There is always one more chore to do, one more thing that needs to be finished so all our ducks are in a row. But what happens when its just not possible to have things the way we want them. Can you be with life as it is or does have to be in some other way? And if it is in some other way, does it really change things? Maybe it changes the way you feel temporarily, but that’s about it.
Five more pounds and I’ll be perfect. Vacation is next week, I can’t wait, then I’ll be happy. It’s not that we ignore things that need to be done, or things that we enjoy doing, but what is the connection that we place on things and our self worth. We are no different no matter how many chores we do, how much weight we lose, our social status, wealth, where we live. We think we are different, but that’s all part of the Conditioned Mind.
When you can see how life goes by regardless of the endless chatter that goes on in your mind, maybe you will make the decision to change this nonsense. It will be up to you, but don’t think this change is a place to get to. It’s simply an awareness that life is the journey and you’re on it. The journey doesn’t have parts, the journey is life. As far as we know, we only have one life so we only have one journey and it can never be better than it is right now. You may want to make up a story that something else will make it better, but that’s just a story. Life cannot be but what it is, wishing for it to be different doesn’t change what occurs, but it does change whether you will be at peace or not…

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