You can spend your entire life chasing after something you may never attain. It can be a lifelong dream or the pursuit of a certain feeling, happiness, peace, or love, but as long as there is the chase there will be the sense of being incomplete. There’s nothing wrong or right in the pursuit of something, it‘s when it’s pursued with the false sense when the thing is attained then you will be compete, this is what makes pursuing the dream or anything else a liability. It’s a liability because it keeps you from the very thing you are trying to attain; your own inner contentment. Why anything is pursued is to attain this desired state.
Regardless of what’s pursued once you reach or get what you’re pursuing it’s not like you reach the pinnacle of life. It’s so important to not lose sight of the moment by moment journey you’re on. When this is lost, then you are lost. Life is a happening that is occurring right now, it’s not waiting for you to attain a certain status of importance or prominence so you can say you’re this or that. The pursuit is our block. Become whatever it is that you want to become, but don’t think it matters to life. Life doesn’t care, it has no preference. It will only matter to you and that will be in direct relation to the amount of importance you put on it. When you plan plans instead of results then whatever the results it will be because of your plans, but it wont necessarily be the way that you want it, but it will be the way that it works out…

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