What is the cause of wanting to alter how you feel? Many different things are used for this alteration, but why it’s needed has to be identified if you are to stop this incessant craving. There’s reasons why people reach for something to alter how they feel. No one just reaches for something, especially if it’s not healthy for you. There are reasons for everything in life, some understood some not, but just because it is or isn’t doesn’t mean there isn’t a cause. Why do you think feelings need to be altered? It’s just a feeling, yet when the moment is labeled unpleasant you want to change it, but the pleasant ones you want them to last forever. They’re just feelings, not right or wrong or good or bad, they just are. They’ve allowed control because of not being emotionally mature enough nor disciplined enough to understand they’re not factual, they just are; this is simply my experience.
Growing up, my life was one where most of the time I wanted to alter how I felt and I used many different things to accomplish this. Some good for me, most not so good, but the real issue was why I needed to alter how I felt to begin with. I never understood this until about twelve years ago. It was at this time that I began to notice the true nature behind why there was a need to alter how I felt. Slowly this changed, but it was difficult because of the way the mind becomes conditioned to use the developed tool of a reward system. All conditioning is taught, the mind uses a reward system in times of stress, or whenever it feels a reward is necessary. It defaults to this developed tool, using it regardless if the pleasure object is healthy or not. Feeling aren’t factual, but when they “need to be different” they control you like a puppet on a string…

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