Is Europe facing a nuclear inferno?
by Oskar Lafontaine
[This article posted on June 10, 2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

“NATO is brain dead,” Emmanuel Macron said not so long ago. This sentence hits the nail on the head when it comes to evaluating the actions of the West. By Oskar Lafontaine, with the kind permission of Weltwoche.

At the end of the 1970s, Klaus von Dohnanyi was in charge of a NATO exercise on behalf of the then German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. According to the exercise plan, the Russians were on the advance and NATO was supposed to stop them. At that point, the US representatives decided to drop small nuclear devices over Germany to create a security belt against further Russian advances. Dohnanyi was surprised, as he reports in his book “National Interests”, that the USA could make such a decision without asking Germany. He wrote an angry letter to Helmut Schmidt, who then explained to him that if such war-like developments were to be recognized in Europe, he would declare Germany neutral.

The Germans' dilemma

If Schmidt were still in office, he would have to do so now, following the decision by the USA and its vassal, Ukraine, to allow it to attack Russian territory with missiles supplied by the West. He had already seen the strategic dilemma of the Germans in NATO in his book “Verteidigung oder Vergeltung” (Defense or Retaliation) in 1961:

“We cannot assume once and for all that all defense policy concepts that may arise in the United States also correspond to our interests. […] We have no interest in a Western defense structure that would be geared towards seeing the destroyed territory of Germany liberated again through a final battle. […] Finally, we also have no interest in a Western defense structure that could be seen as a provocation by the Soviet leadership.”

If the warmongers in the government and opposition in Berlin had had Helmut Schmidt's strategic clarity, Ukraine would not have been destroyed and Europe would not be at risk of being drawn into a war that could end in a nuclear inferno.

The CDU politician and parliamentary state secretary in the Ministry of Defense, Willy Wimmer, experienced a similar fate to Dohnanyi during the NATO exercise Wintex-Cimex 89. In this maneuver, Dresden and Potsdam were to be destroyed by nuclear weapons on the orders of the Americans. When Chancellor Kohl was informed, he decided to withdraw from the exercise immediately. “Stop this nonsense,” he said. Compared to Helmut Kohl, his would-be successor in the chancellery, Friedrich Merz, who wants to supply the corrupt clique around Zelensky with German missiles that can be used to destroy strategic targets in Moscow, is an irresponsible security policy gambler. It is a frightening prospect for Germany that a politician like Friedrich Merz could come to power who, like the traffic light government, is unfamiliar with the iron law of the nuclear age: security can no longer be achieved by going against each other, but only by working together. Those who want peace are obliged to engage in diplomacy. The Roman saying “Si vis pacem para bellum” (“If you want peace, prepare for war”) has lost its validity in the nuclear age.

Since the founding of NATO, the European vassals have been living a lie, believing that the United States would risk the nuclear destruction of New York, Washington or San Francisco to defend Europe against a nuclear attack. The opposite is the case. That is why the United States abandoned the strategy of assured mutual destruction and developed the concept of “flexible response”, which means nothing more than that, if the worst comes to the worst, only Europe will be the victim of a nuclear war.

The USA takes great care to ensure that North America is not affected by the many wars that it wages or in which it plays a leading role. According to the US Congress, the USA has carried out 251 military interventions in other countries over the last three decades, mostly thousands of kilometers away from the American mainland. According to the renowned Brown University in Rhode Island, USA, four and a half million people have died in the past 20 years alone as a result of the wars waged by the USA and its allies. If the war provoked by the USA through the eastward expansion of NATO, i.e. through the deployment of US troops and missiles on the Russian border, spreads to Europe, then the famous saying “Fuck the EU” will apply. “It is the Pentagon's firm intention, with decisive help from NATO, to force the Russians to attack soon!” wrote playwright Rolf Hochhuth in an open letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Joachim Gauck in 2015.

This was the time when Helmut Schmidt also warned:

“It is not completely out of the question that the conflict over Ukraine could even turn into a hot war. And that does not have to be Mr. Putin's, Mrs. Merkel's or Mr. Hollande's fault.”

Sentences like these show the extent to which US propaganda has been successful and fundamentally changed the way politicians and journalists in Europe think.

When the Middle East is in flames, America is far away and the refugees come to Europe. And if the sparking in Taiwan leads to war, the USA will make sure that the war is limited to Asia.

Federal government ducks away

In this geo-strategically unambiguous situation, Europe's politicians and journalists are reminiscent of the line from Sophocles' “Antigone”: “Whom God wants to destroy, he strikes with blindness.”

It has been known for some time that Ukraine is using drones to attack the Russian nuclear missile early warning system. This is extremely dangerous, and one might have expected the Europeans to react and the German government, for example, to threaten Ukraine with the immediate cessation of military and financial aid in order to protect its own population if Kiev does not stop its attacks on the Russian nuclear missile early warning system. But nothing of the sort is happening. As with the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipeline by the USA, they are cowardly ducking away. And they obediently follow Biden and also allow the Ukrainians to attack Russian territory with weapons supplied by Germany. They say that this is allowed under international law. Yes, just as it would have been allowed under international law for the states attacked by the USA in the Middle East to defend themselves with missiles supplied by Russia. The US strategists and their submissive European followers do not think about such consequences.

“NATO is brain dead,” said French President Macron some time ago. He meant it differently, but the sentence hits the mark when you evaluate the actions of Western leaders.

This article first appeared in Weltwoche No. 23.24.


Fateful friendship

On the main features of US imperialism
by Angela Klein
[This book review posted on 6/7/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

Werner Rügemer: Verhängnisvolle Freundschaft. Wie die USA Europa eroberten. Cologne: Papyrossa, 2023. 328 pp., 22.90 euros

You'd think that the register of crimes committed by US governments no longer contained anything that was not already known – but far from it! In his new book, Werner Rügemer attempts to explore the systematic nature of these crimes and to derive them from the process of the United States of America itself. This results in a number of insights.

It starts well, with a quote from Henry Kissinger: “It can be dangerous to be America's enemy, but it is fatal to be America's friend.”
But who is America's friend? In short, anyone who accepts America's world domination, who subordinates themselves in terms of foreign policy and military strategy, and who opens their markets to their corporations. Anyone who does not do this is an enemy. It does not matter whether the opponent is a communist or a capitalist. Rügemer emphasizes:
"US capitalists and their lobby groups... have never promoted capitalism as a general system, as they suggest, but only US-led capitalism... When, after 1990, the now capitalist Russia had a US-friendly head of state in the corrupt Boris Yeltsin, who sold off companies to oligarchs and US investors... then Russia was a friend. But when the still capitalist Russia then had a nationalistic leader in Vladimir Putin, who stopped the sell-out... that's when the USA turned Russia into a mortal enemy.«
The self-appointed mission to lead the world into an “American century”, as the leading media in the USA formulated the global war aim of the USA in 1940, was based on the experience of the decline of the British Empire. US capital set about inheriting its closest ally to date – above all its colonies and military bases.
The foreign policy objectives of the USA have not changed since then. After the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, an institution like NATO, which was founded to defend against an alleged “Bolshevik threat”, was given a new objective relatively smoothly: the conquest of Eurasia – starting with the eastward expansion of the EU, in which every state had to become a NATO member before it was allowed to join the EU. Ukraine is America's “geopolitical bridgehead in Eurasia”.

A long history
The pattern of this land grab is an old one, dating back to the American Civil War. This was “the largest war in human history in terms of the number of military and civilian deaths and injuries and the amount of material used, and a cruel total war”.
Rügemer sees it, as well as the genocide of the Native Americans – from 1880, US generals spoke of the final solution of the “Indian problem” – as a constitutive feature of US imperialism: “US capitalism contains the seed of a war against its own states, which will be merciless if necessary – and later also against ‘allies’... The allies can become opponents or be harmed in many ways.” The American Civil War also laid the foundation for the unprecedented, legendary wealth that was amassed in the decades that followed.
The pattern of the US's assertion of its claim to world domination was then, as it is now, one of destruction, reconstruction and appropriation.

A beacon of democracy?
The victory of the northern states over the southern states ended with the liberation of the slaves. In return, the working class was harassed all the more, becoming the new enemy – to this day, corporate leaders in the USA are militantly anti-communist, do not allow a welfare state and prevent the formation of trade unions wherever they can.
The fear of their growing strength and the spread of communist ideas to the USA, especially after the failure of the Western intervention against the young Soviet Republic, drove them in the 1920s, but above all to the side of dictators and fascists in the 1930s... US corporations and the US mainstream media first supported Mussolini and Pi?sudski, then Hitler, Franco and Metaxas in Greece.
The author explains in detail the many ways in which US corporations, led by Wall Street, supported Hitler to the very end: even in the last days of the war, the Allies did not bomb the production facilities of the arms industry, but the civilian population. Of course, at the same time, opponents of Hitler were supplied with weapons and military support. The same hope lay behind this as behind the Munich Agreement of 1938, which gave Hitler a free hand to annex the Sudetenland and later invade Poland: that a war of mutual annihilation would break out between Germany and Russia.
At the same time, anti-Semitic capitalists rose to the top of corporations (and not just Henry Ford), which were purged of Jews and Jewish refugees were turned away (unless they had a lot of money).

In his long-term average of the imperial history of the USA, Rügemer works out constants – this is one of the most interesting aspects of the book. One of them is: the allies should be strong enough to stand up to potential enemies of the USA, even to wage war on them on their behalf. But they should be weak enough that they cannot get in the way of US interests. Germany can tell you a thing or two about that.
The book provides a coherent and insightful characterization of imperial America. However, one may not agree with Rügemer's conclusion: the alternative is not China, not the G77 and not the BRICS countries. Their autocratic rule is even more unbearable, even if their imperial behavior is less aggressive.
However, the book only deals with the “first stage of the development of US imperialism”. It therefore promises a second stage, which has been ongoing since the Second World War. We look forward to it.


Israel has a huge problem

How the international situation has fundamentally changed since October 7
by John Mearsheimer
[This article posted on 6/7/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

October 7, 2023, has turned the situation in the Middle East upside down. Before that, many thought that the region had found a certain stability. Then came October 7, and an end to the conflict is not in sight.

John Mearsheimer analyzes what has happened, the causes of the conflict, where we are today, and where we are heading. He looks at two interrelated conflicts – Israel–Gaza and Israel–Hezbollah–Iran – and at the consequences for Israel, the United States and Iran. In a podcast*, he declares Israel (and to a lesser extent the USA) to be the losers of the Gaza war, and Iran to be its (albeit not decisive) winner.

John Mearsheimer is a renowned US political scientist who taught international relations at the University of Chicago. He belongs to the so-called neorealist school. This school views international politics from the purely power-political standpoint of the interaction of the major powers and assumes that every great state strives for hegemony for security reasons. This school rejects the moral classification of these states into good and evil. The focus of interest is the competition between the USA and China.

Angela Klein has summarized his speech.

Israel is now effectively a Greater Israel: it controls everything between the river and the sea. It includes Israel within the 1967 borders, plus Gaza and the West Bank. Around 7.3 million Palestinians and 7.3 million Israeli Jews live in the territory of Greater Israel – almost equal numbers. How does the Israeli government intend to deal with this Greater Israel? According to Mearsheimer, Israel has four main options:

A democratic Greater Israel, but that would no longer be a Jewish state because the Palestinian population is growing faster than the Jewish population.
The two-state solution. This will not happen either, as Netanyahu and his government have no interest in it.
The third option is apartheid. This is essentially the current situation. All the major human rights organizations in the world have produced detailed reports that prove this.
The fourth option is ethnic cleansing, i.e. the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank and the creation of a Greater Israel that is completely controlled by Israeli Jews.
Before October 7, the Palestinians in Gaza lived in a gigantic open-air prison. In 2005, Ariel Sharon, who was prime minister at the time, decided to withdraw the settlers from Gaza because Gaza was a hornet's nest. And until October 7, 2024, it looked as if the situation in Gaza could be kept stable because Hamas was administering Gaza. Netanyahu was quite happy about that. He is strictly against a two-state solution, whereas Mahmoud Abbas, who administers the West Bank, is in favor of it.
Netanyahu preferred to support Hamas because it also rejected the two-state solution. He tried to play Hamas off against the PLO and ensured that it received money. For a while, this worked and the Israelis thought they had the situation under control. That's why there was a big surprise when Hamas attacked Israel and initially had a spectacular success. After that, the Israeli offensive began.

What is Israel's goal in Gaza?
The Western press writes that Israel's main goal is to defeat and eliminate Hamas. The second goal is to free the hostages. Israel's real goal is not discussed in the Western media – that is the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip. Why is that Israel's goal?
Firstly, because it would enable Israel to find a way out of apartheid.
Secondly, it is perfectly clear that Israel cannot defeat Hamas. But if all Palestinians are driven out of Gaza, Hamas will be driven out with them. Israel would thus solve two problems at once.
Who says Israel would not do such a thing? It has done it before, and expulsion was a prerequisite for the creation of the state of Israel. In 1948 and 1967, the Israelis cleared large areas of what is now Greater Israel of its Palestinian population. The Israeli government also openly talks about ethnic cleansing.
One of the criticisms directed at Israel is that it has not announced any plan for what is to happen to the Gaza Strip once Hamas has been defeated. Israel's military leadership constantly complains that the political goal is not being named and that no sense is being given to the orgy of destruction. The reason why the Israeli leadership does not talk about how it wants to administer a Palestinian-populated Gaza is that it does not want Gaza to be populated by Palestinians.
How do you do that? To expel the Palestinians, you have to kill a large number of them – the population, not just Hamas. Secondly, you have to make the area uninhabitable – that is what they are doing now. And thirdly, you starve the population. There is already famine in the north. The Israelis are stubbornly resisting any attempt by the US to get more aid into Gaza. The reason is that they want to drive the Palestinians out of Gaza. The Israelis are committing genocide here because they can't get rid of the Palestinians any other way.
Where does Israel stand today? It has not managed to defeat Hamas and cannot do so either – many unofficial voices in the USA and in Israel itself admit this. The hostages were not retrieved. And they have not managed to clear Gaza. They even returned there after they had left in 2005. This shows that Israel is really in a tight spot.
Israel also has a big problem with Hezbollah, which is bombing northern Israel to help Hamas. As a result, some 60,000–100,000 Israelis had to be temporarily evacuated to the center of the country and cannot return because Hezbollah has made it clear that it will continue its attacks as long as Israel bombs Gaza. Incidentally, the Houthis also recently fired their first missile at Israel. It's only one so far...
Israel has not achieved its goals. It wanted to get out of apartheid because it had seen where it led in South Africa. But it has not yet been able to implement ethnic cleansing either.

On the leash of the USA
Until April 1, a shadow war was being waged around Iran, and neither the USA nor Iran had any interest in escalating the conflict. Israel, however, did: for a long time it has been trying to draw the USA into a war against Iran.
On April 1, it provoked such a constellation, so to speak. The Israelis attacked the Iranian embassy in Damascus. The USA is furious about this and that Israel did not tell them about it. The Iranians immediately make it clear that they will retaliate against Israel. This happens on April 14.
In the meantime, the US and Iran had been working together – through intermediaries, because there are no direct contacts – to ensure that the Iranian counterattack was limited, that it could be seen coming and that the US and Israel had time to prepare for it and to repel it. The US also insisted that Iran not fire on densely populated areas, but rather seek out more harmless military targets. The US has therefore coordinated the response with Iran. When the attack comes, an informal hotline is set up between the US and Iran, via Oman, because both sides want to keep the situation under control.
While Iran is attacking, the US is heavily involved in defending Israel. And not only the US, but also many other states in the region, as well as the British and the French, are involved. This is a major problem for Israel. Israel has always been proud of its ability to respond independently to enemy attacks. There are strong indications that about half of the Iranian drones that were shot down were not shot down by Israel, but by the United States.
Israel, for its part, carried out a retaliatory strike on April 19. It wanted to unleash the dogs and hoped for a major attack by the US against Iran. But the US didn't want that for a second. They wanted to put out the fire. The Israelis didn't manage to do more than knock out a radar near the nuclear center in Isfahan. That is a very, very limited response – because the US wanted it that way. And Israel had no choice but to accept this. So they did not achieve their goal on this front either.

The consequences
So there are three reasons to say that Israel is the big loser. Firstly, they are back in Gaza, in the hornet's nest, and have no prospect of getting out again. But they also have no solution to the problem of having made Gaza uninhabitable. Now they have the administration of this area on their hands and the Palestinians are not going away – that's a big problem.
Secondly, we have to consider how the Israelis think about deterrence. For them, deterrence means controlling escalation. That means if someone hits me, I hit back, but much harder. And in doing so, I prevent someone from attacking me.
But it has now become clear that the Israelis no longer control the escalation vis-à-vis Iran, nor vis-à-vis Hezbollah. Hezbollah has 150,000 rockets and Israel cannot bring the conflict with it to an end dictated by it.
A third factor is that the many rockets and drones that Hamas, Hezbollah, the Huthis and Iran have developed in the meantime can cause Israel great harm. But Israel is dependent on the USA. It could never have carried out the operation in Gaza without US help. Israel simply cannot produce the amount of weapons that it is firing in Gaza. It needs the USA. So from this point of view too, Israel is stuck.

Its reputation is ruined
Is Israel becoming a pariah state like no other before it? If you look at the protests at universities and South Africa's complaint to the International Court of Justice, it is clear that Israel's reputation has been severely damaged. There are enough indications to support the view that Israel is committing genocide.
Polls in the US show that 56 percent of Democrats believe that Israel is committing genocide. Among Biden's declared voters, 57 percent think so, while 27 percent are not sure. This is a remarkable, fundamental change in opinion. A Jewish state is being accused of genocide – that is a disaster. And there is no sign that this will change. The situation in Gaza is not improving. There is no solution in sight.

The US has also lost
It is in the interests of the USA to have peace in the Middle East. The USA has waged so many wars – the American public is fed up with it, and it certainly does not want a war with Iran.
But the US also needs peace in the Middle East so that it can turn its attention to Asia. From the American perspective, the greatest threat comes from China, and that must be contained. But as long as the US is stuck in Ukraine and now also in the Middle East, it cannot do that. The US needs a situation like it had before October 7.
They also need friendly relations with as many states in the Middle East as possible. Why? Russia is already present there, but now China is also gaining a foothold. China is conducting naval maneuvers in the Gulf of Aden and is heavily dependent on oil from the Middle East. It is therefore seeking good relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia – and this is a major concern for the USA. They do not want to have bad relations with the states there, as this would only drive them into the arms of China. The Abraham Accords tried to bring Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US into a common alliance. That has now been thrown into disarray by what is happening in Gaza. So the US, but also Israel and Saudi Arabia, have a problem there.
There is another problem, the Iranian nuclear bomb. Iran is only a hand's breadth away from having the nuclear bomb. The US has canceled the nuclear agreement with Iran under Trump. Iran can currently enrich uranium to 60 percent; 90 percent is needed to make it nuclear weapons-capable. This step is no longer difficult.
The specialist literature says that Iran could have enough fissile material to build three nuclear bombs in about six weeks; to build the last one, they would probably need another six months. Imagine if the exchange of blows in April had taken place under the conditions that Iran had the atomic bomb. The bomb on the Iranian embassy in Damascus was almost an invitation to Iran to build the bomb; there are statements in Iran that point in this direction.

Iran is the winner
Not that Iran is in a brilliant position now, but it has maneuvered quite skillfully. With the exception of April 14, Iran has managed to stay out of the war. It works very effectively with its proxies in the region – Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the militias in Iraq and Syria.
Iran now has very close relations with Russia and China, and that is a result of the power shifts. The US is pushing Russia, China, Iran and North Korea into a common position of interest. It has therefore become more difficult to isolate Iran. If Iran becomes a nuclear power and the US wants to exert pressure on it, Russia and China will not help them much. But they need them.
Iran can feel pretty safe, neither the US nor Israel are currently in a position to harm it. Conversely, for the first time in history, Iran was able to attack Israel from its own territory with missiles and drones without Israel retaliating seriously.
Last but not least: the sanctions against Iran are not working.
If we look at the three theaters of operations – Israel, the US and Iran – together, we can see how fundamentally the situation has changed since October 7. It is not good, either for Israel or for the US.


Ukraine aid
The largest part remains in the USA
by Jakub Dymek
[This article posted on 6/7/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

The vast majority, 80–90 percent, of the funds recently approved “for Ukraine” will never leave the borders of the United States.

The US House of Representatives has voted to provide “$60 billion in arms aid to Ukraine”. It seems that a breakthrough has been achieved that only people with bad intentions can question. But I put those words in quotes because none of it is true. Neither the $60 billion, nor the aid, nor the fact that it is for Ukraine.

In fact, less than one-fifth of these funds will ever flow into the Ukrainian budget and private sector. And even the $10 billion that the package earmarks for these purposes is repayable unless the president decides otherwise after 2026. The rest – the vast majority, 80–90 percent of the funds just approved “for Ukraine” – will never leave the borders of the United States. How is that possible?
This is due to both the aid method chosen and the double accounting of funds, which increases the nominal value of the “aid packages” by up to 100 percent. I will explain this.
First, the US has decided to also designate the expenditures for its own armed forces as “aid to Ukraine” and to transfer them, so to speak, in addition to the funds that the Pentagon regularly spends – for example, in the draft of December 2022. Of the $28.5 billion in aid to Ukraine, $5 billion was reserved for “operations and personnel costs of the US armed forces”.
In the current “aid package”, 7.3 to 11.5 billion of the 60 billion dollars are earmarked for this purpose, so the share is similar. This money was never intended for Ukraine or the Ukrainian armed forces, but it covers the costs of maintaining the US armed forces in Europe (including bonuses, allowances and per diems for soldiers and officials working outside the United States).
On this premise, Poland could book a not insignificant part of the defense ministry budget and a not insignificant part of the new arms contracts, including contracts for tanks, fighter aircraft and helicopters, as “aid to Ukraine”.
However, this is not where the support for the US economy, production capacities and generous payouts to the private sector from public funds really ends. In the logic of the successive “aid packages”, the military support of the USA for Ukraine is in reality an economic stimulus package for the US defense industry. The bulk of the funds pledged – two-thirds of the total programs and about 80–90 percent of their military component – will be spent on procuring equipment and on grants to increase production capacity – or to get assembly lines back up and running that have been idle for years.
Victoria Nuland – deputy secretary of state until March 2024 and a leading proponent of aid to Ukraine in the Biden administration – boasted that “the vast majority of the money stays in the US, is spent in the US, and creates good-paying jobs.”
The belief that aid to Ukraine pays off because it creates jobs in the US and fills the pockets of Americans has become a campaign message in recent months, with which Biden and the Democrats are trying to reach voters. The president himself insists that the money is not spent in Ukraine, but in Arizona, Alabama, Texas or Pennsylvania.
Moreover, this money, in the form of subsidies, helps to encourage defense companies worldwide to invest in the US rather than in Europe.
Good news for the US economy? Definitely.

Double counting
I know that not only money from orders for military equipment for Ukraine (and from orders from allies who supply Ukraine), but also from other orders, is flowing to replenish the country's stocks. It is expenditure for the replacement of donated equipment, and this too will be recorded in later aid packages as “aid for Ukraine”. There is a double cash account.
To put it bluntly, if the US hands over an Abrams tank to Ukraine and then provides the funds for the production and purchase of an even newer Abrams tank, both items will be included in the bill and presented to the world as “billions in aid for Ukraine” (even if the equipment or ammunition has not yet been delivered, or even produced).
This means that everything can be counted twice – and this happens with all “packages”. It goes without saying that the actual amount of equipment delivered to Ukraine differs significantly from what we learn from media reports.
The situation is different for humanitarian and financial aid – this is the only direct aid to the Ukrainian state budget that is not double-booked by the US. The US is therefore providing three times less aid than the EU countries and institutions.
But that's not all. The aid packages also include items that have only a very loose connection to “aid for Ukraine” – for example, the repair and strengthening of the protective wall around the US embassy, but also funds to counteract Chinese influence, grants for federal agencies, loans for various countries and contributions to the World Bank.
In this way, the US can privatize the profits from the war in Ukraine and shift its costs, including the costs of the war – in this case to Europe. All the while, they claim that it is the European Union that is spending too little on armaments, passing on too little equipment to Ukraine and not helping it enough.
Of course, some will say that it is better than nothing, after all, something is getting through to Ukraine. But the point is not whether anything is getting through at all, but why the aid packages are designed in this way. Actual deliveries are delayed as a result, and their value is always stated as being much higher than it actually is (with the Polish public in particular accusing Germany and France of not doing enough).
This method is useful for buying votes in an election campaign. It also provides good propaganda for blackmailing other NATO countries into supplying more and producing even more top-quality arms – they could also place orders with companies subsidized by Biden! Ukraine is not receiving US aid either in time or free of charge, but the American arms industry and its shareholders do not have to go hungry.
If we were to take everything out of the successive “aid packages” that does not go to Ukraine and only consider “aid” in the very broadest sense of the word, it could turn out that Washington does not consider aid to Ukraine to be the great challenge that we have seen it as so far.

The author is a cultural scientist, journalist and political commentator for various Polish newspapers. In 2017, he was nominated for the Great Press Journalism Award for his publications on secret CIA prisons in Poland.

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