The Universe is our guide to our assets, “I” is the guide to our liabilities. If there is a evil in this world, fear is the name it goes by because nothing good comes from It. As it was once said “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” and when this is understood we can stop creating the “I” based liabilities that block out the assets of Universal Love which allows for the alignment with these assets so we can be a benefit to the entire Universe.
When you see this you will begin to understand yourself. Your entire perception of life regardless of what happens is all in your head. Not the actual situations that occur, they are real because that’s what’s happening, but the reactions are where the delusional energy transforms. When you know yourself you become aware that your behavior either puts you in cooperation with the asset of what is or it doesn’t; the direction of your energy determines whether each moment is lived as an asset or liability. These assets aren’t beneficial to you, they’re beneficial to the Universe. Assets of love benefit the entire Universe, liabilities of “I” benefit no one. This will only be seen when you understand your assets are a gift from the Universe and are in place for its betterment…

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