Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 10/01/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am enjoying as much as I can because I deserve to! I am sharing as much as I can because I could! I am adventuring as much as I can because I should! I am playing as much as I can because I deserve to! I am appreciating as much as I can because I need to! I am loving as much as I can…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

Separating Energy

When something is wanted other than how it is, it brings on a chain reaction of circumstances that causes a separation with the present moment and thus with others.

Separating energy always makes things worse. This is difficult at times to see because even when one loves there can be separation, but what has to be understood is it’s not the energy of love because love can’t separate; a response that isn’t from love is where the separation occurs. Even if every action you did was from pure love it doesn’t mean everyone will respond to you in the same manner. As the story goes all Jesus did was teach how to love and we know what the leaders of the that time did to him. Even though he said “They know not what they do” and there was no separation in his heart, his fate was seal because of the hateful energy of those around him.

I do not profess to know the great secrets of the Universe, but I do know in the space of stillness the energy of love transformed me. This doesn’t guarantee anything nor does it mean I walk around in la la land. As a matter of fact, I do a mindfulness practice, I chant, I sit in quiet and yet I still want to smack some people; for me it’s just the way it is. Do whatever it is you think you need to do, just understand if it doesn’t unite than it separates. The key is to see if it’s you producing the separation or if the separation comes from others and if it does remember “They know not what they do”

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/30/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
"I am thankful for the beauty around me wherever I go, in whatever I do, and within everything surrounding me! I am thankful for the wonders of my universe within my world within my life and within myself! I am thankful for existing, for thinking, for creating, for experiencing, for knowing, and for loving..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

Power to Control

We’re all human and because of this we have many traits in common, but there’s one difference between those who are awake and those who remain asleep and that’s the awareness of just how conditioned one is.

To say there’s plenty of issues in our world is an understatement, but it will not change going in our current direction because there are so few that truly understand what it will take to allow this to happen. The fact of the matter is one can only change what’s within themselves, the world will never change because of my writings or volunteering to help others. It will make my story better and more enjoyable to me so I can feel good about myself, but that’s about it. When the individual conditioning that has been in place for eons changes, that’s when humanity will change. This conditioning is strictly about power. It’s always about the power to control, nothing more, but this isn’t about countries, it’s about people.

Everyone comes from where they come, from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton, to Kim Jong Un and it’s their conditioning that makes them do what they do. I mention this because they have much influence in what happens in the world, but there are many more players than those three. From those leaders who are at the top, as individuals I don’t see much love for others, I see a lot of wanting to control others (power). The power for control is at the base of the Conditioned Mind. Until there’s awareness that one can only change themselves if the world is to change, the desire for power and control will remain the direction that we go in individually and thus collectively. So not much is going change because everyone wants to change the world which keeps the conditioning that has been in place for eons at the controls of the individual and thus the collective.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/29/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am grateful for a life I have to share, to embrace, to use, and to benefit from for adventure, opportunity, and interactions! I am grateful for the moments I have to celebrate, to play with, to enjoy, and to benefit from for bliss, for amusement, and to contribute! I am grateful for everything surrounding me to benefit me, serve me, assist me, and help me…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

Unloving Energy

Humanity is stuck in trying to fix our problems with the same energy that creates them. Violence trying to end violence with violence or anger trying to stop anger with anger just doesn’t work.

I know it seems as though I took a stand against what was being protested at the NFL games, but it’s not so. I just won’t support certain energy. I see things in a way that not many do, this doesn’t really mean anything, but I see what I see. The conditioning of humanity has been in place for so long that we are blind to the dog chasing its tail energy that we adopt. It seems humanity has been on a downward spiral since the beginning of time, always acting violently and unloving towards one another. Everyone thinks their way is the right way, we are stuck in this hideous cycle. There is so much unloving energy in place that I don’t know if it will ever change. I’m not saying don’t try, but what happens is the same unloving behavior that’s in place is trying to change itself.

It’s not only people that have become accustomed to unloving energy, the entire structure of our society has evolved in this unloving way. I don’t know what the answer is, but we mostly try to fix our problems with the same energy that creates them. Violence trying to end violence with violence. Anger trying to stop anger with anger. This is the dog chasing its tail energy that’s in place and it’s the reason not much changes and history repeats itself. There are surface changes that do occur, but with the structure of greed, hate, and delusion firmly in place, these changes just help the collective conditioning solidify itself by remaining in a delusional state. Until one can be with energy that supports stillness alone, humanity will remain stuck chasing its own tail.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/28/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am committing myself toward a better version of well-being for happier moments and cherishing memories worth reflecting upon! I am committing myself toward a better sense of awareness for ideal outcomes and situations worth benefiting from! I am committing myself toward better communication, better thinking, better actions, and better experiences…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/27/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am appreciative of the inspiration I feel from the various positive influences throughout my life! I am appreciative of the aspiration I feel from my progress, challenges, experiences, and results I am learning throughout my life! I am appreciative of the motivation I feel from the situations, circumstances, and relationships! I continue supporting the inspiration, aspiration, and motivation I feel…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

World Wide Unconscious Energy

Unconscious energy affects everyone. It matters little where or why it arises, that is does is the only concern and until this is seen for what it is, it will remain unconsciously in control.

There’s been a lot going on in the USA the last few day, but the venue of the unconsciousness is not as important as the unconsciousness itself. There’s unconscious energy in place all over the world, what’s happening in the USA is just in addition to it. You may ask what exactly is unconscious energy? My definition would be anything that is attached to that has to do with wanting the present moment different; this includes wanting people and situations different. Any thought given energy that’s outside the now is conditioned because it isn’t based in where life actually happens. Only now has validity because it’s the only place that truly exist. Everything else is just a thought of the way one thinks now should be and this is where all unconsciousness arises from; this also includes people and situations.

All unconsciousness arises from some form of attachment and the subtleness of this isn’t really seen nor understood. One of the most subtle yet least seen attachments is when one thinks their opinion is actually the way something is and it’s defended as being truth. Everyone sees things as it arises within themselves and until the attachment to this is let go of, an opinion will be formed because of the associated unconscious energy. Nothing from outside yourself really means anything because everything arises from within you. Unconscious energy can only manifest from one who is unconscious and until the conditioned unconsciousness is seen for what it is, its energy will remain in control and not much will change because the unconscious energy won’t allow it to.

Protesting Energy

The only reason protesting energy is in place is because one thinks (a story) the present moment isn’t good enough so it needs to be changed to the way the Conditioned Mind makes you think it needs to be.

The greatest challenge one will face in life is being able to create the space to just be; adding nothing, taking nothing away. If there can be awareness of space for one millisecond, liberation begins. There’s no proving oneself or needing anything different in the space, the Conditioned Mind will protest this and at first this will be very powerful, but as time goes on this space becomes unshakeable as one’s inner protests lessen and the conditioned protesting energy dissipates. This protesting energy is in place because there’s simply no space to see anything else. It comes in many shapes and forms and it’s the norm of what the Conditioned Mind offers, but it’s very misleading in what it offers. It promises liberation, but it doesn’t make good on it. It may give you all the stuff that it says is needed for liberation, but even if one attains everything that they want, if you remain in the throes of the Conditioned Mind, you have attained nothing, especially liberation.

Space is needed between one’s thoughts if the Conditioned Mind is to loosen its grip. The more space there is, the more liberated one will be. It’s simple math, the more one spends time in the space between your thoughts, the more love there will be in one’s life. Many lives are lived with protesting energy without even realizing it’s occurring. Anytime the space is substituted with some thought, true love of the heart is being protested and the Conditioned Mind takes over to make up a story of how one thinks life should be. After all the only reason something is protested is because one thinks (a story) the present moment isn’t good enough so it needs to be changed to the way one thinks it should be; the I want, what I want, when I want it mind. In the space between our thoughts nothing needs to be added because nothing needs to be different, so in this space there’s the understanding right now is enough and it doesn’t need protesting energy to be different.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/26/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am the loving life I am creating for myself as I continue to enjoy adventuring and succeeding throughout my way! I am the success I am creating for myself as I continue to enjoy progressing and learning throughout my way! I am the bliss I am creating for myself as I continue to enjoy my way…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/25/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I believe in being stronger when dealing with challenging issues and problematic concerns for positive affecting outcomes! I believe in having faith and being optimistic when dealing with situations and interactions for positive affecting outcomes! I continue believing in achieving greater positive affecting outcomes with strength, faith, and optimism…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

Pointing Fingers

Unconsciousness is only supported by unconsciousness and because of the subtleness of unconscious energy this results in pointing fingers at others without the ability to truly look at yourself.

The Conditioned Mind supports unconscious energy and whatever spin one puts on it, this energy only allows you to point the finger at others. I knew when I posted the article yesterday afternoon on my timeline it was going to activate many triggers which would lead to name calling and finger pointing. All I did was post that I did not support the dividing energy of what NFL players where doing before each game; I chose to not watch the games. I was called a fraud amongst other things which doesn’t really bother me because the source of the name calling and finger pointing is from the unconscious energy that is destroying our society and planet. There’s very little understanding of what the Conditioned Mind is so there are many fingers that point at others along with other associated unconscious behavior. This energy has been in place for eons, it’s why humanity is in the dire straits that it is. This has nothing to do with what is happening, but it does have everything to do with the unconscious energy that one emits and lives by.

I see what is seen and it matters little if it’s agreed with or not. I write that’s it, I never wrote to be anything. If I’m a fraud to you so be it. If what I wrote yesterday or if my previous articles don’t resonate with you, move on. Go and latch onto someone who fits in with your conditioned behavior. I never claimed to be anything, I just write what arises in me. I don’t need to point fingers at people because I see the conditioning for what it, but I will call it as it arises in me. There’s so much energy that’s not only dividing our country, but it’s dividing our entire world, and although you may not agree with what I write, I will always write what arises in me, only because I have to as it is what is seen.

Love From the Heart

You can live from your head, but you can only love from your heart. You don’t love in the past or future, you love in the present because the energy of the heart is from what’s happening now.

If you sit around waiting for the other shoe to drop it will happen because by expecting it, you are giving it the energy it needs to occur. Your projections eventually become your reality. Projections always come from our head, never from our heart. When we love it’s from the heart and that’s the energy we will emit, not the projecting energy of waiting for the other shoe to drop. That doesn’t mean everyone will love us back, although everyone’s heart is of love the Conditioned Mind blocks this from being known. It’s known in the head, but to truly emit love’s energy to others it has to be from the heart; the thought of love isn’t love. Going from the head to the heart is a difficult twelve inch transition and it’s the road less travelled. When the idea of love gets stuck in the head, there’s so much thinking involved and it becomes something other than love. I’m not sure what it becomes, but I do know when I love it strictly comes from my heart.

Projections always come from our head, this creates problems because the mind needs something to do if its not trained to be still. The mind that tries to solve problems is the same mind that creates them. If you make it a problem that the other shoe will drop, it will. You’re not separate from your mind, but sometimes it seems that you are. When you do something and say “why did I do that” the mind that told you to do it is the same mind that is making you question yourself. Nothing ever happens in your mind without your permission so when it’s learned to live from the heart, the head will no longer be in control projecting and waiting for the other shoe to drop. You will then be free to live your life as intended; from the love that is in your heart, instead of the mind made nonsense of what goes on between your ears.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/24/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I love the peace that I attain whenever I relax my self! I love the bliss I attain whenever I enjoy myself! I love the amusement that I attain whenever I entertain myself! I love the satisfaction that I attain whenever I accomplish and achieve…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Being With What Is

If you’re always trying to arrange things to your liking, it really shouldn’t be a surprise when most of the time things aren’t to your liking. One is truly free when it’s learned to be with what is, not what’s liked.

When listening to the radio and a song starts playing that is disliked, the reaction is to change the station to try and find a song that’s more suitable to one’s liking. This is the subtleness of the Conditioned Mind. It isn’t that you have to put up with things in life that aren’t like, by all means change the station, but understanding exactly why the station is being changed will assist in deciding if it really needs to be changed or not. Not much really changes whether the song is left on or not.

The radio station can be substituted with anything because it’s all arises from the same place; the Conditioned Mind. This time it’s a song, next time it’s a person or situation, but one doesn’t have to be a martyr and remain in their discontentment, once this is recognized, by that alone the attachment to self relinquishes the control it’s be given. This is vital if one is to be free of the subtle attachments created by the Conditioned Mind. The creator of all suffering is linked to some kind of attachment; a clinging to a certain belief that life would be more suitable if it were a certain way. When it’s understood life doesn’t have to be a certain way except in the way that it is that’s when one will be free, and it’s in this freedom that you can do whatever it is you like because it is known that your freedom isn’t dependent on it.

Meandering Thoughts of a Wandering Heart

     Strange are the ways of the heart! One wonders at times, how do you feel after a long spell of unending struggles and how you meander through a mix of amalgamated thoughts. You think and pause and wonder, that ohh, was that worth all the sighs and ahhs, that you put in! Was it really worth it , that you put your heart and soul towards a direction, which at the start of it, looks very attractive and appealing, but once the goals are achieved, the desire to go ahead loses its meaning.
   Your heart meanders through a spiralling wind, where you feel that you have reached square one, from where you have started! The ways of your heart and the ways of your mind are often so intertwined in a complicated manner, that you often as yourself the question, as to , now what?
  It is a strange stalemate, a stalemate which arises out a series of happenings, at a feverish pace and ultimately those things happen, which you fear that , this day would come, at the end of the tunnel.
But, then you sit back and understand, that this is what the entire entangled situation was about. It was a mingled  set of activities, which were a need of the hour and when you try to look back a re-evaluate and ponder over them, then you realise that all the work was required and after as long hiatus, one needs to sit back and take rest.
  Life has a strange melancholic way of rushing at a fast pace and suddenly when certain goals are achieved, it suddenly slows down and takes a meandering course of flow, just as lazy river, which is going to reach the sea! Little does the river realize that once it reaches its threshold, it will mingle with an entirely different attitude, a different identity.
   Life is like that , when you venture out as a young person, you are alive and full of aspirations, so desirous of getting what you want, but in its entirety, do you realize , what is actually substantial. What is actually what you want out of it. This is one thing, which most of the women and men, fail to realise, one just goes on and on, some feel , that this is life, some fee that , that is life, but how many really know what actually life is and what is a persons aim.
   Dreams are always the driving force behind whatever one wants to do, but does one ever ask your own self, that what the heart wants from you, what is actually the inner desire?
  You will be surprised that mostly the answer will be a assertive no. Then where is this world running to and what are the actually  seeking in it gay abandon, is it freedom, is it a goal, well the answer lies in your heart and soul and only those who discover, what their heart wants, realize the real worth of life.
  Our thoughts are just like waves in the sea, where the desires of the heart meanders and veers us in a direction of fulfilment and intonation and that is how I rate my state of mind at present.
One should know how to control ones heart, with the sheer power of the mind and once the heart is controlled, so is your Life! 

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/23/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am taking challenges head-on without hesitation because I am motivated and optimistic for desirable outcomes! I am overcoming obstacles directly without a doubt because I am determined and confident to succeed to where I desire to be! I am succeeding with determination, motivation, confidence, and optimism…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros

A Story of Love

          Marriage begins with great love, joy and happiness. It begins with a vow of faithfulness, a promise to love our spouse until we die. With all hopefulness, couples begin their new lives together, expecting to love one another through all the challenges that life may bring. Unfortunately, about half of marriages eventually end in divorce, a devastating experience for both spouses and their children. The loss of love affects us deeply. Many members of a family, who experience a divorce, carry the scars for life. When unfaithfulness is the cause of divorce, it can leave even more profound wounds from which many do not fully recover. Feelings of betrayal and shattered trust are often carried into future relationships. After the shock and disillusionment, a natural response to unfaithfulness is anger. It is a justifiable anger that expresses our unfathomable disappointment for a trust that has been crushed. Have you experienced the unfaithfulness of someone who you loved?

On numerous occasions, scripture uses unfaithfulness in marriage as an analogy to express the disloyalty of man to a God who loves us immeasurably. When God makes a covenant with man, it is often compared to a marriage vow. It is an eternal promise, and when God makes a promise, He is never unfaithful. One example, which illustrates God’s faithfulness to an unfaithful people, is found in the Book of Hosea. The tribe of Ephraim led the 10 northern tribes of Israel in a revolt against the two southern tribes of Judah. It was one of the northern kingdom’s wives, Jezebel, who introduced the worship of Baal and caused the people to abandon God. Hosea lived decades later, during the time when Israel was about to be overtaken by the Assyrians. Hosea warned Israel of impending destruction, if they did not repent and return to the love of God, but they did not heed the warnings. Assyria would soon attack Israel and the people would be taken into captivity and exiled from their land. The 10 tribes would eventually be scattered among other nations.   

The prophet, Hosea, begins his story by recounting his own experience. God commanded him to marry a prostitute. Yes, that’s right, a prostitute. Through Hosea, we are given insights into the fidelity of God’s love for us. Hosea relates how he felt when his wife was unfaithful as he expresses God’s disappointment in His peoples’ disloyalty. At first, Hosea conveys God’s anger: “I will put an end to all her mirth…And I will lay waste her vines and her fig trees…the beasts of the field shall devour them...And I will punish her for the feast days of the Ba′als…when she…went after her lovers, and forgot me” (Hosea 2:11-13).

Although God expressed His anger in Israel’s unfaithfulness, God is a loving God. Hosea 11:8-9 beautifully articulates God’s compassion for Israel: 

How can I make you like Admah! (one of the cities destroyed near Sodom)
    How can I treat you like Zeboi′im!
(another city destroyed near Sodom)
My heart recoils within me,
    my compassion grows warm and tender. 

I will not execute my fierce anger,
    I will not again destroy E′phraim;
for I am God and not man,
    the Holy One in your midst,
    and I will not come to destroy.

Hosea also has compassion for his unfaithful wife. Throughout his account, Hosea relates the depth of understanding he developed about unfaithfulness through his own experience. He eventually redeems his wife by buying her back out of slavery. In His infinite mercy, God could not allow the destruction of Israel. Instead, Assyria removed the 10 tribes from their land, some in captivity and others in exile. The remnants would eventually make homes throughout the nations of the Middle East and along the Mediterranean. Instead of destroying the northern tribes, God scattered them to await a future time of redemption.

God would send His Son to redeem His people, to die for Israel, Judah and all of mankind. His love for us, even in our unfaithfulness, is so overwhelming, that He chose to become a man like us to demonstrate His own faithfulness toward us. God’s covenant is a promise to love us eternally. Those who choose to love Christ will rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb (Christ) has come, and his Bride (Christ’s Church) has made herself ready; it was granted her to be clothed with fine linen, bright and pure” (Revelation 19:7-8). The Church is made pure through the blood Jesus shed on the cross. His perfect sacrifice has washed away our unfaithfulness. Through the mercy and compassion of Christ, we are able to present ourselves as a faithful bride, who is forgiven of every sin. 

© 2017  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved

I Focused Stories

A story always needs a subject to focus on to be created. We supply the subject of all our stories when our focus is on the base of I. Without I, our innate divinity sustains itself naturally without the need for a story.

The subtitle of my book “You Are Not Your Thoughts” could have been You Are Not Your Stories. How attached one is to their stories is related to how disconnected one is to their divinity within. Every made up story is related to I and the more I controls, the less one is in alignment with their divinity. Just think about how the stories occur, when there’s traffic, who’s in the traffic? When there’s an individual who passes by and there’s an attraction, who is attracted to them? How about dessert, when it’s time for dessert, who is craving the desire to be satisfied? When anything is wanted, who is the individual who is wanting? All these questions have one answer in common, they’re all derived from I and it’s I who is the creator of all the stories. I want this or I want that, I don’t like this, I want this different, I want, I want, I want, all this wanting is just a story that keeps one from experiencing their own divinity.

Without I wanting is to be without a story and without the story there will be enough quietness to hear the divine urging within that is one’s true innate calling. The difference between one’s thoughts and one’s divinity is thoughts create a story that needs I to believe I am my thoughts and then the Conditioned Mind creates a story from these thoughts, but the story isn’t you as your thoughts aren’t you. It all begins with the attachment to I which makes you think your thoughts are who you are. Don’t attach I to your thoughts and it will be impossible to create an I story.

The divine always occurs in the present moment, why this isn’t known by more people is because of the attachment to I created stories. The divine is not a story, it’s divine. It doesn’t need a story, it always is. It’s the human development of I that doesn’t make this known. Anyone who has any inkling of truth in their life has at least minimized the attachment to I. It’s the only way for one to get quiet enough to realize “You Are Not Your Thoughts” and in the process there’s also the realization you are not your I subjected created stories either.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/22/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am treating others respectfully and kindly just as I desire to be treated likewise in return toward benefiting my life, my relationships, and my interactions! I am treating others appreciatively just as I desire to be treated likewise in return toward greater moments, greater days, and greater success! I am treating myself with greater love and gratefulness…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

My Fundraiser for the Orphanage

I am a web designer. I gave free computer training for children in an orphanage in India. The children are very poor and abandoned. Together with Orphanage, I will help the childer to get a better lifestyle. Giving them laptops and smartphone will help them feel great.

Please donate now:

An Established Anchor

An anchor needs to be established so there’s a place one can return to when the merry go round mind is leading the charge. This is a place where it’s safe and secure away from the insanity of one’s own mind.

I was discussing meditation with a friend and we agreed that so many people have difficulty with it. Recently there was a study done where the subjects had a choice to pick electric shock therapy or sit in a empty room for fifteen minutes. Obviously everyone picked sitting in a room. After all how hard can that be? After the experiment, they asked the subjects if they had the choice again which would they pick, they all said the electric shock therapy. I find this astonishing, but I also understand the misconception of meditation and why this is so. It’s because so many people don’t truly investigate what mediation actually is and what it does. I can tell you this, it’s not magic, but I would like to share my thoughts on meditation which I refer to as simply sitting.

The first thing to do is establish an anchor. Everyone who is alive has some kind a place that is called home where the day starts and most times it ends. Even a homeless person has some kind of anchor to start the day regardless if it’s under a bridge or in a cardboard box. This anchor is the base which will be used to return to when the mind wanders. As one always returns home, so will the established anchor be used in this way.

In the beginning the mind will wander a lot because of the lack of developed discipline, it has to wander because there is nothing in place to keep it from doing so. The main reason meditation is difficult is because people think it’s something to do. One will never ever quiet the mind, it’s something that occurs on its own. This is probably the biggest misconception, that it’s something that can be done. Well the bad news is it can’t, but the good news is discipline can be established to allow the mind to settle. It will just take take time and perseverance to allow this. One sits, the mind wanders, one returns to whatever the established anchor is, the breath is such an anchor. As this is done over and over, the mind wanders less and less.

The benefit of this is when the mind begins to settle, there’s an awareness that at least for me allowed the reaching outside myself for my answers to stop. Once the reaching stopped, I started looking inward and life started to become different. This difference is in my view of life and how it has changed in a most beautiful way. But like I said, its not magic and the most important part of establishing any form of discipline is one will get out of it exactly what’s put into it.

Today Self~Empower Self-Communicate – 09/21/17~

Today’s self-empowering communication to positively affect yourself:
“I am moving forward as I need to! I am continuing as I should! I am proceeding as I want! No quitting on my dreams! No giving up on my success! Not letting go of my goals! Accomplishing, achieving, and contributing to greater moments, a greater day, and greater future…”
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Unity of the Heart

The Conditioned Mind which is based in noise, constantly tries to create a world that makes you think you need to be happy. This created noise blocks one from seeing their own innate goodness.

Creation occurs without permission so when it’s understood that we are a manifestation of Universal Energy and not much else really matters, the mind settles enough to see creation not as a mind made concept, but as its true intention to simply love. The only thing that keeps one in a state of unawareness to this love is their own mind. Stillness breeds truth, truth breeds freedom, freedom breeds clarity and clarity breeds stillness.

One day we are in this form and one day just like that we are not. How one is spending their time in this current form is their life. If it’s to serve self there will never be quietness and it will be very difficult to see truth and experience peace. If it’s to love creation from the heart and soul, there will be a quietness that will allow an inner peace to be discovered and one will be in unity with all beings. There may not be unity in return, but that’s someone else’s conditioning. Your own unity with creation is what’s important and how this unity will be known is by how settled the mind is. Unity comes from the heart not the mind, so our unity with each other is from love and there is only separation from this in the delusional world of thought.