Throughout life one will use a variety of maps to chart a so called course to live by, and although these maps provide many different routes, they don’t lead to the treasure that is being sought. There are many maps to use and I have used a variety of them, but unbeknownst to me at the time none of them were the treasure map I thought they were. Many people left maps behind to use, but only a few are true treasure maps, and how you will know you are using a true treasure map is by it pointing you inward. No longer looking for the treasure is the treasure.
Ten years ago I stumbled upon some maps that led to this treasure within. To me Buddha’s map doesn’t point to the Buddha it points for one to look within. Same thing with Jesus, his map points us to look within to find our own love, our treasure. Jesus and the Buddha are the maps, but they’re not the treasure, the treasure is within oneself. There are many other maps that point to one’s inward treasure, this must be understood if the treasure is to be revealed.
Not many find their treasure because they think the maps are the treasure, but when it says X marks the spot, the X is not the one who left the map, it is you. Religion, 12 Step programs, retreats, seminars, and whatnot, are nothing but maps. What has evolved over time is the map has been mistaken for the treasure and because it’s not it doesn’t provide one with the wealth of looking within to discover the real treasure. This leads to people following many different maps, but very few discovering the treasure. Use whatever map you think is needed to reveal your treasure, just understand if it points to someone or something out there as the treasure, it’s probably not a true treasure map.

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