The mad lead the blind

The ruling elites and the politicians under their control repeatedly succeed in concealing the true purpose of their actions from us citizens: to maintain power.

“Tis the time's plague, when madmen lead the blind.” This saying from William Shakespeare's tragedy ‘King Lear’ (original text: ‘Tis the time's plague, when madmen lead the blind’) suggests that even 400 years ago, in Shakespeare's time, similar conditions to those of today characterized the way people lived together. A system of oppression works best with oppressors who do not openly appear as such, and with slaves who are not aware of their chains. For a reversal of this destructive dynamic to be possible, more and more of us “blind” people must become seeing.
by Uwe Froschauer

[This article posted on 7/18/2024 is translated from the German on thje Internet,]

Just as Shakespeare's tragedy focuses on the conflict between the virtuous and the dishonorable, the science fiction saga “Star Wars” also centers on the struggle between good and evil. In the war of the stars, the rebels fight against the empire, the son against the father, and some protagonists with inner conflicts.
Screenwriter, producer and director George Lucas drew inspiration from various mythologies, such as the idea of the “world soul” and “Qi”, when designing the elements of power for his fictional saga.

In the dialogue “Timaios”, Plato developed the idea of the “world soul”, which he saw as the cause of all movement in nature. According to this myth, the “Demiurg”, the creator of the world, created the world soul together with the cosmos. The world soul is entitled to rule over the world body in the macrocosm, comparable to the individual soul in the microcosm, which rules over the body of the individual. The world soul permeates and surrounds the matter of the cosmos. The world soul is the mediating form of energy between the spiritual world of ideas and the physical world body.

Plato examined the hypothetical possibility of the world soul also being able to create evil, or whether there might be two world souls, one of which causes good and the other evil. He came to the conclusion that the world soul, as the conductor of the entire cosmos, must be the best soul, especially since celestial movements are orderly and therefore mathematically describable, and a bad world soul could only create chaos, which would mean the collapse of the universe. However, according to Plato, the world soul requires reason. The question of whether the world soul also has reason was not conclusively resolved by Plato. The existence of evil could therefore be attributed to a deficiency in the world soul. Since good and evil seem to be mixed in the world as we know it, the creator of the world may not have done a very good job. Now we've really got a mess on our hands!

A concept of being and the world similar to that of the world soul comes from the Middle Kingdom: “Qi” or “Ch'i”, the flowing life force that is neither physical nor spiritual in nature. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, this vital essence permeates and accompanies everything that exists and happens. The Taoist philosopher Zhuangzi described this life force as the “creator of change” in the cosmos, which is quite close to Plato's view. According to traditional belief, the world emerged from the original Qi – Yanqi/Yinqui – in which Yin – dark, soft, moist, cold, negative, passive, calm – and Yang – light, high, hard, hot, positive, active, moving – were still mixed. Heaven and earth were formed only through the separation of this unity. What Yangqi received rose up bright and clear and became heaven, what Yinqi received became dark and heavy and sank to earth.

The present, like the past – and presumably the future – is characterized by the struggle between the dark and the light-filled sides of power. The dark side of power seems to be dominating the world at the moment. The Coronalüge, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine orchestrated by dark forces, the obscene discrepancy between rich and poor, the powerful and the powerless, and the like, seem to indicate as much. But who is to blame for this misery?

The elite and their political and media henchmen

Yes, once again the search for the guilty parties, one of humanity's favorite pastimes. In my opinion, the answer to the “question of guilt” is relatively simple: we are all to blame! A few oppress, and the many allow themselves to be oppressed! Both “camps” are to blame. If the many stopped crawling, the few would stop ruling, and that would happen tomorrow!

The question that arises is why respectful coexistence does not work, even though humans are endowed with extraordinary mental abilities and not only have evil but also good in them. Thus, a harmonious, just and free existence should be possible. What is the root of evil?

In my opinion, the rich and powerful are at the top of the pyramid of evil, followed by “functional elites” such as politicians and the like. These groups of people – not all the rich, powerful and politicians, of course – are striving to maintain or expand their power, privileges and possessions. Their actions are “inspired” by this quest, and therein lies the primary goal of the global politics they guide. They are afraid of the people, whom they have disempowered and who could take away their privileges and possessions. For this reason, they created the illusion of power for the “common” people by throwing the ball of “democracy” into their court – the former bogeyman of the power and property elites – and robbing democracy of its original meaning.

The founding fathers of the United States, who were all rich and powerful and saw themselves as an elite, used a simple “trick”: they developed “representative democracy”, which had little in common with the original concept of Athenian democracy, institutionalized by Pericles some 2,500 years ago, which was a true “democracy” (Greek demos = people, kratein = to have power, to rule).

The “elite” appointed itself as such because it considers its members to be superior to the members of the common people and believes that complex societies can only be led by functional elites, i.e. politicians, who are, of course, chosen by them. The common people are considered to be overtaxed for this complex task.
In a secret debate on June 26, 1787, one of the founding fathers of the United States, James Madison, said that the government must “protect the minority of the wealthy from the majority” and that uncontrolled, democratic communities are “exposed to the turbulence and weakness of unruly passions”.

The Young Global Leaders program, for example, which is run by a body of elites – the World Economic Forum – and has trained politicians such as Jens Spahn, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Annalena Baerbock and many more, uses brainwashing to develop people into useful instruments of the elites. They are hoisted into government positions by the money of the elites and the power of the media they have bought. Ultimately, citizens only have the choice between the candidates pre-selected by the elites.

The whole thing is called “representative democracy”, which on election day merely leaves the citizen the choice of the lesser of two evils, often a choice between the plague and cholera.

That's it for democracy for the next four or five years, because the elected politicians are in the vast majority of cases representatives of the elite and not representatives of the people. It usually doesn't matter which party they belong to either.
Before the election, these ladies and gentlemen sharpen our democratic awareness and tell us that we have the power to determine what happens in “our democracy”. They tell us in a pseudo-democratic manner: If you don't like something, vote differently, vote for us, vote for our party! After the election: same procedure as the last four years. Then the politicians have just four or five years to break their promises, only to make new ones shortly before the next election and lie their heads off. As for “No arms to crisis regions”, for example...

Slogans like “Shaping the future” are, on the one hand, silly because, as far as I know, no one has ever lived in the future, and on the other hand, they are true because politicians have no grip on the present. But we only live in the present – we should be shaping the present! When the future has become the present, our “representatives” will once again come up with the same stupid slogan about the future.

The elites and their politicians make it clear to us that we should be satisfied with what we have and that we should keep quiet. Before the election, they act as if they have changed their consciousness in a positive sense and have everything under control.

We should be grateful that they are taking responsibility for us. But are they? Statements such as “Germany has never been so good” backed up by figures are intended to suggest increasing prosperity to the more than 16 percent of Germans living below the poverty line and to employees who have at least 30 percent less purchasing power than in 1990.
According to the Federal Statistical Office, the average gross annual income of a German full-time employee in 2023 was 59,094 euros. In terms of figures, these numbers are usually correct. But statements by such politicians are based on the deception of average values, for example. How are average values calculated? It is calculated by dividing the sum of the observed numerical values by their number. For example, if you divide the income of all Germans by the number of people earning money, you get the average income of a German. Yes, compared to many other nations, this is relatively high and has increased over the last 30 years.
But if you consider that the real wealth of millionaires and billionaires has at least tripled since 1990 and the purchasing power of employees and commercial workers has fallen by around 30 percent over the same period, the picture looks very different. With this lousy trick of using averages, politicians deliberately obscure the true situation of the nation. In Germany, we have seen the gross domestic product more than triple since 1990 – from 1,306 trillion in 1990 to 4,121 trillion in 2023. But who has pocketed this considerable increase, even after deducting inflation? You or me? No? But it must have gone somewhere, right? The surplus has ended up in the hands of the elite. Many a politician tries to pull the wool over our eyes with the above-described simplistic calculations.

From 1960 to 1980, the social market economy in Germany worked quite well. But Ludwig Erhard, one of the founding fathers of the social market economy, emphasized that the market economy should not degenerate into an ideology, but should be a means to an end, to solve social problems. Well, the powerful elite is not interested in social problems. The market economy has become an end in itself, or rather, it has the purpose of increasing the capital of the rich. However, capitalism and democracy in the original sense of the word are mutually exclusive, since although the freedom of capital is given – according to the motto: everyone can make their own luck – the freedom of the citizen is not. In particular, the equality postulated in a democracy is not given due to the different starting conditions of existing wealth and existing poverty, which inevitably leads to considerable inequality.
“Only economic growth will solve our problems,” say neoliberal politicians. What has this supposed growth brought us in the last 30 years? More poverty than ever – even in Germany and the USA – social problems that are almost impossible to solve, a divided society, endless refugees and much more. These are the results of neoliberal policies, which only serve to increase the power and wealth of the elite, aren't they, Mr. Lindner, Mr. Macron and all the rest of you?

Why don't politicians do anything about the inhumane conditions? Because the alleged democracy, the social and economic system, produces exactly the kind of system-compliant politicians who are not supposed to do anything about it.

The elite would not allow anything else. Politicians are not fighters against the inhuman system established by the elite, but its supporters. Income status, social prestige, status symbols such as cars, villas, expensive robes and jewelry for themselves and their partners are more important to the henchmen of business and politics than solving urgent social problems. The thought and behavioral patterns of these poor economic and political trailblazers in favor of their masterminds are absolutely inhuman! Managers are running the overcrowded store for the elites – no matter how – and politicians are paving the way for even more power and wealth.

Society needs creative leaders at the top of business and politics, people who recognize real problems and want to solve them, and ideally are able to do so. But these are precisely the qualities that the current “rulers” in politics usually lack. Just look at the puppets at the top of most corporations or “top politicians” in the USA, the UK, Germany, Italy or France: are these people solving the problems of the population?

Politicians are usually unaware of the consequences of their decisions, as they are too far removed from the effects on those affected. They have a relatively high income, so they will be able to continue to afford their rent or keep their property if they turn the appropriate screws.
They probably don't live on the motorway that will soon be passing 100 meters from the village of Dingenskirchen; they don't really feel the consequences of their labor market and wage policies, and they probably have never been to the slums of the Third World to assess the situation of the poor and make balanced decisions. When decisions are made about a possible war, they don't send their own children to fight, but cannon fodder, which is currently being recruited again via the possible introduction of compulsory military service. Politicians at best think about concerns that will never be their concerns. Perhaps politicians should be required to spend a year in a social institution before taking office, so that they have some idea of what they are talking about and deciding in the future?

The lives of politicians are spent mainly in conference rooms, good hotels and restaurants, and occasionally in bars. How, I ask you, are they supposed to have any idea of real life and the concerns of the people? Their ideas of what is going on in reality are, I would say, quite far removed from it. What's more, most politicians regularly buckle under the pressure of the economic lobby, which ultimately makes the laws and represents the interests of the elite, as former German interior minister Horst Seehofer aptly remarked.

Politicians rarely make revolutionary decisions, but at best evolutionary ones. Don't change anything too much, otherwise your job could be at risk!

That is why relatively little changes in the real circumstances of citizens, because personal fear also plays a role in the political decisions that are made. To cut a long story short: in my opinion, the rich and/or powerful and their political and media prostitutes, as well as those who emulate them, are largely to blame for the misery and the bad things in this world.

It is not my intention to defame and stigmatize the elite. The real problem in this world is human greed and the fact that many people consider it desirable to become rich and powerful. In this respect, it is not surprising that many people who were once poor and who used to criticize the rich for their behavior, when they themselves have become wealthy, exhibit the very same behavior that they once criticized. When the farmhand becomes a farmer or the farmhand becomes a farmer's wife, he or she also gives his or her former comrades a good whipping to avoid losing his or her status and to maintain the murderous system.

But those who are subjected to power and do not defend themselves and put up with everything are also to blame for the misery in the world. “Well, I can't change anything anyway,” said seven billion people who are controlled by others.

The blind and the controlled

The fundamental problem for the establishment of a true popular government is that most individuals in the masses are politically incompetent, as they are hardly interested in politics or lack the necessary knowledge, and some also lack the mental abilities. Many citizens are characterized by prejudice and ignorance and are primarily concerned with establishing a comfortable life, with which the elites deliberately lure them in order to distract them from their misanthropic agenda. The “sheep” are often guided by stereotypes, feelings and habits and believe the image of reality that the media owned by the elite present to them.

Even if the mass media were to report objectively and neutrally, as they are supposed to do, most people would still be unable to recognize public grievances, anticipate the consequences of political action, or learn from past mistakes and crises.

Complex problems in complex societies require political problems to be grasped quickly and appropriately and solved intellectually. A popular government in the sense of this word becomes difficult due to the described ways of thinking and behavior of the “immature” citizens.

The elites and their political henchmen are usually more politically educated and know how the citizens tick. Over time, they have built up experts in all areas of knowledge. In particular, the insiders of political matters – which I do not include “politicians” such as Karl Lauterbach or Annalena Baerbock – are familiar with the relevant aspects of political problems and are also organized among themselves. They know which diversionary tactics – “bread and circuses” – they can use to direct the masses, as the recent European Football Championship once again showed.

Only a few citizens concern themselves with political issues and are able to scrutinize and question the decisions of the elite-instructed politicians or to see through the motives and machinations of the elite pulling the strings. The disorganization of the people makes it difficult for them to establish a counterweight to the elite manipulating the herd in the form of a true democracy. The masses continue to live in a sham democracy due to their lack of political insight.

The greatest slave is usually the one who believes he is not a slave. Freedom is not a given, and happiness is not a right.

However, in my experience, many people believe that this is the case. In particular, the post-war generations, especially many of today's younger people, were born into a time when “electricity came out of the socket”. They lacked almost nothing. However, when they are not lucky or become aware of their own lack of freedom, they blame others, such as society or their parents, who have “cheated” them out of their “true self”, which they cannot realize, or their happiness.

They rarely attempt to at least partially blame themselves or fight for their freedom or happiness. They expect other “saviours” to do so, such as the state or society, who are supposed to restore the status quo ante. If that doesn't work, people take refuge in metaphysical systems of comfort such as religion or esoteric movements, or even in political ideologies, instead of taking responsibility for making changes for a life of freedom and happiness.

One reason for the apparent blindness and lack of freedom of many people who think they are free in times of Corona may have been that they were unable to admit to themselves that they were on the wrong track. The unvaccinated were inwardly free because they resisted and acted on their own responsibility despite enormous external pressure. Modern heroes, in other words.

Many of those who are being controlled by others in these times of coronavirus would rather follow meaningless rules for the rest of their lives than admit to themselves that they have been taken for a ride by the “elitist” decision-makers and influencers.

In my opinion, many people will get vaccinated again during the next pandemic – bird flu is currently being hyped – for exactly this reason. What a consequential self-deception!

Another reason for the conscious or unconscious lack of freedom of those who are controlled by others is probably the alleged protection within the herd, which believes itself to be in possession of the truth, but is usually mistaken, and which they do not want to give up. Their solidarity unites the unfree people, no matter how absurd the narrative of the “shepherds” may be and no matter where these shepherds lead them. Perhaps to the slaughterhouse, to which the herd trots voluntarily – in reality, under the control of others – due to their lack of freedom and partial simplicity.

People who spoke of solidarity in the “corona crisis” used this term semantically in the sense of subjugation.

They considered unfree fellow citizens who did not question the decision-makers' narrative and unconditionally submitted to the measures to be in solidarity. They described people who had fought to uphold the constitution as unsolidary because they had not submitted to the government's now evident dubious agenda. The more nonsense elite-instructed politicians and the media spread in Corona times, the more the sheep fell for it.
“The further a society moves away from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it” (George Orwell).

The unfree “hate” the free people because of their ability to take their lives into their own hands, because of their courage to question narratives, because of their civil courage, which they cannot muster.

Dystopians such as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley had the gift of being able to foresee future developments. The more absurd the lies of the manipulators were and are, the more they were and are believed by the unfree herd.

Interaction between the elite and the blind

In their book “Corona – Angst”, Hans-Joachim Maaz, Dietmar Czycholl and Aaron B. Czycholl very aptly describe the interplay between the “rescuers” and the “rescued”. Dr. med. Hans-Joachim Maaz wrote:
“The fact that the majority of the political and media elites could be so severely mentally disturbed as to act so irrationally out of their own anxiety, as is apparently the case at present, even exceeds the emotional capacity of a psychiatrist with specialized knowledge of narcissistic psychopathology. In order to somehow grasp the unimaginable, the only thing that helps me is a psychodynamic interpretation of the interaction between an elite that is severely narcissistically disturbed and addicted to power and money, and a mass-psychologically effective collective anxiety psychosis of a majority of the population. (…)
In a social crisis, the collective collusion between the imagined rescue competence of the power elites and the illusionary rescue fantasy of the dependent helps to cover up the real causes of the social problems.”

People with an unrealistic, escapist “entitlement mentality” that arises from their own weakness are easy prey for rat catchers of all stripes, whether they are right-wing or left-wing populists, seducers of the “Islamic State” and the like. The “reality refugees”, the refugees from themselves, want to feel protected and to this end seek shelter in some collective. The slogans of this collective are then supported and, if necessary, shouted out. Whether these collective “truths” now refer to their supposedly “inherent rights” or whether they are directed at an enemy image such as Jews, Muslims or unvaccinated people, etc., is of secondary importance. Being there is everything! And such people imagine that they are free!

Finally, I would like to share with you, dear readers, a contribution sent to me by “George Ohrweh”, which inspired me to write this article.

“Invasion of the Teflonauts”
“They have been mingling with humans for decades, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Where did they come from? From a distant brainwashing facility in the depths of the Andromeda Nebula.
They have studied the human psyche in great detail. In particular, they have studied how to instill fear in people. This is how the psychological warfare we are currently experiencing came about.
They despise the human race because humans have a soul and are capable of empathy. They view this with immeasurable envy. The sight of these imperfect humans motivates them to make humans like themselves: cold, calculating, emotionless, unscrupulous, technocratic, power-hungry, greedy. They lie out of passion. So that they no longer have to feel disgust for humans, they do everything in their power to make humans like themselves. They call this transhumanism.
Amongst those who have not yet developed their full intellectual potential, they have found compliant helpers who have joined the Teflonauts.
We find them in all areas of human coexistence. They can be recognized by the fact that everything that appears absurd, questionable and illogical to a healthy common sense simply rolls off them like oil drops in a Teflon pan.
They have been rhetorically trained to answer clearly formulated questions in such a way that they do not answer the question at all and put forward arguments that leave you speechless due to their lack of content and the brazen lies. They have been trained to give answers that are guaranteed to make the questioner shake his head.
In order to cause the greatest possible confusion, with the aim of making people lose their will, they have seized control of the areas of people's basic needs.
Food and the climate: you should not eat this or that because it damages the climate. You should only move in a certain way because otherwise it damages the climate.
You should do this and that to stay healthy. If you don't, you'll harm others, and you don't want that, do you?
We are abusing the time you are taking to find your identity by making you as uncertain as possible about your gender, so that afterwards you won't know whether you are a man or a woman.
You should believe this and that because we know better than you.
To make sure that this is believed, the devil, evil, has put on the guise of the philanthropist.
By spreading fear everywhere, we shake your existence. We gnaw at your core as much as we can. We leave no stone unturned to take the ground from under your feet. You should float around freely so that we can push you wherever we want you to go.
We find these misanthropes everywhere: in politics, in healthcare, in journalism, in the media, in science, in the military. Many of their supporters are now also among “normal” people like you and me.
You don't need to come at them with arguments, logic or new scientific findings. Many of them, if they talk to you at all, will argue according to the same ideology that they have internalized through the brainwashing of the media.
After decades of having their minds numbed, they find independent thought bothersome and uncomfortable. They consume not only goods, but also pre-digested information. They allow this thick porridge to be spoon-fed to them.
Unlike them, we have always remained open to an exchange of ideas. However, they usually do not accept this offer and wrap themselves in a deafening silence. Here too, the Teflon effect comes into play, protecting them from having to present arguments that they do not have. They know that they would lose in a dispute, so they prefer to say nothing at all.
For those who have remained human, this state of affairs is often unbearable, because humans are social beings who seek interaction and who would like to learn from one another.
This is how the split came about. The door that would allow us to approach each other again can only be opened from one side. And that side is the one behind which the Teflonauts are standing, asking us for forgiveness. We can only forgive when we are asked to do so. Forgiveness without the other side asking for it is not possible at all. And as long as the Teflonauts and their followers do not detoxify their minds and turn back to the light, it is our almost sacred duty to stay grounded and in our right minds and to persistently continue on the path of seeking the truth.
It is helpful to spend a lot of time in nature. If you walk through nature with an open mind, you will become aware of the wonder and wisdom that surrounds us all. This makes us modest and humble and teaches us to marvel again and again. And that gives us strength.
You can also find support in your family – provided it has not been torn apart – and in good conversations with friends over a glass of wine and a meal lovingly prepared. Over the past few years, we have had plenty of opportunities to find out who our real friends are.
We have already come a long way, and it has taken a lot of strength. There is no going back now, only looking forward. Personally, I didn't want to go back to a time when lies and deception were still in front of me.
So let's use the warmth and the summer to recharge our batteries so that we can move on. And we will move on. And in the end, the truth always wins, no matter how long it takes.
George Ohrweh”


The task of politicians would be to organize the coexistence of people in an efficient and socially acceptable way.

The actual – and of course unadmitted – purpose of politics, however, is to secure the existing power structures. That is why it constantly creates internal and external enemies in order to prove its right to exist.

This is “evil”. A good example of this is the politicians of the USA with their elite-centered machinations in their own country and their hegemonic, unipolar and geostrategic efforts abroad. They stage wars like in Ukraine and create commercial external enemies like China.

Current politicians are not problem solvers, although they should be and loudly proclaim this before elections. What problems have they been able to solve in recent years? Certainly not those that are important to the community. Instead of doing their job, they are primarily interested in maintaining power. And that only works if they do not get in the way of the elites. That's why they say “keep it up”, keep it up in the sense of the elite, of wanting to have more, of the real root of all evil in this world.

Good brings forth good and evil brings forth evil. So let us do good. I will end with the parting words of the Jedi Knights from the Star Wars saga:
“May the force be with you!”

Uwe Froschauer studied and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. He was particularly interested in business psychology. He worked as a management consultant, gives seminars at vocational training institutions, is the author of several books and runs the blog His passion for traveling the world has made him sensitive to the cultures and problems of other peoples. He is close to nature and loves animals and plants.

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