In the realm of your thoughts there is no right, wrong, good, bad, like, dislike, anger, calm, happy or sad, etc, there is only the everlasting peace of non judgment of each precious moment that you are alive in, that is as long as there isn’t attachment to them. The emotions attachments to those things listed are what controls the way that you’re pulled around and controlled by your thoughts. The initial thoughts still occurs without the attachment, it just isn’t controlling. It’s strictly attachment that gives a thought the energy that makes life the emotional ride that most people experience.
I know we all want to attach to thoughts that are pleasurable and we like to identify them as who we are, but what of those thoughts that we don’t want, we know we don’t want them and we definitely don’t want them to be who we are, but they’re really no different than the wanted thoughts. All thoughts are energy in its purest form nothing else, their transforming energy is caused by our attachment to them. They affect our life differently dependent on the energy they’re given. If one wants to be identified by the thoughts that they want, you will have to be identified with the unwanted ones also. The key is to understand what would happen if neither the wanted or unwanted thoughts were identified with, where would that leave you? Sit with that for a little while…

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