To be with life exactly as it is means to see life as a ride not just something to endure or wish it was different. Sometimes that means there will be rainbows and sometimes it means there will be the passing of loved ones, both are just part of the same ride. To be alive is a blessing in itself, but it’s the realization of this that makes it a blessing. It cannot be a blessing if it isn’t realized. It is still a blessing, there just isn’t awareness of it.
Our manifestation in this form is temporary, the fact that we exist at all is truly a miracle. It will end one day, but by being with life as it is is the difference in being pulled along by it and waiting to reach some destination, or experiencing the ride and understanding there really isn’t a destination it’s all just one ride. To me unconditional love is the essence of our being and the reason we as a society are in the way that we are is because too many pick and choose who to love. Love is our essence yet we don’t love everyone so we go against our own essence. Mostly love is conditional in our society and no society will last with that as its base. Our life is all about the ride, and the more we love the more the ride will be experienced and be a blessing.
Whether its a rainbow or something tragic that happens, it’s just part of the ride. When you’re driving to a destination if you get a flat tire you don’t cancel the trip, it’s just part of the ride. Things happen that you don’t enjoy like a flat tire, but it’s just part of the ride. Change the tire and continue on and make the ride one of unconditional love. It’s better to experience the ride of life by loving more so than by being pulled along waiting to reach some destination. If you don’t love unconditionally and you pick and choose who you say you love, it’s not love. Our true essence is to love so when you don’t love you go against yourself, and when you go against yourself you don’t truly experience the ride of life, you just endure it…

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