Let’s just say the word God never existed. This wouldn’t stop you from being dependent on something else, it just wouldn’t be called God. An atheist is just as dependent on things as a person who believes in God. Learn to listen, there’s a reason why we have two ears and one mouth. Silence teaches so much, but you have to listen so you can hear what is really being said. I don’t care what anyone’s beliefs are because regardless of what it is, it’s just something made up by your Conditioned Mind. An atheist is no different than an agnostic or a person who believes in God. A belief is a belief, it doesn’t matter what it is, it’s made up by your mind.
Atheist, agnostic, believer, addict, whatever your label, it’s assigned to you to justify what you need to do to quiet your mind agitations. You don’t think this is true, how different would you be without your stories and labels? The only thing different would be some of the decisions that you make, but the true essence of who you are would not change. It never changes despite your stories or labels. You make up your stories to attach an identity to them and then you assign a label, life doesn’t label you. You think your stories and labels are needed, but the true spiritual answer is finding they aren’t needed and your existence is the same without them. Just drop the story and label and look at what you become. When you go beyond your story and label and hear the silence, that’s when you will know who you truly are with no story or label needed. It is at this point that you will learn to listen and listen to learn…

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