One day while sitting in quiet I realized that my life has always been a success and it didn’t need anyone’s approval. By focusing on trying to make it successful I was missing its inherent success and the impact I was having on people; any impacted results are because of the Universe not because of me. It’s not the worlds approval that makes life a success, it’s simply doing what’s in front of you. Not by society’s standard, but by cooperating with the Universal Principle of love. Love is the measurement of what is seen as a successful life, if you don’t think so try living without love and see how successful your life is.
The true purpose of life is to love, that’s the Universe’s intention and you can only love by doing what’s in front of you. It’s because Now is the only time you can be aligned with love. Think about this, failure is mind made as is success. There are mind made values to follow, but if you are doing what’s in front of you, you are doing all you need to do for life to be a success. You don’t need anything mind made to be successful, but understand your life is not your success, it isn’t dependent on anything you do or anyone’s approval, it’s a success strictly from doing what’s in front of you. By doing what’s in front of you, alignment with the Universe occurs. I love life because of the way life loves me. The way the Universe loves is the love you’ll have in your heart for the Universe. Without Universal Love in your heart there is none. Life isn’t a success because of you, it’s because of the Universe and because this is realized, success already is. Not because of anything mind made, but because of simply doing what’s in front of you…

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