for enlightenment and access! could be the people’s new digital publisher! After subscribing or clicking on the website, you can access tens of thousands of publications and articles. Instant enlightenment and access is possible in a world where information and knowledge are free. founded in Denmark has offices in Copenhagen, Berlin, and Palo Alto. The following 28 publications represent a fraction of the 2160 publications that I have uploaded.  A larger list of 234 publications can be found at  Happy reading! Enjoy the feast!

Be a nonconformist! Be a post-materialist! Question authority! Resist conventional or trickle-down economic nonsense! Help build a society based on the common good and human rights, not profit-maximization and money-out-of-nothing!

1.    The Historical Development of Dystopian Literature

2.    The Future of the Second Amendment in a Time of Lawless Violence

3.    The Freedom of the Press for Whom?

4.    The Concept of Power and the Zapatistas

5.    The Closing Circle. Part 2 by Barry Commoner

6.    The Fallacy of Success by G. K. Chesterton

7.    The Civilization of Aldous Huxley’s Brave World

8     The Age of Dystopia: One Genre, Our Fears and Our Future

9     The Affluent Society: The Concept of the Conventional Wisdom

10   Black dreams, not nightmares

11   Teenage Wasteland: Suburbia’s Dead End Kids

12   The Supreme Court and the Illegitimacy of Lawless Fourth Amendment Policing

13   Super Imperialism. The Economic Strategy of American Empire

14   State responsibility for violations of international humanitarian law

15   The Punch Card and the Hourglass by Subcomandante Marcos

16   Study Guide for C. S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity

17   St. Francis of Assisi and My Lady Poverty

18   St. Francis of Assisi and Ecological Conversion

19   Soren Kierkegaard

20  The Issue of Politization of Mysticism in the Theology of Dorothee Soelle

21  The Thought Experimenting Qualities of Kierkeaard’s Fear and Trembling

22  The Doctrine of Creatio Ex Nihilo in the Thought of Soren Kierkegaard

23  Sheldon Wolin’s (In)Vocations: Dichotomies, Paradoxes, and the Mystery of Politics

24  Emperor’s New Clothes: The Mediation Mythology and Markets

25  Political Theory as a Vocation

26  Sheldon Wolin and Democracy: Seeing Through Loss

27  Dorothee Soelle: Justice Theologian Par Excellence

28  The Second Bill of Rights

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