplish! I believe in what I am doing, where I am heading, and who I am becoming to succeed! I am not giving up until I am satisfied and not quitting…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Self-Communicate – 06/12/18~

Uniqueness of the Moment

The uniqueness of each moment is a phenomenon unto itself. It just doesn’t seem this way because one doesn’t truly experience the moment, they just experience the noise between their ears.

Just be aware of what arise from the silence and how it just as quickly returns to the silence. Don’t label it as anything, just watch it arise and dissipate. Don’t attach to it, just watch, whatever arises now it’s there and then it sinks into the incoming moment. The same thing with a sensation, watch it arise, be with it and watch how it returns from whence it came. Imagine you are on the beach, just sitting watching the waves arising from the silence, breaking on the shore and then it’s gone, over and over. Occasionally a seagull will appear or people will pass by. The lifeguards blowing their whistles sitting at their stations, watching what arises and returns to the silence. A helicopter comes into view and disappears. These occurrences are stored in our subconscious and are given labels, breaking wave, seagull, people , helicopter, lifeguard and so on, but they all arise from the silence of the uniqueness known as the moment. Everything arises from here.

These are what becomes our memories; the moment when something arises will never happen again. Because we label everything it seems as though history repeats itself, but it doesn’t really, it only seems that way because of the attachment and label given to something; once a moment passes it’s gone forever. Why our behaviors are repeated over and over is because of attachment, but the uniqueness of the moment is a phenomenon unto itself. It just doesn’t seem this way because one doesn’t truly experience the moment, they just experience the noise of what’s going on between their ears.



. If there was any one person who fascinated me during my entire four years stay in the college, it was Keshtho, our tea shop owner. (You might have thought that it was some pretty girl or some lovely looking lady faculty. No, certainly not.) 

When I saw Keshtho for the first time in my life, I was somehow reminded of a story that was told to me by my late and sorely missed father. (May the Almighty Bless his noble soul), where he had recounted to me as to how he had chosen the ugliest and the grossest and the crudest and most hideously deformed young man in the entire village as his best man, when he had come to my mother’s village to see my mother, during that great Indian matrimonial ceremony of “boy seeing girl”, in order to obtain the girl’s approval before the betrothal is finalized and the nuptials sealed. Needless to say, my mom fell for my dad, and the rest, as they say, is history. His story gave some inspiration and hope to his chronically and congenitally stupid, deformed, malformed, thick, dense and otherwise obviously challenged in every possible way son, i.e. yours truly. Surely there was some respite, some hope, in desperation too for yours truly, and our good old Kestho made even someone as insipid, gross, and ungainly as yours truly, look really good, by comparison. I am always very pleased and delighted whenever I meet someone, who in my own perception, is uglier, fatter, shorter, more gross, cruder, more uncouth, more insipid, more bland and uninspiring, stupider etc. than yours truly. Naturally, his very sight warmed up the cockles of my heart. Had he been fatter and more obtuse than me, that would have been the icing on the cake for me, but unfortunately, that was not to be.

But all said and done, the badly scarred and pockmarked from smallpox, Keshtho, was also a visionary who was far ahead of his times, when it came to sustainable growth and management of resources that are getting increasingly meager. He was painfully aware of the limits to which we could exploit the scarce and limited resources of Mother Earth with impunity, and with scant regard for future generations, and in this way, he was ahead of his times and I believe that he was also the inspiration of many of the environmentalists of today. (We came to know about the need for resource conservation and the need for recycling of scant supplies of nature’s bounties only very long after we had left our college). And as a result of this strong conviction and his grim determination to recycle in order to save our Planet Earth, Keshtho used to recycle everything, starting from today’s used tea leaves, yesterday’s used tea leaves, used tea leaves from one week back, yesterday’s milk, yesterday’s tea leftovers, yesterday’s other leftovers, and also those of the day before yesterday, and what not. Our environmentalist and sustainable growth champion ensured that absolutely nothing went waste in his tea shop. Absolutely everything was recycled to their full potential, and into extinction.

His tea was also an apt antidote for any species of bigoted kind of people of all denominations, particularly religious extremists and caste chauvinists and other jingoists. The knowledge about the fact that the tea that they just drank contained remnants of the tea that had been drunk by Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, other religions, different castes, even people from other nationalities, and also both the sexes on yesterday, the day before, and maybe one full week back, would certainly be very cathartic and humbling experience for them. Hopefully, by this time, our champion of national integration, cross-cultural assimilation, religious tolerance, and unity in diversity, the inimitable Keshtho, would have taught them a lesson that they are not going to forget in their entire lifetimes. Keshtho is the inspiration and the cause, and also the father of the religious tolerance and cross-cultural fraternity that is exhibited by the quintessential Rengcollian, in this manner.  (Kestho is going on a fathering spree here!!!)

Keshtho’s unswerving commitment towards the causes of the environment and its conversation also had a few quirky aspects to it. His deep sense of obligation to recycling of resources, sometimes led to some very compulsive behavior by him, albeit with very lofty and noble intentions. He had this fetish for recycling even yesterday’s dishwater, for some strange reason. The dishwater in which he washed the glasses and plates appeared to be an eternal pool into which make up water was added continuously, but none was taken out. I have never ever seen him changing the dishwater even once during my entire stay in REC, Rourkela. This kind of strange behavior was not necessitated due to any water shortage. Rourkela, with four rivers running through it, has never witnessed a water crisis in its entire history. But the prophetic and clairvoyant master environment champion in Keshtho knew that in the future, even water was going to be a scarce commodity, and he could anticipate and foresee the water rationing in Cape Town, South Africa, as seen today, way back in the nineteen nineties. He had a message for everybody in his niggardly use of this precious resource of water. But unfortunately, the message was lost on most of the students, except for the highly intuitive and receptive students like yours truly.  

Now, we all know that there are more water and air on our planet, than there is land, i.e. there are more liquids and gases available than solids. And so did Keshtho. But when taken from his perspective as a messiah for the entire humanity, his conclusion was that food shortages, particularly of the foods in the solid state like cereals, vegetables, pulses, eggs etc. are imminent in the future, and they are going to progressively become more scarce and even more difficult to procure. But liquids and gases are relatively more abundant on earth. A few experiments were conducted in this area by the scientifically oriented Keshtho, with the able assistance of the willing students of REC, Rourkela, with a view to ensuring the survival of entire humanity in times that were going to get progressively tougher. Keshtho, the scientifically oriented one, had already keenly observed that liquids and gases are more abundant in this universe than solids. The clairvoyant futurologist in Keshtho could foresee a world where there are only liquids and gases to consume, and very few solid food items for the burgeoning population, a something that even we cannot imagine about even now. So our champion scientist conducted one grand experiment after another, where the students survived for hours, days, and sometimes even months, on just Chai   (tea, liquid) and Sutta   (cigarette, gas). And in an apparent contravention of all known medical information and knowledge, most of us are still alive and kicking, once again proving the inimitable and multifaceted and multitalented Kestho, right on one more occasion. One more feather up the cap of the great man and noble soul.   

What more do I need to say here friends, except to conclude by saying three cheers for the one and only Keshtho !!!