Israel's army watched as settlers attacked and set fire to a Palestinian village
On Thursday night, at least 60 masked Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Jit, setting fire to homes and cars and shooting dead 23-year-old Palestinian Rashid Abdul Qader Sada. Ambassadors and governments around the world condemned the attack, but almost all remained silent on the role of the Israeli army, which stood by and did nothing.

What does Israel fear from Palestine?
The Nakba is the central event in the life of every Palestinian. Raja Shehadeh on the catastrophe of displacement and flight in the Middle East.
The book “What does Israel fear from Palestine?” by the Palestinian writer Raja Shehadeh is a harrowing reflection on the failure of the parties to the Middle East conflict to treat each other as equals, as partners on the path to peace, rather than as enemies and genocides. After the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, the Nakba (Arabic for “catastrophe”) occurred: the expulsion of the Palestinian people, which created fault lines that continue to this day in a violent and tragic way. In the decades that followed, while the Berlin Wall fell and South Africa abolished apartheid, the Israeli government and the PLO rejected every opportunity for reconciliation.

For a just peace in Gaza - end the aid blockade and stop arms exports
Seven aid and peace organizations, including CARE Germany, Oxfam, medico and IPPNW, launched a petition in mid-August 2024 entitled “For a just peace in Gaza. Stop arms exports & end the aid blockade!”. With the petition, they are calling on the German government, together with local initiatives, to stop exporting arms to Israel if there is a risk that they will be used in violation of international law.

War over Ukraine and Israel: Boiling the frog
The wars over Ukraine and Israel are threatening to spiral out of control. However, the usual suspects Russia and Iran are not to blame - a preliminary assessment.
The big bang has failed to materialize. Neither in Israel/Iran nor in Ukraine/Russia has the feared chain reaction occurred so far.
Iran has even postponed its threatened retaliatory strikes in order to wait for a possible Middle East deal. Russia appears too weak to quickly fend off the Ukrainian advance towards Kursk.
This disproves the theses of the Western warmongers.

Response to “Correction” by Fabian Hoffmann
My article on the background to the new US missiles has attracted a great deal of attention. The response to a reply by Fabian Hoffmann was even greater. In the following, it is once again my turn to reply to the “Bremen troll” (Carlo Masala) to Mr. Hoffmann's elaboration.
The text is unfortunately longer again. But that is unavoidable with this complex topic. This is about the prehistory of a potentially momentous - and dangerous - decision: the stationing of new US missiles in Germany. For this reason, as many people as possible should know more than what is stated in the media in favor of the deployment.

Source: Arno Gottschalk on Twitter/XNotefrom our reader G.R.: When it comes to Germany becoming “ready for war”, “science” must of course not be left out. One person in particular stands out: Fabian Hoffmann. Obviously he has to prove that he is very important in the “science circus”. According to Hoffmann, the Bundeswehr should already be preparing for an attack by Russia, but at the same time “Russia's reserves are exhausted”; in December 2023, Hoffmann was still of the opinion that Ukraine could win the war if the West supplied enough, as he had already advertised twice in SPIEGEL, here and here. And what was it all for? Of course.

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