Divine truth guidance puts you in harmony with life. Understand though it’s not life that does anything to you, but if you’re not guided by divine truth it will certainly seem like it does…
Divine truth is in place to put you in harmony with life and it’s also in place to offer protection against certain behavior. When you’re guided by divine truth, its boundaries allow for life to be lived to the fullest. But the mind has to be open and free flowing for guidance to this truth to take place. There’s heart truth that aligns with divine truth, but it’s often missed because the mind comes into play which blocks the awareness of it. The more you’re guided by selfish behaviors, the less chance there is to be in harmony with divine truth. When things are used and abused to satisfy self, this blocks life from being truthful. The animal realm is guided by truth naturally, that’s why there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on divine truth.
Life is guided in one of two ways, either the guide allows alignment with divine truth or not. A quiet mind can see this to a degree and slowly stops doing the things that block divine truth from being your guide. As long as you’re alive life will be lived, but in what way determines your actions and consequences. Cheat on your spouse and regardless if you get caught or not you’ll be out of harmony with the truth that’s in place. So take heed and understand life never does anything to you, but if you‘re not guided by divine truth, it will certainly seem like it does…

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