Regardless if you come from Park Ave or from park bench it doesn’t mean the suffering of the Conditioned Mind is lessened or greater. It really just means the circumstances of your life are different. Ten years ago, with life exactly the way that I wanted it, I was at an emotional bottom, at the depths of despair. I could have been a millionaire or had no money whatsoever and it wouldn’t have mattered. Society measures success on how much money one has, so the rich should be the happiest people in the world, but as we all know this is not the case. Matter of fact they may be some of the most miserable because what determines our suffering is our attachments. I have the life that I have, but having less would be okay.
Circumstances only matter to a mind that is conditioned. An attachment to being rich is no different than an attachment to being poor. Attachment is attachment, but what is attached to doesn’t cause suffering, the suffering comes from the need to attach itself. Cigarettes don’t cause cancer, “I” smoking them does. Sugar isn’t a problem, “I” consuming it does. You get the point. You can make all the excuses you want, but that’s all they are, excuses to justify what is done.
Social status doesn’t truly separate people into the haves and have nots, the Conditioned Mind does. Life is equal for all regardless of their social status, but because of attachment things are put into categories by the mind. We attach to our causes and create a reason for our existence. It has been my experience that peace only takes into account how still our mind becomes so we can be guided by Universal Love to do whatever it is that’s in front of us. Whatever it is that we attach to will take us away from this peace, and it doesn’t matter whether you come from Park Ave or park bench.

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