As life is lived and things happen, there’ll be one of two ways that you will deal with each occurrence. You will either look outside yourself for a diversion so you won’t have to deal with what is occurring, or you will look inward and you will face and learn from what is occurring; when things are used from the outside for a diversion there’s not much learning. What happens is a habitual behavior pattern of reaching outside yourself is formed and you use whatever it is that’s within your reach; the object used doesn’t matter. This reaching has to happen because it’s what’s there, you can’t look inward if you haven’t learned how to do this so you only do what you’ve been trained to do. It’s not right or wrong it’s just what’s there. An apple tree has to produce apples.
What if for some reason you get tired of living this lie, don’t think the habitual behavior patterns with stop just because you want them to. Granted that is the first step of the process, but it’s a far cry from changing your habitual behavior patterns. You see the mind doesn’t want you to change so it makes up the story that change is hard and it’s a lot of work, and it seems like it is to a mind that has been conditioned the think in this way. But understand change is only as hard as you make it. It can be as simple as you want it to be, or it can be as difficult as you make it. The most important factor though will be in becoming aware of your own mind and how it’s your conditioning that leads you to do what you do. When this is realized you can start the discipline of changing your habitual behavior patterns and you will notice a vast difference in the way you live life. Reaching out there and creating diversions slowly lessen and looking inward slowly increases. When you look inward you see truth because the diversions aren’t blocking you from seeing it. When the inward way is consciously selected, no longer will change seem hard or like work because living life the inward way is the change that you have always been seeking; it’s from the Universe…

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