It is not my purpose to try and convince anyone that what I share is the way it is, although it is, lol. I simply share my experience of how I have been afforded a freedom that I never had in my life. In 1987 I stopped using certain substances as my coping mechanisms to deal with life, but unbeknownst to me at the time all I did was substitute other things that I used as my coping mechanisms. That is until one day, and it took eighteen years, I went back to using my original coping mechanism. This is what led me to ask myself why this happened, I found the answer that has led to my freedom. I only share what I have experienced so please don’t make this into something that its not. It’s my experience and that’s all it is.
My entire life was spent reaching outside myself to fill an inner need created by my Conditioned Mind. When this was understood, I started developing discipline that allowed this reaching to subside. Why, because I found that the need for the reaching was created, it wasn’t a real need. I stopped using many of the coping mechanisms that I developed and this is why I am free today. I understand nothing is needed in my so called quest for completeness because right now in this moment I am as complete as I will ever been or will ever be and nothing reached for will change this…

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