Health dictatorship without diseases
In the future, the WHO could order the total subjugation of society on the mere suspicion of a risk of epidemic.

There is nothing new under the sun. Even a quarantine for practically the entire population, proclaimed by the authorities – including control excesses and a collective neurosis of fear that is stirred up – is not an invention of the 21st century. Even in the Middle Ages, during the plague, and during the Napoleonic occupation in the 19th century, reasonably liberal societies quickly turned into authoritarian states administered with extreme brutality when it suited the political plans of the rulers. Power is only too happy to play on the fears of the subjects. However, we can also draw inspiration from history on how citizens can effectively counter such impositions. We should be prepared when the WHO, which has been given historically unique powers, starts to tighten the screws.
by Gerd Reuther, Renate Reuther
[This article posted on 6/15/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

With its new Kafkaesque definition of a "pandemic", the World Health Organization (WHO) is indirectly admitting that "pandemics" are not natural phenomena. Otherwise, one could use real clusters of infectious diseases as a basis. However, it is now sufficient to have a "risk" of an infection occurring in several countries to declare a state of emergency.

No one has to be sick to turn the world into a quarantine prison. Brave new world that gives birth to such madness!

By now, it should be clear to every inhabitant of the planet that a "pandemic" is not a medical term, but a weapon. The author Ludwig Börne (1786-1837) recognized this as early as 1830, when the first cholera epidemic was declared in Paris:

"By the time the frightened people come to their senses again, the old chains will have been riveted anew, the sickroom will remain a prison after recovery, and twenty years of freedom will be lost." (1)

The 19th century then became the century of cholera, because the aristocratic elites saw themselves threatened by the French Revolution of 1789 and the bourgeois emancipation that followed Napoleon's campaigns. Since then, recurring health threats have been part of the threatening backdrop of the ruling classes.

Even then, communities switched to the authoritarian mode by declaring a threat of an epidemic. Uniformed people appeared and imposed bans under the threat of draconian punishments. To this day, alleged health emergencies provide a justification for military operations against the population.

"Corona generals" were deployed in camouflage uniforms. If not only the sick are now being turned into the enemy, but everyone who could become sick, then everyone is meant. Under the guise of protecting health, we are all becoming subjects. Unlike the serfs of feudal society, everyone is now even supposed to lose their body as property. Vaccination death will thus be as exempt from punishment as the murder of a slave by a nobleman.

It was no coincidence that the first alleged pandemic was circulated from 1347 onwards, when the Catholic papal church had laid claim to all inhabitants of the earth:

"We declare, then, that all human creatures, by losing their souls, must be subject to the Pope in Rome, and we tell them and decree it." (2)

As a result, there were more cities with entries of a plague in the city chronicles than actual epidemics. After all, the city histories were written and archived by monks, often retrospectively.

Since then, there has been a close alliance between the church and secular rulers. In 1348, the French king immediately had a "plague report" drawn up and distributed, even though the experts did not yet know the disease and only a risk of the occurrence of diseases had been announced by a single man, the Pope in Avignon. Now, too, a person without medical knowledge is again to be authorized to conjure up a health hazard... History may not repeat itself, but it rhymes.

However, the past also has the recipe for dealing with unscrupulous subjugation. A personal physician to the Bohemian king declared: "not to speak of the plague, nor to think of it." In Bohemia, the plague then usually stayed away.

In the centuries that followed, epidemics in what is now the Czech Republic were also less common than elsewhere in the German Empire. Many autonomous trading cities such as Milan or Bruges also refused to participate and remained plague-free. The first plague was usually a paper event for the history books, like Covid-19. All the details can be found in the expanded and illustrated new edition of our classic book on epidemics, Hauptsache Panik.

The blueprint of the plague has been used ever since. When the credibility was worn out, only the name and the disease had to be changed. The "plague" disappeared in the 17th century to make way for smallpox, before it was replaced by cholera from 1830. Since the end of the 19th century, it has been influenza that has been used to keep people in check: from the "Russian" to the "Spanish" flu, from the "Hong Kong" flu to "Covid-19".

Universities, as supposed centers of learning, were an essential prerequisite for the hoax to work. Until the 14th century, the West was "too rural, too fragmented, too uneducated to be receptive to intensive propaganda." Only now "has it become urbanized and has an educated elite that is growing in number and importance." The new class of academics, who were brought into position to replace the educated Jews, went through unworldly scholastic courses of study characterized by Christian fear and an apocalyptic mood.

A society can only be taken over by irrational fears of disease with an educated upper class that is increasingly out of touch with nature. State and municipal law enforcement officers, clergy, doctors, lawyers and, of course, the mentally destabilized people themselves then ensure that the subjugation is carried out.

For 500 years, we have been able to read the antidote to "pandemics" in Etienne de la Boethie's "Voluntary Submission":

"What could (the authorities) do to you if you were not the accomplices of the robbers who rob you, the accomplices of the murderers who kill you? (...) Be determined not to be servants any more and you will be free. If you do not support your oppressor, then you will see that he, like a giant colossus, will collapse under his own weight and fall to pieces."

Sources and notes:

(1) Albich S: Regimen tempore pestilentiae. Prague 1348; quoted from: Bergdolt K: Der Schwarze Tod. 4th edition; p. 25; C.H. Beck; Munich 2017
(2) Delumeau J: Fear in the West. The History of Collective Anxiety in Europe from the 14th to the 18th Century. p. 326; Rowohlt; Reinbek bei Hamburg 1985

Gerd Reuther is a radiologist, medical educator and medical historian. From the outset, he called "Covid-19" what it was: a big bluff. In six books to date, he critically examines medicine in the past and present. His latest book, "Wer schweigt, hat schon verloren."

Renate Reuther has a doctorate in history. She has published numerous books on cultural history. In "Enthüllungen über Holle, Percht und Christkind" (Revelations about Holle, Percht and Christkind), she rewrote the Christmas story and, together with her husband, revised the history of epidemics in "Hauptsache Panik" (The main thing is panic).
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An outrageous violation

Hearing aids are being foisted on us at every opportunity – and this could be preparing the way for a new level of total surveillance, as well as being a commercial consideration.

16.05.2024 by Gerd Reuther

Muzzle or opinion? War or peace? We need the BSW!
With one-sided reporting and commentary, and even defamation, the public broadcasting service contributes to a climate in which many expressions of opinion are disparaged and marginalized. And in which, on the other hand, people are constantly being treated to new and absurd dogmas such as gender language and abstruse gender ideology – and woe betide them if they don't go along with it! According to a study by the Allensbach Institute, only 40% of people in Germany believe that they are free to express their opinions. This is alarming. Only the BSW is fighting against this paternalism and restriction of diversity of opinion, while, for example, the Left Party has long since defected to the green-liberal opinion cartel. Anyone who criticized measures during the corona pandemic or did not want to be vaccinated was considered a "whiner". Anyone who wants to end the war in Ukraine through peace negotiations instead of more and more weapons is considered a Putin friend – and that also applies to Die Linke. Anyone who wants a ceasefire for Gaza is even considered anti-Semitic. The BSW has declared war on this culture of debate.

Source: RotFuchs

The "global" energy transition is made in China
Clean energy
By Adam Tooze
[This article posted on June 11, 2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

In May 2024, Ember, a clean energy think tank, published a global overview of electricity generation. The report is a triumph of data collection – and heralds a historic turning point.

The key to the new energy system being built around the world is electrification. Power generation is a process that we know how to decarbonize. With concerted action, net-zero power generation is within reach in OECD countries by the 2030s and for the world by 2045. Furthermore, as Ember emphasizes, electrification will "replace the combustion of fossil fuels currently used in car and bus engines, boilers, stoves and other applications".

Green electrification is the future. By 2023, according to the Ember report, almost all new electricity demand will be met by the expansion of renewable energy, especially solar energy. Although global electricity demand increased, fossil fuel generation barely increased. The expansion of solar and wind energy alone was enough to meet 82 percent of new electricity demand.

This is nothing new in rich countries. In the OECD countries, the growth in demand for electricity is only weak or even negative, while investments in renewable energies have been made for two decades. It is surprising that this is now happening even at the global level, where the demand for electrical energy is growing inexorably.

Ember expects this trend to intensify this year. In 2024, demand growth is expected to be higher than in the previous year (plus 968 TWh), but so too is the forecast for clean energy generation (plus 1300 TWh), which will result in a 2 percent decline in global fossil fuel power generation (minus 333 TWh).

According to Ember, the turning point could have been reached as early as 2023 if hydroelectric power generation had not been severely affected by the drought. The low water levels in the reservoirs led to a decline in clean energy capacity. This prompted several countries to switch to coal-fired power plants.
Triumph of data collection

Ember's fifth annual Global Electricity Review is a triumph of data collection. The report provides the first comprehensive overview of changes in global electricity generation in 2023 based on reported data. It presents the underlying trends and likely impacts on energy sources and emissions in the electricity sector in the near future. With the report, Ember also releases the first comprehensive, free dataset on global electricity generation in 2023. It analyzes electricity data from 215 countries, including the latest 2023 data for 80 countries covering 92 percent of global electricity demand. The analysis also includes data for 13 geographic and economic groupings, such as Africa, Asia, the EU and the G7.

This remarkable collage of data streams allows us to map the uneven and combined development of the energy transition around the world. As Ember reports, the expansion of clean energy generation – led by solar and wind energy – has already helped to slow the growth of fossil fuels by almost two-thirds over the past decade. As a result, half of the world's economies have already passed their peak in fossil fuel power generation at least five years ago. OECD countries are at the forefront of this: emissions from the power sector peaked in 2007 and have since fallen by 28 percent.

But the Ember report says that the decisive development is not taking place in the OECD countries. Talk of "the global" world is a smokescreen. In reality, there is one country that dominates the entire dynamics of the energy transition: "China is the main driver of global growth in electricity demand," according to Ember's data. "China's rapid growth (plus 606 TWh, plus 6.9 percent) was only 21 TWh lower than the global net increase. The second largest contribution came from India's growth (plus 99 TWh, plus 5.4 percent)."

Until the 2010s, China met its insatiable demand for new energy with coal-fired power plants. The painfully slow energy transition in industrialized countries would never have been enough to compensate for this. But even if the US and the EU had taken more drastic measures, China's growth was simply too big and too dirty. If the world is now reaching a tipping point in the balance between fossil and clean energy production, it is thanks to China, whose investments in renewable energy have increased enormously. In 2023, China alone accounted for more than half of the world's new wind and solar energy capacity.

This development has been observed for several years. As Ember reports, China's energy dynamics dominate all global trends. China's growth in coal-fired power generation (plus 1,670 TWh) has been stronger than the global total increase since 2015, as coal-fired power generation in the US and other countries declined significantly during the same period. In the three decades between 1990 and 2020, China has carried out an industrial revolution of global proportions with such intensity that it has completely dominated global energy growth.

But since 2015, the country has also launched a gigantic green energy offensive that is overshadowing everything else globally. Between 2015 and 2023, China contributed almost half (47 percent, 700 TWh) of the global growth in wind energy and 40 percent (545 TWh) of the increase in solar power generation.

These are the figures behind the four-quadrant view of the global energy transition that I have been promoting for some time:

The four boxes in this diagram describe quantitatively very unequal energy transitions. The increasing demand for electricity in India and the emerging markets (bottom right) is offset by the gradual decline in industrialized countries (top left). Africa's demographic development (bottom left) is dramatic, but has little or no direct impact on the global carbon footprint. The result is that the entire "global" drama is actually taking place in China.

And, as Ember emphasizes, the drama of green electrification is only just beginning. It is one thing to replace dirty power generation for existing applications with solar and wind energy. It is another to expand the entire power grid to meet the new electricity demand in the areas of data processing, transportation, households and industry.
China is way ahead of the rest of the world

The scale of this transformation can be measured by the proportion of new electricity demand that is driven by new types of electricity consumption, such as electric vehicles. Again, Ember's data leaves no doubt that China is way ahead of the rest of the world and leading the way in electrolysis capacity. By 2023, China's electricity demand from the charging and battery-swapping service industry will increase by 78 percent, adding an estimated 56 TWh to the country's total electricity demand – three and a half times more than the rest of the world.

Yes, you read that right. Measured by electricity consumption, the electrification of road transport in China is 3.5 times greater than in the rest of the world. This is the EV revolution that is causing so much concern in the West.

While China accounts for 60 percent of light electric vehicle sales, this segment represents only an estimated 18 TWh of the 56 TWh increase in demand. The rest comes from electric vans, trucks, buses and two-wheelers, which China dominates worldwide. It is also the largest heat pump market in the world, with more installations per year than any other country. Electrolysers, which are used mainly in demonstration plants by chemical and petrochemical companies, have also grown faster in China than in the rest of the world. As a result, China accounted for 50 percent of global electrolyser capacity in 2023.

But, as Ember notes, this process of using electricity for new purposes is only just beginning.

In China, too, electrification is still in its infancy. Only one-fifth of the growth in Chinese electricity demand in 2023 (124 TWh out of 606 TWh) came from the three electrification technologies, but this share will increase over time. These technologies increased China's electricity demand by 1.4 percent in 2023, compared to 1.1 percent in 2022. In the rest of the world, electrification increased electricity demand by 0.25 percent in 2022 and 0.28 percent in 2023. As China continues to accelerate the deployment of key electrification technologies and the world continues to catch up, the contribution of electrification will increase even further.

At COP28 in 2023, many countries around the world committed to tripling global renewable electricity capacity by 2030. This will make it possible to almost halve emissions from the electricity sector by 2030, as coal-fired power generation is replaced first. In addition, enough new electricity will be provided to drive the electrification of transport and the heating of households and industrial operations, even though electricity demand has increased by 32 percent.
Experts around the world are surprised

China's enormous surge in renewable energy has surprised experts around the world. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has revised its forecasts every year: from 2021 to 2022 to 2023, the IEA's accelerated scenario predicted that annual increases would be 218 GW, 257 GW and 406 GW, respectively. According to the latest updates from China, the actual increases for 2023 are 444 GW, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). To put the scale of the increases in 2023 into context, annual increases in solar capacity did not exceed 200 GW per year until 2022, which was itself a record year.

In other words, the enormous boom in solar energy in China has eclipsed all previous experience of the expansion of renewable energies and is now actually bringing the world close to a climate-neutral path driven by green electricity.
*The figures for 2023 are based on the date of the estimate

In 2023, the amount of solar technology produced in China exceeded global demand, with spot prices for modules falling by more than 50 percent in the second half of the year and the number of domestic installations continuing to rise. Prices for solar modules are now significantly lower than would be expected given Wright's law of technological learning curves. As Chinese government loans have increasingly been diverted from the residential sector to manufacturing, the Middle Kingdom is now responsible for 80-85 percent of global solar module production.

We are witnessing the fastest spread of a major energy technology in history.
Energy transition vs. geopolitics

The response of Western politicians? Protectionism. Of course, there are complex motives. They need to build coalitions to sustain the energy transition. They are worried about the regime of the Chinese Communist Party. They want to escape extreme dependence on imported energy sources (although, of course, in the field of renewable energy, they are not importing energy, but capital goods).

But the more fundamental question is: are Western governments and societies willing to prioritize the energy transition if it is not their success story? Or do other interests take precedence when the photovoltaic modules and electric vehicles come from China?

As far as the EU is concerned, a compromise can be seen to be emerging, based on a balance between domestic and Chinese solutions to the energy transition. As journalist Martin Sandbu noted, at least the possibility of a major compromise exists.

In the case of the United States, it is becoming increasingly clear that the energy transition as such is a secondary issue. The priority is the geopolitical confrontation and the struggle to form national coalitions. This may be depressing, but as the Embers data clearly show, it is by no means a decisive obstacle. The global energy transition will continue regardless.

Adam Tooze is a professor of history at Columbia University and director of the European Institute. In 2019, he was named one of the best global thinkers of the decade by Foreign Policy Magazine. His latest book, Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World's Economy, was published in 2022


"No pandemic in our perception"

"In 2020, reality and the measures taken continued to diverge," says Fabian, a firefighter from Berlin (a pseudonym, his identity is known to the editorial team). However, after the start of the corona vaccination, the number of rescue missions skyrocketed, according to the officer. In the Multipolar interview, he also describes disturbing details about the work of Green Party politician Janosch Dahmen, one of the main supporters of compulsory vaccination, who was also a senior physician in the Berlin Fire Brigade's emergency medical services.

[This interview posted on 6/12/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

Multipolar: The Berlin Senate Department for the Interior confirms that the number of calls for help for heart complaints in 2023 has risen by 56 percent compared to the average for the pre-coronavirus years 2018/2019 – a similar increase for stroke symptoms. How did you and your colleagues perceive this in your daily work?

Fabian: We noticed a change as early as 2021. Our colleagues noticed that there was an increase in calls, especially for heart complaints and strokes, which we couldn't explain. The control center also said: "Something is wrong here." They said that in the past, lay reanimation – when someone calls the control center and is then accompanied through the reanimation by a colleague from the fire brigade – was a rarity. But suddenly it was happening more and more often. Reanimations have also increased, especially in 2021 and 2022. The clientele also shifted, becoming younger. Normally, you would expect someone to ask: "What's going on? Why are we getting more calls? Since that doesn't happen, you start to become critical yourself. Among colleagues, stories like this are circulating: A mother called the emergency hotline and reported "sudden bilateral loss of vision" in a 12 or 13-year-old girl. The colleague asked: "Has she taken drugs, drunk alcohol, fallen, hit her head?" All negative. Young, athletic, no previous illnesses. And then the older colleague gave the young colleague at the emergency call center a slap on the back and said: "Ask the question." - "Is your daughter vaccinated?" - "Yes, five days ago." No one can prove a connection, but too many coincidences are a pattern.

Multipolar: In your personal deployments, how many "coincidences" were there?

Fabian: Of course, not hundreds of thousands of people who had been vaccinated have dropped dead, but it was only in 2021 that we realized that something was different, that something had changed in the deployment situation. This is in contrast to 2020, when we were told that a terrible virus was spreading here. I myself also believed it at first. But I didn't notice anything at all. The virus is, of course, particularly bad for patients with pre-existing conditions and older patients. But at the time, we were told that it was particularly bad and unique.

Multipolar: What exactly happened?

Fabian: The type of deployments, the frequency of heart complaints, strokes, unusual deployments where you say: "Why did this young man have a stroke? There is no real reason at all. The frequency of these coincidences is also noticed by colleagues, and then you start to wonder about the vaccination status. There is a case at the Hamburg fire brigade. One of the first colleagues to be vaccinated is an HSV fan influencer, which is why he is a bit more well-known. He had a stroke and initially refused to say: "It's because of the vaccination." But then it was impossible to ignore, and he said: "Yes, I had very severe side effects with neurological deficits." He was one of the first to report it. We have colleagues all over Germany who are now reporting accidents to their employers after the vaccination.

Multipolar: And the conspicuous deployments could have something to do with the corona vaccination?

Fabian: I can't prove it, but that's my impression. We also have the impression that colleagues who were vaccinated, especially at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, became seriously ill with corona and then were out of action for weeks. These were people who had never been ill before. I did some research and looked around me to see who had never had corona. At the fire brigade, you always had to be tested when you started work. I could see very clearly that I know more unvaccinated people who have never had corona, i.e. who have never had a positive test, than those who have been vaccinated. Of those who have been vaccinated, I only know of two who have never had corona or a positive test. I know more than a dozen of the unvaccinated, although there are far fewer unvaccinated people in the fire brigade. Those who have been vaccinated twice make up about 90 percent, the unvaccinated about 10 percent. The number of those who have been vaccinated three times is then considerably lower.

Multipolar: You are a member of the professional association "feuerwehrGEMEINSCHAFT", which has spoken out on this and was founded at the beginning of 2022 in opposition to compulsory vaccination. The increase in massive problems in patients – such as stroke, heart problems, resuscitation – in connection with the Covid vaccination: do you want this to be seen when you draw attention to it?

Fabian: No, that definitely doesn't want to be seen. The narrative is that there is no connection and no abnormalities. I was surprised myself that this feeling from the operations could be objectified with numbers through these parliamentary inquiries, which are now also in the press. This is consistent with other publications. And then of course you start to become more critical, ask questions: someone must be interested in this. It could happen to me too. If that's not true, what else isn't true?

Multipolar: Back then, as was stated in an article in the Berliner Zeitung in 2022, you had already made the demand: "The figures are on the table. It is definitely a huge increase, it needs to be clarified." Has anything been clarified?

Fabian: Not to my knowledge. The colleagues who joined forces with us made this demand. I was also surprised by the absurd answers given by the authorities.

Multipolar: Like what?

Fabian: It said: "With an increased number of commuters" – in 2021, when everything was shut down, "with an increased number of guests, as well as their length of stay, overnight stays in Berlin" – in 2021, "an influx to Berlin", "an increasing number of large events" - in 2021. This was supposed to explain why we had such an increase in heart complaints, strokes and reanimations. Because of major events in 2021, although there were hardly any. "An increased utilization of the emergency services due to influenza." According to all the figures I know, influenza was strangely absent in 2021. And the Senate Department for the Interior seriously justifies this with influenza. "Decreasing self-help ability of the population" – I don't know why people should be less able to help themselves after a stroke. "Loss of quality due to a lack of skilled workers" – a BlaBla argument. A strange way of arguing when the Senate Administration for Internal Affairs seriously argues that we had a lot to do in 2021 because a lot was happening outside. The hotels were empty! So it's a blatant lie.

Multipolar: You noticed right at the beginning of the pandemic that things were very different from usual. How were you informed about the events in the fire brigade?

Fabian: As soon as a team meets – specialists from the authority are brought together to deal with the situation – you usually get an email to everyone. That didn't happen. It was only afterwards that we realized that a team had met on February 25, 2020. And it was only on March 10, 14 days later, that everyone was informed: "There is now a team." In the meantime, it had grown larger and larger. Colleagues who were on duty said it was a huge event. And, they said, it had never happened before: parallel staffs. Normally, a fire brigade staff is formed where everyone comes together and works together. But here there were suddenly two, a rescue service staff led by Janosch Dahmen, and on the other hand the fire brigade staff. The two have always been at each other's throats in their competence and ability. It was very unpleasant and extremely disturbing because not everyone was working on the same thing, the colleagues tell each other.

Multipolar: What did the staff say, how should we proceed?

Fabian: At the beginning, the information was very sparse, and at first it wasn't that alarming. But then you heard through the grapevine what figures were being circulated. In the staff area, they said at the beginning of March 2020 that there would be 100,000 deaths in Berlin in the next fifteen days. I myself saw doctors from the fire brigade running around with rough calculations: "There will be 2.8 million deaths in Germany during this pandemic." – "What?" – "Yes, 70 percent infection among 80 million people, 5 percent mortality. That's 2.8 million deaths in Germany. This pandemic will be very bad." They spread panic because they obviously believed it themselves. However, this was not reflected in the operations in 2020. But there were measures that were unprecedented. The training school for firefighters was closed, there were no more further training courses. You could give back your vacation. Anyone who said "I'm coming to work" was taken. We built up massively. We had 15 percent more personnel in the entire fire brigade.

Multipolar: The staff announced that 100,000 people in Berlin were to die within two weeks. What was the reality for you on the ground?

Fabian: In reality, we had about 25 percent fewer calls, just as everything started with the so-called Covid pandemic. So the number of calls clearly decreased at the beginning. There was much more panic. We on the watch felt March and April 2020 to be quite relaxing. Because, as I said, we now had a lot more staff at the stations, due to all the measures that were taken, with fewer deployments. The same picture emerged in the hospitals. When you dropped off the patients in the hospitals, you also spoke to the nurses: "What's the situation here?" They couldn't stop laughing, they said: "Yes, we've had a lot of stress, setting up additional intensive care units or creating the organizational conditions, but in reality, keeping the beds free..." There was no rush of patients. On the contrary, they said they could now take vacation, reduce overtime. It was even considered to dismiss part-time workers in the hospitals. The nurses said: "We have a utilization rate here that is sometimes only 40 percent." You have to know that for a hospital to be economically viable, the utilization rate has to be between 60 and 80 percent.

Multipolar: In addition, 20 clinics were closed in 2020.

Fabian: Exactly. We also had an emergency clinic in Berlin, which we called the "Brömmeklinik". Albrecht Brömme is a former state fire director, and later became head of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW). And he built a large emergency hospital here in Berlin in 2020, at the exhibition center. They put a lot of energy, money and organization into it. They really believed that the end was near. I took a look at the Brömmeklinik. This hospital was designed for around 500 people, as a kind of overflow basin. But it was never used for a single day. And it cost millions. Reality and the measures taken continued to diverge. None of us was able to reconcile these measures with the observable reality in 2020. There was no pandemic in our perception. In the spring and summer of 2020, there was no pandemic at all, and I have to say that the measures had nothing to do with it. On the contrary.

Multipolar: Why the opposite?

Fabian: I mean, this fear-mongering and spreading of panic was also observable in the emergency services. This panic then spread to the patients. We had calls where people with broken bones stayed at home for days. And when we asked them why they hadn't called us earlier or come to the hospital, they said: "But in the hospital, there's this deadly virus, and I didn't want to be a burden to anyone and was afraid." Or: an elderly man calls, his wife hasn't been feeling well for days and now someone has to come. Then you arrive and find out that she has had a stroke for several days. "But why didn't you call us earlier?" - "Well, because there's the killer virus." He didn't want his wife to die if she went to the hospital, because everything was full in the hospital, as they had explained to him on TV.

Some people have permanently ruined their own health because they didn't call the emergency services in time. That's irresponsible. They should have put it into perspective and told people: "Yes, precautions are all well and good, but please don't panic." In retrospect, I have to say that they wanted to spread panic and they succeeded. Of course I saw that there was no reason to be afraid at all, because the hospitals were empty. And you didn't see dead nurses and doctors stacked up outside the hospital. So it took me a while to realize that people had been made so afraid that they were putting their health at risk.

Multipolar: Within the fire brigade, there are always senior physicians who have to be available. At the time, one of them was Janosch Dahmen, who is now a member of the Green Party. You say that the name kept coming up among colleagues.

Fabian: Yes, because he was running this parallel unit, spreading panic, which was conspicuous. The colleagues were always complaining afterwards. He distinguished himself by spreading fear, by playing on the narrative. And the fear came more from the doctors than from the firefighters. We also saw that during operations, the doctors were much more scared. And of course you also asked yourself: who is this new doctor, Janosch Dahmen, who joined relatively late, why was he able to act so arrogantly? The colleagues on the staff did not speak very positively about him either, because he was not a team player. At the time, none of us knew that he was with the Greens. He even sold himself as a senior physician in the Tagesspiegel, which was not the case (note: in 2021, Dahmen was a senior physician at the Berlin Fire Department with a responsibility within the medical management). He has earned himself a nickname internally through his behavior and approach that is unparalleled. He is known internally as "the slasher" because he is very uncompromising and radical, some say psychopathic.

Multipolar: In what way?

Fabian: Senior physician Janosch Dahmen propagates a clamshell thoracotomy. This involves, so to speak, ripping open the chest, reaching in with your hands and reanimating the heart. This is war medicine. It is only done in hospitals for certain types of injuries. In an extreme case, it would still make sense. To my knowledge, no one at the Berlin Fire Department had seen this at the scene of an emergency until Dahmen arrived.

Janosch Dahmen (center) during a rescue operation in Berlin in 2019 | Picture: picture alliance/dpa | Paul Zinken

Multipolar: The scene of the incident is usually on an open road, at the scene of the accident?

Fabian: Exactly. He, Dahmen, was on a call where there had been a shootout. All the doctors on the scene agreed that the person in question was dead. But the senior emergency physician, Dahmen, had already announced his arrival. To everyone's horror, he immediately ripped open the deceased's upper body, which is why we call him "the slasher". A medical procedure that was highly controversial at the time and that no one could understand. Everyone I spoke to said it was completely unnecessary. And this uncompromising approach was also noticed during the pandemic. But someone who acts like that is in the wrong place in a pandemic and is more likely to be dangerous. Incidentally, he probably also had to justify his unnecessary actions to the state criminal police, because the criminal police naturally had a problem explaining this torn-open corpse to the relatives, especially since the bullet channels, i.e. the trace evidence, had been destroyed. However, before he joined the Berlin fire brigade, Dahmen was once lucky enough to save someone's life with this measure in a hospital. This is how he made a name for himself. We tried a dozen more times to perform this clamshell thoracotomy at the scene of an emergency, but to date all these attempts have predictably been unsuccessful.

Multipolar: Janosch Dahmen, a member of the Green Party and head of the health working group, has also campaigned vigorously for compulsory vaccination for firefighters.

Janosch Dahmen during a speech in the Bundestag | Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Kay Nietfeld

Fabian: He has built up a lot of pressure. We always say "the Lauterbach of the Greens", and not in a good way. He was therefore largely responsible for the fact that the pressure on me had become so great that I had myself vaccinated despite my other convictions. Because it was said that we would be banned from entering, banned from working. That means you lose your income. At the beginning, it was still said that everything was voluntary and that there were no disadvantages for those who did not get vaccinated. Then came the area-related obligation to provide proof, at the end of 2021. Firefighters who were unable to provide proof of a full vaccination by mid-March 2022 were to be reported to the health authority. And then suddenly everyone went crazy. On December 23, 2021, an e-mail was sent out that caused a stir, just before Christmas. Dr. Carsten Homrighausen, the head of the authorities, even went a step further and wrote in the fire brigade newspaper that we were not only protecting ourselves with vaccinations. Vaccination was "compulsory for fire fighters".

Multipolar: Were there colleagues who did not get vaccinated?

Fabian: Yes, there were. I had already spoken to some of them, and it quickly became clear that they had really good arguments. At the end of September 2022, we would have had to have had our third vaccination to be considered fully vaccinated. But by that time, the turmoil in the authority was much too great. There was then another much-discussed email. A colleague – we call him Big Balls internally – apparently got hold of the secret password for a special e-mail account, i.e. from a non-individualizable sender. He then used it to write an e-mail to everyone. In it, he listed all the contradictions regarding the Covid vaccination. They probably never found out who he was. If they had, they would have publicly "hung" him long ago. This e-mail was really remarkable. I read it and now I have finally decided: another vaccination? No! As I understand it, hundreds of other colleagues joined him, so that the health authority of Berlin Mitte capitulated and left everyone alone.

Multipolar: Fabian, you said earlier that, from the perspective of the Berlin fire brigade, from your perspective, there was no pandemic. Now around 75 percent of people have been vaccinated at least once. What has happened here in the last three years?

Fabian: A difficult question. In any case, the standards that previously applied were visibly thrown overboard for all to see. What was previously the norm – we look at the numbers, deal with them soberly, look at them from the outside and only act on the basis of facts – was overridden. There was a step backwards in civil liberties. There is no longer anyone who claims that vaccination protects against infection. This means that all measures that resulted in discrimination against the unvaccinated are obsolete, wrong, a crime, not democratic, not constitutional and frightening. I would never have believed that this could be possible in Germany. Everything I learned as a civil servant in all my training courses is simply obsolete. And how little interest there is in coming to terms with it. That's why I'm speaking out now. Unvaccinated people had to be tested under supervision. Vaccinated people were allowed to do it themselves. Where you asked yourself: wait a minute, the troop is going into the fire, they trust each other with their lives. And now they say: no, you can't trust them. It was really bad for me to see how some of the unvaccinated people were treated. And this driving apart, that wouldn't have been possible before. And now, in 2024, democracy, the rule of law, we are a long way from that. There is a lot of work to be done.

Multipolar: Fabian, we know that your name is not Fabian. You are a civil servant. What would happen if you told us your real name?

Fabian: That would definitely have horrendous consequences. The unvaccinated colleagues have felt real pressure to persecute them, even though the authorities have since rowed back. There is this upsetting video of the two fire brigade colleagues at a station who have expressed criticism of the measures. Or the interview on the news with the unvaccinated colleague. All colleagues only showed themselves heavily pixelated or masked, because otherwise the authorities would have come up with flimsy accusations like "Reich citizens, Nazis, state delegitimizers" and then covered the colleagues with lawsuits. They would never have been happy again. Another colleague who took part in a corona-critical demonstration in Berlin-Tegel was identified. They actually started disciplinary proceedings against him for the slogan "Peace, freedom, self-determination". The reason given was that if he demands that, then we don't have it from his point of view. So he is delegitimizing the state. As I understand it, he was then also compulsorily retired because of his age. But I don't know exactly how it turned out in the end. At the Berlin Fire Brigade, the extremism officer was apparently even assigned to find out who was criticizing the public and was supposed to monitor demonstrations in order to create corresponding lists. That's why I decided not to say my name, because it would have unforeseeable consequences.

Multipolar: So could you just be fired or would they try to discredit you?

Fabian: Before Corona, they would never have been able to fire me for open criticism. No way. Nowadays I'm not so sure. The current legal changes are worrying and reminiscent of other times. They are laws to silence critics of failed policies and to deprive them of their economic livelihood. We have the very dubious case of an employed occupational safety officer. He was not quite in line with the topic of "coronavirus vaccination" and was probably reluctant to implement it and asked too many questions. As a result, he was dismissed, no one talks about it, but the fact is that suddenly the critical colleague was gone from one day to the next. I don't know what happened to him.

To be fair, I have to say that it has become quiet in the Berlin fire brigade. The proponents of the measures can no longer ignore the figures either. Meanwhile, nobody in the authority wants to talk about it anymore. Even the alarmists are suddenly saying: it wasn't like that at all. It was all voluntary, and we didn't put any pressure on them. Nobody wants to take responsibility for it. Nobody is trying to work it out now. They act as if it didn't happen. You get a minimal idea, even if the comparison is of course very far behind, of what it must have been like in 1946. Suddenly there were no more Nazis. Today, suddenly there are no more people who said: "Vaccination protects against infection and transmission." Where are they all now in 2024? Where are the people who should now stand up and say: We were wrong? We were wrong. I don't see any.

More articles on the topic:

"What we must not do now is to look for those responsible" (Marcus Klöckner, April 30, 2024)
"Human rights and human dignity have been violated" (interview with Prof. Johannes Pantel, October 13, 2023)
Pandemic manager before the investigative committee (interview with Tom Lausen, September 6, 2023)
Compulsory vaccination and individual self-confidence – a report on experience (Katharina Meuser, April 9, 2023)
"Today, only faceless conformity counts" (Marcus Klöckner, July 10, 2022)
Open letter from a police officer: "I am appalled by the state of our police force" (Sebastian Grau, March 3, 2022)

RALLE, June 12, 2024, 5:40 PM.

In this context, I have just read a comment by Prof. Homburg on an X-posting from April 2024 regarding Alena Buyx. There is no better way to express what is going on here.

"Buyx is constantly rambling on about the next 'pandemic'. They obviously want to repeat the game with refined methods. The WHO treaty makes it possible."

The post published on RT continued in the same vein:

"The text, which was based on a longer conversation between Homburg and readers of his X-postings on the platform, read:

'Wochenschau' 1945 after a fictitious armistice: 'Göring, Streicher and Mengele agree: Germany has come through the war well, but we must prepare for the next one better!' Journalist Julius Streicher was hanged in 1946. This is a reference to the media, which are still rambling on about conspiracy theories and leaving the 'processing' to the accomplices.

At this point, Homburg criticized the somewhat credible attempt by established media to "come to terms with the corona" by once again inviting Alena Buyx as an expert, as the ARD channel Phoenix did..."


Coronavirus sentences are still being carried out in Germany. Has the responsible family court judge in Weimar actually been rehabilitated in the meantime? No:

Guys like Dahmen or Buyx must not get away with it, otherwise they will continue.
GLUECKSDRACHE, June 14, 2024, 11:25 AM

A brief look at the future - desired and longed for by the investor - shows that there is an urgent need for action. Before the vote on the draft WHO pandemic treaty, there was a Bundestag document 20/9737 with the following characteristics:

(1) The whole thing was played down so that even the members of one's own parliamentary group did not have a clear picture. An intergovernmental, then legally valid treaty becomes a "pandemic agreement". As if it were a minor matter, like the former small border traffic between states, etc.

(2.) Download the document for yourself. Then you can confirm the credibility of this quote by reading it:

to consistently advocate the prevention approach, the comprehensive prevention of pandemics, and thus to push for a balanced consideration of the entire PPR cycle ("pandemic prevention, preparedness and response", PPR) in the final version of the pandemic agreement;

The wording sounds as if the CDU/CSU had either been instructed or had voluntarily agreed to adopt exactly the same wording. The WHO pandemic treaty is always valid.

That's why the title is a false label. If I want to take out a policy, either privately or as a business, the title is designed to deceive me. Don't sign it.

When I think about how the states are to be excluded: constant training of employees, seals to be purchased from the WHO so that the laboratory can be operated at all, even more research on even better viruses, constant wastewater monitoring. This is the same way of thinking in which a banker offers free citizen tests and the laboratories then make billions in sales. I'm not even talking about the medical side, i.e. the rejection reaction to foreign genetic material.
GEORGE, June 12, 2024, 8:50 PM.

The "Stop Compulsory Vaccination" initiative suffered a defeat in Switzerland on June 9, 2024. The initiative against the Covid measures was rejected with 73.7% of the vote. I would not have expected this to be so clear.

"The AfD and the wrench in the works." This article by Jens Berger is listed as a reading reference at Multipolar, which is perfectly fine. Now the editor-in-chief of the Nachdenkseiten is once again excelling at omitting important and good measures on the part of the AfD. It is largely thanks to the AfD that there is no compulsory vaccination in Germany. The jubilation in the AfD parliamentary group after the announcement of the voting result was genuine. I am very grateful to the AfD for that.
PAUL SCHREYER, June 13, 2024, 10:15 a.m.

The failure of the mandatory vaccination in April 2022 was less due to the AfD than to the disintegration of a unified political camp in Corona policy at that time, also due to the new role of the CDU as an opposition party. Actually, almost everyone – SPD, Greens, FDP, CDU – was in favor of mandatory vaccination in one form or another, but the forces were increasingly splintering. The Welt wrote at the time:

"The mandatory vaccination from the age of 60 failed mainly due to the CDU/CSU and FDP. In addition to the AfD, these two factions also voted almost unanimously against the group application from the ranks of the traffic light coalition."

It is interesting to read the CDU statements from that time, because the CDU was not opposed to compulsory vaccination, but only criticized that it had not been "included" by the government, as CDU member Tino Sorge said at the time:

"Once again, we in the CDU were neither informed nor included. (...) There would certainly be overlaps and we were willing to talk in many areas. Instead, our proposal was ridiculed for weeks. (...) That is why we have submitted a proposal that - should other virus variants threaten to overburden the health system and be unavoidable in any other way - can be used to quickly introduce compulsory vaccination in parliament. This could happen within a few days. (…) We proposed a compromise that we also consider to be technically correct. However, a government also needs its own majority if it has a different opinion. It is not acceptable that Olaf Scholz and Karl Lauterbach in their traffic light coalition do not seek a majority, fail to achieve it and instead demand that the opposition support their technically dubious proposals."

It was considerations like these that led to the failure of the mandatory vaccination in Germany at the time. The AfD played a rather minor role in this, although its general opposition to the government's measures was of course an important factor in the background. But if the CDU and the red-green coalition had agreed behind the scenes in spring 2022, mandatory vaccination would have come, AfD or not. However, the CDU apparently did not expect much from such an agreement at the time for tactical reasons.

Even before that, during the coalition negotiations after the election at the end of 2021, Scholz had refrained from enforcing the vaccination requirement with a chancellor's majority in order not to "burn his fingers on the topic of Corona, which has now been classified as toxic by politicians," according to the WELT.

This created the scope for the following – and unsuccessful – political horse-trading. However, the fact that the topic of Corona was perceived as "toxic" certainly had a lot to do with the volume and number of critics, including the AfD. But they would not have been able to directly prevent the mandatory vaccination in 2022.
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MICHAEL MEYEN, June 13, 2024, 2:10 p.m.

That's all true (both George's comment and Paul Schreyer's addition), but it ignores a factor that has been wonderfully illuminated on this platform: the walks throughout the country from Christmas 2021, recorded in Paul Soldan's series of reports. Without the protests throughout the country, that is my thesis, there would have been no differentiation in the anti-AfD party bloc. How this is then justified to the outside world and what games were necessary for this seems to me to be of secondary importance.
GEORGE, June 13, 2024, 2:45 p.m.

Dear Mr. Schreyer, what you write is all true. From my point of view, the AfD has spoken out clearly and unequivocally against compulsory vaccination from the outset, unlike any other party, which was encouraging. Now it should be added that, in these difficult times, we have unfortunately only received very pleasant support from AfD politicians, both professionally and personally, when we have asked politicians from all parties for help, which was exemplary. I can't help that either.
GEORGE, June 13, 2024, 8:40 p.m.

Thank you for your important contribution, Mr. Meyen (I've learned something new).
GEORGE, June 14, 2024, 8:05 a.m.

Please allow me to make one final comment to avoid misunderstandings; I would like to make room for other commentators. The Nachdenkseiten were taken as an example to raise questions. Is it fair to completely ignore the AfD when they also make good contributions (see, for example, some of the speeches by Ms. von Storch)? Is it fair to ignore the sometimes extremely inhumane way in which the AfD is treated? And no, the AFD is not my idol – I am just as little an idol as the other parties.

And now something personal, without getting too dramatic: my family miraculously survived the Third Reich because they were in the resistance. And yet I was able to take a former member of the SS in my arms because he deeply regretted what he had done and could not find peace.
I was only able to do that because I had also looked at the evil in me without mercy and was therefore able to make room for the good.

With this in mind
Best regards
DR. H. KÄSMACHER, June 13, 2024, 11:30 PM


I worked as an anesthetist at a large university hospital for many years and during that time I also worked as an emergency doctor for the fire department. And I performed numerous reanimations. In cardiac surgery, an emergency thoracotomy occasionally had to be performed in the intensive care unit due to a pericardial tamponade caused by post-operative bleeding. This simply involves reopening the surgical wound. In contrast, a clamshell thoracotomy involves opening the thorax in a rather brutal manner, which can sometimes be successful. In most cases, however, the patient will have bled to death before reaching the hospital. In this respect, one or the other patient owes his life to such a heroic intervention.

However, the fact that Janosch Dahmen performed such emergency thoracotomies in the emergency service does not mean that he is not suited to the job. Rather, young surgeons like Mr. Dahmen often tend to overestimate themselves, failing to recognize the futility of the medical "heroic deed". Therefore, the following quote from the interview is much more significant:

"There will be 2.8 million deaths in Germany during this pandemic." – "What?" – "Yes, 70 percent infection in 80 million people, 5 percent mortality. That's 2.8 million deaths in Germany."

Almost everything about this statement is wrong, but it is designed to create fear and cloud the mind. In fact, a study from Wuhan was published on February 4, 2020, in which the case fatality rate CFR was given as between 0.15 and 5.5% (

However, the infection mortality rate (IFR) is usually much lower, as not all infected people become seriously ill and require treatment. In March, Hendrik Streek's "Heinsberg study" found an infection mortality rate of 0.37%, which was later revised downwards and is now calculated at 0.04% for people under the age of 65. Even if 70% of the population were to be infected, there would not be 2.8 million deaths, but around 215,000 nationwide and around 7,000 in Berlin. But even the 70% is wrong.

Based on the alleged 6,700 deaths from this infection mortality, Streek calculated that about 1.8 million people were infected at the peak of the first wave. That's just 2.2%. The nonsense that 70% of the population would have to be infected for the pandemic to end was demonstrably put into the world by Christian Drosten during a federal press conference in March 2020. This figure is due to his incorrect use of the so-called basic reproduction number to calculate herd immunity. The correct figure would have been 14.5% up to the maximum of the infection curve, which would have doubled by the end of the wave. The fatal thing is that Drosten's statement has stuck in people's minds that at least 70% of the population would have to be immunized by vaccination in order to achieve herd immunity. This is also the case in the mind of Janosch Dahmen, who as a surgeon is probably just as naive in terms of epidemiological knowledge as the microbiologist Drosten.

Stupidity is not a punishable offense, but coercion is. And as far as pressure on those unwilling to be vaccinated is concerned, Dahmen was one of the biggest hardliners. If the politicians are not willing to come to terms with their mistakes and their consequences, then, as Uli Gellermann suggested, a tribunal, like the Russell Tribunal on the war crimes of the Americans in Vietnam, would be one possibility.
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GLUECKSDRACHE, June 14, 2024, 11:30 AM

All cynics and doubters who don't want to believe what is happening: please either go to the self-proclaimed WHO website and read it (in English) or watch Peter Boehringer's Klartext video. "Danger to freedom, health and self-determination":
Personally, I am increasingly annoyed by the lost time during the lockdown, which was simply caused by unsubstantiated claims by the investor. He appeared on CNBC and boasted that his investment would increase from $10 billion to $200 billion.
GLUECKSDRACHE, June 14, 2024, 11:35 AM

And as a brief addition and separate comment, in case anyone wants to reply to it: Have you noticed that there seems to be an absolute ban on thinking and communicating about another question? Namely, that the EU is now a real state. We are now at 42,000,000,000 euros of new debt through bonds in 6 months. And how can a loose confederation of states participate in the G7 as a state and then send two people? Or am I rambling again and the press releases and bonds don't even exist?

Please stay awake.
ALEXANDER FEIN, June 14, 2024, 2:10 p.m.


"Armada of the insane" is what Jens Fischer Rodrian called his book, effortlessly getting to the heart of the matter. I am constantly amazed at how doggedly the discussion continues here about cases of infection and the associated misjudgments. It's as if you were discussing with a schizophrenic that the flickering streetlight that wants to give him a sign is not flickering for physical reasons or cannot give him a sign. In my opinion, it's a complete waste of time, which also contributes to the "rationalization" of what is happening, i.e. to ascribe to it a goal, however intended.

Gunnar Kaiser has already made fun of this. The only thing I can ever recognize is a decline in thinking that affects all relevant social areas. And that is why the walks also worked, as Michael Meyen correctly notes, because a mass in decline in thinking reacts solely to demonstrations of power. That is why large demonstrations such as "Against the Right" are so important to the hypnotized leaders. Sorry if I repeat myself, it's supposed to be a good propaganda tool.

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