Although some made the ultimate sacrifice in spreading love, there are many others who don’t have to, but spread the same love in their hearts. Some got killed for spreading the love that was in their hearts and some dedicate their entire life spreading love. The Buddha, Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, to name a few, but there are so many people unnamed, people like you and me who spread the seeds of love as much as our heart is capable. Love is the energy of the Universe, it cannot be denied.
All we can do, is what our heart is capable of. We all possess a fully capable heart of love, but because of our Conditioned Mind far to many fall short of reaching their full capacity; with practice our heart will keep expanding and we will be the spreaders of love like those that came before us. As we are one unit on one planet, it isn’t our love that we are spreading, it’s the love that came before us, which is the love of the Universe; that is what is in our heart. We are expanding on that love and no matter how much hate there was that came before us or is here now, it will never keep the energy of the love that’s in our hearts from expanding to our entire planet…

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