Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 01/01/18~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am blessed with another day of life for new experiences for new memories from new situations and circumstances! I am blessed with another year of moments for new interactions for new relationships from new events and new adventures! I am blessed to continue with success, continue with purpose, continue with bliss, and continue with passion…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Identified Agitations

When the mind becomes agitated, if the agitation is to be quieted, the cause of it needs to be identified. An agitated mind can’t do this, so one needs to get off the merry go round if there’s to be quiet.

When it’s understood all the problems one thinks they have are created by your own mind, it will also be known that these so called problems cannot be solved with the same mind that’s creating them. Simply put, a mind that creates a problem cannot be used to fix the problem that it has created. An example would be a person who uses alcohol as an escape mechanism. At first it seems as though it provides the sought after release, but as time goes by it affects life in a way that it no longer provides the escape, it actually becomes the reason why an escape mechanisms is reached for, but the person still uses the alcohol as the solution to escape the harm the alcohol is causing; insanity. The alcohol can be substituted with anything. What’s used doesn’t really matter, how you get stuck on the merry go round of reaching is the point of this article. It’s the Conditioned Mind that keeps a person on the merry go round of using the same mind to create and solve problems. I did this for years and today it’s not this way. It’s not that I have a different mind, but there’s a difference in the way it processes information, so in a sense it is different.

The main difference is now there’s quietness instead of a constant agitation. What quietness allows is being in the present moment and living and accepting what happens as opposed to wanting it to be in some other way. This is the way it has to be if there’s going to be peace in one’s life. Things may actually be the way one wants them at times, but it will never stay that way, so the key is to find peace when things aren’t the way that you think best suits you; doing this without reaching for something to comfort yourself is essential. Understanding that your own mind is creating this nonsense is the first step in establishing a true place of peace. When the origin of the mind agitations are known, they can be eliminated, but it will take practice. It’s vital to know your own mind if there’s ever to be freedom from it tantalizing grip. After all it’s not the great secrets of the Universe that are going to bring one peace, peace will occur with the understanding of why you think in ways that doesn’t allow peace.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/31/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am positively continuing forward to new beginnings, fresh starts, and the great successes everywhere in between throughout my life’s journey! I am here for many awesome reasons, great benefits, and worthwhile purposes I positively continue looking forward to realizing! I am positively looking forward to good experiences, great memories, and better interactions…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Something Holy Lives Within Us

Paul often talked about living in the Spirit as opposed to living in the flesh. He said that the Spirit of God lives within each Christian. This deserves some contemplation. What does this really mean? One part of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit, holy and pure, lives within each one of us. As Christians, somewhere deep within us, some part of us is Holy! For me, this thought inspires awe and fear! It is astounding that God would choose to give us such an incredible gift, the gift of Himself within us. At the same time, that Holy part of me is living so near to those dark recesses that shrink in shame in the presence of a Holy God. Yet, at this very moment, I realize that this is how the Holy Spirit brings light to the dark places of my soul. By shedding holy light on my sins, I become humbled in the presence of God within me. I mourn the sad state of my sinful condition, and I comprehend the need for mercy and forgiveness. All this overwhelms my emotions, as I realize I have just experienced God’s presence!

How can we know, if we have experienced God’s presence? For me, I am brought to tears. I feel His love overflowing. I feel humble. I can actually feel my Spirit filling up with something that I cannot put into words, something deep within me. However, I know that when I pray in God’s will, when I visualize our suffering Christ on the cross dying for me, when my heart fills with love for Christ, I experience God’s presence. The Holy Spirit stirs within me. This immediately causes me to feel grateful that He is such a loving and merciful God. This is living in the Spirit.

On the other hand, living in the flesh is filling our hearts and minds with earthly desires, thoughts of physical pleasure and self-gratification. They are transitory. They involve our physical senses, and once that sensation has ceased, the pleasure is gone. To experience that pleasure again, one must feed the desire repeatedly. If I take pleasure in the taste of a piece of chocolate, I must have another piece of chocolate to relive that pleasurable experience. How many pieces of chocolate can I eat before I begin to feel sick? When we live in the flesh, we are preoccupied by what we can get, rather than what we can give.

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are filled with His divine love. As Christians, it is God’s love, which motivates us, not our pursuit for selfish pleasures. It is the Holy Spirit who strengthens us in our weaknesses and comforts us in the midst of our suffering. Through the Holy Spirit, we are blessed with spiritual knowledge of God. We develop a more profound understanding that He is our all-mighty and all-knowing eternal Creator, who gave His Only Son, sinless, full of love and goodness, to die in our place and take the punishment for our sins. It is the Holy Spirit who reveals God to us and thereby increases our faith. He reveals spiritual truths to us and allows us to be in the presence of a Holy God.

According to Paul, when we live in the Spirit, we utilize our free will to do the will of God. Therefore, we are confident that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). In this passage, the Greek word “synergy” is translated as “work together.” Synergy was a term used by the early church fathers to describe our cooperation with God’s will. In other words, we work in cooperation with God’s will to produce good in our lives. Who are called? Everyone is called, but those who love God “are called according to His purpose.” What is God’s purpose? “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn within a large family” (Romans 8:29). We comprehend that God has preplanned for us to ultimately become like Christ, pure, righteous, and holy. We become part of the family of God, When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him” (Romans 8: 15-17). How do we suffer with Christ? We suffer by denying ourselves, denying our fleshly desires, by seeking not to receive, but rather to give.  This is how we live in the Spirit.

To live in the Spirit, Paul instructs us, “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:8-9). We are to keep our minds and hearts on those things which are good. We are to keep our minds and hearts on God. Paul also instructs us to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Praying is just talking to God. We can talk to God at any time in any place, at home, at work, or even in the car as we are driving. This is also how we develop our relationship with Christ. We talk to Him, and we must also listen to Him. It is a two-way communication that allows a relationship to flourish.   

As we contemplate the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, Paul eloquently concludes in Romans 8:31-39: 

What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, 

“For your sake we are being killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep to be slaughtered.” 

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

© 2017  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved

Best Deal Ever!

Amazon periodically offers discounts on their products. At this moment, they are offering my paperback book, A Journey Toward Perfection, at the best price ever, ONLY $ 12.48!  I am hoping the discount will continue to be offered by the time I finish posting this message. They change pricing without warning! If you have been waiting for the right time to buy my book, this is it! If you are an Amazon Prime customer, or if you buy two, one for yourself and one for a friend, you wouldn't even have to pay for shipping! Click on Amazon's logo below:
Start out the New Year with a book, which can help you develop a deeper relationship with Christ. Here are what others are saying about my book:
Blown Away
“I truly was blown away by A Journey Toward Perfection...I very much enjoyed it because, as is true of many Christian books and especially the Bible, passages will seem to be written just for the reader. For example, things I have been thinking about in my daily life recently were referred to in the pages of this book…It can speak to your situation and give biblical counsel.” (Mary C. Blowers)

One of the Best Christian Teaching Books
"This book was written with love and faith. I praise the work of the Holy Spirit leading Ms. Helen Kamenos in this work. I rate this one of the best Christian teaching books I have ever read." (Jaime Contreras - review posted on Amazon)

Exciting and a Wonderful Experience
“This book was written with a pure heart and soul. You can feel Helen Kamenos’ love for Jesus in her words and how much she wants everyone to feel as close to Him as she does. It was exciting to read her words because she was excited to tell us what she thought...It was a wonderful experience.” (Rabia Tanveer)

Guide for Christian Spiritual Growth
“A clear guide for all seeking to have a closer walk with God.” (Nez)

New Perspective
“It reinforced and gave a new perspective to lessons I learned and absorbed at my mother’s knee…The book is beautifully written, logically organized, and will definitely help you on your personal journey.”  (Ray Simmons)

“an uplifting book for all those who seek the love of Christ. The book leads readers into a deeper relationship with God and reiterates the power of God’s love.” (Mamta Madhavan)


When the human brain gets a glimpse of itself as awareness aware of awareness, a tiny temporary window opens where one gets a fleeting glimpse of its own wonder and majesty.

Over the course of time our human conditioning has evolved to the point where we objectify and have perceptual input. That is why humans see the manifested universe as if it had things in it that are separate and are labeled as objects. In the center of this is our core “I” which is interpreted by the brain as self. In truth there is no such thing as a personal identity. Identity is method that is used to keep track of people. A personal identity exists only as an assumption, a concept and idea; simple a thought which is labeled. Experiencing the world as a labeled place and seeing it as if there were separate things in it is where one creates their own bondage.

When the human brain gets a glimpse of awareness aware of awareness, a tiny temporary window opens where one gets a fleeting glimpse of its own wonder and majesty. In a few of these objectifying brains there occurs a shift in perspective that allows one to see through the bondage of self which its own brain creates. This allows one to remain in what amounts to the space of seeing the shared dream of separation and knowing that its just that, a dream and all other things are also being dreamt. When this happens the attachment to an imagined personality and an ever present fear of impending doom loses its hold. The brain simple hovers in the joy and awe of awareness being aware of being aware. To me this is all that nirvana, being at one with the Spirit, or enlightenment really is. This all what the great mystics Jesus, Buddha, Ramana, and Nisargadatta, to name a few, saw and experienced. Their brains had simply become rewired to see that in the manifested universe of objects which included themselves, everything is an illusion and there is never separation.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/30/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:

“I am continuing regardless of the opposition and obstacles I am facing! I am continuing regardless of the challenges and distractions I am dealing with! I am continuing regardless of the position and location I am currently at! I am continuing regardless of the limitations and weaknesses I am acknowledging! I am continuing regardless of who is supporting and involved in my success…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Only the Best

Life can only be what it’s made out to be, making it a master piece will only occur when the best possible resources available which are within, are found and are utilized.

You wouldn’t settle on the second best doctor if you had a life threatening ailment, you would do the necessary research and find the best doctor available. Why is it that we look for our answers out there somewhere as our first choice when the best answers are within ourselves? We’re the best source for finding answers to what ails us, so once we have a proper diagnosis, the necessary actions can be taken to help heal the ailment. We have to use the best resources available for our answers, which are always within. Quietness is needed to understand this. Without it the mind makes one think the best available resources are out there somewhere.

This understanding will not occur on its own, it’ll take a willingness to allow this awareness. Without awareness it’s almost like picking a doctor through the old method of using the yellow pages in a phone book: remember them. Would you really take a chance like that? What is more important than your own life and having control over it? You can leave it up to chance, hope for the best and leave it at that or you can use the best resources available to do what’s necessary to cooperate with life so you’re in harmony with it. Life can only be what it’s made out to be, making it a master piece will only occur when the best possible resources available which are within, are found and are utilized. Either you do this or you settle for second best and let happenstance determine your reactions. It’s your life, using the best resources available allow it to be lived to the fullest.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/29/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am strong enough to succeed this far and enjoy, so I am strong enough to continue adventuring until I am satisfied! I am strong enough to succeed this long and learn, so I am strong enough to continue longer until I am improved and better! I am strong with life and vigor, and I am remaining firm with my goals and dreams until I accomplish and achieve what I set out for..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Self Created Restrictions

Restrictions to an abundant life are self created by a mind that’s conditioned to self serve. One’s own mind creates these limits by keeping you attached to the lie the self serving mind is needed for abundance.

The restricted mind is conditioned to be that way and since it can’t get beyond its own created noise, truth is hidden from your view. This blocks out the ability to see the abundance life provides so instead of being in the presence of what is, one’s defaulted mind set tends to see the view of what isn’t. Learn to be with what is actually occurring and the default setting of the mind becomes one of abundance because the blocks to seeing what isn’t cease to exist. When this occurs the self serving mind isn’t in control and you are free to live without any restriction; the restriction being your own mind.

It’s only a Conditioned Mind that restricts. To restrict is to put a limit on something or to control something, this is what a Conditioned Mind does. Even though it seems like we choose to do what we do, when something is done that’s self serving, it’s restricted because no one, not even the one doing exactly what’s being done benefits because not only is one out of alignment with the Universe, one is out of alignment with themselves. When we go beyond this conditioning, we go beyond our own self created restrictions and we naturally see the abundance of life. To be without restriction is to be aligned with the Universe and to be aligned with the Universe is to be aligned with ourselves without the restriction of needing anything to be different than what it is.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/28/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am forging forward for bliss without involving myself in the troublesome behavior and influence of others, suffering from the worries and concerns of others, and ruining good moments from the pessimistic communication and actions of others! I am trailblazing for success with the involvement of other's encouragement, support, and assistance! I am paving my way for satisfaction optimistically and enthusiastically while I mature and strengthen from my experiences, learn and improve from my progress, and enjoy my relationships and interactions everywhere in between..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


Price War!

Wow! Another price war has begun! Amazon is offering my paperback of "A Journey Toward Perfection" for only $ 14.68!

Go to:

Get it while you can because Amazon changes prices without warning!

Knowing Yourself

Until we become responsible for our own behavior and stop pointing the finger at others, our inner urging to reach will never fully go away and we will always have a need for the next fix.

If you don’t truly get to know yourself, you will constantly repeat behavior that doesn’t allow for cooperation with life. This is the core message of my book “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts” My book is not a cure all, but it is a valuable tool if you have an inner urging to change things in your life. This isn’t a promotion for my book, it’s a promotion for a tool that can help a person be relieved from the bondage of self. That’s what our inner urging is, the urging of love to be relieved of our self absorption, and until this is understood, not a made up God or anything else will be able to help remove the blocks to this deep urging of love. This is not the fault of anything in particular, it’s just the way ours minds have evolved as we have become conditioned to behave in a manner that doesn’t allow for us to be in harmony with life.

Do what you may, hold onto your beliefs in whatever capacity you think you need to believe in, but understand you do what you do because of the way you have been conditioned, that’s it. It’s nobody’s fault and until we become responsible for our own behavior and stop pointing the finger at others, our inner urging to reach will most likely never fully go away and we will always need the next fix; our freedom will be fleeting at best. Stay in the control of your conditioning and stay in the prison of the bondage of self, and it’s unfortunate because while this is happening not even the made up story of God will be able to help you.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/27/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am looking ahead into my awesome future for my ideal outcomes and desired circumstances I want to experience with my life! I am imagining for myself my ideal future without worry and doubt, but with faith and optimism! I am stepping forward with faith and I am trusting the processes for my success…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

No Path Liberation

Trying to figure out what path is needed to become free from the bondage of self, keeps one locked in the bondage of self. The path of no path leads to liberation because there’s no self looking for it.

Ponder this, did you ever read or hear anything about Jesus or Buddha reading a book or following someone else to find their answers? Maybe they did at some point, but there comes a time when what’s read or what’s known has to be put into practice. One has to be careful though, just because there’s a so called practice in place, it doesn’t mean it will lead to a state of freedom from self. There has to be a practice that leads one in that direction for this to even have the possibility of occurring. There are many paths, but only one leads to the top of the mountain.

Keep practicing and when you come to a so called dead end, it’s a path that can now be eliminated from your practice. It isn’t a true dead end, it does have some value; one will be able to eliminate it because it’ll be known it doesn’t lead to the top of the mountain. It took the Buddha some years to become enlightened, but it only occurred because of the practice he had in place. It isn’t easy, it will take much inner resolve to stay the course. Even when it seems like a dead end it doesn’t mean it is, it’s just part of the process. One day there will only be one path, it’s the path of no path. This will not occur by sitting a little, reading a few books, following others, or running around trying to find the path. One gets out of life exactly what’s put into it and if that entails having a practice in place that simply puts one on top of the mountain, only then will one be free.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/26/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am blessed today with more opportunities to play, enjoy, and to adventure where I choose, how I please, and with whomever, I decide to create awesome memories with! I am blessed today with more choices to amuse myself with, reasons to celebrate with, and people to share my love with! I am blessed today for continued success and a great day..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift you will ever receive is the gift of today, and even though the Conditioned Mind wants to make it about something else, it’s simply the greatest gift because one day it will not be so.

If you are alive it’s simply because you’ve been given the gift of life. There’s nothing that was done for this gift, it wasn’t earned, it was freely given. Nothing is done to sustain it, but much is done to hamper its natural progression. An open heart aligns with this understanding and puts one in harmony with life. The things of the world will one day pass, but it’s the openness of one’s heart that last for all eternity.

Enjoy the splendor of this day, not because it’s Christmas, but because you are alive today to simply experience it. The true gift of Christmas or whatever holiday is celebrated is being alive, for one day this will not be so. Obviously if this is being read that day isn’t today so enjoy whatever this day has to offer in all its splendor, not because of the material possessions, but simply because you are alive. If being alive isn’t enough what do think is needed to make it so? Since today is the day that you’re given, make it the masterpiece you so deserve, and more importantly keep your inner light lit on this day and everyday hereafter to be a light to the world. Remember the greatest gift you will ever receive is the gift of life, and it’s simply because one day it will not be so. Enjoy your gift, Merry Christmas.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/25/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am loving the gifts I am envisioning in my future I look forward to obtaining into my life just as good as I love the blessings surrounding me throughout my every present moment! I am loving the relationships coming new into my life just as good as my current relationships regardless of where I am, what I am doing, and where I am going! I am continuing forward with a loving attitude for a greater day for greater success..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy the Christmas story (Luke 2:1-20):

In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11 to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah,[a] the Lord. 12 This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host,[b] praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
    and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”[c]

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. 17 When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.

The Space of Unity

In the space without thought is a unity with ourselves, life and all of creation. The more space there is, the more love infiltrates not only our life, but the lives of all beings.

In each moment one will either be creating a story about what’s going on or there will be space without thought. These places of existence are vastly different on an individual and collective level. If we constantly create stories, our mind will never settle and our true essence of love will not be allowed to infiltrate our life and the lives of others. Love isn’t the default setting of most people’s lives because of the unawareness of one’s own conditioning. There’s nothing right or wrong in this, it’s just what’s in place. It will take a very settled mind to become aware of the quietness which affords one the opportunity to wake up and see one’s conditioning.

When there is space without thought it’s so different because it involves no conditioning at all. It’s our place of unity with ourselves and others, this is what’s needed if our individual and collective consciousness is to change. When there’s unity with ourselves we will cease fighting anything or anybody. We will not regret anything in our past, present, or future. We will help others through the compassion of our awakened heart; self seeking will become non existent. When we are in unity with ourselves we are in unity with everything. In our unity struggles will be no more because they only arise from not being in unity. It’s the stories that cause struggles so when there is space it’s impossible to struggle. Space is where one becomes aware that our struggles are created by a Conditioned Mind that has been in control for far to long, so when there’s space without thought, what’s discovered is unity with ourselves, life, and all creation.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/24/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am grateful for positively choosing, for positively deciding, and for positively determining my thoughts, my feelings, and my behavior for the greater benefit! I am grateful for positively meeting, positively interacting, and positively attracting awesome people, memorable events, and beneficial things for the greater benefit! I am grateful that I can continue..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author


One Energy Source

Separation from yourself occurs when your energy source is made into a story. It becomes my story versus your story and there’s no connection when one comes from a place that causes separation.

The are so many labels for our energy source, but it’s not important what it’s called, what matters is connecting with it. Any words diminish it and put it in a so called 9box. This energy source is what led me from my self destructive behavior and it continues to lead me even when “I” takes hold in some self serving way. We’re our own obstacle because we can only connect with our energy source in the present moment and very few live there. The more when can be present and observe the stillness of the moment, the more chance there is to connect with our energy source. It doesn’t take a belief in something to allow this to happen, it takes an awakened heart to see that a belief actually blocks the connection to our energy source.

I’ve found it more beneficial not to limit myself with labeling this, it seems to allow the flow of energy to go in a more consistent direction, and although whatever the direction is I’m okay with it, connected to the energy source is mostly from love which is more of a benefit to humanity as a whole. There are many stories attached to about this energy which is what blocks one from connecting to it. There’s only one source of energy and the proof is everything is created from the same energy. There’s nothing to debate here because it’s the truth. The debate starts when our energy source is made into a story because it becomes my story versus your story and there’s no connection when one comes from a place that causes separation.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/23/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am supporting whatever positive thoughts come to mind, and supporting whatever good emotions I feel! I am appreciating the flow of positive thoughts and good feelings flowing within me to benefit from positive affecting interactions, meetings, relationships, and events I attend! I am remaining steady and firm with being the better version of myself for greater success to continue a great day…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

The World's Pull

The things that pull you into the world are endless, but understand the pull comes from your own mind and even though the worldly things provide the enticing, you alone attach to them.

If you’re practicing to live a life based in love, but you don’t know your own mind, it’s like going to the gym, but not making any effort. Granted it’s better than doing nothing, but if you can’t decipher between love and hate, what’s beneficial and what isn’t, or notice how you attach to things, what good is it, the whole point of the practice is missed. Because of the pull of the outside world, it’s very difficult to look inward. There are so many things in place that prevent looking inward from happening, and if it doesn’t happen, you remain in bondage to the worlds trappings. That’s all they are, when there’s even the slightest of openings to allow this to be seen, one’s expansion begins.

The pull of the world is very enticing, if it wasn’t the percentage of conscious and unconscious beings would be reversed, but it’s not this way because the pull is in control. Why the pull is in control is because there’s a delusional belief that it’s needed. We alone are the creators of this and if one doesn’t become familiar with their own mind, the worlds pull will continue its control; there’s really no way around this. The pull of the world is so enticing and this is what keeps one in the prison of the Conditioned Mind. There are many ways to be enticed by the world, but there is only one way to be free. Read all your books, become a know it all, meditate until you reach the state you think will bring you nirvana, but understand if you don’t know your own mind, it’s like going to the gym, but not making much of an effort to utilize the equipment.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 12/22/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am grateful for the opportunities to enjoy what I love doing, be who I strive to be, and interact with those who support and positively affect my life! I am grateful for the opportunities to choose and decide for myself who I am, what I am doing, and where I am going with my life! I am grateful for loving, for enjoying, for benefiting, for learning, and for living…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Lip Service Love

Either you love all or you love none, there’s no such thing as putting conditions on love and only loving some. Unfortunately love is given a lot of lip service in our society, but not much heart service.

Why most people have to hit a bottom before there is significant change in their life is because of the way our selfish nature has evolved. This seems to be a common denominator amongst us which doesn’t allow the heart to open to see the true nature of love. There isn’t a story of what one thinks love is, true love arises from the depths of our heart and is unconditional. Most people don’t really know what love is because it’s always centered around some attachment to a conditioned story; true love needs no story. I know many who speak of love for their own children, but what about all those children who die everyday and aren’t given a second thought, that’s even if they’re given a first thought.

Unconditional love has no me, my, or I attached to it, as a matter of fact it has nothing attached to it and until the conditional story stops, suffering continues as the default setting of one’s mind. Unfortunately love is given a lot of lip service in our society, but not much heart service. You can’t pick and choose who to love, either you love all or you love none. There’s no such thing as only loving some; matter of fact it’s impossible to truly love only some. A true transformation of the spirit occurs when there’s no where else to turn, the danger in this is many transform not in this world. I don’t profess to understand how the Universe works, but I do know what happened to me and that’s what I share. Although I had to hit rock bottom to wake up, it’s my passion to assist others in the waking process who are tired of suffering and want to wake up to the love of their own heart.