Dictated Choices

You may believe you have choices, but the reality is there is no choice because you can only do what the conditioned view dictates and good, bad, or indifferent it’s only done because it’s what’s in place…

There really aren’t any choices in life, it may seem as though there are, but the conditioning in place is what dictates one’s actions. From murder, voting, loving kindness and all the other actions in between, the conditioning in place controls what your actions will be; one is a puppet on a string with the Conditioned Mind being the master puppeteer. For forty nine years I was controlled by my Conditioned Mind without awareness there was another way to view life. Today with awareness of this my view is different and although it seems I have choices, the shift that occurred in me resulted in a different view. Today my actions are different, but it’s not a choice; a different view allows me to see things differently so I naturally act differently.

I will use drugs as an example. For years drugs were one of the tools I used as a coping mechanism to deal with life, there was no choice here. It’s not this way today, not because I choose not to use them, I don’t use them because they are no longer the conditioned view that’s in place. If they were in place, I would use them; this isn’t a choice, I will do whatever I’m conditioned to do. One can only do what they’re conditioned to do and the only way this will be different is if your view becomes different. This is the view of accepting life as it is and not wanting it different, a choice implies wanting it different. Many believe they have choices, but this belief creates an inner conflict. The reality is, there is no choice because one can only do what the conditioned view dictates and good, bad, or indifferent it’s only done because it’s what’s in place…

Conditionally Controlled

Without awareness of the conditioning that’s formed, one is blindly controlled by it. It says jump and the only thing you can do is jump, and if you are really conditioned you will ask how high…

If you want to understand your mind you will need to sit down and observe it. Whatever you think and ponder upon is what becomes the conditioning of the mind and hence this is what becomes your actions. If there is no sitting, there’s very little chance for the mind to settle so it can be observed. As conditioning is formed it becomes second nature, there’s very little observation in this mind activated action. These conditioned actions are different for everyone, but they are common at their root; they all arise in some way to seek pleasure. It matters little what one uses to fulfill this pleasure seeking conditioning and because there’s very little awareness of this, it’s in control. There needs to be an understanding that your actions become conditioned by how you think. This is what determines whether our actions are wholesome (loving) or unwholesome (selfish). Simply put, loving actions should be cultivated so they become your default conditioning.

If there isn’t any sitting to allow the mind to settle, an understanding of this will be difficult and so observing the conditioned patterns will not be recognized. Without recognition of this conditioning, one is blindly controlled by it. It says jump and you ask how high; this is why we do things that aren’t in our best interest without hesitation. Without the ability to observe the thoughts that arise, one is like a puppet on a string. Sitting allows the mind to settle so there can be an observation of this and one by one the strings can be cut. If nothing is in place to allow this settling, the Conditioned Mind puppeteer will continue its control and you will blindly and without hesitation do things that aren’t beneficial to you or others…

Delusional Demons

Looking inward allows awareness of how a self created fear is the cause of needing to reach outside yourself to keep away a fear based demon that didn’t truly exist…

When I began looking inward the way that life was viewed started to change; although it’s a slow process by looking inward the seed for this change had been planted. Looking inward made me realize how the bondage of self was the cause as to why I needed to reach outside myself to keep away a demon that didn’t truly exist. I began to understand this demon was only a story created by some delusional fear I had. This is what fear does, it creates all kinds of delusional lies (demons).

The more I went inward the more these created lies exposed themselves for what they truly were (delusions). The more these lies exposed themselves, the less there was a need to reach not only for the things that were destructive, but also for the more subtle things that kept the demons of alcohol and drugs in place. One’s demons can be anything, it has to be investigated to determine what it is.

A demon is a demon regardless if it’s a two headed devil or little spider, it’s the energy generated by fear that makes something into a demon. When one looks inward and the lie of fear is exposed, it’s at this point the delusion to the bondage of self relinquishes it’s control because there’s no fear generated story. This delusional story is what makes one need to reach for something in the first place and all for one reason and that’s so the fear created delusional demon doesn’t have to be faced…


There’s a stillness beyond noise that gives rise to all that life has to offer. If this stillness isn’t observed you will live in a world of noise and in this world the only thing offered is what’s on the surface…

Yesterday as I was taking out the trash from the evenings dinner I noticed there was a stillness that was motionless. Is stillness truly motionless you may ask, but it was a stillness so motionless that it blocked out all the surrounding noise. I was very much aware of this motionless moment and it was eerily quiet outside, but it was beautiful and the stillness observed was equally as beautiful. Noise doesn’t generate beauty it generates noise, stillness doesn’t generate beauty either because it is beauty; without stillness beauty cannot be.

To understand stillness it is imperative to understand noise. The noise needs stillness for without it there wouldn’t be anywhere for the noise to arise from, but stillness needs nothing to arise, it is self sustaining, needing nothing to be. This is why meditation is so valuable in our human evolution because without it we are a society of noise; all you need to do is look around and see evidence upon evidence of this. It’s nearly impossible because of the lack of practice for most people to be still for even five minutes in their daily life, so this means their life is strictly run by noise. This is not a perception of things, this is truth. Stillness can be noisy, but noise can’t be still. If you live a life that is filled with noise you won’t have much peace in your life because you won’t be able to sense the stillness, but if you live a life that‘s filled with stillness, even if there is noise the stillness can be motionless that the noise will not be heard. In stillness all of life arises, in noise there’s noise and not much else…

Loving Awareness

Loving energy is naturally free flowing because there’s nothing blocking it; there’s no need for anything to be different than what it is. Hate energy stops the flow because it’s based in the need to manipulate…

Being aware of love in the present moment minimizes the hate stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Loving awareness stops the hate story of the way you think something should be and allows the freedom of the way it is, this becomes the loving view of the way it should be. After all wanting things different is where all discontentment and hate arises from. When one is simply aware of love as it arises there isn’t a need for a hate story and selfish energy doesn’t come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the operating energy of life.

Hate energy is a created prison because it doesn’t allow for the natural flow of love energy; when you hate you become engulfed in that hate. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow and awareness of love as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why this energy causes issue is because it bombards the moment with an unnatural energy flow that doesn’t allow harmony. Love naturally flows freely because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make anything different than what’s there. Hate energy stops the flow because it’s based in the need to manipulate so what’s there is resisted to the point where the natural flow of loving awareness is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there’s no hate energy here, there’s just the awareness of love…

Chasing Lies

What tools you learn to use to provide happiness will be what becomes your chase. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if what you’re chasing will truly provide what you think it will…

The biggest misunderstanding of my writings is that the view of life I have today is the view I always had. To me, whoever is looked upon for inspiration or whatever it should be noted that most likely they didn’t always see things as they do now. I have the benefit of viewing life in two completely different ways, it’s where my insights arise from and the reason why I see what I see. Having lived unconsciously for forty nine year is actually my greatest asset. When I write about something, it’s always from a lesson I learned from my past self serving chasing. It’s never about being smarter or knowing more than anyone else, but what is there is there and it’s what’s shared. When I talk about quietness or stillness it’s because I lived a life of noise. When there’s talk of attachment, it’s because attachment was my master.

Everyone has life experiences and some learn from them, it’s what’s done with what’s learned that determines how one lives today. If it’s learned that money is needed to be happy that will be your chase. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if the chasing is true. Would money really make everything better? Substitute money with anything. For me I went through a life of much suffering, always chasing the next fix and today I see this for the lie that it is. When I write something, it’s because I can see the self serving prison I was stuck in and I have been provided with a view of true liberation. I’m very direct in my approach in explaining my experience, but I’m not insensitive to anyone else’s view, it’s just that I’ve been where most people are and I can see the lies that far too many people chase and get stuck in…

Attachments Prison

Whatever you attach to it becomes your prison. If you don’t stop attaching to create some space so there’s room for your heart to love, you are the one who will suffer the most…

The choice to attach is the choice to suffer, the problem with this is there really isn’t a choice because of the way one’s Conditioned Mind is in control so one’s suffering is inevitable because of the conditioned attachment in place. If this is to change you will have to make room in your heart so your attachments are replaced by first stillness and then love. There’s no way around this, attach to whatever the flavor of the day, week, month, or year is, just understand when that attachment passes something else will have to replace it. Today it’s our president, tomorrow it’s a co worker, or something else and the next day and the next and so on, ad infinitum. This will never change until there is space created in the heart which makes room for love; if you attach to one individual and bemoan them, you don’t truly have the space for a loving heart. This is strong language, but true.

True love can only be without one iota of conditioning. This is a truth the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow to be seen. I can say I have love for all humanity, what I don’t love is humanity’s conditioning, but I understand it and my responsibility is to try and not be a part of it. Attachment is suffering regardless of who or what one attaches to because it becomes your prison; until this is understood you become the very thing that you show disdain towards. This is part of the law of attraction, you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you. Stop attaching to things and make room in your heart for love because if you don’t you will be the one who suffers the most…

Opinions Separate

We are all an extension of Universal Consciousness. There’s no difference in any of us; we’re from the same energy. It’s when we lose our focus of this that we become individuals and form our opinions…

If a person chooses to live a life of opinions that’s their choice. Yesterday’s post was to point out that a conditioned opinion weighs heavily on us and blocks us from the love that is in our heart. It was not written to tell anyone how to live their life. That’s not why I write. How someone chooses to live has nothing to do with me. If what I write resonates with you so be it, if not move on. What I write is from my experience as I was opinionated for many many years. Whether it is agreed with has nothing to do with me. What is seen is what is seen, if you don’t see what I see you won’t understand what I write. There is nothing right or wrong with this, it’s just the way it is.

We are all an extension of Universal Consciousness. There is no difference in any of us. We are from the same energy. It is when we lose our focus of this that we become individuals and form our opinions. Our unity comes from understanding this. When we form our opinions, ideas, ideals, beliefs,  concepts, we form an individuality which causes us to miss the mark of Universal Love. This is the truth I often write about, but is not my truth, it’s the truth of existence; Universal Love. There is no interpretation needed here, love is love. If you wish to form an interpretation or opinion of love that’s up to you, but when the mind settles Universal Love becomes your life’s base, there are no opinions or interpretations needed. Learn to live the life as it is, the life of Universal Love. Form any opinion you like, but it will probably not be a benefit to you because most likely its self serving. As a matter of fact it will only be a burden which weighs heavily on you and blocks you from the love that’s in your own heart…

Opinions Are Delusional

The greatest delusion is forming an opinion and taking it as truth prior to investigating if it really is true. Truth sets you free not an opinion of what is thought to be truth…

Here is a dictionary definition of the word opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. This really sums up what an opinion is and the lack of value it has. It has no value because it isn’t based on anything but a unconscious thought which don’t have any substance to them whatsoever, so without substance an opinion has no value except maybe to the one forming the opinion.

The Conditioned Mind will tell you there is value in it, but that is the delusion the Buddha talked about. If it isn’t based on something factual it’s basically valueless. When there aren’t facts, there isn’t substance and without substance theres nothing to put value on. This isn’t just for opinions, it goes for ideas, ideals, beliefs, and concepts also; they are based on the delusion of a Conditioned Mind. Before this is discounted, it should be investigated. If you just want to make up an opinion and it makes you feel better go ahead with your conditioning and do so, but understand this has nothing to do with what has been written, it’s all from the delusion within and this delusion was in place long before this article was written…

Present Moment Energy

Present moment energy is naturally free flowing because there’s no resistance of wanting life different than what it is. Future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate the present moment…

Being aware of the present moment as it happens minimizes the future stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Present moment awareness stops the future story of the way you think something should be and allows the freedom of the way it is, this becomes the beautiful view of the way it should be. After all wanting what is different is where all future discontentment arises from. When one is simply aware of the present moment as it arises there isn’t a need for a future story and selfish energy doesn’t come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the beautiful operating energy of life.

Future energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for a natural flow of present moment energy; you become entombed in the energy of the future. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow of the present as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why this future energy causes issue is because it bombards the present with an unnatural energy flow that doesn’t allow harmony. Present moment energy naturally free flows because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make it different than what’s there. Future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate the present so what’s there is resisted to the point where the natural flow is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there’s no future energy here, there’s just the energy of the present moment…

Chosen Focus

The choice is to either behave in a manner that puts you in cooperation with life or not. If your habitual thought patterns are allowed to control your behavior that would mean there is no choice…

If you expect the universe to work for you you’ll need to put yourself in alignment with behaviors that are conducive to being in harmony with it. You can’t wish to win the lottery in the belief that all your problems will be solved and not expect to wish that other things in your life were different also. You will never be content with life if you’re always wishing for it to be different. You can’t speak of love with your lips, but secretly have lust in your heart, which will block love from every reaching your heart. If we don’t understand how humans are all the same and focus on the differences, there will never be unity with others and in the process there will never be unity with yourself. If you’re constantly looking for your happiness in some outer form, you’ll never be happy with the way life is right now.

There are many misguided thought patterns that can take you out of alignment with life and thus not allow harmony. This is very simple, you will either do the things that create harmony with life or you will not. It begins with your thought patterns and how they are allowed to control your behavior. The habitual thought patterns that are in place are the reason why there is disharmony with life at all. It’s not because of life, that happens regardless of your thought patterns. It’s the patterns in place that make you respond to things the way you do, and if they create harmony or not will be determined by the focus that is chosen…

Lens of Love

Life can only truly be experienced through the transforming energy of love and that’s if the lens of your own love is in place. If it’s not it has to be found out why this isn’t so in order for it to be changed…

When someone awakens it’s to the love in their own heart; this is the love of creation. As this is experienced, it becomes the lens one experiences the world through. If everyone knew their own mind and how it’s only through the way one is conditioned that it doesn’t allow a person to experience their own magnificence, they would do what’s necessary to change this conditioning. This conditioning is not the direct fault of anyone, but it doesn’t have to remain in place because it can be changed. One can experience the world from the love within their own heart, but this can only occur by understanding yourself. When you know your own heart you do what’s necessary to remove the blocks that don’t allow you to experience the world through love.

The world can be experienced through your own heart of love when love is in place, but if it’s not, it has to be found out why this isn’t so in order for it to be changed. Love is the power of the entire Universal and we are a direct result of its power. Every human starts out as the same form; when conditions are right the Universe transforms one form of energy into another. This has nothing to do with the individual human form, it does have everything to do with the transformation of spiritual energy that allows one to experience their own love and thus experience the world through the lens of that love…

Love is Infinite

Love is the energy of infinity, it has no boundaries and will not be denied. Its expansion is inevitable because it’s self sustaining, so when the heart opens there‘s a oneness that touches infinity…

Just as the body is many parts that make up the whole so it is with humanity, as individuals we are many parts that make up the whole. What is done to one is done to all. We are a collective unit sharing one planet. Nobody does anything without affecting someone else. the energy of hate affects mostly the haters, but love and the energy generated is ten fold.

The haters transmit an energy that has minimal affect on the world as opposed to people who have love in their hearts. The comparison is being done not to single out individuals, but to put the emphasis on love versus hate. Hate is far reaching and it doesn’t stop instantly because an individual is killed, it does dissipate ever so slowly. Love is different, love expands even if the source is killed. A perfect example of this is Jesus’s love, it is stronger today than ever. The energy of the love that was in his heart is what lives on, expands, and generates more love; the nature of love is to expand. Hate doesn’t do this, not that it doesn’t grow, but when it’s source is taken away the energy generated doesn’t expand, it dies. People will hold onto its trace energy, but it becomes a pocket of hate that is isolated as opposed to love which expands because it is infinite.

We all possess a fully capable heart of love, but because of the Conditioned Mind most fall short of reaching its full capacity; with quietness the heart keeps expanding and one is the spreader of that love. As one unit on one planet it isn’t our love that we are spreading, it’s the love that came before us, which is the love of infinity. We are expanding on that love and no matter how much hate there was that came before us or is here now, it will never keep the energy of love which is of the heart from expanding to our entire planet…

Seen As Never Before

When there’s a view in place that sees things as they are without any associated attachments to I, it opens you up to a totally different way to experience life like never before… The view one has of life determines what is seen and how life is processed. The most common view in the one that uses objects and holds onto them in association with one’s created identity. What happens with this view is it goes through the senses and everything is associated with I as I becomes the base of the view. With this association a limit is created because a labeled identity is attached to with what is seen; everything is processed as an object in some way. This is one of the reasons things are never seen as they truly are because there’s always an attached label associated with I. When I stopped sheep walking, the labeling of objects stopped because there was no association to I; the usual limit wasn’t applied and lo and behold there was an experience like never before. This is what happens when the view in place just sees things as they are without attachment and association to I. Obviously seeing things as they are will take some time to view life in this way, but the more it happens the more you will experience life like never before. It’s unfortunate sense object associated attachment is so limiting because it’s the usual way of the Conditioned Mind; most people are unaware of it. That is until now because my article is shining a light on this for all to see. This seeing things as they are view is how I’m able to write 2,300 consecutive articles. I’m not special because of this, I’ve just been afforded the luxury of now having a view in place that doesn’t limit my creativity. This is the view that allows for experiences as never before and it’s now a view available to all…

Persistent Past

Although what happens now occurs now, when it’s seen through the view of the past you’re not with what’s actually happening. You can’t be present for what’s actually happening when the past is being used to live now… Living from past energy patterns isn’t something that jumps out at you, the persistent past patterns are lying in wait for the opportunity to be used. They don’t have to be glaring, nor do past energy patterns always manifest as totally destructive actions, but the past is destructive in the way it doesn’t allow you to be with what’s occurring right now; the past takes you away from truly living life now. when you use the past to live now you end up living the same life over and over, doing the same thing, getting the same results, basically it’s as if you’re stuck in a rut which only gets deeper each time the persistent past is grabbed and brought into the present. You can’t be present for the present when the past is being used to live now. Much quietness will be needed to see the persistently i’m past and how it’s used. Persistent past energy patterns are very subtle and are deeply ingrained, noticing this is the first step in the liberation from this energy. This energy is so controlling because it’s brought into the present and blocks the ability to live now; not many truly live in the moment of what’s actually occurring. Although what occurs now happens now, if seen through the view of the past what’s actually happening now is missed. There’s so much past energy and only there’s awareness of this can the persistent past energy patterns even begin to be broken. Watch the mind and how it constantly uses the past to live now. How you can tell something is being used from the past is by the label being applied to it because when it’s all said and done, the present moment doesn’t need the persistent past to be…

Being With What's There

Only the Conditioned Mind needs to create a reason for existence. In the space of stillness everything just is and it’s clear that the reason you exist is to just be with whatever’s there without the need to create one… When I began this part of my life thirteen years ago, it was with one thing in mind and that was to find a way to bring peace into my life. It has pretty much remained this way, but it seems to be naturally going to a deeper place of doing what’s beneficial for humanity. Our stories become our prisons and I carefully watch how my mind always wants to crate a reason for existence, these reasons are plentiful, but they’re all just stories and when the mind settles this is seen. This is what’s happening now, I care more for humanity than I do myself, but not in the way where there’s a reason to save humanity; just being with what’s there. What I mean by it’s just being with what’s there is I don’t think about it, what’s there is just a part of life. It’s just like the first forty nine years of my life, it was lived to satisfy my “I self” without much thought of anything else, this was done because that’s what was there. One will do what they do because of the conditioning in place and until this is realized the reason you exist will never be understood because a created one will always be needed; that’s just the way the Conditioned Mind operates. When the mind quiets no labels need be applied to life, only the Conditioned Mind needs to apply labels and create a reason for existence. In the space of stillness everything just is and it becomes clear that the reason why you exist is to just be with whatever’s there, without the need to create a reason why you exist…

Unconscious Problems

The unconscious mind loves to create problems and until this is seen it will continue to do so even though everything in life is impermanent, especially the problems that are created… Problems are created by an unconscious mind that doesn’t accept what’s occurring in the present moment. It wants the present moment different and it actually makes you believe if it was different all would be well; this is the fallacy of an unconscious mind. All is as it is right now, but because of one’s conditioning it’s not seen so the mind has to make a problem so it has something to do. I’ve always had a tendency to make everything that occurs like it’s the end of the world, and although I don’t attach to this as I once did, many times the unconscious end of the world view is my first reaction. The other day I was washing clothes and when they were finished I put them in the dryer. When they were almost finished drying I opened the dryer to pull out a shirt, there were blue spots on it and also on some of the other clothes. I pulled them all out and found a ink pen in the dryer. There was also blue ink all over the dryer. The first response was my usual end of the world reaction of the clothes are ruined. I took a step back and took a deep breath. I grabbed a shirt and cleaned a spot, the ink came out. I then cleaned the inside of dryer. I rewashed all the clothes; all the spots came out. An hour and a half later I folded all the clothes and it was like nothing happened. This happens with most things in life, and although I don’t concern myself too much with reactions, the attachment to what occurs is what’s watched. The clothes event can be substituted with anything. The unconscious mind loves to create problems and until this is seen it will continue to do so even though everything in life is impermanent, especially the problems that are created…

Observing Awareness

What leads to a peaceful life begins and ends in the present moment. You can have awareness you’re thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there… When a practice that allows awareness is in place it’s to allow the present moment to be experienced. Being aware of what’s actually happening as opposed to being pulled around by it or pushing it away and applying a label to what’s happening is what will dictate the amount of peace there is in your life. Life is magical in its essence, but there’s nothing magical in one becoming aware of this. All roads that lead to a peaceful life begin and end in the present moment and an awareness practice will assist in this. Take a step and simply be aware of it, now take another, this is also an anchor as is the breath to the present. One cannot be aware of something in the past or future because it doesn’t exist. You can be aware that you’re thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every step or breath can only be taken as it is happening. The more you become aware of this, the more anchored you become of the body being in the present moment as opposed to grasping for straws in the story of what’s going on between your ears. Be aware of reading this and then observe what arises, just be with it, no pulling or pushing, just observe what’s happening. It’s in this space of awareness that you will find peace and this is because in this space peace is the only thing there…

Beliefs Aren't Factual

Every belief is made up for one reason and that’s to make life seemingly better. If it was this easy you could just go around making up belief after belief whenever life wasn’t going the way you thought it should be… What is a belief and why are they used? There are very few hard line facts in a belief so what makes a person think a belief is needed to make life better? The only reason beliefs are made up to begin with is because of the way our minds have been conditioned. They’re used to keep the mind in a state of agitation by making one believe things need to be different for life to be better. It’s what the ego uses to keep one in bondage to a self that doesn’t exist. This is why most wars are started, because of an ego that forms beliefs, and whatever the belief is whether it’s in a God that’s going to make things better, or a superior race or the annihilation of one that will make things better, or if it’s a belief that if I didn’t write my post on this site things would be better, it all stems from one’s own conditioning of believing if things were different, life would be better. So to believe or not to believe that is the question. It really has nothing to do with the belief, but it does have everything to do with arranging life and thinking if things were different, it would be better. This is what needs to be discovered if the falseness of a belief is to be revealed. If attaching to a belief is found to make life better, by all means believe, but for me I would have to say life is better without forming beliefs, especially that they probably exist only in my mind. If beliefs are seen as real and have some facts to back them up, believe them, attach to them, use them, but in truth don’t be surprised if when they’re needed to fall back on to make life better, they don’t do what was believed they were going to do…

Made Up Self

Stories need titles for them to be created. We supply the titles of the stories when we live from a made up self. Without this made up self innate intuitiveness arises naturally without the need to create it…

How attached we are to our stories is related to how much we attach to a made up self. The more the made up self controls you the less we are in alignment with your intuitive nature. Just think about how the stories occur and when anything is desired who‘s desiring; the made up self is where all stories are derived from. I desire this and I desire that. I don’t like this. I want this different. I want, I want, I want, all this wanting is just a story that keeps you from experiencing our own intuitiveness. Without a made up self there won’t be a title created so there will be enough quietness to hear the intuitive urging that is your true inner nature.

Life is always occurring intuitively in the present moment. Why this isn’t known by more people is because of the attachment to the made up self. Intuitiveness is not a story, it doesn’t need one, it always is. It’s our human development of a made up self that doesn’t make this known. Anyone who has any inkling of truth in their life has at least minimized their attachment to a made up self. It’s the only way to get quiet enough to realize that not only are you not your thoughts, but you are also not the title of a created made up self either…

Directed Energy

The quality of any life in this form is determined by the direction of energy, and as this energy builds on itself this determines what the base of that life will be…

This is very important to see, the directed energy you live by will either come from the heart or the head; this is seen or it isn’t. When this is seen, living from the heart naturally becomes the way you live. Energy builds on itself regardless of what it is, to me this is a basic understanding of the “Law of Attraction” that’s been revealed to me. When my energy is based in stillness what becomes my life’s direction is all derived from stillness. This isn’t a doing of mine, it’s a transformation occurring from stillness itself.

What’s unfortunate about this is the opposite is also true, at least this has been my experience. For years my directed energy was based to self serve and although I mostly got what I wanted, there wasn’t much satisfaction. This self serving energy built on itself and it doesn’t take a genius to see why my life prior to shifting was the way it was; the directed energy to self serve manifested in the only way it could. What energy is in place will be what’s manifested, there’s no way around this; you can only be what the direction of your energy is.

Sit with this and investigate what is the direction of your energy and see how it builds on itself. Life doesn’t make it what it is, the direction of energy makes it what it is. To a large degree we are all the creators of our own reality and that reality will be determined by where our energy is directed. Positive, negative, noisy, quiet, which one of these will build the kind of life you want to live? It’s not up to the outside circumstances that determines this, when energy is directed to outside circumstances this determines how they are dealt with, how they are built on and the way future circumstances will be dealt with. You can only build upon the energy in place and that’s determined by what your directed energy is based in. The life you build is up to you, you alone are the creator of your reality because your directed energy builds on itself…

No Pretending Needed

The value of knowing yourself is priceless because it allows your mind to settle instead of needing to make up some story pretending to be this loving spiritual head in the clouds person…

One of the insights revealed to me is having the awareness of my own presence. What is meant by this is to be aware of who I am and not try to be something different. When my book was published I was thinking of ways to get its message to people. Just by the fact that it was written I knew there was a valuable message to share about how my view of life changed. Shortly afterwards I started writing and posting articles on social media sites; Facebook and some others. One day I was contacted by a site to write articles for them, I thought this was a great way to get my books message some exposure. After about six articles the admin of the site said people were contacting her about my articles, saying they were like teachings and asked if I could make them more inspirational; the site was named “Inspire Me Today.” I thought about it and decided I couldn’t compromise the message revealed to me. I told her I wouldn’t change my style; I didn’t write another article for them.

It was important for me to stand my ground on what was revealed to me then and it’s just as important now. The value of knowing who you are is priceless because it allows the mind to settle instead of needing a made up story. I don’t pretend to be this loving spiritual head in the clouds person; I am what I am. If there was such a thing as a spiritual labors union, I would be the head of it; I’m a blue collared spiritual person. I understand many things, but my feet are always planted in the present moment so if it’s not happening now, it doesn’t really matter all that much to me. I’ve learned early on not to live between my ears and try to be something I’m not. What this has allowed is to not have any conflicting energy within myself and in the process just be at peace with who I am. Not everyone agrees with my style of writing or what I write, but at the end of the day it’s me who I’m with and I’m grateful there’s no to pretend to be something that I’m not…

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Stored Energy

The chaotic events occurring these days have happened throughout our existence. These fluctuations of energy manifest as chaos and will continue until the stored and current energy of humanity is of love…

Humanity has been controlled by insanely chaotic energy since its existence began. Nothing new is happening today as opposed to hundreds even thousands of years ago; it’s a culmination of stored energy that’s been in place for a very long time. Just do a little research of history and you’ll see a pattern (if you’re not sheep walking) that history just keeps repeating itself. This stored energy lays semi dormant for periods of time until it erupts as if it’s a volcano. It causes much destruction and eventually it goes back to its semi dormant state. What’s happening has nothing to do what the surface mind sees, it goes much deeper than most will ever be aware of. Everyone has their own agenda regardless of the label they want to spread their chaos under; it’s simply done to satisfy an unconscious energy that’s been in place since humankind began.

What’s happening today is simply stored energy manifesting in the way it has to. This didn’t start four years ago because Donald Trump was elected President; the hate is only surface energy, few look deeper than the surface. President Trump is just a catalyst for the stored energy to rear its ugly head and it’s because his energy goes against the stored energy.  This chaos won’t end regardless of who is elected. In a nut shell what humanity lacks is loving energy.

History shows just how insane humanity has been and it’s simply because of people imposing their stored baby energy on others. This energy doesn’t allow any harmony whatsoever unless the baby energy gets its way. If you say you hate any human that’s your stored baby energy and it’s the reason things are coming to a head. This has happened throughout our existence and these fluctuations manifesting as chaos will continue until the stored and current energy of humanity is of love…

Not True

When one becomes open to truth no longer is the mind listened to as it’s understood you shouldn’t believe everything your mind tells you because most of it just isn’t true…

Most of what your mind tells you is a lie, it just makes up things that just aren’t true. It will tell you the past is real yet the only place the past exist is in the mind. It will tell you to fear, yet the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. It will tell you to hold onto the belief of a self that’s a solid entity, but the form that’s being occupied needs no such attachment to exist as it’s in a constant state of change. Your mind will tell you I think therefore I am, but thinking has nothing to do with I am. It will make up causes and beliefs that everything desired on the outside is needed, but if none of those things come to pass nothing happens. Even if they get fulfilled the satisfaction is fleeting at best. Then there’s the thing the mind calls ego, this is like the bogeyman under the bed, it exist until one looks under the bed. There’s also not a need to get rid of it because it doesn’t exist, except in the mind.

There’s the image in the mirror who has been given a name for identification purposes; most think they are that name. If the name is different we think we are someone else, but that’s only to the mind because the form remains the same. There will be many lies held onto that just aren’t true; unfortunately the more they are attached to the truer they seem. To truly be free your lies will have to be exposed, this doesn’t mean you find out you don’t exist, you find out you just don’t exist in the way your mind tells you. When this truth is revealed, no longer will you listen to the mind lies because you’ll understand you shouldn’t believe most of what your mind tells you because it just isn’t true…

An Empty Shell

Everyone begins existence complete, it’s just that not many realize it hence the need to reach for it. Most people have the sense of a void in their lives so the reaching seems natural, but it’s not…

Constantly having a need to reach for things keeps you in the grip of reaching because it’s as though it creates an empty shell. The reason why reaching is done is to try and fill the shell, but the reaching for things out there keeps the shell empty; it’s the dog chasing its tail masquerade. Only by looking inward does the shell begin to be filled, but what really happens is it simply collapses because the reaching hold weakens. Years of conditioning makes the empty shell almost impossible to fill and it’s unfortunate because many never get beyond this. I did say almost impossible because the slightest turning inward is all that’s needed. Once reaching outside ceases as the empty shell lies are exposed, looking inward becomes the way and it has a ball rolling down a hill effect; it just naturally picks up momentum.

Outside reaching is used for protection so one doesn’t have to look at themselves. The greatest lie that we tell ourselves and constantly reinforce it is we need things from the outside to be complete, but there’s nothing further from the truth. Everyone begins existence complete, it’s just that not many realize this, hence the need to reach for it. Most people have the sense of a void in their lives so the reaching seems natural, but it’s not. We’re not meant to be an empty shell and it’s only so because of the conditioning we develop. Once the slightest opening occurs everything changes because the inward view reveals truth, and although we live a lie for most of our lives, when truth is revealed the empty shell collapses as the truth sets you free…

Self Beyond Words

Without the need for labels and stories of self there’s existence beyond words. This is where one will be free from the attachment to self and without this attachment you can be your true self…

If everything that’s done is based in the attached self doing it one must keep doing to keep this self whole, but this attached self that needs to be keep doing is never whole. The attachment to self is what keeps one entrapped to their own created suffering. Sit with this next part and see exactly where is this attached self that is so adamantly defended; if you lost an arm there would still be existence. How about both arms and legs, now take every function away expect for the mind, let’s just say that remained intact. There is still existence, and even if you lost your mind there would still be existence, you just wouldn’t be aware of it, so what part of your attached story is you? The limbs, or the story of the loss of them, the mind, or the story of the loss of it; there wouldn’t be a story if there wasn’t a mind.

There’s nothing to pinpoint where the self is except how it’s conjured up by the mind. This isn’t to say there isn’t a self, but what part of the made up story is really this self that is attached to? What part of the attached story makes you complete or incomplete? In my case there’s the role of husband, father, son, brother and so on or my job title or my writings, all of these things exist, but they’re only an attached story of self. You may ask who are you or anyone for that matter without their story, but without the attachment to labels and stories of self there’s existence beyond words. This is where one will be free from the attached self and without this attachment is when one can be their true self…

Unconscious Suffering

Everyone has the love in their heart to be free of their unconsciousness, but because it’s not understood how harmful the unconsciousness truly is, one gets locked in creating their own suffering…

The conditioned mind unconsciousness is diabolical. It’s so cunning that it will make you prefer suffering over peace. It’s so sly and it will use every trick known to keep you from looking inward. It uses beliefs and concepts to hold you in bondage to its lies. Although I know I can’t change anyone I will continue to share what my experience has revealed about this. I love all beings, but I don’t love the unconsciousness in place; I understand how diabolical it truly is. It will tell you to remain selfish and hold onto the unconscious self. When I respond to someone it’s never about the person, it’s always about the unconsciousness. Unconscious energy is selfish and when one says something like I don’t want to be fixed, it’s not the person, it’s the unconsciousness in place making one say that. Everyone truly has the love in their heart to be free of their unconsciousness, but because it’s not understood how harmful and diabolical it truly is, it remains in control.

It breaks my heart to see a person unconsciously reinforce their own suffering, but there’s only so much one can do. I understand it’s just the unconsciousness in place, but the selfish energy it locks one into is harmful to all humanity. This isn’t even a choice and I get that, but it doesn’t stop compassion from arising for those who remain in their own created suffering. When someone says they’re in the process, they are, but unfortunately if it’s the unconscious process it’s a process of suffering. I can’t sit back and remain idle when I see this and although I know one will do what they do, when its seen a life is controlled by unconsciousness it breaks my heart because it locks one into creating their own suffering…

Silence Revealed

When words are used to try and convince someone of a right way, it’s of the ego. Answers cannot be defined with words because answers can only be known in silence revealed…

Social media is a tool that can be used to connect with people and assist each other where years ago one was basically on their own, as far as gaining knowledge was concerned. Books were always available, but books limit you to what is written in the book because one can only learn the content of a particular book. It’s very difficult for the mind to expand through knowledge. Social media is so comical because of some of the content of the things written, it’s as limited as the content of a book. People throw phrases around like the words really mean something and they may, but only to a Conditioned Mind. If the mind wasn’t conditioned, the need for defining phrases wouldn’t be needed. When there’s awareness that there’s no explaining necessary to try and convince anyone of a correct way, that‘s when real freedom from the bondage of self will be realized. Everyone’s way is correct because it‘s what’s revealed to them; no two people ever see things the same exact view.

The point of this post is to show words aren’t needed to define enlightenment, Nirvana, God, love, or whatever else one wants to use to define their great insights (to themselves) which by the way are made up by the Conditioned Mind. When true insights are revealed they manifest as silence. The less words are used to try and convince others of a certain way, the more the way is revealed to others. Everyone discovers what the Universe reveals to them; nothing more nothing less. When this is realized that’s when one will be truly free because there will be no words needed to explain this or to convince others. This will be seen by those who understand answers cannot be defined with words because answers can only be known in silence revealed…