Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/01/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am envisioning for myself the kind of desirable outcomes that improve my life and circumstances! I am envisioning for myself the kind of desirable interactions that improve my relationships and future! I am envisioning for myself the kind desirable benefits that improve my self…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/31/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am embracing my life with much more love than ever before, and I continue forward appreciatively! I am embracing my relationships with much more love while I succeed forward with much more enthusiasm! I am embracing who I am toward who I am becoming positively…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Remembering Who You Are

Anything from the outside needs a story to exist and this is regardless of what it is; the outside reaching just doesn't allow you to remember who you truly are.

The only reason there's ever a struggle with life is because of not remembering who you are. It's so very easy to get caught up in the outside realm of life which makes looking inward secondary. When this happens you lose any sense of who you are because your primary view is based outside yourself and it's delusional because everything outside is impermanent. Inward is eternity, not because of the story of eternity, but because there isn't any label attached to what is experienced inward. Anything from the outside needs a story to exist and this is regardless of what it is; the outside reaching just doesn't allow you to remember who you truly are. The Bible states to "Be still" this can only occur from the inside out. Why most people forget who they are is because they're trying to be still (outside) instead of just being still.

The main difference in what I see (who I am) as opposed to most is there's no story needed to be who I am. There's nothing to manifest, nor does anything need to be different so for the most part there's a steady stream of peace in my life. Imagine if you will that you live every moment of everyday as it is without needing it different, and imagining it is as far as you will get, that is until it is seen that in not wanting or needing anything different is the only true place of remembering who you are. You can make up any story you want of who you are, but that doesn't make it true, so stop trying to do and "Be still" and you just might remember who you truly are and it won't be because of the need to apply a label or story.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/30/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I know that I matter and I believe that I matter, so I am making the best of it all matter regardless of who is involved and wherever I go! I know that I am important and I believe that I am important, so I am making the best use of my situations regardless of where I am and who I am with! I matter; I am important; I am awesome, and I am worthy…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Tools Determine Life

Life doesn't determine life, the tools developed determine life and not a damn thing can be done to change the way you do things until the tools that drive your way of thinking change.

Life doesn't determine life, the tools one has developed to respond to each moment is what determines life. If you are seeking for life to be different, that may or may not necessarily happen. Nor does it have to happen, but how life is viewed can become different if the tools in place are changed. If you are reading this it's probably because the tools you have developed over the course of your life aren't giving you the expected (satisfying) results. The only way this will change is by developing new tools. The mind becomes unconsciously conditioned because of the influences it's exposed to and until this is realized, the unconscious conditioning remains in control. 

The tools in place are what drives a person to do what they do. Liberals are liberals as conservatives are conservatives and not a damn thing can be done to change this until the tools that drive the attachment to this way of thinking is changed. Most people are not conscious enough to even see this. One of the main tools that needs to be changed is thinking your way is the right way. The willingness to let the attachment go of thinking your way is the right way allows for a minuscule of openness which makes the way life is viewed different. Once life is viewed from this openness, it allows for many other non beneficial tools to be replaced with ones that are more beneficial. We all use tools that are developed over a course of time. The question is are you using tools that allow you to get the most out of life?

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/29/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am empowering myself to be the best version of myself I can be for my life and for others I enjoy being with! I am empowering myself to live the best life I can for me, for love ones, and for my future! I am empowering myself to share all that I know and all that I am wherever I attend…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Mind Struggle

If you say life is difficult then it is. If you’re just with life as it is without a label, then the mind struggle ceases and it’s because you’re not doing the thing that allows it to occur.

If you’re wondering why life seems to be a struggle with only fleeting moments of happiness and peace, you may want to check out what you are using to snuff out the struggle. If you’re trying to use the mind that’s creating the struggle to stop it, the struggle won’t cease because you can’t use the same mind to stop it. This is the trap most people get stuck in and very very few ever get out of it. This is one of the reasons I don’t advocate positive thinking as a way to happiness and peace, it takes as much energy to be positive as it does to be negative and although the results are different outwardly, the inner bondage is the same; if one is in bondage there’s very little space for peace or happiness. The reason a broken mind can’t fix itself is because there’s nothing there. Where is this thing labeled as mind? It can’t be seen, smelt, tasted, or felt, but yet one makes the mind the base of their entire existence. It’s no wonder there’s a constant struggle, how can there not be!

The mind is never present because it can’t exist there, it’s why there is a constant thought stream of using the past and future. If a practice of using the body isn’t developed (because it’s the only place that exist) happiness and peace will be a commodity that remains fleeting at best. If you hold onto all the lies of the past and future, the struggle with life will remain and it will be because you are holding onto the things that allow it. Your life is your hands, no one else can make you live in the present. If you say life is difficult then it is. If you’re just with life as it is without labeling it as anything, then and only then will the mind struggle cease and it will be because you’re not doing the thing that allows it to occur.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/28/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I know it is all working out for me so long as I believe with my loving thoughts and my optimism! I know it is all serving me for greater good so long as I believe with my loving emotions and my positive attitude! I have my faith, I have my positive beliefs, and I have love moving forward for greater outcomes…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

A Journey Toward Perfection

A Journey Toward Perfection is a in-depth study of the attributes recorded in the Beatitudes of Matthew 5, the attributes God bestowed upon us when He created us in His image. He created us to love. These traits are crucial in experiencing the love of God and learning how to love others as God loves us. These characteristics are central to our Christian spiritual growth.

The disciple John often referred to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23) because he knew the love of God personally. It was John who wrote the most quoted verses in the Gospels concerning God’s love: 

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16)

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (1 John 8)

In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul called love the “greatest gift” we have received from God and declared that if he does not have love “I am nothing.” What kind of love is this? What is required to experience this kind of love? The disciples and the early Christians knew God’s divine love intimately. This was the fire that ignited the Christian faith. The Good News is that God loves us infinitely!

Christ left his throne of glory and entered our reality as a man to invite us into an intimate relationship. He suffered rejection, betrayal, lashings, crucifixion and death in order to show us how much He loves us. All He asks in return is that we love God “with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind…and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).

Learn how to develop an intimate experiential relationship with God. Improve your relationships with others. Discover how these attributes can sustain you through the many trials and tribulations of your life. Comprehend how love truly conquers all. Experience God’s true presence in your life.

To read sample chapters, go to:  "A Journey Toward Perfection" Sample Chapters

© 2017  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved

Evaluating the Moment

As long as you are alive the next moment will happen, and how that moment is evaluated determines the direction and type of energy for that moment and thus for your life.

If someone is telling a story that’s suppose to be funny, there will be an evaluation on your part and you will laugh if it’s evaluated as funny. If you go to the doctor for a check up and you get a call from the office the doctor wants to see you, that moment will be evaluated and depending on the energy it’s given determines what happens next. This goes on for every moment of everyday and although this isn’t consciously done, it is done nonetheless. Becoming aware of this evaluation process will allow you to create a sliver of space between the moment and the evaluation which can possibly alleviate jumping to conclusions so quickly. Mostly that’s what we do, we instantly evaluate the moment and just go with the conditioning that’s in place without considering what we are about to do. We very seldom have all of the facts about what’s happening, we mostly deal with each moment with a knee jerk reaction.

There’s not much space between our thoughts so there’s not much truth to our evaluations as each moment arises. Knee jerk reactions were how my life was lived all the time and it’s why there was a lack of harmony and peace in my life. This has lessened to a degree, but even when it does happen, it’s let go of a lot quicker because of the awareness it’s happening. To me life is simply about becoming more aware of the things in place that take me from my place of peace. After all when one is able to evaluate each moment for what it truly is, two things that would be at the forefront of each evaluation would be “How important is it” and “This too shall pass.”

The GREAT divide between success and failure

One of the most difficult challenges in business and life … is being more patient.

You , me and everyone else wants to find that pot of gold – fast.
Fact is if success was that easy we all get there in a heartbeat.

Truth is ..
starting the journey is easy
But arriving at the destination isn’t fun.

Let me digress for a minute  and explain  to you the difference between Success or lack of it.

Success is a result from action
Success inspires us to empower other people
Success allows us to lead the life we want

Failure is a result of inaction
Failure encourages us to reflect on negative emotions
Failure tells us to give up early

No sane person is ever going to admit to list of failures are they? Well I certainly wouldn’t.

Jokes aside, when it comes to Marketing it’s not possible to win with every single campaign.

What really matters is having a different perspective towards failure.
The best way to look at it . It’s not failure at all. It’s growth. You see next time you will more than likely not make the same mistake again.

So my advice to you is to take a different view of the world. Be easy on yourself.

Always have a smile on your face and don’t forget to keep learning , testing, and hustling.


Best Carlo
Direct Response Copywriter

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/27/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am grateful for this life I continue with the opportunity of enjoying, and I know I am an awesome fun loving person who matters! I am thankful for being me with the opportunity of exploring new adventures and playing with others! I am loving who I am, loving what I am doing, and I am loving where I am going…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros


Is it just me or does violent hatred seem to be on the rise? Why is it that certain topics cause such venomous passions to rise to the surface and burst into brutal attacks? Two of the hot buttons of vicious responses include race and religion. I am saddened by the deaths and injuries caused by such hatred and injustice. I grieve for the families who have been impacted by such animosity.

As an Orthodox Christian, I find these attacks abhorrent. Orthodox Christians are not ignorant to such attacks. We have been persecuted from the beginning. This is the response to our faith that Christ told us to expect. “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:18, 20). The question that remains is how are we to respond to such hatred? According to Christ, we are to be happy and rejoice:

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:10-12).

What a strange response! How can we be happy when we are hated, persecuted, attacked and even murdered? Unbelievably, Christ taught us to love our enemies and pray for them. Love is the proper response to hatred in all circumstances. Yes, I know it seems impossible, especially if we have personally experienced this hatred, but with Christ, nothing is impossible. If we allow the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts, the only possible response is love. As Christians, we are asked to act in humility with mercy and forgiveness for all, no matter what. We cannot help but be grieved by those who do not know the love of God. We have compassion on those who do not know God’s infinite love.

The worst thing we can do is to respond in anger. Hatred toward us is meant to create hatred in us. We cannot allow others’ hatred to fill our hearts. God said, “Be angry, but do not sin…and do not make room for the devil” (Ephesians 4:26, 27). Anger, acted upon, can easily become hatred. All of the political correctness and tolerance in the world, taught in our culture, is impossible without genuine love for our fellow human beings. This is what Christ taught. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love” (John 4:8).

Let us follow the example of the Coptic Orthodox who suffered at least two attacks on their community. "Likely the first to die in the blast, Faheem saved the lives of dozens inside the church. ‘I’m not angry at the one who did this,’ said his wife, children by her side. ‘I’m telling him, May God forgive you, and we also forgive you. Believe me, we forgive you. You put my husband in a place I couldn’t have dreamed of’” ( Let us follow the example of the mourners in Charleston who suffered an attack on their church during a Bible study where nine were murdered. “I will never be able to hold her again. But I forgive you and have mercy on your soul,” said daughter of 70-year-old Ethel Lance ( Let us follow Christ's example when He forgave His executioners, while still dying on the cross. Only when we forgive can our own hearts be emptied of hatred and bitterness. Only when we forgive can we show love toward our fellow human beings, even when they hate us. 

© 2017  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved

Your Story Your Lie

To the level of understanding of how you alone create the stories you think are needed to live your life, to that extent is how your created stories become the lies you live by.

Whatever it is you reach for that’s outside yourself becomes your story, and unfortunately it also becomes the lie you live by. Life needs no such story or lie to exist, but you probably do because you have never been taught otherwise. Our lies are at the core of everything reached for and what’s reached for actually reinforces the lie. This is why dependency is dependency regardless of what it is. A program, therapy, another book, meditation, retreats, your favorite team, politics, are no different than reaching for alcohol, drugs, food or something else. They are all a form of the lie one’s Conditioned Mind uses to make you believe they’re needed to live your life, but it just isn’t true; there would be existence even if none of these things were reached for. If there isn’t some awareness of this which just may create some space, your entire life can be lived as a lie. Because of the lack of awareness of this, my life was lived as a lie for forty nine years.

Today because there’s some space between reaching for these lies, they’re not nearly as dominant as previously. They still arise because of the conditioning in place, but they have so much less control because there’s awareness of them. It’s imperative to understand how the reaching itself is the lie as what’s being used only matters in the respect to the harm it causes. It seems the less harm it causes the more the lie is accepted, but this is all just part of the lie because a lie is as lie no matter what. This isn’t as complicated as it may seem, know your lies and you will come to know truth, but understand if you don’t they will dominate your life which will than be lived as a lie you alone create.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/26/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am thriving with a fresh new day today and making most of all that I have, I am making most of who I am, and I am making most of what I am doing! I am positive with my thoughts and I am loving my future for good outcomes I look forward to enjoying! I am making the best of today and my interactions matter for greater benefits…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Illuminating Light

The Conditioned Mind is marred in darkness and because of this the world is the way it is. Not enough people see the light and even though the light is always there, it needs to be noticed so one can turn towards it.

All light has illuminance properties, that’s why when one sees the light they’re illuminated from their bondage. Look at a plant, it begins as a seed, it has potential, but it’s still only a seed. You can put it in soil, water it and give it all the nutrients possible, but without the illumination of light, the transformation from seed to plant will not occur. This illuminating light is the source of life. There are exceptions to this rule as with deep sea creatures or those in caves, but for the most part it is light that illuminates. Go into a dark room and turn on the light, there’s an instant illumination of the room. The walls come alive with color, the furniture and design of the room are also intensified. Without the light the room still exist, but its vibrance is hidden.
When one wakes up to experience the illumination of light
, it’s the lights energy that becomes one’s source just as it is with a plant or a room. You can be in the dark your entire life, but once there’s light the darkness is gone forever. It may return somewhat because of one’s conditioning, but it will never be as dark as it once was, it can’t because there will always be some light. This illuminating light is truth revealed, (one’s internal energy of love) and it’s impossible to consciously turn it off. As stated before it will turn off only because of one’s unconscious conditioning, but this light is always on because it’s the light (the source) of our existence and the true essence (love) of who we are. The Conditioned Mind is grounded in darkness and the world is the way it is because not enough people see the light. The light is always there, it just needs to be noticed so one can turn towards it.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/25/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am blessed to succeed as the awesome being that I was born as! I am blessed to be happy with the various opportunities I have before me! I am blessed to do, go, and be as I choose! I am blessed to satisfy, celebrate, and share all that I have to offer as I please…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Out With the Old

Mental bondage to our old thoughts is only real to the level of the unawareness of this and because the bondage is so subtle even when there is awareness, it’s still difficult to let the new in.

So much goes on between the ears in our daily life that truly living in the moment in almost impossible, almost. This old mental bondage can be broken free of, but only when it’s seen for what it truly is, old. You cannot break free from the mental bondage if the old patterns that cause it aren’t identified; you don’t know what you don’t know. For many years I did things unaware there was another way to view life. I was caught in my old Conditioned Mind Patterns and nothing short of a miracle was going to change this. The miracle that did happen wasn’t from some outside source who chose me, I was made ready by reaching a place where there was nowhere else to turn but inward. When this happened, the old veil of ignorance was removed along with all of its lies. You can hold onto whatever you think you need, for me it wasn’t until there was nowhere to turn but inward that space was created which allowed the new in as the old patterns fell away. Space had to be created, if not the new would have never been allowed in.

I’m the same person I always was when it comes to my human form, but energy wise all has changed. I no longer see things from the stand point of the past and future because I’ve found they are the old patterns that hold me captive. The new is constantly exposing itself in the present moment and although the Conditioned Mind loves the old, if I want to break free from the old mental patterns that tried like hell to destroy me, things have to be discovered that reveal the new. This is what discipline allows, I had none so I stayed marred in the old and it wasn’t until there was space that the new took hold.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/24/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am succeeding beyond my hardships and pushing through my difficult decisions to continue my success! I am succeeding beyond my challenges and pulling through my tough times to continue my success! I am succeeding either way…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

The Hook of Self

The way one gets hooked to things all comes from the same inner attachment to self and the only way there will ever be freedom from these hooks is by simply not attaching to self.

When life is seen through the sense of self, everything that appears seems to have a hook attached to it. Whether the hook takes hold and if it does how deeply it locks you in, is dependent on how conscious you are of this. But understand the hook is not on what is being viewed, the hook is on the way the self sees what is viewed. Mostly we go through life unconscious, thinking everything is outside of us and although it is, the hook of the view that is seen as self is what causes you to become entrapped to whatever it is you see.

Simply put, the controlling energy of your life can’t be any different than where your self focus is, and your self determines what is focused on. Focus on pain and the pain will cause unnecessary suffering. Focus on lust and the ensuing action will follow. Until you can see how your own self hooks you and learn to not attach to it, you will have very little control over what holds you in captivity. Truly understanding this makes all the difference in the world as to what hooks you and the suffering that’s experienced because of it. This doesn’t mean you have to go around being perfect, just understand the hooks are there and when you get hooked it’s only because of the attachment to self. In this understanding lies your freedom because although you may get hooked, it won’t be your focus if you don’t attach to self.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/23/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I love thinking of greater possibilities for my life that benefit my future! I love imagining for greater outcomes and success that benefit my life! I love witnessing greater outcomes while enjoying my blessings surrounding me! I love the fact that I have made it this far while I continue looking forward…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Primary Emotions

A heart of love doesn’t suffer, it aches. Primary emotions are the main emotions that arise and they’re far different than when there’s attachment that allows secondary emotions to arise.

This is the biggest misunderstanding when it comes to emotions. Emotions will arise, that’s a given they are a part of being human, but what happens after the primary emotions arise determines the degree of the suffering one endures. At first the emotions are primary and this is what needs to be focused on if one is to ever experience liberation from the suffering emotions can cause. Secondary emotions arise when one attaches to the primary emotions and this is directly linked to the level of suffering that’s experienced. Emotions don’t cause suffering, attachment to them does. An example of attachment to emotions would be if someone accidentally cut you off on the highway, at first you are scared, but right after that you become angry and chase them. Another example is if you go to the doctor and they find something wrong, you can project having one foot in the box (dying) or you can wait and see what the test results are. Add your own example.

Attaching to emotions is how stories are made up, but they don’t add anything to life. They just create stories which feeds the energy that causes suffering. You can only be the energy that encompasses you and when there’s suffering it’s because of the energy that’s be projected. This is what determines the degree of one’s emotional suffering. A heart of love doesn’t suffer, it aches, losing a loved one doesn’t necessarily have to cause suffering. It will though if there’s attachment to the secondary emotion which always wants the situation different than what it is. Hence here is where suffering arises from because when there’s attachment to emotions, the energy that’s in place can only cause suffering because it’s what’s being held.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 08/22/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I love being the best version of myself regardless of where I am, who I am with and what I am doing! I love being with others who love me, encourage me and positively affect me! I love doing what entertains me, challenges me and supports me! I love simply being me…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author