Economist Michael Hudson has written many books like Junk Economics explaining how the financial markets take vital resources
from the real economy and plunge cities, states, and regions into revenue shortfalls where food and housing assistance are played off against one another.
Philosopher Fabio Vighi on has focused on emergency capitalism and how one emergency seamlessly follows another.   The Fed is there to inject hundreds of billions.  Back in 2000, economist Jorg Goldberg wrote "The Cure is the Sickness."  The Washington Consensus of privatization, deregulation and liberalized markets (casino economy) was increasingly abandoned.  Colin Crouch wrote "The Surprising Non-Death of Neoliberalism" to explain how money out of nothing and inexplicable financial products have become like ineradicable diseases!!
On, you will find many incredible translated articles to fill the many gaps in the government narratives.
Happy reading!  Happy truth-telling!

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