Jesus, Buddha, and so many others pointed to truth, but not many people study their teachings. Not many see the truth, they see an interpretation of it. There is one truth, but many interpretations and since an interpretation isn’t truth it is a lie. Only the truth can set you free and when you’re free that’s how you’ll know it’s truth. Truth has no attachment, it just is. If you don’t study teachings of truth then you study teachings of lies. I’m not the originator of the truth that’s known today, I was the originator of many of my lies because all I was seeking was self serving pleasures. I investigated many teachings in relation to my life and truth arose from them. Lack of truth is the reason we suffer as a species. Whatever you use that blocks out truth and allows you to live the lie shows up in the form of what you reach out for to try to satisfy your inner lack of truth. The less truth you live by the more you need to reach for lies. There is no way around this, truth sets you free, lies keep you in bondage so the more you are controlled by your Conditioned Mind the more in bondage you are.
There are many tools available that allow truth, but there are many more that allow lies; both are learned. There is only one truth and you cannot know it without understanding the lie. The story of Jesus in the desert states he was tempted, but since he knew the emptiness of the temptation (the lie) that’s why he was able to resist it. Same as Buddha, he was tempted by Maya, but he knew the truth so he was able to resist the lie. If they didn’t know the truth, they wouldn’t have been able to resist the temptation because the temptation would have been to enticing. We submit to the lies because without truth there is no defense. Pay attention to what you’re studying because if you’re not a student of truth then you don’t really have a choice but to live a life that’s based in a lie…

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