Selfish Mind Conflicts

When the selfish mind is in control you may think you have real conflicts, but the truth is the only thing there's a conflict with is the selfish mind wanting what it wants when it wants it...

There's so much conflict in our world and although it's all pointed outward, it’s the selfish mind that causes a conflict when it wants what is happening or has happened to not only be different, but to also want it to be in the way it thinks things should be. You cannot have a true conflict with anything but yourself regardless of what happens. I often sit to develop discipline. The other day I was sitting in quiet when the thought arose, how would I react if I was going to die? What benefit would fearing death have? Would it change what was happening? The only reason this would be considered a problem is because the selfish mind would want what was happening to be different and preferably the way it thinks things should be. I know this is pretty drastic, but this is the way it is with everything in life.

Someone made a remark to me that not being conflicted about something means I don't care, but the lack of conflict is because the selfish mind isn’t in control; the selfish mind is where all conflicts arise from. In the case with death, the cause of the conflict would be the selfish mind dying. Death is going to happen anyway at some point so the conflict is caused by not wanting it to happen; that will not stop it from occurring. The death analogy can be substituted with anything, if you’re honest with yourself this will be seen. When the truth of this is revealed it can have a deep impact on letting go of the selfish mind because it will be seen that it does nothing but cause conflict with itself; unfortunately because of ignorance many actually believe they need to be this way. Whether it's facing death, needing Now to be different or just about anything else you can think of, when the selfish mind is in control you may think you have real conflicts, but the truth is the only reason there's a conflict is because the selfish mind wants what it wants when it wants it...

Natural Mind Expansion

Being intelligent doesn't make you wise. Wisdom is something that occurs naturally as you learns to understand your own mind. With this understanding wisdom arises and goes beyond the intelligence of what you think...

Until you truly understand your own mind, not much will ever be different in your life. This won't happen because you don't want it to happen, it will happen because in order for things to be different it has to be understood why they are the way they are. Waking up is not something that one makes happen, it's something that occurs. How you will know that it has occurred is by the awareness you have that your mind was based to self serve and now it's based in stillness. Very simple to see this once it occurs, very difficult to see it if it doesn't. The key to a continued expansion is to know the true nature of your own mind.

One day it was revealed to me that at the core of all my issues was my own mind and nothing was ever going to be different in my life if there wasn't an understanding of this. I had to understand why I had to always be busy before I could be still; before stillness was experienced in my life I had to find out why there wasn't any. Stillness doesn't have to be attained for one to acquire it, all that's needed is to be aware of why it's not there. Once this occurs there’s a starting point they can be established and the process of naturally expanding the mind begins, but for this to occur it needs to be understood.

When it's said the world needs to different, it should be understood why it's the way it is. If a problem arises find out why the problem arose in the first place and therein lies the answer. Things will always be as they are and the only way they'll ever be different is when it’s understood why they are as they are. Once this is known what needs to be different already is because of the understanding of your own mind...


Higher Vibration Connection

A higher vibration is always waiting to be connected to. When we understand the stillness beneath all our stories we can stop, align, and connect with a higher vibration which is the essence of life...

We're not always aligned with the higher vibration that the Universe provides to us and this is our misfortune. It’s not that we can't always be aligned with it, but we have to do the things that will allow one to be connected to it. Our alignment is in relation to how much we hold on to the self who tries to control life, this control is thought based and although certain aspects of our life need to be controlled, it's the parts that are beyond our control which we insist on controlling, this is what blocks out our awareness to a higher vibration.

There's a part of us that's the self who is controlled by the senses. This is our human aspect (thought based) of who we are, but there's a self that is beyond the senses, that is beyond anything physical, beyond any thought process, this is the higher vibration self; this self can't be conceptualized. It's our vibration beyond form, this is energy in it's purest state. It's only our thought process that needs to make things solid so it can have something to grasp and make sense of; this is attachment to thoughts. Beyond thought is pure Universal Energy. It’s who we are before our existence in this form begins and when conditions no longer allow this form to exist. When we learn to just be and not attach to anything to make up the story of who we are (a thought) that’s when one will understand who they truly are; thoughtless, formless, pure energy, this is the state that leads to a higher vibration...

Treadmill Mind

The Conditioned Mind keeps you on a treadmill using the same mind to create and solve problems. A quiet mind allows you to get off the treadmill accepting what life gives as opposed to wanting it different…

When the mind becomes agitated, if the agitation is to be quieted the cause of it needs to be identified. An agitated mind can’t do this so you’ll need to get off the treadmill if there’s to be quiet. When it’s understood the problems you have are created by your own mind, it will also be known that the problems created cannot be solved with the same mind that’s creating them. Simply put, a mind that creates a problem cannot be used to fix the problem that it has created. An example would be a person who uses alcohol as an escape mechanism. At first it seems as though it provides the sought after release, but as time goes by it affects life in a way that it no longer provides the escape. It actually becomes the reason an escape mechanism is needed, but the person still uses the alcohol as the solution to escape the harm the alcohol is causing; insanity at it’s finest. The alcohol can be substituted with anything, what is used doesn’t really matter. How you get stuck on the treadmill of life is the point of this.

It’s the Conditioned Mind that keeps a person on the treadmill using the same mind to create and solve problems. I did this for years and today it’s not this way. It’s not that I have a different mind, but there’s a difference in the way it processes information. In a sense it’s different with the difference being there’s now quietness instead of constant agitations. What quietness allows is the awareness of the present moment and living and accepting what life gives as opposed to wanting it to be in some other way. Getting off the treadmill is the way it has to be if there’s going to be peace in your life…


Memory Phenomenon

Understanding the phenomenon of memory is very important in breaking the chains of suffering because it's the attachment to “I“ that wants to only remember what's pleasurable...

The phenomenon of how we remember things and constantly bringing them into the present is simply that, a phenomenon. Although this happens without it being realized, when it is realized it changes the way existence is viewed. The memory of how things truly are gets distorted in a way because they are viewed through the conditioning in place; conditioning that mostly manifested in constantly seeking pleasure. Think of this, when someone dies no one gets up and says the person was a SOB, what's usually said borders on making the individual a saint regardless if when alive the person was a SOB. This is the memory phenomenon in place and until it’s realized life is spent constantly seeking making up pleasurable memories; the mind doesn't like unpleasant memories so it makes up one's to remember things pleasurable. This is part of the survival instinct engrained in us. Those who remember painful events also use them to find something pleasurable, even if to just push them away, hence this is why one reaches outside themselves for comfort.

Nobody reaches for anything for any other reason but to provide comfort, in this comfort seeking there’s so much unconscious suffering. Comfort pleasure, pleasure comfort, these two go hand in hand and until this is understood they'll continue to cause unconscious suffering. Understanding the phenomenon of memory is very important in breaking the chains of bondage because it's the attachment to “I“ that makes one only remember what's pleasurable. Even to the points of its own destruction “I” seeks pleasure, just look in any rehab or detox. Every drug or drink of alcohol taken had the lure of pleasure associated with it or it wouldn't have be taken. Understanding this isn't limited to just those things, this goes for anything that's reached for. The mind defaults to what's familiar and it uses pleasure as it's lure. Until this is realized you will continue to use memory to make everyone a saint; at least that's what's said when they die...

Gratitude Sunday~ 04/25/2021

Gratitude check today!

"Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more." ~Roy T. Bennett

Here to assist you and remind you of your blessings within and everything else you're thankful for toward more! Who and what are you grateful for along your way as a great day continues?

"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed." ~Maya Angelou

Remember, positive thoughts for positive results!

"To awaken with gratitude and to slumber likewise continues to be the first goal of my aspirations."

CHEERS~ to your great life continuing...


#Gratitude #gratefulness #thankfulness #goodvibesonly #gratitudeattitude

Labeled Limits

Any label used to describe a path limits that path to whatever label is being applied. Judgements, concepts and beliefs are all labeled limits that block the awe inspiring magnificence the Universe has to offer…

The Universe needs no permission to do what it does. It only responds to things out of necessity, but it does so unconditionally, without thought. It doesn't label or form concepts or beliefs, it exist as it is with nothing added because it needs nothing, it's self sustaining. It creates, it destroys, it neither loves nor hates in the sense of emotions, but its beauty is awe inspiring and arises from a love that can't be described. It's pure energy and it is from this energy that we are created.

This is existence in its purest state. The moment this is labeled it loses it sense of purity. Humans apply all kinds of labels to life, but life needs no labels. Label whatever it is you think is needed, but understand it's derived from a concept made up by the thought “I” not life. The more “I” needs to label life the more conceptual it becomes and the more life's true essence is missed; even the label of no label is from “I”.

The place of no labels, concepts, beliefs, and non emotional attachment is one's true place of existence; it's in this place in the midst of the Universe that our true essence is. It's a place that is here, there, and everywhere, but not labeled as such. Stillness exist as life and if a label is needed apply it, just understand every label has a limit. Once something is labeled it creates a block, so be in the unlimited space of what is and be with all the Universe has to offer. All the beauty of the Universe is within each and every person, it is where everyone arose from, but only the label applied by “I” limits the awareness of the Universe's magnificence…

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A Be-neficial Life

To live the most beneficial life there has to be alignment with love so this can happen. This is only an issue because through the Conditioned Mind there’s mostly alignment to self serve...

There is one very simple rule that allows a person to live a truly beneficial life and this rule is; learn to do what's necessary to be in alignment with love. If this rule isn't followed, it will be difficult to live a full and beneficial life, by beneficial I mean being an instrument of love. This isn't done by doing certain things, it's done by being a certain way which allows for this to occur; you can't love anymore than what's in your heart. Doing endless good deeds will not add one iota of love to your heart unless the good deed intentions are done from a base of a loving heart. With intentions of love, doing good deeds opens the heart opens and love fulfills its potential. This is not the conventional way of approaching life, but it is the way I have found that is the most beneficial for putting one in alignment with love.

The major block to living a beneficial life is learning through the Conditioned Mind to think in ways to self serve not to be. When you think like this, there's no time to be and think of others because you’re too busy thinking about yourself; so much time is wasted on thinking of and finding ways to satisfy yourself. Even if your journey is to help others there has to be awareness of the attachment that the self serving mind conjures up to make it about satisfying the self; there’s a very fine line between the self serving mind and the love serving mind, but with discipline the mind will settle so one can see the differences and stop doing what doesn't really benefit your life or the life of others. You can learn to just be, but the dilemma to this being is if all you’re thinking about is doing things that are strictly a benefit to yourself there won't be any room for being a benefit to others. If this is the rule you’re living life by, you won’t be doing what's necessary to be so there won't be alignment with love and life will not be lived to the fullest or be as beneficial as it could and should be...


Self Help Friday~ 04/23/2021

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better. To assist you with consciously becoming more self-aware by observing your thoughts, emotions, and responses toward making self-improvement an integral part of your life.

Learning should never stop, especially with self-improvement! Great ideas and solutions come from those who continue to focus on continuous self-development at every stage of their life as they become better versions of themselves. So friendly remind yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of yourself to greatly benefit those you enjoy beyond yourself. We can both agree that you deserve greater moments for greater days and greater weeks for a great year! Continue to empower yourself toward satisfaction while making the best of it all benefit you long-term. Thrive confidently on the goodness towards all that you desire to attain on your life's journey. Self-help for a better quality version of you, so you can thrive beyond survival mode.

Support the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future. You deserve to succeed for your bliss and peace as your awesome self! Additionally, you can positively affect loved ones and those around you for win-win situations. You'll surely enjoy life further with a better version of yourself as you move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts.

CHEERS~ to a better you toward a better tomorrow!


#empowering #lifeguidance #selfhelp #quotes #selfmastery

Perfect As It Is

Most people consider life perfect if everything is as it is wanted so make all the changes you think you need, just understand you are trying to change what’s already perfect because life’s perfection is in as it is...

It's said that no one can have the perfect life, but everyone has the perfect life because it’s always as it is. If it’s only perfect when it’s as it’s wanted the saying is true because no one can have the perfect life as it will hardly be the way that you want it. But even if it was, that wouldn't mean it was perfect, it would just mean it's the way that you want it. The perfect life is life as it is because It can't be any other way except as it is.

This is where struggles are derived from, thinking if life was different it would be perfect. But how can something that is as it is be improved upon; perfection cannot be improved upon. When a perfect game is pitched in baseball, nothing will make it more perfect. If a basketball player makes ten shots that he tries, he is perfect. Now you can say the pitcher could have thrown less pitches or the basketball player could have made every basket without hitting the rim, but it would not have changed perfection as it is.

We look for all kind of ways to improve on life’s perfection, but regardless of what is done it doesn't change the perfection of the way it is. No outer circumstance can change the perfection of what is. This is the main reason people are in constant "seeking perfection mode" and use so many different things to try and attain perfection, but it’s never attained because perfection is as it is so to seek perfection is to want to change something which is already is. Life is always the way that it is and that's what makes it perfect. It cannot be altered in a way to make it more perfect because that means it wasn’t perfect to begin with. Be with the perfection of life as it is. Make all the changes you think you need, just understand you are trying to change what’s already perfect because life’s perfection is in as it is...

Truly Living

When the body is used as an anchor to remain present, you begin truly living your life. In this space you find true love, not a story of love, but the love of the present moment where nothing else exist...

There is no reason whatsoever that a person has to suffer in any way today because there is enough info available to prevent it, but this is a truth that one must find for themselves. No book, video, guru, religion, self proclaimed enlightened teacher, program: 12 step or otherwise, or anything else can show you truth, they can only point the way and that's it. I know today what I've always known and although I've been pointed in the same direction for years, it's message did not click with me until I was ready to see it thirteen years ago. It may not always be understood why I do what I do or say what I say, but if you knew what I knew, you would do what I do.

I see much needless suffering in the world around me (and I say it's needless) and that's even with those who proclaim they're awake. It doesn't take much to know whether one is truly awake, all that needs to be seen is where the attachments are and suffering will not be far behind. If you want to stop suffering, stop using the mind and learn to use the body. The body is always in the present moment, it’s why the breath is used in meditation, you can't take a past or future breath, you can only breathe now. When the body is used as an anchor to remain present, the mind made suffering dissipates and lo and behold you begin living your life in the only place it exist; where your feet are. In this space you find true love, not the story of love, but the love of the present moment where nothing else exist...

A Moment's Beauty

The beauty of life is in the newness of each moment. This beauty isn't observed by many because of the view developed by the Conditioned Mind, but this doesn't mean the beauty isn't there.

Our disillusionments come in many forms and they're all used to reinforce the disillusionment of “I”. It's like one big circle. The way the mind has been conditioned makes us perceive life as if we're on a merry-go-round; you can't get off it until you realize you are on it. Think about it, look and see how time is used and how fast it goes by. The days of the week are used like this, along with the work week. There are so many things used that keep us on the merry-go-round; look and see what it is that keeps you on the merry-go-round of the Conditioned Mind.

Our life becomes one task after another and we basically do the same things over and over. Our disillusionment is that this is the way it has to be, but this isn't so, it doesn't have to be this way. Every moment of everyday is different unto itself. You may make it the same because of the Conditioned Mind, but it's impossible for any moment to be duplicated. Once it's in the past it can never be repeated.

The newness of each moment can only be understood by a mind that is quiet enough to become aware of it. The burdened disillusionment is a result of our conditioned thinking. To get off this merry-go-round you must be free of this type of thinking, and to be free of this conditioned thinking, the newness of each moment must be understood. Nothing done yesterday or even one second ago has anything to do with right now unless it's made so. Enjoy the newness of life by living each moment unto itself. Or not and carry around the burden of each moment and stay on the merry-go-round; you can get off anytime you want to, but that will be up to you...

Reaching Addiction

The true addiction of humanity is in the need to satisfy a false self; this is the addiction, we’re all addicts. The things you reach for don't really matter, understanding why you reach does...

Reaching itself is humanity’s dependency regardless what’s reached for and the reason there is a failure rate and not a success rate in treating addiction is because the true cause of reaching isn't identified. When a person needs to reach for anything not just drugs, alcohol, or gambling, the reason why there’s reaching needs to be identified if there’s ever going to be freedom. The answer has been provided to me and it’s my obligation to share it. This isn't some ego trip, these answers are real. My writings explain are from my experience and why this reaching is so and what can be done to stop it. The reaching is based on an influenced Conditioned Mind that is formed and controls you as if you were a puppet on a string. Through ignorance most people are controlled by the Conditioned Mind until the day they die and far too many die before they are provided with an answer. The Conditioned Mind is in everyone; we’re all addicts we just reach for different things.

I’m only the instrument in all of this, but it‘s my obligation to get this message out to as many people as possible. A real answer has been provided to me with a practical solution to end the human condition of reaching (addiction), not by substituting one dependency for another, but by truly learning to be free in the present moment. The true addiction is in the need to satisfy a false self; that is humanity’s addiction. The things reached for don't matter, but why they are reached for does. Learn this truth because it’s only this truth that will ever set you free...

Light Energy

Light energy is naturally free flowing because there's no resistance, there's no trying to make it different than what it is. Darkness energy stops the flow because it's based in trying to manipulate what is...

Being aware of light energy at the precise moment it happens minimizes the darkness stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Awareness stops the darkness stories of the way you think something should be and allows the light of the way it is, this becomes the beautiful view of the way it should be. After all wanting what is different is where all darkness discontentment arises from. When one is simply aware of light as it arises there isn't a need for a darkness story and selfish energy doesn't come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the beautiful operating energy of life.

Darkness energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for a natural flow of lights energy; you become entombed in the energy of the darkness. It's the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the light energy flow of as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why this darkness energy causes issue is because it bombards light with an unnatural energy flow and doesn't allow harmony. Light is naturally free flows because there's no resistance, there's no trying to make life different than what's there. Darkness energy stops the flow because it's based in trying to manipulate what’s happening so what's there is resisted to the point where the natural flow of what is energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there's no darkness energy here, there's just the energy of light...

Gratitude Sunday~ 04/18/2021

Gratitude check today! Gratitude is defined differently by many people, but the fact remains that it is equally important to all of us.

“It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” ~Anonymous

Don't make feeling grateful a once in a while kind of thing! If you have any desire to attain further progress toward accomplishment and achievement, to succeed further in doing what you enjoy, and to consistently support your bliss within, then this requires being thankful for the many things you already have, who are already in your life, and the endeavoring you're doing throughout your adventures. Only after you support an “attitude of gratitude” can you begin to intensify (and enhance) your bliss and attain a measurable level of success (that goes beyond that feeling of emptiness). Being mindful with an attitude of gratitude is key to bliss as you truly feel gracious about life in general springing you further with both success and character.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” ~Cicero

Repeat with me, “Today, I am choosing to live with gratitude on a habitual level for the love that filling my heart, for that peace resting within my spirit, and for that voice of hope saying all things are possible!"

Believe that gratitude opens the door to the power, wisdom, and creativity of the universe. So open this door through gratitude. Remind yourself how wonderful it is to feel appreciated, and even more so how it feels to share it as it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. Be open to the fact that an attitude of gratitude brings a great many things into your life as a great day continues. So, exercise gratitude like you do with faith, like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes within you... and the more you empower yourself in using it on your behalf the less troubling your circumstances and situations will be. If you do not practice gratefulness and exercise thankfulness, its benefaction will be wasted as it goes unnoticed. While you age, your capacity to enjoy its gifts diminishes. Don’t just pray when it rains but pray when the sun shines because it is through gratitude that life becomes rich. You can choose to be grateful regardless!

"To be grateful is to feel your blessings inside you, to enjoy the gifts outside of you, and to appreciate the blessings within everything beyond you. Adopt this most powerful attitude consistently, for the blessings in everything will be enjoyed favorably on your behalf."

CHEERS~ to your great life, great day, and success continuing...


#gratitude #selfawareness #thankful #blessed #quote

Being Led Unconsciously

Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to control you. If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts they will unconsciously be attached to which will lead you to automatically being led by them...

If there isn’t awareness of your own thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing how unconsciously led you are by them. Without this awareness you'll be unconsciously taken on an unconscious ride. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts do arise and they determine what kind of ride you will be on. Awareness of your arisen thoughts is essential if you’re to not be unconsciously led by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will arise, to me there's no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that awareness of them allows for a sliver of space that can be used to determine whether or not the thought leads you or not; remember it’s the attachment to a thought that causes suffering not the thought itself.

The Conditioned Mind is cunning and unless there's some awareness of how much your being led by your thoughts, they will and this has to happen, lead you around as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this that even if you are doing things that are labeled as good, if these thoughts aren't watched they will eventually control you; remember control is control regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is cunning because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to lead you. Thoughts will arise, but you don’t have to be lead by them. If there isn’t awareness of this, your thoughts will unconsciously be attached to which will lead you to automatically being led by them...

The Slightest Push

An awakening can be likened to a cart at the top of a hill, nothing else is needed than the slightest push to get it rolling, and it will just keep on building momentum until something stops it…

Once a cart is placed at the top of a hill and it’s pushed ever so slightly, it naturally begins rolling in the only direction it can go and its momentum builds without one ounce of exertion. It does take some effort in the beginning to get it going, but not much more than the slightest push; this is what happens when one wakes up from the sleep of unconsciousness. There’s not much that needs to be done for one’s awakening to expand, as a matter of fact most people don’t wake up fully because of trying to hard. If you are awake the push has already occurred so all effort is futile. Books, programs, videos, and whatnot make you knowledgeable, but none of it makes you anymore awake than the initial push.

This is one of the reasons I emphasis using the body as an anchor in the awakening process because it doesn’t take effort, it only takes being with what is actually here which is the present moment. All kinds of stories can be made up about what needs to be done, but it doesn’t expand the awakening one bit. Either you’re awake in the quietness of the present moment or you’re asleep in the noise of somewhere else. The slightest push reveals this truth and as with the cart nothing else is needed than the slightest push to get it rolling, and it will just keep on building momentum until something stops it…


Self Help Friday~ 04/16/2021

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better. Friendly remind yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of yourself to greatly benefit your livelihood. You deserve greater moments for greater days and greater weeks for a great year! Continue to empower yourself toward satisfaction. Thrive confidently on the goodness towards all that you desire to attain. As the better quality version of you can thrive beyond survival mode.

You deserve to succeed for your bliss and peace as your awesome self! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Support the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future. You can positively affect loved ones and those around you for a greater benefit from win-win situations.

CHEERS~ to a better you toward a better tomorrow!


#empowering #lifeguidance #selfhelp #quotes #selfachievement

True to Yourself

You can only be true to yourself in life so you shouldn’t be too concerned with what others think. Your life’s direction isn’t contingent on what others think, its contingent on being true to yourself…

Always be true to yourself regardless of what others think or do. This needs to be the priority if the greater good is to remain life’s focus. What has become my guiding light isn’t contingent on the approval of what others think; you can only do what there’s awareness of. I understand myself and in the process it has allowed me to understand others. This is what has allowed me to be true my myself without it necessarily being approved by others. Mystic’s throughout history have been misunderstood, but they still maintained their focus on being true to themselves. This is what an awakening is, going from listening to the noise in the head (being unconscious) to listening to the silence of the heart (consciousness). Knowing this silence of the heart needs to be followed regardless of what others think.

We have all been conditioned in our own way so it doesn’t mean everyone will agree, get along or even like each other, but if we’re true to ourselves we can like, love, and get along with just about anyone, as long as each person isn’t seen as an individual threat and everyone is seen as part of the collective oneness. Only when what others do is taken personal is there the chance that we don’t get along. Getting along with others is not contingent on them, it’s contingent on being true to ourself and not being too concerned with what others think…


Unconscious Flesh

The Universe is the energy of the greater good. Those who live for the greater good, live in this energy and those who live in the flesh are controlled by its unconsciousness and will die in the flesh…

The world uses many triggers to activate the Conditioned Mind Patterns that are deeply ingrained in the subconscious. To remain focused on the greater good those triggers need to be understood. The more life is centered on the flesh the more controlled by the flesh life is. The problem with this is far too many people are controlled by the flesh and it makes for a very difficult existence; the difficulty being spiritual principles aren’t the foundation of most lives. I’m not talking about lip service, I’m talking about genuinely living from the heart. If you don’t think living from the flesh is a problem open your eyes and look around at what is the focus of so many people. It should be the Universe’s unending love, but the focus is more so on acting in ways that brings harm to ourselves and others.

The flesh uses many of the worlds triggers to keep one in this mode of unconsciousness and many people will justify their righteousness even if it hurts others. A true spiritual existence is based on unconditional love, yet not many can claim this. It would mean our weakened flesh would not be in control of the unconscious words that we use to put others down because our small self needs building up. And the only reason it is small is because it is based in the unconscious world of the flesh instead of the spiritual world of Universal Love, but understand the flesh isn’t personal, it’s just unconscious…

Encouragement Wednesday~ 04/14/2021

Encouragement will take you further… take risks for your bliss, for your success, and for your satisfaction! Stay on point as you’re meant to succeed and enjoy your life’s journey! Continue with faith that everything will work out for the best and know that all bad situations are temporary, so never allow them to bring out the worst in you. By choosing to be positive and to be the strong person that God created you to be you'll attract positive outcomes.

“I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.” ~Audrey Hepburn

Keep moving forward without regret while focusing on the good stuff. Don’t allow yourself to stress about the rest of your life either. Just relax and enjoy the present as the gift it is and just keep doing your thing daily. Sometimes you think mentally you have been buried and it is over when you are in a dark place, but actually, you have been planted to grow stronger for what is to come.

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” ~Stephen King

Surround yourself with those who support you, encourage you, love you, enjoy you, and respectfully challenges you for your benefit. Continue for the better version of you! Direct your life persistently but with patience and gratitude, you must take control of your consistent actions with positive emotional support. It’s not what you do once in a while that shapes your life, but what you do consistently. Great fortune to you as your success continues…



#encouragement #empowerfuel #motivational #lifeguidance #quotes

Constant Motion

When a person truly awakens it's to the energy of love which is the core of the Universe. This love lives on in those who are touched by it forever because this is the way the energy of love rolls...

There's one guarantee in life and that is nothing stays the same. Everything is in constant motion whether this is realized or not. A few years ago my mom passed away. Her existence no longer met conditions to sustain life in her current form, so she passed on to wherever it is one passes on to. I know death is a part of life, it just seems to push mortality a little more to the forefront when someone close dies. From the time our existence begins to the time it ends, life is in a constant state of motion, until one day all motion as this body knows it stops. This is part of the process of existence in this form, it's not personal, it just is.

It may seem as though life becomes stagnant at times, but it's only the mind that makes this so. It's impossible for anything associated with life to be stagnant. Our cells are in constant flux as is the Universe and when this is realized life is lived anew in each moment because life IS anew in each moment. It's only the Conditioned Mind that wants to put life in a box of space and time because this is what it uses to try to make sense of things.

Today if you are alive you are dying, but also today if you are alive you are living. Stagnation creates death, there's not much life in the Dead Sea, but a sea fed by rivers is full of life. My mom has passed on, but she will not be remembered in death, she will be remembered in life because of the flow of love from her heart. When one comes to an understanding that it's only the body that stops functioning, one awakens to the energy of love because it's the connection to the core of the Universe. No one ever truly dies, we all live on in those who are touched by love forever, not for any other reason except that this is the way the energy of love rolls...

Denying I Am

The only reason I Am is denied is because there’s a thought life isn't good enough so it needs to be changed to what is deemed as pleasant; the I want, what I want, when I want it mind...

The greatest challenge in waking up is being able to just be with I Am, adding nothing, taking nothing away. When there’s awareness of this even for one second, liberation follows. There's no proving yourself in the I Am, the Conditioned Mind will deny this and at first this will be strong, but as time goes on and I Am stands unshaken, the denying will lessen as it loses energy. But conditioning is in place to strengthen the grip that makes one attach to everything except I Am. This attachment comes in many shapes and forms and they are the norm of what the world offers, but the world is misleading in what it offers. It promises liberation, but it doesn't make good on it. It may give you all the stuff that it says is needed for liberation, but even if one attains the whole world but loses themselves, they have attained nothing, especially liberation.

Space needs to created between I Am and your story, the more space there is the more liberation there will be. It's simple math, the more you spend time in the space of I Am the more love there will be in your life. Many lives are lived with denying energy without even realizing it's occurring. Anytime a story is added to I Am true love of the heart is being denied. This is when the Conditioned Mind takes over to make up a story of what needs to be reached for so life can be pleasant. After all the only reason something is denied is because there’s a thought the present moment isn't good enough so it needs to be changed to what is deemed as pleasant; the I want, what I want, when I want it mind. In the space of I Am nothing needs to be added because nothing needs to be different so in this space there's the understanding I Am is enough...

Distracted Mind

 A distracted mind won't quiet on its own regardless of what your belief system is. Beliefs hinder the quieting because they're just a response to mind distractions that block your inner presence...

If your mind distractions are in control and running your life it doesn't matter much what's going on, it's going to be difficult to be in a place of peace. It's such a distracted world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer in the world when the answer is within. What the distractions actually are and how they’re created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that's conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind distractions. This is how the distractions of a Conditioned Mind are formed and how they block awareness to your inner presence. It's distractions created because if you knew you had your answers the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind distractions.

Everyone has the ability to consciously remove the distractions, but it’s just not something that's going to happen on its own. Isn't it beautiful that your peace is in your hands, that it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is brought into your life. A little practice equates to a little peace so it's up to each individual to do what's necessary to stop the mind from being distracted. As you practice being in the moment the mind distractions quiet and you're left with an inner presence. If you’re waiting for anything else you’ll be waiting a very long time and it probably won’t happen while you’re alive in this form...

Gratitude Sunday~ 04/11/2021

Gratitude check today!

"Gratitude makes sense of our past through acceptance while bringing peace for today toward envisioning and creating our tomorrow." Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for bliss as it ignites the fire of joy within our souls. It is the fairest blossom springing from the center of our spirit... and during the moments, when our own light extinguishes, it is rekindled by another's spark. Throughout our own past, we have a cause to deeply think with a loving appreciation of all those who have lit our flame within us. Gratefulness felt and thankfulness expressed is the beginning of gratitude as it completes thankfulness and concludes gratefulness. Thankfulness may consist of mere words, but gratitude completes the moments with action. Just as well as bliss cannot be consumed, earned, owned, worn, or traveled to. Bliss is spiritually experiencing every moment of your livelihood lovingly, joyfully, and graciously with others beyond yourself. So rise up with thanks, to those who have sacrificed for you, supported you, provided for you, served you, benefited you, given you, entertained you, and died for you. CHEERS~ to your great life, great day, and success continuing...

Source: #gratitude #selfawareness #thankful #blessed #quote

Attribute of Love

To be imperfect is human, to be of love is perfectly Universal, so when one lives from the hearts intention to love there’s alignment with the Universe and all that is done is an attribute of love...

Regardless of the story that one makes up, most of what is done in life is to satisfy self and when one dies it goes to the grave or urn with the individual. There are things that will be left behind and how they will be remembered is determined by the intention of the heart’s attribute of the love. This isn't something that can be manufactured; love is natural and always genuine. It comes from the heart and whenever something is done from the heart it is an attribute of love because it touches people; maybe not all people, but that’s mostly because of the Conditioned Mind. If something is done from the heart and one out of a hundred people has issue with it, the issue is with the one not with what is done.

One day all of what one has done in this life will come to pass. Everything left behind matters little in what is said and done, but the things done from our hearts intention to love do matter and although what we say and do may not always be agreed with, as long as what's done is from an intention of the heart, it will be an attribute of love. To be imperfect is a human trait, but love is Universal so when we live from an intention of the heart there’s alignment with the Universe and all that is done is attributed to love. This is because when what is done is from the intention of a heart of love it touches others whether it’s agreed with or not... 

Extend Your Dash

To live your life to the fullest is to be aware of each moment as it is. In each moment you can at least relinquish some control of the Conditioned Mind by being aware of what is truly occurring...

It’s amazing how quickly the days go by. It seems like it’s the morning and before you know it it’s nighttime. All the stuff that goes on in between just seems like a blur, and one day just like that when some condition happens which doesn't support life anymore, it’s over. On most gravestones there’s usually the date life begins and the date life ends, in between those dates there’s a dash; the dash is our life. Much occurs in between those dates, but it goes so fast; the dash is the sum total of what occurs.

The question is how can we slow down life? I don't really think this is possible, but there can be more awareness of what is truly going on. The more awareness there is the better chance there is of living it to the fullest. Maybe we can extend our dash to be more in line with something like this ---------- instead of this - lol. To me it seems the more awareness I have of my emotional state the less life controls me and the less I think about how fast it goes by. Emotions are tied into the state of being and the state of being is tied into how quickly it seems life goes by. When emotions are stable so is one’s state of being and with a stable state of being there’s more awareness of the dash. Life goes by regardless of one’s state of being, but at least it will seem to go a little slower when there’s awareness of what’s occurring as opposed to living in a state of unconsciousness. In a state of unconsciousness, by the time that you awaken it may be to late to extend your dash because the day that life ends my not be far behind...

Self Help Friday~ 04/09/2021

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse, so, provide a friendly reminder to yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of yourself to greatly benefit! You deserve greater moments for greater days! Keep empowering through until satisfaction is achieved. Strive confidently for all that you desire in your future. A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode to thrive.

You know you deserve to succeed, so bliss out with your awesome self! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future! You can also positively affect loved ones and those you appreciate along your way for greater benefit.

CHEERS~ to a better you for better moments of today toward a better tomorrow!


#empowering #lifeguidance #selfhelp #quotes #selfimprovement

Silenced Awakening

When words are used to try and convince someone that a certain way to live is right, it's of the ego. A true testament to any awakening is demonstrated in silence because silence is what one awakens to...

Social media is a useful tools that can be used to connect with people and assist each other where years ago people were basically on their own, as far as interaction was concerned. Books were always available, but books limit your expansion to what's written because you only learn what the content that's presented in the book. It's very difficult for the expansion of the mind through knowledge alone. It's why I find social media so comical at times because of some of the content of the things that are written, they're as limited as the content of a book. People throw phrases around like the words really mean something, well they do but only to a Conditioned Mind.

You see if the mind wasn't conditioned the need for defining phrases wouldn't be needed. Take the phrase "there is no self" when this phrase is explained by someone, who is it that's explaining it. It's in trying to define that there's no self that one enforces a self. When there's an awareness that there's no explaining necessary to try and convince anyone of a correct way, it's then that real freedom from the bondage of self can be realized. Everyone's way is correct in a way because it's what's provided to them and this is because no two people are provided with the same exact view.

The point of this post is to state words aren't truly needed to define an awakening, no self, Nirvana, God, love, or whatever else one wants to use to define their great insightfulness which by the way are mostly made up by the Conditioned Mind. When true freedom is discovered it manifest as silence; words aren't needed. The less one uses words to try and convince others that there's a certain way to live the more the way is demonstrated to others; being an example of love needs no convincing...

Reap What is Sown

 You will always reap what you sow. This has to be because it’s a Spiritual Law so if your behavior isn’t cultivated from the heart, it will not be the behavior exhibited...

The mind may know on an intellectual level that one should be acting from love, but if love is not cultivated from the heart, it will not be the behavior exhibited; this is the meaning of "The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Your head tells you one thing and your heart tells you something else, they aren't in sync. There may be intention to act out of love, but with limited resources it’s not i’ll difficult to follow through with loving intention; hence we mean well, but we don't act well. This is a major cause of the struggle with life. We think we need to do the next right thing but the necessary resources aren't cultivated, so we don't even know what the next right thing truly is. We may think we know in our head what we need to do, but it isn't developed enough so we don't behave from our source of love. This is difficult to accept, but once it is accepted you will be able to understand what needs to be done to listen to your heart and get your head out of the way.

Love is not something manufactured. It emanates from the depths of the heart when the necessary practice is done that allows it to arise. It will not arise unless you do what allows it to arise. From Jesus, to Buddha, and all the great mystics, they are touched by God because they are the ones who are doing the necessary touching. The Father of all creation always is, we are not. So it is up to each one of us to go to the Father in love so we can be touched by that love in return and maybe, just maybe we will be able to act out of love, like Jesus, Buddha, and all the other great mystics did and like them reap what is sown...

Encouragement Wednesday~ 04/07/2021

Encouragement will take you further... take risks for your bliss, for your success, and your satisfaction! Keep moving forward without regret while focusing on the good stuff, so aim toward feeling much better, doing much better, and enjoying much more.

"Don't allow your setbacks to upset you but rather motivate you to upgrade you... in your thinking, planning, and endeavoring."

You have within your pieces of good news worth sharing with the world. The good news begins with how great you can be beyond measure! How much you can love beyond imagination! What you can accomplish beyond expectation! And what your potential is beyond belief.

Surround yourself with those who support you, encourage you, love you, enjoy you, and respectfully challenges you for the betterment of your future. All that you need to succeed is ready for you to utilize within you!

"Encouraging words shared in private during a time of any undesired outcome is worth more than the praise of success of the desired outcomes shared in public.”

Stay on point as you're meant to succeed and enjoy your life's journey! Continue with faith that everything will work out for the best. CHEERS~ to your success continuing...


#encouragement #empowerfuel #motivational #lifeguidance #quotes

Appropriate Action/Results

When the action is appropriate so will the results be appropriate. The results cannot be loving if the action is based in ego. Loving action determines the results will be loving...

You can only be drawn in by something that you consider real and you make something real by labeling it; the title given something is what sets it in concrete. Take someone with the title "boss" all they are is another human who is in charge of something. They can never be in charge of a person’s mind unless that person allows it and if they think they can control people all kinds of dysfunctional behavior ensues. When a connection to people is lost the connection to life is lost. I pity the person who thinks they are in charge of others because their existence is a living hell.

A true leaders is one who loves. You can have all the knowledge the world offers, but without people you know nothing. People make the world what it is and it will be that way when we are long gone. It is truly a shame what we are experiencing in life at this time. The dissension individuals can cause to disrupt the lives of so many is astonishing; to say the least. To see disdain and hatred aroused in people is saddening, it is the true essence of unconsciousness.

There are many lessons in all of this although it’s never pleasing to learn in this manner, but at times it’s the only way that anything can be taken from a situation to make it useful. Only love changes, well not really because even chaotic behavior changes things, but only love changes things for the betterment of all those involved. When something is of love this is an appropriate action which results in an appropriate reality...

Love Based

There's always a base from where life is basically lived from and this base determines if the energy emitted to the world is truly from love or from the way one thinks the world should be...

For years the base of my life was anchored in self serving energy, this didn't leave much room for anyone else to be served so to say the least my life was always filled with drama and chaos. This is what a base anchored in self serving energy produces; it has to because that's the nature of self serving energy. No one is truly at fault for this base, it's basically in place because it's the way of the world. There are so many bases anchored in this self serving energy and it's the cause of every conflict that has ever occurred since the beginning of humanity.

Ever so slowly bases of love are being established and those with this anchor are making the worlds energy different. The only way things will become different in the world is one base at a time that's anchored in love. A base in love is one of quietness, it's not a made up anchor where you have to constantly defend that your based energy is the way. True love needs no defending because it's in unity with all of life regardless of what someone else's base is anchored in. If for some reason you're in conflict with someone, your base is not of love, it can't be because that's not how love rolls; it never ever has conflict because it's energy doesn't allow it. Love simply loves and isn’t dependent on being loved. Take care of your base and make sure you allow everything and everyone to be as they are because that’s when you will truly be aligned with love and the world will be different because of it...

Present Moment View

Viewing life where the focus is the past or future is as though one is blind. The Conditioned Mind makes you think you see, but it's only in the present moment that the puppeteer strings of the past and future are severed...One string at a time...

There are so many benefits living in the present moment as compared to living in the past or future, it's amazing that this isn't realized by more people. If it was the world would be so different because greed, hate, and delusion would not exist. This would occur naturally because when one lives in the present moment, most of if not all the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind also wouldn’t exist; at least this has been my experience. There's very little attachment in the present moment and to be without attachment is to be without burden. Life still happens in the present moment, but without attachment it's allowed to be as it is; without the need for nonsense.

This shouldn't be mistaken for not caring because there's much more compassion living in the present moment than living in the past or future; the nonsense is recognized for what it truly is so this produces less unnecessary reactions. It's a little baffling why the present moment isn't everyone's default way to live because living in the past or future isn't beneficial in any way. It's the cause of why there's so much greed, hate, and delusion in the world, and yet the past and future are blindly clung to. It's unfortunate that living in the present moment is so fleeting, but until the outside reaching for things isn't needed, the present will not be experienced; only the nonsense of the past and future will be experienced. Outside circumstances will continue their onslaught of control and the past and future will remain as your puppeteers. Only in the present can true freedom be experienced and what that freedom manifest as is in no more attachment or clinging to a self that only see things through the view of the past or future... 

Gratitude Sunday~ 04/04/2021

 Gratitude check today!

"A common practice worth your effort daily lies in your empowerment of extracting amusement and appreciation from within while doing common things."

Embrace an attitude of gratitude to bring a sense of peace and the idea that you deserve the gifts and blessings you've been given. Empower yourself to make life mean so much more to you. Ask yourself... What if I make gratitude a perpetual daily feeling for more than just the big things, memorable interactions, and eventful moments?

Despite your circumstances, you can improve every single area of your life. There is evidence to suggest that by being grateful, you can actually bring more things into your life to be grateful for. The universe pays attention whenever you express the feeling of gratitude, as it responds by providing you with more worth being grateful for. That is how awesome the magic of gratitude can be! So, what are you grateful for?

CHEERS~ to your great life, great day, and success continuing...


#gratitude #lawofattraction #thankful #blessed #quotes

Love of Jesus

You cannot act out of love if love isn't what you are cultivating. It’s we who need to do the necessary practice so we can clear the way to become touched by the love that Jesus showed us...

The other day I was talking to someone who acted in a way he wasn’t pleased with. What he said to me is, he would have liked to have acted more loving like Jesus. My response to this person was unless you are practicing the way Jesus did, there is no way you can act like him. Occasionally I see a bumper sticker that says WWJD "What Would Jesus Do" but you cannot do what Jesus would do if you are not practicing what Jesus practiced. And what did Jesus practice, he submitted to the Father (love) in prayer and meditation ceaselessly; this allowed the Father energy to make unconditional love the base of his life.

If you practice like Jesus maybe you can act more like him or in times of difficulty when you ask WWJD you will have the necessary tools to behave in the manner of Jesus, but don't expect it to happen on its own because you can only act in the way you have practiced; whether its done consciously or unconsciously. Acting from the love that Jesus exhibited is available to us all, but it can only happen when our entire being is given to follow the Father which is love. This is what a spiritual journey entails, love has to be its base for it to be genuine. Give a little, receive a little, not many are willing to give their entire life over to the energy of the Father of love, just realize this if you don’t there’s no way you can act in the ways that Jesus acted...

Inner Agitation

All agitations arise from within your inner questions. Without discipline the mind that’s full of questions won’t have any answers provided so you will have to look externally and constantly be agitated...

All agitations are ego based because they come from the Conditioned Mind. If you’re agitated with what’s written here that arises from within you, the words don’t cause it. It doesn't matter if you agree with this or not, just understand if there’s an agitation it comes from within you, not from what’s written. Oh how we love to point at others for our own self created agitations, but the only reason this is so is because of the lack of understanding of your own mind.

Nothing causes an agitation unless it’s allowed. If you can change something by all means change it, but if it’s being changed just because you don’t like it, it needs to be looked at why there’s an agitation to begin with because even if the thing is changed, you will just move on to the next thing that will cause you to become agitated once again.

Everything that I have come to understand over the last thirteen years has arisen from within myself. It has been through the practice of discipline that real answers have arisen directly from my own inner questions. I can't have anyone else's answers because the one who questions is the one who has the answers. I do not have your answers because I do not have your questions; everyone has their own questions to answer. Truth is the same for all beings, but how we come to its understanding is from the questions within ourselves. When one sits in stillness, revealed are answers to our questions, this is when agitations with yourself and with the world will be no more...

Self Help Friday~ 04/02/2021

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better, so provide a friendly reminder to move forward with a better quality self version of you to greatly benefit! You deserve greater moments for greater days! Keep empowering through until satisfaction is achieved. Strive confidently for all that you desire in your future. A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode to thrive.

You know you deserve to succeed, so bliss out with your awesome self! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future! You can also positively affect loved ones and those you appreciate along your way for greater benefit.

CHEERS~ to a better you for better moments of today toward a better tomorrow!



#empowering #lifeguidance #selfhelp #quotes #selfgrowth

Flower Stillness

A flower doesn't make itself grow. In the Spring it arises from stillness and in the fall it returns to its idleness. This occurs naturally from its own stillness; it needs no assistance...

When the stillness of a flower is seen as life itself and not as the flower, at this point the flower is truly seen. Through the flower is how you will begin to understand your own existence. When there’s awareness of the stillness within you will truly see yourself; this is when life begins to be seen as it is. It will be in this awareness of stillness that the stillness of the the flower will be understood. Enjoy your life, but the joy is not in the things of life, joy is in the experiences of stillness; conditioning produces noise, stillness produces joy. That which most seek to enjoy is noise, joy cannot be attained because it’s already there within you and you cannot attain that which you already possess; this will only be known when there is stillness.

Find a place to sit where it’s quiet, sit and be mindful of each breath, not you breathing in and out, but how each breath occurs on its own. Sit with this mindfulness, watch how many breaths can be counted before the mind wanders. I get to about fifty and no matter how hard I concentrate the mind wanders; when I began doing this six was the number. This is one method used in developing stillness discipline. When you know what noise is, it will be known what stillness is. Just watch the flower, don't label it just watch it, the flower never labelled itself; through the stillness it arises. It never consciously did anything, from the stillness of the Universe it appeared. In stillness is where all of life arises from because stillness itself is life; just go ask the flower...

Mindful Thursday~ 04/01/2021

"Practice mindfulness for your peace, bliss, and self-improvement for the future you desire... you deserve to experience these emotional states of being for positive change throughout your life's journey for the better."

Use today’s mindful-amusement share of knowledge to help yourself for the better! You deserve a better mental lifestyle, so cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy that much better beyond negative belief.

Nourish your mentality good by releasing your bothersome thoughts and allowing the negativity to fade. Think of the good you have within and the blessings you possess. Believe there is so much more for you beyond your physical reach and mental belief! Focus your attention on better experiences occurring throughout your future. Better yourself for better moments of today, for an appreciative yesterday, and your ideal tomorrow.

The world needs your awesomeness, your positive impact, and your loving difference for a beneficial change! Make the best of who you REALLY are! You would greatly benefit from the best version of yourself. Inspire your aspirations and mindfully do all that positively affects your life for the better, and for all who live within your world. You deserve to better your existence through memorable experiences to continue the greater life that you deserve.

CHEERS~ to your bliss and success continuing...

#lifeguidance #mindfulness #meditation #education #emotionalintelligence

Worldly Limits

When worldly methods are used as a means to live by there will be a one view limitation set by the content provided, but when the mind settles a second view of simply what's in front of you is provided with limitless content...

When worldly methods are conformed to this leaves only one way to see life,. Those methods are so restricted and limiting it's really a wonder we as a species are still around. We think by studying and reading books we become knowing, but the only thing one knows by using these worldly methods is what the content of the book is. If the book isn't totally correct or only has partial facts about a subject that will be what's learned. People get degrees because the content of a book is memorized. These worldly methods are used to create experts by the worlds standards, but this method produces a limited view of the way life is seen; the limit being whatever the content of a book is.

We have wars against each other, we fight with each other all the time and mostly about nonsense; there is little unity in our world. Everyone thinks they are right because of what the books say, but the books just fill one's head with noise. This noise is the only version of reality that will ever be seen unless the mind becomes quiet enough to allow a second version of reality to be seen.

What happens when the mind settles, it allows for two versions of reality to be seen. One is the reality of the made up stories of the Conditioned Mind and the other is the reality of seeing what's in front of you because it's what's there. Both realities are from the same mind, but the latter will not be an option until the mind settles. When this occurs and the reality of a second view is seen, the limitations provided by the worldly methods fall by the way side. This is when you will go beyond the limited view of the world to see the limitless view of what's in front of you...