Live your life the way you think it’s needed, after all it is your life, but don’t blame anyone or anything for the way your life is or isn’t. With the lack of truth at the core of most of our decisions that means most of us live a life based on delusion. This is worth repeating; With the lack of truth at the core of most of our decisions that means most of us live a life based on delusion. We don’t do this intentionally, but it’s done regardless. This is some pretty strong language. You can ignore the truth and live a wishful life or you can start to understand the stillness beneath the noise and be with the truth of that. What you cultivate is what becomes your life.
The tools of truth produce quiet, noise is noise whether the noise is seen as positive or negative. Truth can only be known in stillness, anything else is noise, so if you’re not cultivating stillness you may not know the truth, because there is probably too much noise. Don’t look for truth, because if you don’t know it’s already there you will never know it’s there, but when you stop looking for it and stillness takes over, you will start to notice your life changing and it will be because of truth. In truth more will be revealed, but it’s the lack of truth that keeps you looking to satisfy your self and thus keeps you from seeing the truth that is and has always been within you…

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