To me and this is only my experience, to be of the spiritual dimension is to have feet of clay. To be grounded in the world because it’s where I Am, doesn’t mean you have to be ruled by it. My unity with humanity is my foundation, without it I would be of a delusional dimension; a dimension where I am above and everyone is below. The spiritual dimension is one of equality, that is how you will know you have touched the spiritual. To be spiritual is to be with the reality of life as it is; this is the reality that occurs in each moment. Time stands still in the spiritual dimension because in its reality time doesn’t truly exist. Life can only be lived one moment at a time because there isn’t a reality outside of this. There is the delusional dimension of the past and future, but they are only the made up stories in the head.
Even when there are disagreements with others, we are still in unity, but the transforming energy has caused us to think there is separation; this separation as is our disagreements are of the mind. In the spiritual dimension, there is only the heart and the heart can only unite. We do what we are conditioned to do, condition yourself to love and that’s what you will do and how you will view life. There isn’t any magic here, but there is a reality that life will always be the way it is. When this is grasped you will understand life is always as it is. In this dimension you’ll grasp a reality which goes beyond the made up nonsense of a Conditioned Mind. You will see that very few people live in the reality of this dimension as opposed to the delusional dimension of a Conditioned Mind. By understanding this you can caress your humanness by being with life as it is instead of a made up story that spirituality is this or that which is all in the head. Our manifestation is our humanness, our essence is spiritual. Caress your humanness and you will embrace the essence of spirituality and in the process you will be caressed by life…

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