You will either be self serving or you will be of love. You can’t really flip flop between the two, it’s one or the other. Love can’t be your guide sometimes. You will fulfill your urge to serve Universal Love or you will serve yourself, but understand you can only reap what you sow, and when what is sown is through love and the energy emitted is from that love, your daily actions will be of love because of being not doing, and when being is the base of your life you will always be fulfilled.
The other day someone asked me what God’s will was for me and I answered immediately “not to be self centered” although I’m not so sure about it being God’s will, but I do know not to be self centered is my will. There is nothing else needed to do because when the mind isn’t stuck in the self serving mode, it is free to love and that freedom is because of the alignment with Universal Love. For me it’s not about my messages, my post, my book, my job or anything else, it’s simply to be aware of the quietness of the present moment because without that the only place love exist is in your head and it remains a concept. This is why vows, pledges, resolution and what not don’t work, it’s not that they aren’t made in sincerity, but they aren’t ingrained enough in the subconscious to be carried out on a continuous bases. There are moments when they’re applied, but until the practice of quietness becomes our number one priority, we will not be able to sustain our alignment with Universal Love 100% of the time. This will make it extremely difficult for our actions to exhibit Universal Love as our minds default setting. The self serving mind is very subtle and you will never be free of it until you are willing to practice 100% of the time so your actions are a benefit to all beings 100% of the time. This will not occur as a concept, this will only occur when your actions are aligned with Universal Love 100% of the time…

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