The threat of a pandemic

As long as the WHO is vested with almost absolute power and the authority to define epidemics, our freedom is still in grave danger.

Is there a threat of a pandemic or is a pandemic a threat? The International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Act hover over us like a sword of Damocles. If the Secretary-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) has his way, another lockdown and compulsory vaccination could be on the cards tomorrow. The list of “pandemic-ready” pathogens is getting longer and longer, the diagnoses and supposed pathogens more and more obscure. There are currently 30 potential villains that could plunge the world back into chaos at any time.

by Gerd Reuther

[This article posted on 8/17/2024 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

Even “COVID-19” is listed again, after it was classified as less contagious in the meantime and the bluff is on record. After all, this dubious virus also had mutants that were pulled out of some hat. Just remember the “Tyrolean mutant”, who was not granted an exit permit to other federal states, let alone to Germany or Austria. The same applies to the “Ebola pathogen”, which has been locked in Central Africa since the diagnosis was claimed. People obviously just want to get on with it, as if the pandemic conjurers hadn't long been without their clothes.

The panic list shows that there is no need to come up with a new clinical picture. It is much easier to proclaim well-known diseases as a new epidemic.

It is enough to relabel influenza as “corona” or malaria as “Ebola” (1); skin symptoms of any kind from chickenpox to toxin-induced reactions as “M-Pox”. PCR tests as the sole diagnostic tool make almost anything possible. Either you have the disease that is being tested for, or you are not ill. The “incidences” increase with the frequency of testing.

Two “pandemics” declared by the WHO are still active anyway: in addition to the twice renamed “M-Pox”, there is also cholera. The latter has been the longest-lasting pandemic since it was declared in 1961, and the WHO itself has probably already forgotten about it.

The WHO General had tried to cover up a cholera epidemic in his area of responsibility as Ethiopian Minister of Health at least once in his murky past. But cholera has no pandemic potential whatsoever. Not only because of the necessary water contamination, which only leads to infection clusters. Not even Europeans could have endured rice water-like diarrhea for months or years. The symptoms still have to be reasonably socially acceptable, like a cold.

It is understandable that the pandemic is now causing great despair. After all, an “era of pandemics” has been proclaimed by the political front people in 2020. The WHO General must deliver, even though epidemics across several countries and a larger territory are biologically impossible.

The emergence of infectious diseases not only requires one pathogen, but even more importantly, the same environmental conditions and the same susceptibility of people must prevail over a large area. Dengue fever, for example, only occurs where it is warm. People are susceptible in different ways depending on their age, previous illnesses and prosperity. In addition, the animals - mosquitoes, rodents, bats - that are thought to be responsible for chains of infection must find suitable living conditions everywhere. Diseases are therefore always regional and never global! Even within a climate zone - as in Central Europe - there has never been a wave of epidemics across several countries (2).

The narrative of pandemics requires the narrative of accelerated “global climate change” and “One Health”. Only by denying the regional differences between humans and nature can the WHO claim a nationwide health emergency. This will only come about if a majority is prepared to believe it. This is already being demonstrated with “climate change”, when radio presenters once again announce the hottest day in the history of the world with the comment that people in this country don't even have the impression ...

In order to be prepared for the impending attack, it is good to know the history of the events circulated as pandemics. There were no officially claimed pandemics either before 1347 or after 1918! Why should microbes have been able to repeatedly plunge the world into a pandemic inferno since 2020? If it were due to the current size of the world's population, no “pandemics”, or what is considered to be one, would have been allowed to occur in the past. If worldwide travel by ship and airplane were the cause, there should have been a temporal relationship to the steadily increasing numbers and an explosive increase with the advent of steamships and jet airplanes.

Decades earlier, in anticipation of “COVID-19”, the “plague” of 1347 and the “Spanish flu” had already been positioned as supposed pandemics. However, all other epidemics between 1347 and 1918 have been passed down even by official history as having a narrow regional focus. Why would there have only been one Europe-wide epidemic before “COVID-19” with the plague of 1347 and only one worldwide epidemic with the “Spanish flu”?

The “Spanish flu” was a media hoax like “COVID-19”, which subsequently grew from decade to decade. Even then, a summer and an autumn flu epidemic were added together and given a catchy name. In reality, it was nothing more than the hardship and exhaustion at the end of a war of annihilation.

The alleged Europe-wide plague almost 700 years ago was a propaganda campaign by the papal church and certain ruling circles with tangible financial intentions. Grain pollen analyses have recently been unable to find a harvest collapse for the period in question, as would have been unavoidable in the case of excess mortality (3). There is no trace of the numerous mass graves in which at least a third of the population of the time would have had to be disposed of. There were more towns with entries of a plague in the town chronicles than actual epidemics (4). After all, town histories were written and archived - often retrospectively - by monks (5).

Four arguments why there are no natural pandemics, which were already disregarded in the case of “COVID-19”:

  1. Infectious diseases never affect all people equally regardless of genetic makeup, nutritional and health status. Every infectious disease has far more to do with the affected organism than with a microbe. Whether plague, cholera, typhoid or respiratory viruses - it is primarily old, poor and previously damaged individuals who fall ill and die. Countries with a low average age must always be less affected or not affected at all.
  2. Infectious diseases are almost always seasonal and therefore cannot occur simultaneously in different climate zones and at different times of the year. The alleged simultaneous outbreak of “COVID-19” in the southern and northern hemispheres, near and far from the equator, was biologically impossible. In tropical countries, diseases caused by respiratory viruses generally play hardly any role. In the summer months, infectious vomiting diarrhea is generally more common than in the winter months.
  3. Epidemics cannot disappear many months earlier in the poorest countries than in rich countries with well-equipped health systems. How can far higher case numbers be explained in Germany and Austria than in Ukraine?
  4. Epidemics never stop at political borders. How could “COVID-19” have ended more than a year earlier in Denmark than in Germany without a geographical barrier or demarcation border with northern Germany?

With the now Kafkaesque definition of a “pandemic”, the WHO has actually already indirectly admitted that “pandemics” are not natural events. Otherwise, the basis could be real clusters of infectious diseases.

However, the “risk” of an infectious disease in several countries is now sufficient to declare an emergency. Nobody has to be ill to turn the world into a quarantine prison.

So it will take another big scam. Many of the obscure microstructures in waiting are already unproven as pathogens or, like “polio”, have been exposed as poisoning. Epidemic infectious diseases already need the right conditions with a damaged immune system: war, hardship, environmental disasters and unhealthy lifestyles. The gene injections could have served this purpose, as they were able to damage the immune system of people worldwide. A supposedly simultaneous accumulation of similar infections in different countries can otherwise be regarded as a sure sign of deception.

This should make it clear to every inhabitant of the earth that a “pandemic” is not a technical term for a disease, but a weapon. The author Ludwig Börne (1786 to 1837) recognized this on the occasion of the first proclamation of an alleged cholera in Paris in 1830:

“Until the frightened people come to their senses, the old shackles are riveted anew, the sick-room remains the prison after recovery, and twenty years of freedom are lost over it” (6).

Even back then, the community switched into authority mode by declaring an epidemic threat.

Sources and notes:

(1) Müller, Angelika, Tolzin, Hans U.P.: Ebola uncensored. Facts and background information you shouldn't know about, page 21ff; Rottenburg 2015
(2) Reuther, Gerd, Reuther, Renate: The main thing is panic. A new look at pandemics in Europe. 2nd expanded edition; Leipzig 2024
(3) Izdebski A. et al.: Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic. Nat Ecol Evol 2022; 6(3): pages 297 to 306
(4) Höniger, Robert: The Black Death in Germany. Eugen Grosser; Berlin 1882
(5) Sprandel, Rolf: Geschichtsschreiber in Deutschland: 1347 - 1517. Vorträge und Forschungen 1987; 35: pages 289 to 316
(6) Börne, Ludwig: Letters from Paris. 18th letter; Paris December 14, 1830

Gerd Reuther is a specialist in radiology, medical educator and medical historian. From the very beginning, he called “Covid-19” for what it was: a big bluff. In six books to date, he has critically examined medicine in the past and present. His latest book is “He who remains silent has already lost”.

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