Reaching for Completeness

The mind agitation that tells you the next thing will make you complete is what keeps you in the constant mode of reaching. Reaching that will either end because this is realized or because life in this forms ends…

I will be complete when this happens next or that happens. The next fix, the next satisfaction, the next whatever is used as next. What’s next goes on to infinity, it never ends until it’s realized there is no end and you will always be reaching for that which is already here. But who is the reacher and why all this reaching? Either there’s completeness now with the way things are or there isn’t. Reaching for the next whatever it is that you think will bring utopia never ends because there’s nothing to truly attain that will end the reaching. The Conditioned Mind will tell you different and that’s why there’s reaching. What you really need to ask is, who is the one doing the reaching and why? The fictional character of self that’s been made up to think things need to be different for completeness is just that, fictional and this is why there’s reaching, no other reason.

The self that makes up this nonsense that you are incomplete is just a story of incompleteness and this is what keeps you reaching. The dream of attaining a certain status, the next promotion, the trophy partner, the next book, the next, the next, the next, whatever keeps you in the constant mode of the reach, reaching that will either end because this is realized or because life in this forms ends. The reach will end one day, but in which way that will be is determined if you spend your entire life reaching for that which is already here or stop the reaching because it’s realizes there’s nothing to reach for because you are already complete…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/30/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I know I benefit greatly when I let go of the hatred, the anger, and the sadness! I know I benefit most when I look forward to the positive, look forward to the joy, and look forward to the pleasures! I am imagining a greater future for myself…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/30/18~

Loss of Innocence

    Painting by constantdoodler on DeviantArt

I clearly remember a time in my young life losing my innocence, at least, that’s what I call it. I always wanted to please people, so I made an effort to always be kind, compassionate, and forgiving. I paid close attention to those who seemed to need a friend, and I tried to become a friend to them. I got along with everyone, especially because I do not like conflict. I avoided confrontation at all costs. I loved helping others. I became a great listener because most people just need someone to listen to them and empathize with them. They do not really want advice. Occasionally, some would ask for advice, and I would do my best with the limited experience I had at that point. Many considered me a sort of psychologist for them. I always tried to be encouraging and to point out valuable qualities in them that I admired.

As I grew into adulthood, I realized that no matter how kind you are to some people, they are not always kind in return. This was a great disappointment to me because I believed that if you were kind to someone, they would naturally wish to be kind in return. The joy of being kind to others disappeared. I remember consciously coming to the conclusion that being kind to someone was, sometimes, not worth it. The experience of betrayal and rejection caused more pain than I was willing to accept at the time. In addition, I began believing that it was because I somehow had less value. I wondered if it was my fault. Consequently, I became more reserved and more introverted.

Now, many, many years later, with more God in my life, I learned something different. I learned about God’s kind of love, what the Bible calls “charity” or “agape.” This kind of love is completely unselfish and is not affected by what treatment we receive from others. It is given unconditionally, expecting nothing in return. Therefore, if I lend a friend $5,000, I offer it not expecting to be paid back in return. This is rather unusual, since allowing someone to borrow money generally means that he/she is expected to pay it back. Charity results in greater rewards than ordinary kindness. Rather than being proud of ourselves for performing acts of kindness, charity is offered as a sacrifice. That $5,000 really hurt my pocketbook. I couldn’t really afford it, so I must make due with less for a while. However, I do not mind it because I want to make this sacrifice to help a friend and to glorify God. I am fully aware that it is God who wants me to give the loan and so in loving God, I obey. He will be glorified in this act of charity because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” (Romans 5:5). That means that I will experience God’s love in my heart, and the Holy Spirit will work on my friend’s heart, as well.  

What happens when I offer love that involves a sacrifice? The Holy Spirit awakens in us. He fills with an inexpressible joy. The greater the sacrifice involved in an act of charity, the greater elation we experience. It seems that the Holy Spirit replaces the pain of sacrifice with an equal degree of happiness. When I experienced the greatest sacrifice in giving, I also experienced a supernatural kind of ecstasy, which can only be attributed to the Holy Spirit. I now understand what Christ meant when He said, If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that?” (Matthew 5:46)
© 2018  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved

Led by Love

There’s no suffering in the space of true love because true love has no attachment. Being aware of the attachment to “I” and not holding onto it is what allows love to be the leading force of one’s life.

The struggle a person has with life is caused by their foundation strictly being mind based and it’s basically because there’s no structure to the mind. Life being mind based is equivalent to a house being built on sand, we all know what happens when the first storm comes. To often mind based information is held onto as being factual which actually keeps one entrapped to the mind. I know how deeply engrained these conditioned patterns are and although at times I may come on strong, it’s only because something is seen that simply can’t be ignored.

There are basically two primary forces that lead the direction of any life. One is of suffering (attachments “I”) the other is of love (non attachment). These forces manifest in many different ways. At the core of all suffering is the attachment to “I” (selfishness). This force manifest as greed, envy, anger, pride, desire, doubt, restlessness, regret and so on. You can see how these will cause suffering so if this is what you are led by there will be suffering. The other force is love, which manifest as kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, understanding, stillness, and so on. I’m sure you can see how being led by love will not cause suffering, but make no mistake one will still encounter the possibility of suffering even when led by love. This is because of how engrained the Conditioned Mind Patterns are, but if “I” isn’t attached to, the suffering force won’t be in place. That’s the key, being aware of your own “I” attachment and not being led around by it. Without it the force that leads the direction of your life will be from love and the reason there’s no suffering in this space is because true love has no attachment.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/29/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am taking this time to enjoy myself with what I love doing! I am using my time today to enjoy myself doing what interests me! I am making the best of today for me, for my life, and for my future! I am sharing my success with others…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/29/18~

Space of Emptiness

Thousands of dollars and hours are spent on trying to fill a space that doesn’t need filling. The nature of space is emptiness and it will always be there. It’s not your enemy; in its emptiness is its fulfillment…

People spend thousands of dollars on vacations and at the time it seems to be a great idea. In a way it is because when you are there everything seems like paradise, but the thing to understand is wherever you go there you are; this could be scary. Another thing is about the evolution article is because of the Conditioned Mind not only is a fantasy better than reality, but before you know it you’re back home. This is not to say don’t go on vacation, but the stark reality is you can always be on vacation if your mind finds your place of peace. I’m talking from experience here because for forty nine years my life was exactly how I wanted it to be and yet I had to always reach for something to fill a space I didn’t understand. This space equates to always needing to be on vacation (reaching for something), but I didn’t understand the part of wherever I went there I was. My own mind was an enemy not an ally and I had no idea this was occurring. Basically to my conditioned mind, I always needed to be planning a vacation because life was never good enough in the moment I was in; regardless of how it was there was always an empty space.

The irony in this is I was trying to fill the space of emptiness that is still there today, but I have come to understand it doesn’t need filling, in its emptiness there’s fulfillment. Here is the issue with most people, they’re trying to fill a space that doesn’t need filling because the nature of it is emptiness; that’s what space is, empty. Regardless of what’s used to fill it, it never gets filled, it can’t because it’s already filled. Today there’s an understand space is not the enemy nor does it need filling. There are times when I do go on vacation, it’s not because I’m looking for paradise, I’m in paradise everyday and it’s the space of emptiness that provides this…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/28/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am succeeding in one way or another regardless of how long it takes me and where it takes me! I am succeeding in every moment of every day! I still believe in my purpose! I am doing what I love and sharing it with those who want it…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/28/18~

Habitual Reactions

Most reactions that occur in life are habitual and put in place by one’s own conditioning. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential of love it’s your own habitual ideas that are blocking it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when habitual ideas are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes habit and is put in storage to be used at particular times, this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have in place the way things are going to be handled. Habitual reactions are formed in this way.

Advertisement is a billion dollar industry because of this. Politicians have people write speeches using certain words which they know are going to sway people in certain ways. Supermarkets know exactly where to place products. It’s all based on putting things in a certain place so habitual reactions are triggered.

This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning, none of the above methods would work, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living a habitual life is to a develop some way to be anchored in the present as much as you can because the more you’re present in the moment, the more you’re with what life has to offers. When this occurs there’s peace because the habitual ideas that have been put in place by the Conditioned Mind are no longer making it appear that things are different than what they are.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/27/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am commanding myself to continue forward with a positive mental attitude to better my days! I am demanding from myself more love, kindness, respect, and affection! I am commanding better behavior, better communication, and better actions to benefit my days! I am focusing on greater well-being…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/27/18~

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/26/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am focusing on what I truly want for myself, for my life, and for my future! I am focusing on what truly matters for my future, for my life, and for myself! I am focusing with a positive mindset and a loving attitude for the kind of outcomes I desire! I desire better circumstances…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/26/18~

Engaged in Thought

When there’s a thought you need something that will provide peace, one is engaged in this thought and until this is understood, you will remain trapped in the thought that peace is something you can attain.

There will never be peace in your life if you’re engaged in the thought of finding peace. Peace is something that’s already within everyone, but because of the way our minds are conditioned, we get trapped in the thought that peace is something to find. Unfortunately our thoughts are what makes the very thing one is seeking (peace) elusive. Our thoughts are the reason one is constantly reaching for something from the outside and until these thoughts are no more, you will remain engaged in the thought that peace is in the next thing reached for. Reaching for drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, success, programs, therapy, self help books and so on is the proof that one is engaged. I can’t stress this enough as this entrapment to your thoughts has to be seen if you’re ever to experience true peace.

The thought of being at peace isn’t peace. What has to happen if one is to ever be at peace is there has to be an understanding of what’s blocking your peace. The reason why you’re not at peace is the inability to be still. When the thought to reach for something arises, the nonsense begins. This is a conditioned cycle that’s very difficult to break free of. Peace isn’t something that can be attained so it’s in doing less that peace arises. Many get lost in the thought of trying to find peace, but since it’s something that’s already within, the thought associated with finding it needs to be discarded so you can see it. This isn’t easy to see and I will assist in anyway I can so you may possibly uncover the reason why you’re trapped in the thought that you’re not at peace.

Created Fear

Fear is not something that’s needed to live life unless that’s the story you want to make up. When it’s realized fear is only a story, you can stop living life through your created fears and let love naturally take its place.

Fear is created, love is not so anytime a thought of fear is allowed to fester and grow the ability to give and receive love is compromised. In the state of fear there’s no way one can give or receive love which is our true nature because the fear energy in control blocks it. When we let go of the thought “I” that creates fear the focused energy naturally returns to love and fear energy relinquishes its grip because we aren’t giving it anything to adhere to.

To me fear isn’t natural, it’s created by the delusional identity to a fictitious self. A self that sees things through a pair of eyes that needs to make everything fit nicely into a created world; fear arises when something threatens that world. Our fear is we’re going to lose something that we make ourselves believe makes our world right. We form beliefs that reinforce this fear and we live by them; these fears are all self created. Make up the story that there are healthy fears that are needed, but like I said they are created to fit nicely into a made up world. Fear is not needed to live life, unless that’s the story you want to make up. When this is realized and you stop living life through your created fears, love naturally takes it place and it’s what becomes the base of your life, not because it’s created, but because it’s natural.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/25/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am not giving up regardless of the delays I encounter, the challenges I deal with, and all the opposition I am up against! I am not giving up regardless of where I am, who I am with, and what I am facing! I am not giving up on my self, nor am I quitting on my goals and dreams…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/25/18~

Easy Ways to Minimize Painful Arthritis Attacks - Age With Charm

Easy Ways to Minimize Painful Arthritis Attacks - Age With Charm

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/24/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I have the will to accomplish and achieve beyond negative opinions! I have the desire to proceed to succeed beyond negative expectations! I have the power to reach my goals and my dreams beyond doubt! I am capable, willing, and good enough…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/24/18~

Mind Noise Tools

Mind noise exist because the tools in place cause it. Attachment is that tool which gives what arises the needed energy to be noisy, but when one uses the tool of the present, the mind settles and the noise subsides…

This morning I woke up at 4:00am for work and it was like I was on automatic pilot, my mind wanted to make this a problem; the noise started. There wasn’t a known reason for this except that my mind wanted to convince me that either “I” should be sleeping or “I” should be thinking about how I’m going to solve the days problems. At the very least “I” should be thinking about retirement and the day I will no longer need to get up this early. Instead of feeding into this energy I was able to stay in the awareness of what was happening at the moment I was in and not get pulled into the noise.

Being awake regardless of the time of day isn’t a good or bad thing, it’s not even a problem, that is unless there’s a tool in place that makes it so. For me the noise is just what arose at that moment, but it wasn’t attached to. My mind was noisy and was responding to what was there because the tool that was in place for many years created noise. I took a deep breath which established an anchor in the present and awareness arose of simply being awake. It wasn’t a problem because of having developed tools that establish quietness not noise. Being aware of this and having these present moment awareness tools is priceless because even though noise will arise at times, it doesn’t have to be attached to so it will simply subside on its own, that is if you have the tools in place that allow it to…

Intuitive Existence

Attaching to an identity (name) limits one from knowing the true essence of existence (there’s existence without a name). When there’s seeing beyond this limit existence is understood at a much deeper level.

Here’s something to ponder: our entire existence is centered around an identity (name) that is strictly used to give us individuality which separates us from each other and blocks out intuitive living. How this happens is we attach to the identity (our name) and it becomes who and what we THINK we are. There’s issue with this because the more this identity is attached to, the more separation it creates by living life through a thought based view instead of intuitiveness. What this identity does is it limits you from knowing the true essence of existence (you exist without your name). When you can see beyond the limited attachment to this identity, you will understand existence at a much deeper level. What happens then is there’s no separation from others, there’s only unity so when I see you I see me, but I don’t really see a you and a me because that would separate us, intuitively there’s only oneness.

You can never truly be separated from anything because all existence is from the same energy. We’re all created from love, for the purpose to love for the betterment of the Universe. Not in the form of a doing, but by simply being that in which you intuitively are. Your name is only used by society because it provides order. When this name isn’t used to make you who and what you are, you will intuitively know the essence of stillness within which allows for a quietness to just be with what arises in any given moment without needing to make it about anything. It is then that you will intuitively love, because it will be the only thing that’s there.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/23/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am loving the benefits I gain, the bliss I attain, and the blessings I obtain for my life! I am enjoying the events and adventures, the interactions and relationships, and the activities and festivities I attend! I am making more of an effort to smile often and laugh much…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/23/18~

Scandal in the Church

I weep! I am grieved by the suffering of our Christian brothers and sisters due to the scandals of the Catholic Church. I pray that we all keep our hearts and minds on Christ and not on the human beings who have been disgraceful ambassadors of Christ. This attack on the church affects all Christians, not just Catholics. I empathize with our Catholic brothers and sisters who must endure the criticism of their faith due to the horrific acts perpetrated on innocent children. This is unconscionable. Christ has, once again, been crucified by these men. He who loves us beyond what we can imagine, has once again, been nailed to the cross by those who have betrayed Him.

Christian brothers and sisters do not despair! He, who has already been victorious over sin, continues to reign. We are not followers of men, but instead, we are followers of Christ, our Savior. Our faith is established in Him and no one else. Let us all go to Him in prayer. Let us ask for the healing of our own sins and the healing of His church. The evil one seeks to divide us and persecute us. Will we allow Satan to separate us from Christ’s church? The true Church crosses denominational boundaries. It is founded by Christ Himself. Jesus declared that “the gates of Hades will not prevail against it (the church)” (Matthew 16:18). The Church is not a building or a collection of bishops, priests, ministers or pastors. The Church is the body of individual disciples of Christ, who practice His two great commandments to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-38).

John puts it plainly: Whoever says, “I have come to know him,” but does not obey his commandments, is a liar, and in such a person the truth does not exist; but whoever obeys his word, truly in this person the love of God has reached perfection” (1 John 2:4-5). It is the love of God that identifies us as genuine Christians. Therefore, as difficult as it is and as angry as we may feel at the blatant betrayal of all those involved in this scandal and its cover-up, we should pray for the souls of those who knew Christ yet turned away from Him. For them, it would have been better if they had never professed Christ than, as Peter describes it, “It has happened to them according to the true proverb, ‘The dog turns back to its own vomit’” (2 Peter 2:22). The shepherds of the church, those who are in a position to teach the word of God, are responsible for their sheep. If bishops, priests, deacons, ministers, pastors, or any having the responsibility of shepherding Christ’s flock have caused His sheep pain and suffering or caused them to go astray or waiver in their faith, God will hold them personally accountable.

In 1 Timothy 5, Paul counsels Timothy who has been given the responsibility of the church in Ephesus, how to handle the sins of elders or those in positions of authority:

19 Never accept any accusation against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest also may stand in fear. 21 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels, I warn you to keep these instructions without prejudice, doing nothing on the basis of partiality.

Those who have perpetrated crimes against children should be reported to the appropriate criminal authorities, so that they may be condemned (rebuked) in the presence of all. They must also suffer the consequences of their criminal acts. As Paul states, there should be no favoritism (partiality) for any elder or representative of the Church. I am confident that Christ will ensure that His Church will value the wisdom in this advice, especially in the cases of such heinous criminal acts.  
           I shed heartfelt tears for those Catholics who are hurting for their church. I, too, am hurting for Christ’s Church. As the Nicene Creed states, I believe in “One, Holy, Catholic (meaning universal), and Apostolic Church.” Once again, it is being persecuted, but it is so much more painful when it comes from within the Church itself. Betrayal is so much more heart-rending. However, we must always remember that we are not followers of men. We are followers of Christ. He needs us now more than ever. Christ teaches us to rise above evil by living our lives as lights to the world. It is the light of His love that people need to see from us. It is our unity as the Body of Christ that will strengthen us.  It is the courage of our convictions and our perseverance through tragedy that will glorify God. Let us pray for the victims who suffer even now. Let us pray that Christ keep and protect each and every one of us from temptation and sin. Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

© 2018  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/22/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am learning from my mistakes and the undesired results and outcomes now in my past! I am disallowing my past from worsening my future by moving forward with gratitude! I am exercising positivity and optimism from here forward…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/22/18~

No Striving Needed

By striving to become something the Conditioned Mind makes you believe is needed, you miss the entire point that you already are all that you are and if that isn’t enough there’s nothing that will make it so…

By understanding what the practice of quieting the monkey mind does, you stop striving to become and you’re guided by the Creative Intelligence of the Universe; this puts you in total harmony with life. You’ll realize you are complete just as you are and nothing added can make you more complete. This is priceless because when this is experienced you’ll understand the difference between being and doing, and you will stop doing to become because you’ll see you already are all that you can be. By striving to become, whatever you become doesn’t enhance what you already are.

At the base of this understanding is love, nothing more can be added that would make you become something other than that. Even if you found the cure for cancer, it wouldn’t be enough unless it was derived from love, and it wouldn’t be the cure that would make you enough, it would be it arising from love. Love is enough, only the Conditioned Mind needs something else, not really, but it’s the ego that makes life into a belief something other then love is needed. A belief isn’t real, it’s a story made up by an egoic mind. There are no facts in a belief; love is real, beliefs aren’t.

Most waste their entire life striving to become what you already are simply because it’s not realized. That’s why when you stop striving to become something different then who you are, you stop looking to become something different then who you are. You can’t become that which you already are, so all that’s needed is to realize what has always been there. You are who you are, who you have always been, and who you will always be. This is not a belief or a story, this is a fact. You cannot be anything, but who you are, if you want to believe you are your story, than that is who you will make yourself out to become, but it’s not who you are, it’s only your made up story. Why do you think when this is understood there is peace, because you stop striving to become and just be. This is when love is enough because you realize love is simply who you are.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/21/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am choosing to be better versus worse! I am choosing to be thankful and grateful from the simplest of things to the largest events! I am choosing to be positive and optimistic versus negative and pessimistic! I am choosing to greatly benefit from the best version of myself to further attract an abundance of blessings while I move forward! I am the success and bliss I create for myself..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/21/18~

Listening to the Wind

We live in a world torn between wanting to listen to the wind and wanting to attach to the surface sounds of the world. By being aware of the first part, we acquire the energy necessary to prevent the second.

The selfish and destructive conditioned mind behavior that was in control for most of my life seems to be in a place of neutrality. I would never say the conditioning is gone for good because just by labeling it so would give it the needed energy to return. It’s very important to see what’s in place as being the point where we connect with the world, but not making it into a story. We live in a world torn between wanting to listen to the wind and wanting to attach to the surface sounds of the world, but sometimes just by being sensitive enough to the first part, we acquire the energy necessary to prevent the second. In stillness all truth arises.

Here’s a story: There once was a king who went for long walks, he would walk the same route everyday for miles. One day he stepped on a nail and his foot become infected. When the infection cleared up, he ordered his servants to carpet the route he walked with leather. Overwhelmed with this order, one of the servants suggested he wrap his feet in leather instead of the entire route; hence shoes were invented. The point of this is to show how one only needs to focus on being mindful of themselves, not focusing on saving or trying to change the world, the more mindful one is of their own behaviors and actions, the more things around them will change.

One will never prevent the sounds of the world or have the entire world carpeted in love, but you can listen to your own heart and not be a part of the surface noise by keeping your own house in order instead of being overwhelmed trying to change everything else. When we are mindful of our own conditioning and we take care of the place where we connect with the world, we offer the world our true self, not by trying to change it or by ignoring the surface sounds, but by simply listening to the wind.

Constant Motion

Life is constant motion, it never stops. If this motion is noticed it will allow much more understanding of life than if one is blindly controlled by habitual mind patterns that have a tendency to make things appear stagnant.

If the constant motion of life isn’t understood, that’s when the habitual conditioned mind patterns take over; it’s just the process in place. You can be in a state where you are happy and out of nowhere arises something that triggers one of your habitual stagnated mind patterns. Depending on what these patterns are based in determines if you are still happy after it’s attached to. This is how it works, we’re pulled around by patterns and the constant motion goes unnoticed so it’s controlling energy attaches to whatever pattern is associated with the moment. This is where everything arises from, feelings, emotions, sensations, judgements, hatred, and whatnot, hence the puppet on a string syndrome is king if the constant motion of life isn’t noticed. Think about this, you can’t have any feeling or emotional swing without attachment to motion, most people don’t really have any inkling of this and because of this very few truly understand life. I don’t say this in jest, I’m no different although I probably notice the constant motion a little more.

Here’s something to do to possibly understand the constant motion a little better. Make a commitment to sit for a certain time, say thirty seconds, keep it real. In those thirty second just watch what arises, watch the constant motion, a thought arising and just notice it. Just sitting, looking, acknowledging, noticing, letting it arise and pass; all of this is just the constant motion of each particular moment. This should help in getting a better grasp on the constant motion. The committed sitting time is up to the individual or don’t sit at all and remain a slave to the constant motion as it arises and habitually controls your life. It’s the constant motion that makes life what it is and if this goes unnoticed so will most of your life.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/20/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am doing what I must to not only survive day-in and day-out, but thrive with love, interest, purpose, and passion! I am doing more of what I love and choosing to love more of what I do! I benefit more when I choose the positive side…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/20/18~

Impermanence of Existence

To understand life one must understand death. When conditions are right to support life we exist, when those conditions aren’t supported existence in this form ends. Understanding this impermanence is freedom…

You will understand what true freedom is when you understand the impermanence of life. At any moment life can change from conditions that allow it to be, to conditions that don’t support it. The real question is do you truly understand this? Conditions that don’t support life will change for many today, if you understand this can occur at any time, it will allow you to let go of all the nonsense you think you need for your life to be. The only place of true freedom is in understanding this.

Do anything you want, but understand no matter how much you hold onto it, one day just like that and without your permission, conditions will not be favorable to support your current existence and life as it is known will end. It’s not a bad or good thing, it’s just the way it is. One day conditions were right and your current form began, and if you are reading this conditions have been favorable up to this point to allow you to remain in your current form of existence, but it will not last this way forever. When you know your current form of existence to be temporary, how can you not be grateful and know that now is the only moment that ever is. Death is not truly death, it’s merely the existence of changing conditions.

Things exist until conditions change and then their existence changes. When a beautiful flower grows and you cut it to put it a vase, you don’t think of killing the flower, but you have changed the conditions for the flower to continue its existence in its current form. The moment it’s cut, its existence has been altered. The key is to enjoy the beauty of the flower in its current form. That’s how it is with our life, conditions will change one day that will not allow us to continue to live in our current form, but you can enjoy all the beauty that your current form has to offer, if you just understand that one day it will change.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/19/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am choosing to be stronger than weaker! I am choosing to be positive than negative! I am choosing to be better than worse! I am choosing to love and enjoy my life than hate and waste it! I am choosing gratitude and the good stuff…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/19/18~

What's in Front of You

You may not be able to change the way that things are right now, but you can live in a way that you simply do what’s in front of you and live life as it’s given…

To love life as it is one must learn to love what’s in front of you. What’s in front of you is what’s happening right now. It’s the only place where life can be lived; it’s the only place that life can be loved. If you don’t love what’s in front of you, how can you love the life you are living? Life can never better then it is right now simply because right now is what’s in front of you; only the Conditioned Mind makes you think this isn’t so. You can wish for things to be different then what’s occurring, but it’s your life that’s being wished away, so just be with what’s in front of you and live and love the life that’s given.

Our paths are laid before us to do the best we can with the tools that we have. There needs to be an anchor so our path is clear cut. It’s very easy to veer off the path if you aren’t vigilant. There are many diversions that will try and knock you off it. It’s like your life is an obstacle course and they’re in place to divert you from what’s in front of you, from the present which is the Here and Now. There is only the present of what’s in front of you, but there are many mind made obstacles. One of the main obstacles is wanting things different. The mind tells you if things were different life would be better, this is the great lie.

Things are only as they can be, and it’s only the present that makes you free. You may not be able to change the way that things are right now, but you can live in a way that you do what’s in front of you so love can show you how. So just do what’s in front of you and live the life you are given and simply love because you’re liven.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/18/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I must be positive for me! I must take action to do what is best for me! I am moving forward and making plans for my bliss and fulfillment! I must continue doing what helps me to become the best I can be in my future for my life! I am not wasting my life because I am making my moments count! I must be positive…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/18/18~

Most Common Health Issues All Elderly People Must Know - Age With Charm

Most Common Health Issues All Elderly People Must Know - Age With Charm

Attracted Energy

Seeking strictly arises from a false self, in quiet love arises. The thoughts attracted to you are from your own energy; self-seeking is the energy of selfishness and love is the energy of the universe…

I was discussing with someone what it means when a person is released from the bondage of self-seeking. After sitting with this in quietness, I came to the realization in quietness there is no self-seeking. It wasn’t that I had to do anything to not self-seek, it was the exact opposite, I simply sat. When the mind really starts to settle, you will notice how much time is spent going round and round consumed by thoughts that are constantly self-seeking in one form or another. Whatever the self-seeking entails it is for the sole purpose to satisfy a false self. Even if it’s to better ones life it’s still in the form of self-seeking.

To me this is what needs to be done if self-seeking is to stop blocking the love that is in our heart. The thoughts we attract are derived from the way we have been conditioned. We can only have the thoughts that we are conditioned to have. What is in our Conditioned Mind is what produces the energy of the thoughts that are attracted to us, and since thoughts are energy, our attracted thoughts become our manifested behavior. When our energy is in the form of quietness, we are in alignment with the universe and our behavior manifest as love. There is no manifestation of self-seeking behavior from the universe because the universe is love. When Jesus spoke to the father, he was in touch with the energy of Universal Love. This energy is our true nature, it’s Universal Energy that’s the creator of all that is. There is nothing separate from this, but it won’t be recognized that we’re in alignment with it if the base of our existence is to self-seek. This is the evil of the world, all problems arise from here. It’s not that love isn’t there, love always exist, but it’s through our self-seeking that we’re not aligned with love and thus this is what makes you self-seek.

Quietness will always align one with love because it aligns you with the universe, or as Jesus said “with the father.” When you’re conditioned to listen to the self-seeking mind the only thoughts that can be produced are self-seeking ones; this is a major issue in our society. Understanding what it means to be present as the key to this alignment is to understand the Divine Principle of the Universe, which is love. If love is in your heart those are the thoughts you will attract, same as if self-seeking is the base of your conditioning, those will be the thoughts that you attract. This is one of the reasons honesty is so valuable because as you go, you are. You may fool some, but you can not fool yourself. You can lie to yourself though so be honest with yourself, investigate both self-seeking and love. See the thoughts that are attracted to you and which ones are more beneficial to you and to those around you. When you understand the Divine Principle of Universal Love you will not want to self-seek because you’ll understand the self-seeking thoughts that are attracted to you will not be of love.

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Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/17/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am loving my life because my health depends upon it! I am enjoying my life because my heart depends upon it! I am optimistically moving forward with my life because my mind depends upon it! I am positively attracting better moments, situations, and circumstances in my future because my bliss depends upon it! I am succeeding in one way or another…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/17/18~

Accepting What Is

Things happen in life that are sometimes downright nasty, but this doesn’t mean you have to allow them to control you to the point where your mind becomes agitated and you lose your anchor of peace.

When and if your mind settles, you will have more awareness of when it becomes agitated and you just may be able to do what’s necessary to transform that energy so the agitations quiet. This benefit is in the awareness of energy because it’s directly related to transforming the agitated energy to the energy of quietness. How the agitation is created is by attaching to “I” which gives it energy. There is no such thing as an agitated mind unless you feed it. If you want something and you don’t get it, but you feel you need it to be complete, in that moment you will create an agitation. The energy of wanting the moment different is what directs the agitated energy. Take the same situation and just accept that you didn’t get what you wanted and there isn’t any energy feeding an agitation; it’s totally up to you if the agitation exist or not.

Life is life. It will always be as it is. You never have to be agitated, but it will take practice not to be. Every now and again life will be just as you want it, but if that’s the only time you’re at peace, being at peace more often than not will be very difficult, and it’s because life will not remain the way that you want it for long. The most consistent part of life is its inconsistency; just like my golf game. So the key to not having a mind agitation is to accept what is and not to want it any different. Very difficult because there will be many things in life that aren’t pleasant and you will wish they were different. All the wishing in the world will not change what is so it’s just wasted energy creating an agitation. An agitated mind cannot arise when there’s acceptance of what is. Even if you’re not totally pleased with what is it can be accepted so the peace that passes all understanding can be the energy that’s guiding your life, but understand this will only occur when you accept what is as opposed to the way you wish it was.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/16/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I can accomplish better results when I focus positively on achieving the successful outcomes I desire! I can achieve the ideal outcomes I want when I believe without a doubt, without fear, and with gratitude! I must focus on attracting nothing but the good stuff…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/16/18~

Judge Another...Condemn Yourself

Your judgements are the very thing that are judged in yourself. No one is perfect enough to judge another, but many only see the speck in someone else’s eye and not the log in their own. Judge another…condemn yourself…

A benefit of the mind settling through self investigation, discipline, and concentration is you will understand the conditioning of others and have a deep compassion for them because you will understand the suffering your own Conditioned Mind caused. Understanding this is at the core of our very existence; it’s the benefit of non judgement. It’s the base of an existence that has to be if there is to truly be a peace with ourselves and with the entire human family. When this is understood you cannot honestly judge someone because you know they are just as you before there was awareness of your conditioning.

Everyone is an imperfect being simply doing what they have been conditioned to do. We all do the best we can with the conditioning that has been bestowed upon us. Not too many asked to be the way that they are; it’s just the way the mind is developed. Some conditioning is down right evil, but it’s still conditioning just the same. Whether a person is conditioned to be a drug addict, a murderer, a CEO of a company or whatever, everyone is just doing what they’ve been conditioned to do. There is no one who hasn’t done something they knew wasn’t morally right, but it was done anyway, that’s all just part of the Conditioned Mind.

When you understand your own conditioning, you’ll be able to separate people from their conditioning and love them because you know it’s the conditioning and not the person that does what they do. Our evil if there is one, is the Conditioned Mind, our goodness comes from the non judgement of this. When you can do this, you’ll be well on your way to a deeper understanding of life and you’ll understand how not to judge and when you’re without judgement, you’re free to love unconditionally. It is then that you will understand the Conditioned Mind and only see the log in your eye…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/15/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am putting myself in a better position when I focus on the good stuff, the greater benefit, and the positive! I am benefiting most when I focus on the blessings, the good outcomes, and successful results! I am putting forth my effort positively…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/15/18~

Present Moment Distractions

The incessant mind chatter is the norm for most. Nothing that’s done is done outside the present moment so the thing to become aware of is if what you’re doing right now is beneficial to you or not…

Past and future distractions are fairly easy to understand, but what about present moment distractions. The Conditioned Mind is diabolical in it’s relentless quest to remain in control. Present moment distractions are basically anything that’s reached for to quiet a mind agitation that arises from a self created delusional lack. There are the glaring reached for distractions, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, and what not, but how about the subtle ones. They occur when, we talk behind people’s back, dieting, excessively working out, letting outside circumstances and other people dictate how you feel. There are angry phone calls with customer service reps when you’re not getting your way, when we’re not getting our way in general, thinking life has to be a certain way, no one is driving to our liking, or how about when we make a vow or pledge to try and change some behavior that we feel isn’t right. The problem with the vow or pledge is, although they are probably made in sincerity, it’s very hard to follow through with them because of the unawareness of the way the mind uses them as a distraction. This list goes on and on, and as always your own investigation will reveal what your present moment distractions are.

Just watch how the mind makes mountains out of molehills. It can only wreck havoc even if you’re in the present moment. Being present and not creating a story about what arises in the present will probably be the most difficult thing you will ever do. The incessant mind chatter is the norm for most, only because there’s no awareness that it’s even happening. Nothing that’s done is done outside the present moment so the thing to become aware of is if what you’re doing right now is beneficial to you or not. This awareness is crucial if there is to be any awakening whatsoever. You were born in the present moment and you will die in the present moment and all the distractions in between occur in the present moment. The key is to understand the present moment is always what’s here it just doesn’t have to be a detraction.

What Music can Do to Improve Mental Health - Age With Charm

What Music can Do to Improve Mental Health - Age With Charm

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/14/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am saying, YES, to the accomplishment of my goals and YES, to the achievement of my dreams! I am saying, YES, to the possibilities of my imagination and YES, to great results from my positive thoughts! I am saying, YES, to having a good attitude, good communication, and good thoughts to benefit my future…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/14/18~

The Future is Always Now

An outside view uses distractions based on the senses that attach to the material world. An inside view has no such attachment and is based in the eternal, in love; there are no distractions with an inside view…

Regardless of what the mind uses as a distraction, the one thing they all have in common are they’re designed to take you from the present because a belief is formed that somewhere else is a better place. Lets look how the mind uses future mind patterns as distractions and although their nature is the same as past distractions, they are different in how the mind uses them.

Have you ever thought I can’t wait until I retire, or if my boss was different, if only I could change jobs, my spouse, my circumstances, if only, if only, if only. This is the distraction of the if only mind; a mind conditioned to constantly look to the future. This distraction tells you things need to be different and when they are then you’ll be happy, this distraction only occurs because you don’t know how to be content with yourself in the here and now. It’s truly mind boggling how it seems our entire struggle with life is to find peace and we look in all the places except in the only place that it exist, the present. When you are content with the way things are in the present, no distractions occur and there is no need to look outside the present because you have what you were looking for; when you stop looking, you stop being distracted.

Please take the time to investigate this so you can understand the nature of your distractions. There would never be a need for the mind to be distracted if you were content with the present. This doesn’t mean you don’t do things that makes life more beneficial, but your sense of well-being shouldn’t be based on anything from the outside. An outside base uses distractions from the material world. An inside base uses things that are eternal, of love, of Universal Energy, and it’s the inside view that doesn’t need to look to the future because there’s contentment with life right now.

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/13/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am continuing for what’s best for me! I am moving forward for my happiness, for my love, and for a future that works best for me! I am not allowing anyone and anything to ruin my future, destroy my moments, and torment my life! I am paving my way forward for the ideal future I desire…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/13/18~

Dissolving Conditioning

You will receive many benefits if your mind settles down in quietness. This settling though will not just happen, it will take a degree of discipline and concentration for the conditioned patterns to dissolve…

Lately I’ve been writing about conditioned thinking, mind created distractions, and becoming aware of the different tools the Conditioned Mind has developed. Let’s just say by some miracle your conditioned thinking and distractions dissolve, what are the benefits to not being controlled by them? The first thing, there would be less discontentment in your life as the habitual patterns that cause this will begin to lessen. This automatically allows life to become more peaceful, but this is only the beginning. There are many more benefits that are sure to manifest if you honestly investigate your life. If this is done you will discover a large amount of truth about yourself that wasn’t previously known with the possibility of continually enhancing your life.

You’ll understand you’re on the road to a way of life you never thought possible. You’ll stop being controlled by your past, but not by ignoring it; you’ll use it for reflection purposes only and to help others. This new freedom will be everlasting because it will be from within and not from an “I” based mind pattern telling you to look for your answers outside yourself. You’ll be in unity with all beings by knowing we’re all part of the same Creative Intelligence regardless of the label. You’ll understand the conditioning of others and have a deep compassion for them because you’ll understand the suffering the Conditioned Mind causes. The self-centeredness that caused so much harm to you and to others will be replaced by Universal Love and you’ll want this to be the default setting of your mind because you’ll know it’s the only way you will ever be free. Instead of striving to become, you will be guided by the Creative Intelligence of the Universe and you will be in harmony with all of life. You’ll realize you are complete just as you are and nothing added can make you more complete. You’ll come to know how you limit yourself through your own conditioning and you’ll learn how not to be controlled by those limitations. You’ll see when the mind becomes agitated due to some self created lack, and how it’s your “I” doing this creating and you’ll be able to do what’s necessary to transform this energy from lack to love.

These are just some of the benefits you will reap if you are serious about changing your view of life and you honestly want to go beyond the limitations of the view created by the Conditioned Mind. Mind you the alternative is to ignore the truth of what I write about and continue living life the way you have been conditioned and not change. The choice to have a different view has to be made every day as how you live is directly related to this choice, and regardless if there’s awareness of this or not this is entirely up to you…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/12/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am taking advantage of this day today! I am making the best of this day today for the good stuff filled with moments worth sharing and remembering! I am focusing on the positive, the good, the joy, and the love I am grateful for having within me! I am not wasting today on the past, the bad, and what’s not benefiting my future…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/12/18~

Beneficial Unfolding

Life unfolds differently for everyone and although there are many opinions on what is the most beneficial way to live, when you come from a place where the opinion is quieted that’s when the most beneficial way to live unfolds…

Because the unfolding of life is so different for everyone, it makes it very difficult for there to be agreement on what provides the most benefits. Having the experience of living strictly from the mind and now simply not doing so has made all the difference for me as far as seeing what’s beneficial and what isn’t. This difference most people don’t understand and the Conditioned Mind remains in control of their life and blocks the unfolding of truly enjoying a beneficial view of life. I find it much more beneficial to simply not associate with people who strictly live from their Conditioned Mind. I was the king of unloving conditioning (non beneficial) for far too many years and I won’t go there anymore.

You will never experience truth from studying someone else’s experience unless it resonates with you, the problem with this is what’s studied mostly stays stuck in your head. Many just throw stuff out there as beliefs and what not which may provide some benefit, but what I point to (for free) is the next step in the evolution process that is truly beneficial because it comes from within yourself. If you are using anything to awaken that doesn’t point inward the benefits will be very limited.

No method or way has been revealed to me, simply sitting to develop discipline so the Conditioned Mind settles is all I know. Without this conditioning in place awareness aware of awareness is allowed so you can see just how non beneficial your conditioning is. This doesn’t mean you transcend your humanness, what happened to me is a peace unfolded that allowed me to be more human and in the process live in a way that’s most beneficial to me and anyone who my experience resonates with…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/11/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am alive today to serve a greater purpose, to enjoy greater bliss, and to be apart of greater success! I am meant to enjoy my moments, enjoy my days, and enjoy my life! I meant to share the best of myself by sharing my knowledge, sharing my interests, and sharing my passions! I am following my heart…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/11/18~

Agitated Distractions

A distracted mind is an agitated mind. Your mind becomes agitated and distracts you by making you think there is something needed for completeness, but the fact is you are complete as you are, you just don’t know it…

There are so many ways for the mind to become agitated and there is only one way for it to settle. Here are some agitations that the past mind patterns use as distractions. Food has such a strong association with pleasure that it is virtually impossible to stop this agitation. Every time you reach for a certain food or beverage it’s because past pleasures are already established so what the mind uses to become agitated is this association to pleasure. You don’t reach for something that is unpleasant. It’s the association with pleasure that causes the agitation.

These past engrained agitations go on and on. You will need to investigate what causes your agitations if you want to break free of them. You will use whatever you’ve been conditioned to use. Gambling, sex, money, shopping, success, a spiritual journey, our children, chores, our house, TV, the lottery, sports, our cause, alcohol, drugs, fantasy, work, etc, the list is endless. When you start to understand how these agitations take you from your own innate goodness, you can then begin lessening the control they have over you. It will take much awareness, but it’s the only way to break their hold; sitting allows the needed awareness.

It’s imperative to look at the relationship between pleasure and the past and how this association is at the core of the mind agitations that take you from being present. If it’s in the past, learn to leave it there. There isn’t any benefit to bringing the past into the present. It’s only when the mind becomes agitated that it will look for some past pleasure distraction. When you understand your completeness and that it’s only this lack of understanding that causes any agitation, you can start lessening their grip so you can be free in the present. Or not and live an agitated life that keeps you distracted from your completeness. You are complete just as you are, but it will take a mind that’s not agitated to be aware of this…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/10/18~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
“I am proud of myself for surviving this long and for making it this far! I am proud to have achieved and accomplished all that I have obtained and earned to this point of my life! I am optimistically continuing my journey to accomplish my goals and achieve my dreams! I am meant to continue for happiness and for love…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement– 09/10/18~

Open Doors

Often, God places open doors in our path in life, which eventually lead to greater faith in our lives, particularly when we experience tribulations. However, we frequently neglect to involve God in our decisions. “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you” (James 1:5). Wisdom is always necessary in making decisions in our lives, especially important ones. God can give us insights, which we may not have considered. In addition, we should always wish to do God’s will, which always benefits us. God blesses those who do His will. “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Our lives are filled with choices that lead to blessings or curses, depending on whether we obey the will of God. God does not curse us, but if we make poor choices, we often suffer from the consequences of our decisions.

When we are conflicted in making a decision, God will reveal His will to us. “And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21). How can we know? How can we hear God’s voice? When we resist God’s will, we will remain conflicted, but when we choose God’s will, “the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy” (James 3:17). A feeling of peace is a sure sign that we are making the right decision.

If we continue to struggle over our decision or if God places the same open door in our path more than once, we should then consider our motivations for our choices. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit (heart)” (Proverbs 16:2). Are we being selfish? Are we resisting an opportunity for God to work through us? God’s will is always focused on our salvation or the salvation of others. If God opens a door for us, it is because He loves us. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Doors can also be opened by the evil one. We need to recognize temptations when we encounter them. Generally, it is not too difficult to discern temptations, but it is sometimes difficult to recognize openings for us to grow in our faith or to help others grow in their faith. Many times, it is an opportunity to act in love. These can be missed opportunities, if we do not act at all. “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).

Examples of open doors may include a change in jobs or residence. God may want to place you in a new environment, where you may bear more fruit or where you may grow in the Christian life. God may introduce you to a person who needs your wisdom or whose wisdom may benefit you. Perhaps a starving homeless person is sitting in front of the store you are about to enter. Perhaps a friend or loved one has taken ill, or maybe a friend is suffering due to a relationship problem. Maybe, you are experiencing hardship, where the wisdom of an outsider may help you put things into perspective. God may open a door for you to reconcile with a family member by asking for forgiveness or by offering forgiveness.

God’s purposes usually involve spiritual growth for us or for others. God is only concerned with our salvation. When those open doors present themselves, consider that God is opening that door, so that we can move closer to Him, closer to His love. When we walk through those open doors, we often discover how much we have been blessed by the experience. Our faith increases because we have encountered God. Our relationship to him becomes more intimate. We are able to trust in our Lord and future hardships become smaller bumps in our road through life. He gives us the strength and courage to persevere. No mountain is too great for God. Usually, deep down in our hearts, we know when the open door leads to our Lord. They are not coincidences. They are part of His plan for our lives. Look for those open doors God places in your path. “Those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalms 9:10). May God bless you and keep you! May you grow in His wisdom and may you enter through those open doors with confidence and with hope!                  

© 2018  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved