Subconsciously we do so many things automatically that without self investigation most of the time it won’t be noticed. The only way this can be changed is to know what is the cause of unconsciousness. If you don’t understand why you are as you are, you will stay as you are. The subconscious mind is what controls us and without quietness it will never be known how delusional most of our thinking is. Greed, hate, and delusion is the way so many live and it is heartbreaking because it doesn’t have to be this way.
The bottom line is life will change when your conditioning changes so your world will change when you change. But nothing will change until it’s realized what is the driving force behind the way you live your life. If your own agenda is in the forefront of your decisions then it is the subconscious mind that’s in control, but when your decisions are based in quietness, the subconscious mind takes a backseat to your heart. This is the change that needs to occur if you are to ever control your life. If not the subconscious mind will continue to be your master and not much will change in you and not much will change in the world. Even though things are constantly changing when the subconscious mind is in control, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Live from the heart and watch a miracle happen right before your very eyes or not and remain stuck on automatic pilot and be at the mercy of a subconscious mind that has been developed by a world that is out of control. Control you life or you will be controlled by it, this choice is the free will you have, but it’s only a choice if there’s awareness of it…

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