When I look back at my life I can see how so many of the things that I did would not be done today. Most of the things I did I didn’t want to do, but by being conditioned in a certain way there really wasn’t much choice. Although I am older and I would think I’m wiser, my change is not because I have mellowed with age or have learned from my so called mistakes. It was the opening of my heart that changed my selfish intentions to intentions of love that could be put into action; this was not my doing. So many times my intentions wanted to do what was right, but with my life being based in satisfying “I” I didn’t have the tools to follow through. This is just the way it was and the guilt and remorse that this caused kept this cycle in place for many years; powerful is the bondage of “I”.
To get in touch with your deeper intentions and to allow them to be your guiding light is essential if you want to stop living in a self created road to hell paved with good intentions. The hell being an existence that keeps you living a life deeply entrenched in your subconscious “I”. You may know this, but because the I Self has been in control for so long its intentions block love so love doesn’t manifest as the behavior in your life. Heaven is here on earth in the form of love and until you’re relieved from the bondage of “I” your intended purpose to be the love that you are will not manifest. The road to heaven is paved with the alignment of our deeper intentions to love, but until this is seen most will travel on the road to hell regardless of the good intentions…

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