Here’s a post on the topic of opinions. This isnt directed towards anyone in particular so please don’t take it as so. I just want to clarify what I have come to understand in more detail. Here is a dictionary definition of the word opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. This really sums up what an opinion is and its true value or lack of it. Opinions really have no value because it’s not based on anything but a thought and thoughts don’t have any real substance to them, so without substance there would be nothing to give an opinion value…
The Conditioned Mind will tell you there is value in your opinion, but that’s the delusion Buddha talked about. If it isn’t based on something factual it doesn’t have any real value. When there aren’t facts, there isn’t substance and without substance there’s nothing to base an opinion on. This isn’t just for opinions, it also applies to ideas, ideals, beliefs, and concepts, they also have no real facts to base themselves on; they’re based on the delusion of a Conditioned Mind. Before this is discounted, it should be investigated. If you just want to make up an opinion about this and it makes you feel better, go with your conditioning, but understand this has nothing to do with what’s been written; everything arises from the delusion within and this delusion was in place long before this post was written…check it…

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