A change in the way life is viewed doesn’t happen by chance, it changes when there‘s a shift in the perception that the previous view hasn’t been working all that well and a new one is in order. One of these tools that can help change the current view if it isn’t affording you the opportunity to live life to the fullest is to take the “me” out of the equation. When something happens don’t personalize it by making it about your “me”. If it doesn’t happen to “me” then who does it happen to?
So much of our suffering is incorporated from the “me” view. Nothing truly happens to “me”, it just happens. It’s made about “me” and this starts the associated story. If there isn’t attachment to “me” there can’t be a story, because there’s no one to create it. What happens happens and it isn’t about “me”. Life isn’t personal, it’s simply something that just happens. When you stop personalizing it, you can observe what is happening as opposed to being drawn into the story. In stillness all truth is revealed and the revelation of truth is this, life’s not about “me” and things happen without your permission. Whether a stories made up that‘s all about “me” or not is a choice, and it’s the choice that will either limit or expand your evolutionary process…

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