As I reflect back on the difference of my life today as opposed to twelve years ago I would have to say that it’s the people that are a part of my life today that makes it what it is. I want to thank everyone who is a part of my journey whether it is directly or indirectly. No one is more important than another because whatever anyone does it’s all used as a tool to learn from. We are alive together at this time so we are on this journey together. I was an isolator for many years even though I had many people in my life. Because of the people in my life today, isolation is not a part of it. I am sharing my journey and people are sharing theirs in return.
I have been taught about the importance of people through all of you. Without all of you I would once again be the isolator and for me isolation leads to a very lonely place. I have been afforded many opportunities because of my connection with people. The one thing that all the opportunities have in common is they are all directed to helping each other, it is a very different way for me. I am so grateful for this turnaround in my view of life.
One of the many opportunities for me was going back to my former high school as the keynote speaker for a graduation ceremony. To me it’s such an honor and blessing and it was a direct result of the people in my life today. The love people have for me is the love I give to others, and from the bottom of heart I thank you all for this…

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