Living from the heart is an energy much different than living from the head. The heart energy is based in non-judgement, the head is based in thought. Love is love, no fluctuations, steady and consistent. Thought on the other hand puts us in a constant state of fluctuation, with emotions all over the place. The energy of love is the state of emotional balance. This is not a mystical belief in something, our entire universe is comprised of energy. To the degree that you are controlled by your Conditioned Mind is to the degree that this is understood at the heart level, and this determines whether life is lived from the heart (love) or from the head (thought). The saying “I think therefore I Am” is an erroneous statement. Take someone who is in a coma, they aren’t thinking, but they still are. So the saying should say “I think therefore I suffer” that is more in line with truth. It isn’t that thought itself causes suffering, it certainly is a contributor, but it is the underlying nature of the thoughts and how they are attached to that causes the suffering.
It’s our alignment with our own self that allows for the alignment with the entire Universe. Without this alignment we’re like a rudderless ship in a storm; afloat, but pushed around until we either sink or fix our rudder. When our rudder is repaired it’s then that we have the necessary tools to be in alignment with the thoughts that just moments ago was going to destroy us. Life will be lived as long as we are alive, but whether it is lived from the head or the heart determines how consistent and balanced our emotions are, and in the process how much love energy we emit to others…

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